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Lecture_Note_ 10

Dr. K. T. Ajayi
Department of Mechanical
University of Lagos

Last week, we discussed two shaft gas turbines (with one compressor, one CC, two turbines and two shafts)
and other possible arrangements (including: arrangements with one compressor, two CC, two turbines and
two shafts; with two compressors, one CC, two turbines, and two shafts (multi-turbine in series); and with
two compressors, two CC, two turbines, and two shafts (multi-turbine in parallel)); propulsion engines, and
comparison of simple setup for power generation and Jet propulsion. Today, we shall study the gas turbine
cycle for aircraft propulsion.


Gas Turbines in Aircraft- Jet engines
Gas turbines are used in aircraft to produce shaft power and hot, high-pressure gas for jet propulsion.
Turbine shaft power is used in turboprop aircraft and helicopters to drive propellers and rotors.
Jet engine is a gasifier, because it consists of gas turbine that produces only hot, high-pressure gas but has
zero net shaft output; a nozzle in the jet engine converts the thermal energy of the hot, high-pressure gas
produced by the turbine into a high-kinetic-energy exhaust stream with high momentum and high exit pressure
that results in the forward thrust on the engine. Though the configuration and design of jet engines differ
significantly from those of most stationary gas turbines, the analysis are similar; the criteria of light weight
and small volume in gas turbine apply in jet engine.
Of interest here are:
 Criteria appropriate for the evaluation of the performance of jet propulsion cycles
 Additional parameter required to account for the losses in the intake and propelling nozzles
 Cycle performances of the turbojet, turbofan and turboprop engines
Criteria of performance
 Air enters the intake with a velocity of Ca, the power unit accelerates it and leaves with a jet
velocity of Cj.
 Assume that, the mass flow m is constant (i.e. that the fuel flow is negligible).

Figure 10.1: Propulsive duct

Net thrust due to the change of momentum is,

𝐹=𝑚 𝐶 − 𝐶 (10.1)

Where mCj is the gross momentum thrust while mCa is the intake momentum drag.
When the exhaust gases are not expanded completely to p a in the propulsive duct, there will be an additional
pressure thrust exerted over the jet exit area Aj equal to 𝐴 𝑝 − 𝑝 . The net thrust will then be the sum of
momentum thrust and the pressure thrust; given as,

𝐹=𝑚 𝐶 − 𝐶 + 𝐴 𝑝 − 𝑝 (10.2)

For a uniform speed Ca in level flight of an aircraft, the thrust must be equal and opposite to the drag of the
aircraft at that speed.
In this analysis, assume complete expansion to pa in the propelling nozzle, hence equation10.1. With reference
to this equation, the required thrust is obtainable by designing the engine to produce either a high velocity jet
of small mass flow or a low velocity jet of high mass flow. The most efficient combination is desired.
The propulsive efficiency, ηp is defined as the ratio of the useful propulsive energy or thrust power (FC a) to
the sum of that energy and the unused kinetic energy of the jet, given as,

𝜂 = = ⁄

𝜂 is also called Froude efficiency, but with the ignored unused enthalpy in the jet, then 𝜂 cannot represent
the overall power plant efficiency.

From equations 10.1 and 10.3, it is clear that,

 F is maximum when Ca = 0, i.e. under static conditions, but 𝜂 is then zero;

 𝜂 is a maximum when 𝐶 ⁄𝐶 = 1 but, then the thrust is zero.

Which implies C j must be greater than Ca but the difference should not be too much.

This required condition, the tradeoff between 𝜂 and F, informed the development of propulsive units of figure
8.2. In that order, piston engine, turboprop engine, turbofan engine, turbojet engine, and ramjet engine; they
provide propulsive jets of decreasing mas flow and increasing jet velocity, and will be suitable for aircraft of
increasing design cruising speed. The choice of a power plant for an aircraft will depend not only on the
cruising speed but also on such factors as the desired range of the aircraft, maximum range of climb, as shown
in figure 8.3.

Propulsive efficiency is not the efficiency of energy conversion, 𝜂 within the power plant.
If the rate of energy supplied in the fuel is m f Qnet,p, where mf is the fuel mass flow; it is converted into
useful kinetic energy for propulsion and unusable enthalpy in the jet mc p (Tj – Ta),


𝜂 = (10.4)

The overall efficiency, 𝜂 is the ratio of useful work in overcoming drag to the supplied energy in the fuel.


𝜂 = = =𝜂 𝜂 (10.5)
, ,

The specific fuel consumption for aircraft engines is defined as the fuel consumption per unit thrust.
Equation 10.5 can be rewritten as,

𝜂 = 𝑥 (10.6)
. . ,

For a given fuel Qnet,p is constant and 𝜂 ∝ 𝐶 ⁄𝑠. 𝑓. 𝑐 , rather than 1⁄𝑠. 𝑓. 𝑐 as for shaft power units.
Another important parameter is the specific thrust, Fs which is the thrust per unit mass flow of air.

𝑠. 𝑓. 𝑐 = (10.7)

where f is fuel/air ratio.

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