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1. Download a copy of Oracle 11G for your system.

Win X64:

Win X86:

2. Unzip the archive and run setup.exe as Administrator

3. Follow the installation steps.

Enter password hr

Click install
4. After the installation has completed open an Internet Browser (Google chrome, Internet

Explorer etc) and type the address

5. Enter the next credentials:

Your password is hr

6. Then change your password again to hr

7. Re-login

8. Go to Mange Workspaces->Create Workspace

9. Workspace name is hr. Click next button.

10. Re-use existing schema – Yes, Schema name – HR. Click next.
11. Administrator password is hr. Click next

12. Click “Create Workspace”

13. Click logout

14. Login with

15. Change the password to hr

16. Re-login

17. Enjoy the Oracle 11G XE

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