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Relate the given sketch to the theme of Kuprin’s short story, the Outrage

The government and the people under it should be the one to turned to by
its people, rich or poor, child or adult, able or disable. All of them must be treated
equally with respect and dignity but sadly those who they think that can help them
turned out to be the one to deceive them and let them down. They are the one who
dragged them further into the mire of poverty and misery.

Justice turns into a game for survival of the fittest. It was served for those
who have power but not for those who are weak, poor, uneducated and less
fortunate people and that’s the sad reality of life even up until now. Justice can
now be bought if you have money or you’re in power.

The given sketch represents the faces and life of the thieves and the faces of
those who use justice for their benefits without the fair or equal judgement for the
poor. The thieves disguise themselves as an educated people to stole money or
things from the wealthy people who uses their positions to deceive others. They
voice out their disagreement on how the authorities govern their country with the
wrong justice system causing for many protest, injustice and poverty.
Discuss the relevance of the sketch to Dostoyevsky’s White Nights.

Love can change a lonely man into a lively man. It can change one
person’s point of view in life. It has the power to lift your spirit, give you hope and
makes you a better version of your self but love itself can break your heart. It can
make you lifeless and can give you misery.

White Nights reflects the torn chain because of the unrequited love of the
main character to a woman who was in love with someone else. The torn chain
represents the life of the man who suffers from loneliness but when he met the
woman, he saw a new hope for his lonely life. He started to dream for their happy
ending. Although he is not sure with their future together because he knows that
the woman, he loves love somebody else, he still comforts and support her.

Even though his love was unrequited one, he did not have any resentment
against her instead he wishes her to have the happiness she deserves. He wishes her
well saying “May your sky be always clear and your smile may always bright and
happy, and may you forever be blessed for that moment of bliss and happiness
which you gave to another lonely and grateful heart”. The torn chain also
represents the short moment of bliss and happiness that the character felt in his life
with the woman he loves but love someone else.

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