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4 Problem Statement

Over the years, commitment have been studied in an advanced dimensions by

researches that comes from variety disciplines as this headline have offered fresh and

significant insights to the world especially to those who connected with an organization

systems. The most current issue is concerned with innovative approaches to the

conceptualization of employee commitment and particular human resource strategies in

order to boost and enhance the development of employee commitment. Thus,

researchers have been further the studied and refined the terms of employee

commitment in order to consider the extent to which the social environment affected the

growth and development of employee commitment.

Employee commitment is an inner desire of an employee to continue to work

diligently, responsibly and willing to sacrifice time and energy in order to perform the

tasks assigned by the employer as best as possible (Culverson 2002). Previously,

researchers stated that there are five general factors that said being related to the

development of employee commitment such as affiliative commitment, associative

commitment, moral commitment, affective commitment, and structural commitment.

According to Kirkman & Shapiro (2001), employee commitment were affected by

numerous factors including their superior performance. As an example, employees with

low affective and normative commitment has high continuance commitment but low in

yield performance benefits as they are unwilling to take a high cost risk outside of the

comfort zone if they try to leave the organizations.

According to Khan, Khan, Khan, Nawaz, & Yar (2013), the antecedent of

comitment consist of a few variables including demographics, recruitement procedures,

expectation levels, induction and traning, relationship with upper ranks, relationship

with colleagues, group membership, organizational justice and trust, promotion, work-

life balance, job satisfaction, pay and reward. All this variables were related with

employee commitment which recently being received considerable attention as these

variables has importants impacts on the organization through its effect on the employee

performance, turnover, absenteeness, and other related issue to the bottom line.

Iqbal (2010) stated that demographics is found to be one of the antecedent

variables in employee commitment. The demographics variables included age, race, sex,

income, marital status, educational achievement and others. However, there is no

absolute reason or general agreement stated that a factor or factors have been affected

directly the value of employee’s commitment to an organization as every organization is

different from another to the extent of their social environment including the antecedent

variables in employee commitment. Thus, it is very important to engage the

demographics variables in order to increase and boost the employee commitment.

2.7 Theoretical Framework

Commitment, according to Meyer, Vandenberghe, and Becker (2004), is a tough

notion to describe. A collection of definitions was studied, and the fundamental essence

of commitment was recovered, which is a force that ties an individual to a path of action

that is relevant to a certain objective. The different in commitment definitions led to a

conclusion that commitment can be in a different forms, can be directed towards various

targets. However, Kotze & Roodt (2005) have proposed a model to explain the

relationship of various factor that affect the development of employee commitment in an

organization. Below is the Veldman’s employee commitment model.

Figure 2.1: Veldman’s employee commitment model.

Employee’s commitment related to an individual’s mental connection to the

organization and affected the turnover, absenteeness, and other related issues (Aziz , et

al., 2021). According to Al-Jabri & Ghazzawi (2019), Employees that undertake various

activities help organizations get their business done. As a result, in order to boost

organizational performance, employee commitment is required since it encourages a

high degree of individual employee performance. An individual that is dedicated at

work is extremely valuable to the business since they may require little or no

supervision to complete the duties assigned to them.

While demographics variables such as age, gender, race, sex, income, marital

status, and educational achievement have been founded to have a correlation towards

the employee’s commitment (Iqbal, 2010). According to Kirkman & Shapiro (2001),

age is one of the variables that affected the positive predictor of employee commitment

as the older the employee, the greater their investment and history towards the

organization. Thus, the less alternative employment options are available as the older

employee will be more committed with their job scope. With regards to gender, a few

numbers of researches have been reported that women is more committed than men

which explained that women normally facing more barriers compared to men when

getting to a position in an organizations.

To achieve organizational goals, every individual must be devoted to the

company's aims and objectives and do their job as effectively as a team member.

According to Khan, Khan, Khan, Nawaz, & Yar (2013), no organization can reach peak

performance in today's competitive business climate unless it makes optimal use of its

people. However, there is no absolute reason or general agreement stated that

demographics have been affected directly the value of employee’s commitment to an

organization as every organization is different from another to the extent of their social

environment including the antecedent variables in employee commitment.


Aziz , H. M., Othman, B. J., Gardi, B., Ahmed, S. A., Sabir, B. Y., Ismael, N. B.,

Anwar, G. (2021). Employee Commitment: The Relationship between Employee

Commitment and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Humanities and Education

Development (JHED), 3(3), 54-66.

Khan, I., Khan, F., Khan, H., Nawaz, A., & Yar, N. B. (2013). Determining the

Demographic impacts on the Organizational Commitment of Academicians in

the HEIs of DCs like Pakistan. European Journal of Sustainable Development,

2(4), 117-130.

Kotze, K., & Roodt, G. (2005). Factors That Affect The Retention Of Managerial And

Specialist Staff: An Exploratory Study Of An Employee Commitment Model.

SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 3(2), 48-55.

Meyer, J. P., Vandenberghe, C., & Becker, T. E. (2004). Employee Commitment and

Motivation: A Conceptual Analysis and Integrated Model. Journal of Applied

Psychology, 89(6), 991-1007.

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