Aqeedah Notes g10

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Shaf 10 Quarter 2 - Aqeedah

‫األصول الثالثة وأدلتها‬

‫إلمام الدعوة الشيخ‬
‫محمد بن عبد الوهاب بن سليمان التميمي‬
The Three Origins and Their Evidence
)١٢٠٦ - ١١١٥(
The Imam of the Call, Sheikh
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab bin Suleiman Al-Tamimi
(1115 - 1206)

:‫ اعلم ـ رحمك هللا ـ أنه يجب علينا تعلم أربع مسائل‬----

.‫ ومعرفة دين اإلسالم باألدلة‬،‫ ومعرفة نبيه‬،‫ معرفة هللا‬:‫ وهو‬،‫ العلم‬:‫األوىل‬
.‫ العمل به‬:‫الثانية‬
‫ الدعوة إليه‬:‫الثالثة‬
‫ الصبر عىل األذى فيه‬:‫الرابعة‬

--- Know - may God have mercy on you - that we must learn four issues:
The first: knowledge, which is: knowing God, knowing His Prophet, and knowing the
religion of Islam with evidence.
Second: work on it.
Third: Invitation to Him
Fourth: Patience in being harmed

‫ تعلم ثالث هذه‬،‫اعلم ـ رحمك هللا ـ أنه يجب عىل كل مسلم ومسلمة‬
:‫ والعمل بهن‬،‫المسائل‬
‫ فمن أطاعه‬،‫ ولم يتركنا همال ؛ بل أرسل إلينا رسوال‬،‫ ورزقنا‬،‫ أن هللا خلقنا‬:‫األوىل‬
‫ ومن عصاه دخل النار‬،‫دخل الجنة‬
‫ { إنا ارسلنا إليكم رسوال شهدا عليكم كما ارسلنا إىل فرعون‬:‫والدليل قوله تعاىل‬
}‫رسوال • فعصى فرعون الرسول فاخذنه أخذا وبيال‬

Know - may God have mercy on you - that it is obligatory for every Muslim man
and woman to learn these three issues and act upon them:
The first: that God created us, provided for us, and did not leave us neglectful;
Rather, he sent us a messenger, so whoever obeys him will enter Paradise, and
whoever disobeys him will enter Hell.
And the evidence is the saying of the Most High: {Indeed, We have sent to you a
Messenger to bear witness against you, as We have sent to Pharaoh a Messenger.
‫ بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم { والعمر • إن اإلنس لفي خسر • إال‬:‫والدليل قوله تعاىل‬
} ‫الذين ءامنوا وعملوا الصلحت وتواصوا بالحق وتواصوا بالصبر‬

،‫ ((لو ما أنزل هللا حجة عىل خلقه إال هذه السورة‬:‫قال الشافعي ـ رحمه هللا تعاىل ـ‬

‫ العلم قبل القول والعمل؛ والدليل قوله‬:‫ (( باب‬:- ‫وقال البخاري ـ رحمه هللا تعاىل‬
‫ فبدأ بالعلم)) قبل القول والعمل‬،}‫ ال إله إال هللا واستغفر لذنيك‬،‫ { فاعلم أنه‬:‫تعاىل‬

And the evidence is His saying, the Most High: (And age • Indeed, mankind is in loss •
Except for those who believed and did righteous deeds and advised each other to
truth and advised each other to patience )

Al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him, said: ((If Allah had not sent down a proof
against His creation except this surah, it would have sufficed them)).

Al-Bukhari, may God have mercy on him, said: ((Chapter: Knowledge before speech
and action, and the evidence is His saying: {So know that there is no god but Allah,
and ask forgiveness for your sins}, so he began with knowledge) before saying and

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