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Class: 1D

1. Nur Shikin (P27838120039)
2. Rossy Yudistira (P27838120046)

A Conversation Between two Friends on Importance of Joys and Sorrow

During Online Lectures

Shikin: “Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

well, my name is Nur Shikin and here is my friend”

Ochi: “My name is Rossy Yudistira, usually caled Ochii.”

Ok here we will both have a simple conversation about joy and sorrow during
online lectures.
(let's start the conversation)


Shikin: “Hi Ochii how are you?”

Ochi: “Hi too Shikin, i'm fine. How about you?”

Shikin: “Yeah, I’am fine chii”

Ochi: “Uhm shikin, i want to ask to you about your activity in your home and
online lectures”

Shikin: “My activities are very busy and tired. I have to do my homework
everyday and always hold my cellphone to view information about
online lectures. How about your daily activity ochi?”

Ochi : “I am very busy too, to do homework everyday and can’t left my phone ,
because very important to information about online class.”

Shikin: “yes me too, by the way what joys and sorrows do you feel when
studying online?”

Ochi: “What's sad is that my eyes always feel tired from staring at the laptop
screen for too long. And I feel bored because I can't meet my friends.
Shikin: "Uhm, then besides the grief you have felt since this online lecture?"

Ochi: “I think I can go to college while doing other homework and also I can
relax more when there are online classes. how about you, what do you
feel shikin?”

Shikin: “What I feel during this online lecture is that my eating and sleeping
hours are irregular, there is no more time to meet friends because of
college assignments that must be completed before the deadline. But
the good thing is I can spend time with my family before living in the
dorms later.”

Ochi : “Yes, that's right, we can gather with our families before facing the real
world of lectures, especially during a pandemic like this.”

Shikin: “ Yes, and I hope the earth will get well soon so that we can do activities
as usual and we can immediately study offline and meet with friends.”

Ochi : “Yes you are right shikin I want to meet you and other friends soon.”

Shikin: “Thank you Ochi for sharing your joys and sorrows during online
lectures. See you again.”

Ochi: “Yes you're welcome, you are also Shikin, see you back.”

It was a simple conversation the two of us about joy and sorrow during
online lectures. Sorry if there are still many shortcomings. Wassalamualaikum
Warohmatullahi Wabarokauh.

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