Platero y Yo - Mariposas Blancas y Arrulladora

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per ALDO BRUZZICHELLI 7 PLATERO Y YO (PLATERO AND 1) para Narrador y Guitarra - for Narrator and Guitar ‘op. 190 (1960) JUAN RAMON JIMENEZ Sdcapauat MARIO CASTELNUOVO -TEDESCO (1881 - 1958) (1895 - 1968) (English translation by Eloise Roach) XV - MARIPOSAS BLANCAS - WHITE BUTTERFLIES Allegretto moderato (come un tyotterctlo tranguilfo) — Pp saa ——= ——— a =r ——— iw ip st of La noche cae, brumosa Mae Sate Se saan fdr tee (P uguale (ma un poco marcato la melodia) Vagas claridadesmalvas_ y verdes perduran tras la torre de Ja iglesia, Vogue green and mauve ‘Tusningsities persist behind the tower ofthe church El camino sube, Meno de sombras, de campanillas, de fra- The road ascends — full of shadows, of bells, of the 3 gancia de hierba, de canciones, de cansancio y de an- Gregrance of grass, of songs, of weariness, of desire. feats = gs —— Tropes pee tps dele iin} Muse: BERBEN - Ancona (Ia. mp wnovistico Bogue ols by Elton Muncah MERDEN * Nncona: i Pb rena & emai Tae 1703 B ~helo. De pronto, un hombre oscuro, con una gorra y un pin- Suddenly a dark man ' wearing a-cop and carry Lo stesso tempo (cadenznto alla Marcia) smilitaresco mf’ -cho, roja un instante la cara fea por la luz del cigarro, Ling’ a pick, his face red for an istant in the light of his cigarette, \ = yy baja a nosotros de una casucha miserable, perdida entre comes toward us ‘from the vwretthed hut that is” lost in —— Lf: Tne < = 4 2 ty a 3 2 = ee =: fy ee iF Y 6 7 5 7 oro F sacas de carbon. Platero se amedrenta. piles of coal sacks. Platero is afraid. —F— Un poco pit mosso e agitato pf 7 —¢Ba argo? —Vea usted... Mariposas —Garring anything? = See for yourself... White fornando al...» . « «Tempo l. eS 5 7p7 67 Off ie grottesco E, 1708 B. 7 blancas.. El hombre quiere clavar su pincho de hierro en el seron- butterflies... The man wants to stick his tron pick » in the -cillo, y no lo evito. Abro la alfo - little’ basket, and I do not prevent him. T open the + 7 7 7 -rja y no ve nada. Knapsack, — and he sees nothing in it Looe SS Y 7) 7 Y el alimento ideal pasa, li = bre y candido, sin pa - And the food for the soul passes, candid and free, without p dolce ral ————— -gar su tributo a los Consumos... paving tribute ‘to the custome. iit mosso, scherzando ‘Dp grasioso E1708 B XVUI - LA ARRULLADORA - LULLABY Tempo di Ninna-Nanna (dolce, guieto e un poco triste) ‘P dolce ¢ nionotono saat ee = Orin RE La chi - The charcoal - PP: =quilla del car-bo-ne - ro, bonita y sucia cual una moneda, bru - sdurnerts Wille daughter, as prety’ and dirty ata coin, ith = aera eae » 2 =| De v7 4 rm ora ge - i IFS P= nS = ~fidos los negros ojos y —_—reventando sangre los. labios _prietos eyes of burnished ack and full lips that seem about. fo burst with the ep F. 1700 a, entre la tizne, esti a la puer-ta de la choza, sen- red Blood behind the grime, fs at the cabin door, stada en u- na teja, durmiendo al hermanito, silting on a tile, rocking her ba by Brother to sleep. € matinconico Vi + bra la ho - ra de ma - yo, ar - The vibrant break of May - time is everywhere, Andante mosso ed arioso ( Piloleissimo en -dien + te y clara como un sol por dentro. er ~ dent and clear as an in = ner sun = light, En la paz bril - lan - te, se oye el her - In__the bright peacefulness’ the boiling ofthe ran -vor de la ol - la que cue - ce en el campo, pot in the p= en fire ts heard, 20 la bra - ma de la de - with the low - ing of — eatlle _from__the P piicespr. mirth Snaee + tornando at Tempo di Ninna-Nanna lip tos. (P dolce ¢ malinconico Sentida y dulce, la carbone - ra Feelingly, sweetly, the charcoal burner's daughter B, 1108 B. see 21 Liboramente (come nna canzone popolare) ee Sena oe +5 ee eae = = a # sings: Sleep,, little one, P dolce loutano — suet a vd ienewea spay ae 7 = 7 = SS — SSS: a eee To please a >) FL fe 7 f a2 - Ee Shepherdess... E1709 8, 22° Pausa. El viento en las copa: pause. The wind in the tree-top Pp misterioso vasgucado ee 2S SSS Z = ¥ = — dor-mir-se mini = Ho ‘ my little one, dream aS PSs 2S eer coped eee ae race eee eer While ______the lit-tle_ mo- ther pF ¥. 1708 8. 23 El viento... Pla - The wind. Pla .- Pp misterioso rit, tornando al rasgueado -tero, que anda, — manso, entre los pinos quemados, se Ztere,” whe is walking gently among the pines, approaches, tte Tempo di Ninna-Nanna ‘monotono sino alla fine le - ga poco a poco.. Luego se echa en la tierra fosca y, a la by litte. Then he lien down ou the hard earth, Las Nes lar - ga copla de madre, se adormila, igual que un nifio, secthed” by” the monolonos Lullaby af (he singen, he fale ostegy, like OP Jy, 1703 8

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