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The coming of the Aestas Tempestus.

By: John Carlo Dela Cruz

The sky is clear as blue there was no cloud to be seen and the people of Vermillion town is
celebrating for it is that time of the year.

Every year at the middle of summer, a storm comes around to restock the water supply and to water
the crops during the intense heat of summer.

The towns people decorate the town with vermillion coloured decoration, and they call this week
the Coming of Tempestus.

Mom: Richard come down here!

(Richard gets out of his room and went down the stairs and look at his mom)

Mom: I need you to get the vermillion cake I ordered at the bakery.

Richard: It’s the top of the morning mom everyone is probably getting their cake too.

Mom: Just come and get it. You did say probably so there might not be a lin-

(Cuts off mom) Richard: Fine, fine.

St. Garnet – Morning

Richard is walking down the street until he sees something interesting.

Richard: Top of the morning to you sir!

Carver: Morning to you too boy. What are you doing this early in the morning?

Richard: I’m off to get the vermillion cake my mom ordered.

Carver: Well, you should get going boy, so you can get a spot on the line already.

Richard: *Pumps his fist* Sir what are you carving right now?

Carver: it’s a wooden Tempestus totem that will at the middle of the town hall where the
dance ceremony will happen.

Richard: Why do we do this celebration every year?

Carver: HAHAHA! Did your parents never tell ya? Well, many years ago there was always a
drought every summer which makes farming hard. The mayor devised a plan to pray to our
God Tempestus one of the 4 gods of season. The Gods of season helps us to grow crops for
example; Lumen God of Light, Tempestus God of Storm, Tellus God of the soil, and Messis
God of Harvest.
This Gods help us every season Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. Tempestus helps us
during springtime, but we celebrate and worship Tempestus during a certain time of
Summer to give us at least 1 rainy week. But we also have to worship Lumen during
summer to not anger her, so we have 2 celebration every summer.

Richard: Woah that’s so fascinating.

Carver: If you want to know more you should go at St. Carmine, there are performers there
every time we celebrate to make a play and tell the young ones the story of every
celebration, our Gods and the origin of our town.

Richard: Did you also learned from the plays?

Carver: Yes, The Adults and I learned the story from them. You should get going boy before
the line gets too long.

Richard: Thanks mister! I’ll be going.

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