Who Are You - A Newspaper Article

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Who are you? vol.


When he was born, he was in a
big and merry family. He had
more than what he needed in
his childhood. He had a lot of
achievements when he was
studying. One day, his talent for
writing was discovered and he
had a big break.

However, after all of his success,

his world suddenly starts falling
apart. He had no inspiration
and began on struggling with
what he sees as a failure in his

Who are they? — They

were once lost but

She was born into a happy
family, a family where she lives
with her grandparents. She had
a very lovely childhood. But one
day, she started to lose most of
everything, including her loved
ones. She started to become
independent and worked hard.

Suddenly, she met a

hairdresser. Her world of
theater started as she was the
replacement and proved her
potential. She then started her
acting career and worked part-

our animated box

Who are you? vol. 01

As time goes by, a woman made a delivery at his home. It was a special
"box". She asked him to sign but it seems that he had a hard time. And
because of that, he asked her to come in. They started to have a
conversation. They had coffee and talked about his career and his failure.
The woman cheered the man up. She told him that his book was his
friend and it really inspires her to go on with her life despite the
difficulties she encountered as someone living alone. The woman gave
him an amazing spark before she leaves. She told him that he must
watch her play that was inspired by his book.

When she finally left, the man realized the box is empty. When the man
finds out and tells her the box is empty, she asks him to look again. The
second time he looks, he understands that it was not a thing that she
delivered. What she delivered was hope, love, gratitude, and a sense of
meaning to his life. What moved the man was the realization that his
work impacted, helped, befriended, and influenced a life. That realization
moved him to work again on his craft with heart and passion.

our animated box

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