Analysis of My Games

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2 3 4 BerBidd

0 Ada Lovelace 1000


a b c d e f g h

1 BerBird 643

! " # $ % & '

Stockfish 11+ HCE
+0.4 in local browser 1

1 . e4 c5 2 . Nf3 d6 3 . d4 c xd4
d4 4 . N xd4
d4 Nf6 5 . Nc3 g6
Inaccuracy. a6 was best.

55... a6 66. Be3 e5 77. Nf3 Be7 88. Bc4 O-O 9. O-O Nc6 110. Bg5

6 . Bb5+ Bd7 7 . Qd3 a6 8 . Bc4 b5 9. Bd5 Qa5

Qa5?? Blunder. Nxd5

d5 ) 1 0. B xa8
was best. ( 9... N xd5 a8 e5 11
11. Nb3 Qd8 12
12. Bg5 Qb6

13. O-O-O Ng4 14

13 14. f3 h6 15
15. Bh4 Nf2 16
16. B xf2
f2 Q xf2

17. Rhf1 Be7 18

17 18. R xf2
f2 Bh4 1 9. Rff1 Be7 2 0. Rf2 O-O

21. Qe3 Bh4 22

21 22. Rff1 Bg5 23
23. Q xg5
g5 h xg5
g5 24
24. Nd5 Rc8
12 Chapters 1 Member '
5 beckort - Berbird 1-0 6
6 BerBird - Real_Nowhere_Man 1-0 6
7 BerBird - Lqsagnia 1-0 6
8 vkolla - BerBird 0-1 6
9 SapraMadhur - BerBird 0-1 6
10 BerBird - Zero5506 1-0 6
11 BerBird - classic_meduse 1-0 6
12 BerBird - Ada Lovelace 1-0 6

7 Add a new chapter

. BerBird / Ada Lovelace

0 inaccuracies 2 inaccuracies
0 mistakes 0 mistakes
0 blunders 1 blunder
7 Average centipawn loss 37 Average centipawn loss
98% Accuracy - 81% Accuracy -

5 REC ( ) ⁉ * + , -



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0 1 BerBidd

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