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The line graph below gives information on cinema attendance in

the UK. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the

main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The provided line graph demonstrates the information on cinema attendance in the United
Kingdom from the year 1990 to 2010 by the means of age.

Overall, all the age groups experienced an upward trend in watching movies from the year
2000 to 2010. Disregarding their ages

Firstly first and foremost, an elevated percentage proportion of movie watching had recorded
by the age group of 44 to 54 through out the two decades when compared with the other age
groups and it occupied more than 50% in 2000. Meanwhile, the percentage has dropped fairly
after 1995 and an instantaneous rise in theatre attendance is recorded after 2000.

Secondly, the teenagers preference for attending cinema is comparatively low when
compared with other age groups. Meanwhile, their preference to watch movies in theatres
have reinforced after 2000 up to about 20 per cent. In addition, people in mid 20s and early
30s paid less attention to cinema compared to people over 34 years of age. Moreover, next to
44 plus citizens, people of age group 34 to 44 are interested in attending theatres but the
count has declined at 2000 and suddenly have risen afterwards.

In conclusion, it can be stated that elderly individuals have allocated their time for attending
cinema than that of younger generation.

Overall is enough- no need for conclusion

Lowest age group, eldest group
Possible score -6.5-7

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