Learning Act1 Rizal B

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Jan Mark H.

Manuel BSIT 2A

Learning Act #1

1.Explain why Jose Rizal Is sentenced to Death (15pts)

In a military court, Rizal was tried and convicted guilty of rebellion, sedition, and
conspiracy. His thoughts and works were viewed as a threat since he used his creative works,
such as novels, essays, and poems, to criticize Spanish colonial power and to advance Philippine
nationalism and identity. Rizal was arrested and tried for his alleged involvement in the
Katipunan, a secret society that was leading the revolution against the Spanish . Rizal was
charged with being a founding member of the Katipunan, the revolutionary group that
spearheaded the independence fight. Additionally, he was charged with encouraging uprising by
criticizing Spanish colonial policy in the Philippines in his writings and teachings. The Spanish
colonial administration in the Philippines accused and tried Jose Rizal for a number of offenses.
Rizal's poems were critical of Spanish colonial policies in the Philippines, including the
oppressive treatment of Filipinos by the Spanish authorities. The poems called for reforms and
changes in the colonial system, which was seen as a direct challenge to Spanish authority. The
accusations against him were based on his supposed participation in the Philippine Revolution,
which was intended to overthrow Spanish colonial control and create an independent country.
Which later his death sparked the revolution against the Spanish colonizers.
Jan Mark H. Manuel BSIT 2A

2. In what a ways Rizal’s execution effective in the Philippine revolution ,Does it have an effect
also todays generation?

It inspired the Filipino people to continue fighting for their freedom, while also pushing the
independence movement towards more radical and militant tactics and gaining international
attention and support for the cause. The peaceful faction of the independence movement, which
Rizal represented, was made weaker by his execution. With Rizal's passing, more militant and
radical revolutionaries rose to prominence in the cause and pushed for a more aggressive and
violent strategy to win independence. The death of Rizal inspired the Filipino people to fight for
their country's independence. Filipinos became motivated by his death and were moved to join
the revolution. The martyrdom of Rizal was viewed as evidence of the cruelty and tyranny of the
Spanish control, which inflamed nationalism among Filipinos. His execution had a significant
impact on the movement and helped to inspire and unify the revolutionaries, as well as generate
international pressure and support for the cause of independence. Now Rizal's execution has
become a symbol of resistance and the struggle for freedom and independence. His story
continues to inspire Filipinos to fight for their rights and stand up against oppression and
injustice and He have become a part of Philippine literary canon and are widely studied and
appreciated. His death has also inspired numerous artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and
films The death of Jose Rizal is still a significant event in Philippine history and culture, and
Filipinos are still motivated and influenced by him today.

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