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English Test – Dietetics

• Listening Comprehension – 30-minute version

1. Watch the video twice and choose the right option for each of the questions below:

a. Graham Hill said he is one of the green guys because he _________.

a. Grew up with hippie parents
b. Started a website called treehugger
c. Cares about the environment
d. All of the above

b. We raise ________ animals every year in factory farm conditions for the purpose of
a. 100 million
b. 1 billion
c. 10 billion
d. None of the above

c. Eating a mere hamburger a day can increase my risk of dying by ________.

a. 1/8
b. 1/6
c. 1/4
d. 1/3

d. Factory farmed meat production causes more emissions than ________.

a. All the boats in the world
b. All the cars in the world
c. All the planes in the world
d. All the trains in the world
e. All of transportation combined (boats, cars, planes, trains, etc.)

e. As a society, we are eating twice as much meat as we did in the 1950's.

a. True
b. False

f. The major culprits in terms of environmental and health damage are ________.
a. Red meats
b. Processed meats
c. Sustainably harvested fish
d. Both A and B

2. Watch the video once more and fill in the blanks:

a. Graham was in two minds between quitting ________ and becoming a ________ on the
one hand and continuing with his ______-eating habits because he _______ hamburgers.
b. He came up with a third _______ to this problem. He’s become a _________ veg. He
doesn’t ______ anything with a face from _________ to Friday. On the _______, it’s his
choice to eat meat or anything he likes.
c. He’s flexible with his rule: it’s _____ to break it here and there.

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