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March 21, 2011

To all Perfetti Van Melle Employees

Ten years ago, exactly on this day, I sent to the then 7,800 employees of Perfetti and Van Melle a
letter announcing the accomplishment of the operation that combined Perfetti and Van Melle into a
new Group.

I am now writing to more than 18,000 persons to express the pride and the gratitude I feel for these
ten years together, marked by many important achievements, both on the marketplace and within
our organization.

Along these years we have accomplished many projects aimed at promoting and sustaining our
growth. Amid difficult economic conditions in most advanced economies and in spite of the
challenges posed by the consolidation process in our industry, we have been able to enter new
markets, to expand our manufacturing capacity ( we have built 7 brand new factories), to launch a
wide range of new products. The combination of Perfetti, Van Melle and Chupa Chups has enabled
us to capitalize on our key global brands with important line extensions. The most important was
expanding the gum market, in which Perfetti was a key player, with Van Melle’s flagship brand,
Mentos. As a result of all our efforts, we have stepped up from the sixth to the third position in the
global confectionery ranking, and in ten years we have almost doubled our net sales, from 1.2
billion to €above 2.2 billion Euro at the end of 2010.
I believe that the successful integration of the Perfetti’s, Van Melle’s and Chupa Chups’ cultures
into the Perfetti Van Melle Vision has been an essential factor in enabling our Group to grow
continuously and become a top player of the confectionery industry. The values that guide our
actions, in particular, the care for excellence in everything we do, high ethical standards, the spirit
of innovation, all these elements are weaved into our fabric and have become the distinguishing
features of our Group.

I want to thank all PVM employees, because all this has been possible thanks to you, to your
dedication, spirit of cooperation, skills, flexibility and passion.
We will all celebrate the 10 years together with the objective of showing our pride in being part of
this Group, of celebrating our achievements, and most importantly, of looking ahead towards the
future with enthusiasm, willingness to grow further to reach new highs.
Enjoy the celebrations!

Ubaldo Traldi
CEO & President

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