Industrial Disputes Mind Maps

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Tndubuial Diputa

Tndiudouial Dapput At, I9un (sec alk)

amy dishules ot d i o n
uoluucon mbleyus & mpleyes, embloyoud &
uluuaem Lekmem& wkmon

CEnTnected uih h omployemamt et nEn-DTnlryemaTt

unile iudg uma ahe naliu ondustial disbuta

stispamd tect lage numle. o utkmun
Laken y mduntuial unien e ly a Subsdamdial
numbo krnum
) imdinduas emplain Twun inBo a
geneal (emplaunt
Thoe unt lo alation (
(ennedion) Jaluseoy Union
Scc 2A TDAt: pousonl indinidual uwhs Snue

dispuda Hulsdad te dischatge,dismissa

ANen though h e uastkmen.

buade Union is
ansouateds Gennideed a» undinidual indunuial |
ypes nduauial Diskutes
suke Suspension/cessodion /Reual owauk in (ormmon

2 Lockaut : lompuaNey dosing olno ooplbyomerd


Baes en venaicpo
nalie o BaSed em lechnigues
Bascd n
Synpathdic stuke
slwdown sbüke -

CesSadion owk ly WBk

louwing the phodudion
Authoiged siuke n Sympathy ith ansthoh
-sike Coallacd olte a) quickie shüke/ToKen wetkeus Sbuke
I t i s SeConday
the Union Jab giNCn sAop k Jon Jpil fpiad 2)Tuisdiclienal sbuk
ids Censent.
a Sitdouwn/Toal douon/Rendouan To oce aan emplrye. to
Lermpleto sloppage a k ecognige baqaun
2 Un Authäged Sbuke i h a þaticula Tu
wild Cot shuke o ) kWoxk to Rula SeConday shuR
ighiinning Siike o n dosk shudly in 3 Rlitical abuke: intendad
QCtoidonce tlih Jules
Calkd auihau appuoval depalw om uwdomay to Rut bHesSwa on the
Union Puocedue ovenment
moional ulhwot 5) Sick-ut (Sck in) a) Cengua slike
- Reballion memluS o Union Call Wide Coveage. extendiy
Sick aáve on Sameday eve a number indun
6 tdngo stuke es, mploymends,caiss
-Waapon aunilalule te mblor
-Tmbeusu dlesingflateflate ompleymamt

Exbame stuþ taken u he

omploye do
Cob the militant
adivities o the unisns
lo Sumd
Invebuas (enkinenmumt oouthetities, meslly manageuial
pousonne m hin chice
-intict physical &muntal felwe
Ilegal in ndic

t Non-Vialamd achuah
betted do nthuatt atentien a Cemnen men
i s logol adii do archibit pxalonb.

Aum at dinuhlina u naumal fundiening an
yencefuil otpeals k negdave. lehanioul ats,
to oycott use Cembany uocluct
Lalau Admunistiadien
inisbaiion Cenvendion No. 150 1918
Rllic admunisdnalion actizdies in the yield o Jabru

msitutional Buenisicnd:
Avdiclo a46 and schedulo1 the (ornililitem Centan
hENiSion ulaing do disiaui.on olagislaiste
bouDlualucon Cental & Stals gov.e.
Union list )lnuownt list stalo list
Avticle 256 * 257, ho eisal govt i omfluwd
do giue disediens to Staio eut.

Anlide 2s8 , dhu Cenbial qeuD-UnomUnt Cam daloaale

o w s to h e Slalo goVeUnmemt

Anticde 19S ucccem asotiadiem

yoced Jaluow, ombloyenmmt
Avdicle 23 bohibi
dhom 14yeass age inactoies
ochuldem less
mune & othe ha2adous

Agumcies l a b a r adlminisbason

Centsal lunal
2Sloto lonel
3Depatnuntal lave
Combual Machin Minsby a u k ombloyms

4 Alhachedd lo Subahdinale 4 Awonomu> 22 Adiudicaion Asbito

hices Body body
Dnackaate gereal Dihcdoate ESIC 22 Ceial Boadd
Ernpleyemnt pneal
saehy unduabial bubumd
aining, Neuw Delhi 2) EPFO urn laluo
2)oliceddiel labsu ualane ommi 3NVii
Commissionel Nadi onal Labou
3)Divcchak genona)
tocho acuice 4)Cenbhal boad
Souice laboua
oustks education
4a Ruca
ist Natienal lemnision En uabeusend. Nakenalemmission en
Melhads of seHing Dollective Bouyainina
Kumauy usS
PuoceSS Avlitato. ponelo alitualion
ndunluial dishutes-siolutes Juaco niion a ahuendalnPaneloaslibdion maindainesd
union a»Sole Eauganing agemt & updoled
Right to sluke lock-out J he Jalbesu Mdaln-
a Valunday Aultbuatien:
NalioolAvllit>aion Raomation Baobl udicalion:
Sysiem allourCauts, Lok
3oncaliations &Adudicalion Qdalats 6 Labeu Julnliens
I( Tndunliial Relalions CommiSSions mmussion as adudicadsuy
The eblacement o dhe caisin8 Ssdem
adhoc machineny Jayy a Pexmanend
Laba Halalions Commission
Induslial Relalions Commisions ot State aird Cerdual lauds
aB dhe nadional k state leva
Conbining bath ondlintion S BxesadingLoboian
dic udge HC
adiudicalíon Nalona uelniion Cornmission
Natonal Indushua Rdatong Ceriba

Jevel, fouwen SC
Cornmi sslons NIRC): A national Pesiding diceude SC
evd, appoinded Jy erdaia got
dispuBes o adional mposdance"

Tndusiial Reladions Comrnissions LabouL Comds: empons

(IRCat state JoN, by stote enonce theu oLDn awodS aD

Saoell a loboun ualadions Cotmis
Ruesident Sudicial Peigon(HCJuda
equal No sh udicial4 Nonjudliiol Kondtiaion
-MachineuyoConutialion heeds t-
tabau be Kepl as sepaate & Nested
4Labeu Cants: standing Un dheetecuive
Cawts ,dealing ith disputes No appeindment inspeciac
do malteus in Tshcduk
telaling Concilindion oice
oTD AS,1941
) Lok adalats
indde Eadies: Adusetu
Disbule Machimes In Intin

Pawenliua Machineuy Sattlememt MathineH

Right 4o shike, okout;dismiss
emain unolfeced
1 Wexkoris lvispation in marngemene
Auice d onslitulion
La3Abyoholo Ct Adudicntienm
nboduced bandhi WokCommiltie Fact tinding autheuhy -

ulmota lenl Juemedy

1950: Jnt Management Counid
1990: WPM, B

IDA 947 l0oCTnoe enbbyeenailun.ohcondlindinn THeaventicn e luga

Set ub ok Cornmlltee utheuitt
2- Collecive Bagainng cqual 'no. Embiouee&employer -appeinte by A teinfuire
uAmdo mnlf uinted te dsd cmpulsey aululsticn
-Sidney Beauice ebb Velundavy sctlement autheiie Ccnsist ou mae postn
- Mandateyttlement
issuas aad binding
tbornaa anduniiinl Solations -

Samul GAompeu (one as indaberdent )chisnan

Ameican tedtundion RepOt uuithin 6months a Labeu(suut
AG appoints,Ise
cpeuati ve CTilinlien Rublishcd by vt
whin 30 da
yes:onjundive, Co
- Bustess ly whth xepSRndndives
bTrdustiad Tubunal
Pdine Comps Awlitsodion AG, I Scheduts.
employn enp° Jeaught blone h i cNaticnnl Tubunal.
3 uevance túocedue
pisdy' unsolved

dshute C Nadonad Inpoviat

h i Rady
Tsdole act sfacilitade llesed e Thid
Sc TD ct itexwnt tn Paskty Kncen as
Foctues,ot Wetatue
SCAt :
Standing MeN Co4 So Can appaint iceBoaucl AubateL
Model puic Narce otrduvo Jstens àcbeth
v e udgement
4TapuxiieBadieb io judicinl Pouces,pehubiknd skukeáhtknd

Copoatian 4 qooduil aConcikiaten e b.Bead eConcilaton

Tndian Laheun Conenta Apuspaint Got alpeins Velunin
AG appeinas on adue
SLL, Tndushial cemm.te -

Hold Cencilialion BLPeclung co

Not Peumanen -awlubsate apenhed -

ashitnder oepsindd
spodte CmmiHe. -Oumucnlo setlememt b beth pavttes
dhoc,lupautiett body AG
3Codedisapline Serd
Serd Hat
Hapot & memexandumg
meneandnb -Haye. oCs Civl e t utul Consent -
c e paxties, a
115.Cuteuo c Ssetlememt to Ao Can admit disphuli, uOnEn-act emly when udcment is
e CCanhon, Repaut subruted in Hdhys elovud byin amonts
Memoancum Juinding
peucl as ogpte e06months peut
dlsputes tird
6 Slondi Cuee
IDAc þuchubus. stukes ,
Chainman, 2 c 4 cthe -demonic uiy
Suutplernent o
SO Act, 1946 Memoinndum 6menths -

ocKou duvirg Penderk jou Dundun. Cclledive. oikamon

day oo Puececlrgo Puchublt shikes bckauil scOA TDA-
uing 4Tdrus o
hendualuial. Dishala Al 1941
alution egislatien laied do ID
Emaleye amd emen (Dispute ) Act 186o
os ogislation doslinguith settlememt o TD
ernpowead. mngistuabes to dispose o dispuBe s Contening
tages ubdkmen employed in ays, Canals 5
dthe puuilic uoks

ndian a d Dispuo Act, 1929:

B u i d o the Cemdseal amd pubuicinal 2oVeurmemt
estallish coL & Goads a Conúliadion
4 setlled buadedispulos
They imuosligated CenCenns
stukes im pullic ulili

Jendouod lighining
0 ainishnbla oemcaua
a d a Dishutes (Amendment)A, boacd uweue
Tneian Amendment lod to membexs o Cout o
wiul diselos

in Case
linlle pMogecdion onl
in 192q Act)
ulhich wa not pueuided

kado Dishu Extending act pexmanemt
Enacted in l934 do

(Amendmem) Ack
5 ada Dispulas Commission o Jaibous
Divect a u t c o m e o Royal
the & Ruevinüal goVeunment
Gncitiaton oces ot mediaing
do appoint
Deence Rule 8i(A) o the Deence oTndia Rules
Rule 8(A) tns added n yen 1942hnuy.dsins
Twandd w a tuhen govE adopied meane fo
Emegemy Jeckout ,uthout ucnorahls nadit,
TO PMohibit sbuike <
do Concilialien o
b) To a an dispute iens
) T quoucemplos do tbsevec speiied
To enoce dhe decision h e adjudicaoas
The pueision ah ihe Jule cwa> ihconpaard IDAJ Ju7

ArnendTouds in laduuial DispanAt

TeTrdustuial Dispaule Amencdment Ad la53:
-Condikons ta lay suienchment (Chasten SA)
Amendment Act 19ss: exdended layoDD Jebuenchment
Ao pladadion tootkes

3 ID Amendment Act 1956 Chaple 2A-Nakice ochange


Compensalon ox layo Coauld be extended buycnol

s A5 days o laueh
RLuiSion toe tosukes Sught do Cempensalion im
he event d, Jkansksa undeetaKing
4) TD Amend ment Act a1
widenas Pouot a Jabou. Cou bhun nationol
. 5) TO Amendmen Ad 1912
-To Seua 6o daye nadice buemployen uhoinderd
Jo close douwn undeta kig

Not applicable Jo Jess Ahan 5o Won kmen

Amend ment AH 1976
specin puBuitiom taKig dolay 4 Jdberndhment
cleeue in Cetain cstablishment (Chapex 5B)
1947 gat pueuisin Neluntai aulitsodion
by amerdmerd 1956

TD Amend memt Act 1932

- delirdion Jnduwby n
lime bune guieYonCe JiadueSSal Rueceduu eveu
undeytakirg employing loo moe
arilion ime lirmi o adiudicalion h inrdiidial
Callectae dispues
Las caithout Peunicso un mineb

TD Amend ment Ack 20l0

enhanted om 16oo to l00oo
Wlgge Celing uvvkmen
Chapte 28 u e Vance Joduessal Cemmuttoo.
Dioact appueach oh t0eukren Jo labeua (out o
bung in Caoe d dischage/dismisse, RHeuerchined
Empoweing Jabou Caut e tubunol Jo execue the
.Tnoushiünl Daspuda Ask, 1947
Came umto ouce on s Apuil 1947
I:ullic ubkhy Sewices
Matiexs athin uduiSic LCp LA
TI MaHexs Guhindhiclion Tndudin Jaibanol
: Notice o change
:Umais laba PauacttesA iAA
-Tmpadant Chaptexs
Dopte 2 Noice charpe(Atmerdent Ad, 1956)
2Chapten 2.8 ieNance adossal Cormnittoe./Machine
-Section Qc
-Amendment A 20lo

oppiy fo 20 O mo wOukmen.
equa No. mebnbeus ooikrmern &empioye
Chawpeson Seleced alteunailively
Mae no m e m b e s ,1 ,women
Complete ts PuoCeding Ldthin 30days

Appeal do employ against Cornimiloe. .

ihin Tne mondh dispose o settle

Section OA: \aluvdasuy Jeexence o dispuu Jo

Sec 2(a) Appophiade bovt

Cenbal govt state govt

A dock laluoun Stae uullic
Induunbaal inance Covpoahon Seco Undetaking
Tndia, EsIc,}he boasd
uslo, Indian audine,
Ain Tndia, &Natuwal as

Local authGiy
Tnduay unde
Comibuanl or siat CEO

Sec 2(k) ndunbial Disut

OT dsbut diwnta
ulium mblnye Ombloyeu, mblnye& tatkmen
Xekrnon & uudkmem

Cannected t h omployernum: o t nen-

St th Um» do omploynumte Cenduionra»
Sec 2{KKK) ayo
h e uluwe eal ot inaluli oam 2mblmn
en aaumt a shainge o Ceal powL Bt mud malbua
wmaulnfien ol alocks ot ha iank -douon o
Tmachincuy nawnl alasmi
gule mplnaumt to Enamn a

-hese name i huna on hTmusla alls

-who hn nat lwan obunchacd.

Sec 2(1) Lockeut

Thelumpeta desing oblnfa umplyemamt
t h e Suspenbhen ouBtk.
the Xaual y an mbly e Cendinua
D Js
Smbloy any numlues. oPesens
Sec 2(oo) Raanchmamt
Man H Tourinaiem ha maye o ho Nite
ugtkmam et any 0nden , atheusie haun
Punishmemt 4
Relimemt a k e en laahuTa
Non-JonaLal o cxpiu Emta qoSuperamuen
touminadion dus to oninusd il
See 2 (L): sbük
Cessaten o wetk
Jay e bedypexson amplnyd
acking im Comlinaton
ConCened elusal,ta eusal unde Common
-an no d Pson
Sec 2(Ys) hlaqes

Includos Docs na incuuda

a allbwana Jndudino DA a)Any lemu
Naluo. o hzude o acotmodahibn d) PF ension
9 Sauphly of und
light, uanio, Centbubudd
madical attmdamta,
o podp.ain ContesSonal
uate aii
d) Any
uOMalling entassion
)Cormmission ayaluo en the
emaliem Salo
See(s) Wokmen
ncludes Docs not induda
anu Peson emblbyed -olice,aumy, nau oce
imchucking aphburmdice) amy mployeas pli son
o do manual, sklWed,
umakillcd technical, amiishative Cotod
opaienal,cleuical asn suboaiSa Capadly
Speuisau o eaununq mae hum
Jndbudb amy PeLson Rs. l0000 The
induunt ial-
dismisSed dischaqe disputes aomendmont
nabuanched ac 2o10)
monthly .
Sec 2(A) Tnduiduall is daomacd de le in induii
The ndiudual uhe i s dismisses, dischaugd
uminatad by Tmbloyeu Said
do ha. im/ doemed. in mduniuial displ
wnion oLkmom
No atheu ulskman nat any
u a pauhy to the disputi
ote exiu
Appli caliem do Coniliadion ehice's CoLdt
45 daye Cam o divetly o nbo
mads ulthin echuy 3yeae
Appli cadien has to
dismissal, disdhnuge, Holbomth mant, Jouninniion

Aukhavities Undo Hhis Act

Sec 3: Wadk Commiltao
dalishmamBt 0mbloying 00et mae uBkmem
appumpian evt. b Cude genenal o Special
equie embloye io ensiiu Wc
Equal No QTnlyea ot ambloyer apebendalive
Mac 20 mOTmbeus

Sec4: nciiation olficou


appinted J abpuepiate bnt..

-Co mny be ot
indwnbies in
seied. ataa e e sþeckied.
speciied aecL n leu ene m®u
ethePeumasnent o lou imitad.
elmit opar o slememË e jalua 'poiod
in 14 s

Mernofandarn d setlemend ignes by bsth foies

Bend. o entiiatien
Consiihlad ly opkuuia Meui
Chainan (imdependomk pe Son)4 io ortu athor
mamlu»(tqunl no mplye malry)
Boad Cannat GMsk n albene o chaimam,
PMEMidad the absebauiata 2eut. nadkies the
ead that he Seuices the haiman e amy
sthe mamluor. hnsu Ceaned to a auailaula
Adhoc Body epad in amnth

Sec 6:Count o Imw Fack indina

APpuebuiata ovCnsiitu Cut Inquuy
CenSist o L imrdapenedamb peSon ad dhniman

- 2 ox maxe membes
Submit upert in 6month


Sec 7(A) Tgsbunals Scc 7B)

Sec1: Laboun Caut NationalTuso
Consthue Appudpbiat gant Cenbal got
-Appephinte 2ovk
Censlitulan oouns NT
mals speciied in malbs speciicd
mallaS o
I scheduu. n schedule Naliona
Psiding ceu Bicsiding olier imbettance
obpoinbeduy obprepoak abpeindef liy obp Biesidlng c
govl. bbeinted by
Centaal govt
Sa 1(c) Disquakilien o Busidim aic

-He is nat am imtepencdontE þeSon

-Heha nttaincd. the aqe a 65 yen

Sec 11A mmomtomont o he awaud

Awaud & aulibalion awaud. ueno 3ninllo en

the expiy o 3o days un #he daia oits

Abpupiais geut. o Cerbal gout Can uiecd.
medty. awwad thin o dayson paduication
Aoad modijed e oiected shmll JaCome
enoxcalla sn the expiuy o 15 days bm dat
on ahich l ib So laidl

Sec I1B
Paymnt ull wnges to kmen
pendinpeceeding in High Caut s
Supuma Cot
See 19 Feiod o dpeudion
Seilement4 auahds
Setlemnert: m
dale a>
ogueed in
satbrmemt, j
become entocoable

Jeman m obeuion e Peiod agned by fadie

Minimuum 6mondh
Tewmi nale. oo exbug o Armonths tomdaknoice
Auwand: Bimding minimum end Ao
mae 3yean

25(e) entinau Suuice
The umimtosuhled. Seuuite nchuding Sickness e
authouzed lonuo. s an accident ".

suka ulhich nat illagal

aid oh Undo an ug00mmomt
Albsent du do tempeuau disnldommont
Madauni beneft
Conin uous SeuNice
Who auuetkmon is not án
Continuoud iYca 6monkh)


In Copec Yeay (2month In Caye6 months

aboVe dhe quound above he quound
ueked o24o das ooked or äodays
js doomed Centinbus

belou hesound -busw iheguaunol

woKed a 190 daya
nlaskeede 5 days
habie a:Section 1 ENeuy boad, Cawu, laboun kowt
nd b Nalional dbubunnd. Concliadion hice
aD Nested n ca CiVL Cawt
a9, Same PotieuS

suikes & Lockauds

Scchon 23 (Ceneual)NAS,
Secion 22 (Pus) iin any
in PUS No,tuaukrnen
Puahibited do stuike
idhin adwing Condiluodion puoceedigs
ulhoud nalice o Su Ke
6 beloua
toeoks Suke &Bod.4Tdays a
bthin l4 daus a Such bLabounCot, Tsubunal
date skik Naional duibunal : dauirga
9bekane expuy o
Specaed in natice & amodns ae
oncliion CAsidalion :duing
daning perdcncy o honths t e
BxoCedina 4 1 d y aleu
a duu ilh seMMement o
he Conchuiond Ruoteedin aunud in in opeHadion

(Amendment Act l953)

6 ChoRte 5A: .

onskmen Jaid Joll

Sec 2 5 : Kght
Whose horme
Cordinuows SeH Vies
One ea 5o% o total banicuonges
Jo o Compen Sation

icl deauneSS AIlowancaL

MaG mum 45 days Jayo

Sec RS F Conditions pluacecdent to
Continuoun Seuvice
Ohe yei
months Noiice in tauting i t h Jueamon
iven one

Pazd woges i naice pekiod cxfived)

Rebuenchmont (ompens adion = IS days aVeung Pay

Se 5 Fg" anstu

Sec 25 FFA:6o days Naice p closuwi

Amendment, 1a12)
-Nof aphlicable do Jess 4han So waukmen
Nat do Constuueion, Joidgod, buildigs,Canad
Compen sadion is dlaye aveuae Pay (scc 2FFP)

Sec 25& 1 LTFO: Buorecdwa Julenchrend

Chapdex 5sB (Amenolment Ack 1916)
Applicable do induhial establhshment (nct a
Seasona mtontten) thich nct less dhan
O0 OoKmemn

Layo-ith pio Peunigson o opoaia povt

Peummiesion inoste
-No CommuniCoilion mode. f&, Lyea
b appo ovt wthiin
6o daus, t id deemed appuoV
Compensadion o Sec sc
oduenchrnent: (sec 25N p iarg
Not Jess than Lyenuof londinuous Seuuita:asL T
3 month noti ce in ouiing
-Pauias fbumission om ap 2o
-No Cornmunicadion:deened appo 6odays
Binding ar Lyea
(ombensaBion =A5 days Avg Pay
Closue (Sec 25o)
-Pauia Peumission
atlem 0days beoo
No Communicaion: deemed appaoval on ezhiuy baday
Compensation =15dys Ava Pay

ruini! aiuJ
heTndushial Emleunaak Slandling.aedou)A
Act uoquue empleyes in mduniual estallismem
uTmally lo
dogne onditiens oemplbument
Fist logis.lative Tmeanue :
Gombay unbinl di
Ac 1938
imteete n
Apul 1UG 23

Etemda lo uhale Tndioa

Aphly te 0uoy ndunbial esBalhlishmonb emplean
AG may
apala poueisions lay 8iing mandhs nolilo
Does not
apply to
Madhua. pndash Indunluiat Emplyment (Edandtng
edas) Ack s opplioaibl
Chaple VIl he Bomba ndusluia Relalions
Acd, 1946

Appallata Authauaty oppeinlasd Jy AG

Ceuthjing oicLabrue Commissions o
Jalheu Cenmissiones S any othe oc
appeinlad by AG
Sec 3 Submiseion dant stonding cedvs
-Empleye uihin 6 monhsomdate on ahich
act betme applicable.
Saubrit S
Copies a the dualt so Jo Cod
Sec5: Cotilicalien o sBanding avdovs

Cedikying oice shnll suinvdl Copy te Tu

-TU has obyedisn, ehauld sulsmit whin
doys ucepd neiice
Co ma o not mode modiicalion
-Cevdau he standing aude shall uathin das
Send Copies de emplnuon4 Tu

Sec 6: Apbeal
Employex, Toaggieved ly the
ade Co uidhin
3 days,Can appeal do apollaie autheut

Abpllade authouhy taithin T days, uih Send Cop

to Co, employe TU

Sec 1: Date o Opeatien a slanding Oud

dasom daio en
AppeaiadOn cxpi 1
Maceuinqinal CoRy So
Notaepealed: Expiy o 3o daye tom dat
Gutherlicatnd copies ao Sent

Sec: Rnal copy a all So, shall be iled C o

jn misBe

Sec9:inal So posked l employe in ergish

and m Sancuunge undeisiood Juy ihe mcioui
at o nease entanCe
Seclo: Dalion & Modiication SO
Only o uniil ezpiu So
Jisbla. do modiicalion nisi ahe e x p i d
Gmonlhs om lant mociicilion

Sec 10A) : läyment a Sulbaiskence Allouwona.

Added ly dmendment in 1982
EmlnyeLasukmen ds Saupended, pending
Tst 0 dags aB Juat d So% ehwoges
e o days at Jake 75.wapp
Sec 11:
Coddkuing dkcs 4 appellat. authautes
haua Pous uil (owt
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