Sunburst Dishcloth

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By Sara Baldwin ©2008
This pattern is a modification of the
original “Round Dishcloth” pattern by Amy
Carpenter,andavailable at

SIZE: About 8 inches diameter

MATERIALS: About 70 yards worsted weight cotton yarn
(1 ball of Peaches & Crème will do it), and knitting needles #5
GAUGE: not critical
Using a crochet cast on with waste yarn, cast on 18 stitches. Change to main yarn.

Row 1 and all odd-numbered rows: knit across

Rows 2, 4, 6, and 8: With yarn in front, slip one stitch to the right hand needle as if to purl
(S1wyif), K1, YO, (SSK, YO) twice, K11, slip the last stitch to the right hand needle as if to
purl, turn, yarn back, and slip the first stitch as if to purl again. This will wrap the yarn around
the last stitch, leaving it unworked. (This is called the wrap and turn, or W/T.) After the first
wrapped stitch, continue to knit across for row 3 and the other odd numbered rows. At the
beginning of row nine there will be four wrapped and unworked stitches.
Row 10: S1wyif, K1, BO one stitch, BO 3 more stitches in the usual way, K12, W/T. There will
be 5 stitches wrapped and unworked at the end of this row.
Rows 12, 14, 16, and 18: S1wyif, K1, YO, (SSK, YO) twice, K6, W/T.
Row 20: S1wyif, K1, BO one stitch, BO 3 more stitches in the usual way, K7, W/T. There
should be 10 stitches wrapped and unworked at the end of this row.
Rows 22, 24, 26, and 28: S1wyif, K1, YO, (SSK, YO) twice, K1, W/T.
Row 30: S1wyif, K1, BO one stitch, BO 3 more stitches in the usual way, K17 (to end,
including all of the wrapped stitches).
This completes one section of the round dishcloth, or one-sixth of the pie. Complete five more
sections with the directions above. On your last (sixth) section, complete Row 30 in this way:
S1wyif, K1, BO one stitch, BO 3 more stitches in the usual way. Do not knit any more stitches,
and return the right hand stitch back to the left needle.

Unravel the crochet cast on, and pick out the live stitches on a separate needle. Graft first and
last sections together with kitchener stitch. Pull the center stitches together with the yarn tail to
close up the central hole, and secure.

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