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LECTURE #1: WEEK ONE (1) Yr.023.

Topic: Ethics.
 Ethics derived from ancient Greek words ‘ethos’ mean
custom or habit.
 Ethics also called moral philosophy- the discipline concern
with what is morally good or bad and morally right or
 So ethics is
 Study of what should be done in deciding
between what is wrong and right.
 It is the branch of study dealing with what is the
proper course of action for man.
 It answers the ‘what do I do?’
 It is the methods by which we categories our
value and pursue.
 Thus, ethics concern with what is wrong, good or
bad, fair or unfair, responsible or irresponsible,
obligatory or per missed, praise worthy or
Key element of proper ethics?
 A standard of value to which all goal and actions can be
compared to.
 Creates standard in our lives, and the happiness which
make them livable.
 The ultimate standards of value are the goal in which an
ethical man must always aim.

1: Meta ethics- concerned with moral claims and the meaning of term such as right, good, virtue, and

2: Normative Ethics- attempts to develop moral (Principle, rules, theories, and guideline) to guide our
action and evaluate our behaviour.

3: practical / applied ethics- refers to the implications that questions rising from ethics regard specific

Topic: Christian Ethics:

 Ethics is dealing with what is morally right and wrong.

 Christian ethics deals with what is morally right and wrong for a Christian.
 Karl H. Peschke – define Christian ethics as the part of theology which studies the guidelines a
person must follow to attain his or her final goal in the light of Christina faith and reason.
 Ethics is concern with the moral quality of human conduct from the stand point of
human life.
 The highest go is to be in God’s membership and be safe and go to heaven.

 The final authority of Christian ethics is; OBEY and do what Jesus commands you to do;
therefore, Jesus Christ is the final authority of Christian ethics.
 Duty of man is to accept and practice the good way of life under the shelter of the revealed law.

Bible text; John 3: 34-36, Leviticus 12: 7, Matthew 5; 48, & Micah 6:8
The Decalogue consisting of the ten commandment may be divided into two section.
 The first four commandment dealing with duties to God and the remaining six to dealing
with duties to fellow humans.
THE commandment.

1: you shall make no other God’s before me.

2; You shall not make yourself an idol or worship it.

3; You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
4: Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.

5: Honor your father and your mother.

6: You shall not murder.

7: you shall not commit adultery.

8: You shall not steal.

9: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10: You shall not covet.

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