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vendredi 20 janvier 2023 20:19

Split(body('Create_CSV_table'),decodeUriComponent('%0D%0A')) is an Array
Power Automate FormatNumber Function

formatNumber(number :number,format:string,locale?:string)

• number (required): The number that needs to be formatted.

• format (required): The format that should be applied to format the number.
• locale (optional): The locale that is used to format the number.
Return value

• Returns the formatted number as a string that is formatted based on format and

Examples: Format number as currency

Format Expression Number Result

C formatNumber(12345,’C’) 12345 $12,345.00
C0 formatNumber(12345,’C0′) 12345 $12,345
C1 formatNumber(12345,’C1′) 12345 $12,345.0
C2 formatNumber(12345,’C2′) 12345 $12,345.00
C3 formatNumber(12345,’C3′) 12345 $12,345.000
C with german locale formatNumber(12345,’C’,’de-de’) 12345 12.345,00

Examples: Format number with leading zeros

Format Expression Number Result

D formatNumber(123,’D’) 123 123
D3 formatNumber(123,’D3′) 123 123
D4 formatNumber(123,’D4′) 123 0123
D6 formatNumber(123,’D6′) 123 000123
D8 formatNumber(123,’D8′) 123 00000123

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