Case Analysis 5

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Since the pandemic, e-books used by colleges have been in demand in the

Philippines, particularly for private academic institutions. A manufacturer of

e-book readers was able to analyse the following areas both the internal and
external factors that affect its operations. The following analysis were listed

1. Place the following eight points onto the five forces model: Where do
this points are located in the 5 forces of Porters competitive analysis?

• Start-up costs are high

• Students have easy, and cheap, access to books: online videos and
paper-based learning materials
• Smartphone manufacturers are investing heavily in improved touch
screens and e-reader software
• Price comparison on different websites have increased in number
• Another e-reader manufacturer has signed an exclusive deal with a
publishing company
• Two suppliers of e-reader chips have merged
• Encouraged by government subsidies and support, colleges and
universities are adapting their resources for e-readers
• Government legislation in the Philippines encourages capital
investment in new technologies by offering subsidies and tax-breaks to
new set-ups.

2. Develop marketing strategies for the e-book reader manufacturer to

improve its competitive position in the e-reader market.

2. Marketing strategies we can do to promote e-books:

- Instead of using just words to tell the story of the book, we could put pictures and
videos to show some details for example the famous and most exciting part of the story.
For accounting content, we can put examples in videos so the students will not have
difficulty learning what they are reading. Remember that most students acquire
knowledge via visual learning. Furthermore, we could also do a podcast as it is trendy
nowadays, aside from using social media as a way to promote, we can also host a
podcast since a lot of people love listening. In this way, we can discuss all the details
and catch the attention of people. Moreover, running paid ads to target books to the
ideal audience is one of the effective ways for marketing strategies.

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