Week 8 Lap-Activity

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Nalasa, Janessa R.


1. Google Search: Describe state the location and what economic benefits
does it bring to community & country.

a) Subsistence Farming- When a farmer cultivates food on a tiny plot of

land for themselves and their family, this practice is known as subsistence farming
or subsistence agriculture. Unlike to other farming practices, subsistence farming is
mainly concerned with survival. There is little to no emphasis on running a
business or trading and selling things. Being self-sufficient in sparsely resourced
locations is one of the benefits of subsistence farming. It gives rural residents a
means of sustaining their way of life and maintaining their settlements. Also, it
offers a relatively easy lifestyle without the necessity for frequent travel or
upkeep of business equipment.

b) Commercial Farming - Commercial agriculture is the production of crops

for sale and is designed to produce crops for widespread distribution
(supermarkets), larger markets, and export. It also extends to limited distribution
(local produce stands) and any nonfood crops such as cotton and tobacco.

c) Apiculture- Apiculture is an important occupation that involves taking care

of bees and nurturing them for livelihood. Beekeeping has an important
significance because some of the most useful products like honey, wax, and royal
jelly come from bees. Several bee products like propels and venom are used for
medicinal purposes. Beekeeping helps rural residents' ability to generate revenue,
find work, and meet their nutritional needs. Although honeybees are most well-
known for the honey they produce, they also play an important economic role in
nature by pollinating countless numbers of flowering plants to ensure the
development of seeds or fruit.

d) Dairy farming- Dairying, also called dairy farming, branch of agriculture

that encompasses the breeding, raising, and utilization of dairy animals, primarily
cows, for the production of milk and the various dairy products processed from it.
The dairy industry is important to development in the Philippines because it helps
address food security and provides livelihood benefits for many Filipinos.

e) Poultry- Rearing birds home or commercially for their meat, eggs, and
feathers is known as poultry farming. Poultry farming is a significant source of
revenue generation for small farmers in developing countries. It plays a vital role
in fulfilling the daily protein requirements of humans through meat and eggs

f) Livestock- Livestock are the domesticated animals raised in an

agricultural setting to provide labor and produce diversified products for
consumption such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool. Livestock play a
major role in sustainable food systems—for example, manure is a critical source of
natural fertilizer, while livestock used as draft animals can help boost productivity
in regions where there is low mechanization. Livestock are important assets for
vulnerable communities.

2. Google Search for local farming. Describe, state the location & what
economic benefits it gives.

a) Pomology- Pomology is a branch of botany that studies fruit and its

cultivation. The term fruticulture—introduced from Romance languages —is also
used. Pomological research is mainly focused on the development, enhancement,
cultivation and physiological studies of fruit trees.

b) Olericulture- Olericulture is the science of vegetable growing, dealing with

the culture of non-woody plants for food. Olericulture is the production of plants
for use of the edible parts. As a result of the research, it was noted that the
olericulture is an excellent option for the diversification of culture, thus providing a
series of benefits, for example, the facilitation of management, soil fertilization and
economic viability.

c) Floriculture- Floriculture, or flower farming, is a branch of horticulture

concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and
for floristry, comprising the floral industry. The development of new varieties by
plant breeding is a major occupation of floriculturists. Floriculture is an
international, multi-billion dollar industry that includes the production of bedding
and garden plants, foliage plants, potted flowering plants, cut flowers, cut
cultivated greens, and floriculture materials. Floriculture crops include bedding
plants, houseplants, flowering gardens, and potted plants, cut cultivated greens, and
cut flowers.

d) Plantation Crops- Plantation crops are those which are used or whose product
is used only after processing. These are the crops which are cultivated on an
extensive scale in a large continuous area, commercially by an individual or any
company and the produce has to be cured before they are put to use. A crop is a
plant that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence. When
the plants of the same kind are cultivated at one place on a large scale, it is called a
crop. Most crops are cultivated in agriculture or hydroponics.

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