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Problem: Outdated Equipment and Data Loss

Problem Statement:

CUT is a university situated in Chinhoyi town in Mash East Province .It accommodates more than 1000
students who learn there .The university has a small clinic commonly known as the Dispensary which is
led by the University nurses and a few individuals known as the dispensary assistance.

The dispensary has been using a file based system in handling their day to day operations. The recording
of data is done manually using a pen to input data into the counter books. Maintaining records of books
and dispensing of medication manually is a very difficult task because some records may be lost and
never be recovered. It is difficult to keep track of student’s records and the dispensing of medication
because a lot of students come for medication per day hence there are more files to look through and

A lot of students have been complaining about the speed of the manual dispensing of medication
system that it is slow and time consuming. Patient records are left with unrestricted access violating
Patient-nurse confidentiality as records are usually scattered in the storage facilities without them being
compiled specifically for one patient. In due time, the ink on paper fades or the paper it is worn out. The
dispensary has to buy stationary frequently to record patient records which is another unnecessary cost.
A lot of patients come to the dispensary to take their medication and they sometimes forget to record in
the books. The current systems do not have a record to show the total number of students/patients at
the university, names of all the patients, drug allergies, medical conditions etc. this leads to the wrong
dispensing of medication to different patients with different illness. The system is manual therefore
there is no system backup hence if the information is lost it is lost for good.

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