Kshama Prarthana

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Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,

Publications Division,Prasanthi Nilayam

]ma àawRna [Kshama prarthana]

Traditionally Veda recitation starts with Ganapathi Prarthana and ends with a Kshama
Prarthana. While chanting the Veda if any word or the intonation is mis‐spelt, one incurs sin. This
prayer is chanted as redemption from all the sins and also for offering the fruits of chanting,
to the Lord.
` yd]rpdæò< maÇahIn< tu ydœ Évet!,
yadakñarapadabhrañöaà mäträhénaà tu yad bhavet|

tt!sv¡ ]Myta< dev naray[ nmaeStute,

tatsarvaà kñamyatäà deva näräyaëa namostute

ivsgRibNÊmaÇai[ pdpada]rai[ c,
visargabindumäträëi padapädäkñaräëi ca|

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NyUnain caitir´ain ]mSv sa$Zvr,
nyünäni cätiriktäni kñamasva säéçvara|

Aprax shöai[ i³yNte=hinRz< mya,

aparädha sahasräëi kriyante’harniçaà mayä|

dasae=yimit ma< mTva ]mSv sa$Zvr,

däso’yamiti mäà matvä kñamasva säyéçvara|

ANywa zr[< naiSt Tvmev zr[< mm,

anyathä çaraëaà nästi tvameva çaraëaà mama.

tSmat! kaé{y Éaven r] r] sa$Zvr,

tasmät käruëya bhävena rakña rakña säyéçvara|

hir> ` tTst! ïI sa$ZvrapR[mStu,

hariù om tatsat çré säyéçvarärpaëamastu|

` zaiNt/> zaiNt/> zaiNt?>.

om çäntiÞù çäntiÞù çänti×ù||

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]ma àawRna [Kshama prarthana]

` yd]rpdæò< maÇahIn< tu ydœ Évet!, tt!sv¡ ]Myta< dev naray[ nmaeStute,

yadakñarapadabhrañöaà mäträhénaà tu yad bhavet| tatsarvaà kñamyatäà deva näräyaëa namostute

Prostrations to You, O, Lord Narayana. Forgive me for all the mistakes in letter or phrase or any phonetic aberration that
may have occurred in my chanting.

ivsgRibNÊmaÇai[ pdpada]rai[ c, NyUnain caitir´ain ]mSv sa$Zvr,

visargabindumäträëi padapädäkñaräëi ca| nyünäni cätiriktäni kñamasva säéçvara|

Forgive me, O, Sayeeswara, for any mistake in my pronunciation (of visarga (:), bindu(a<)
or intonation of alphabet, word or phrase and any other mistakes.

Aprax shöai[ i³yNte=hinRz< mya, dasae=yimit ma< mTva ]mSv sa$Zvr,

aparädha sahasräëi kriyante’harniçaà mayä| däso’yamiti mäà matvä kñamasva säyéçvara|

O, Sayeeswara, considering me as Your servant, forgive the thousands of sins committed by me through out the day and night.

ANywa zr[< naiSt Tvmev zr[< mm, tSmat! kaé{y Éaven r] r] sa$Zvr,
anyathä çaraëaà nästi tvameva çaraëaà mama. tasmät käruëya bhävena rakña rakña säyéçvara|

You are my only refuge for there is none else. Therefore, in Your compassion O Sayeeswara, protect me.

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hir> ` tTst! ïI sa$ZvrapR[mStu,
hariù om tatsat çré säyéçvarärpaëamastu|
May this Prayer be an offering to Sri Sayeeswara.

` zaiNt/> zaiNt/> zaiNt?>.

om çäntiÞù çäntiÞù çänti×ù||
May there be Peace to the body, mind and the Soul.

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