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Planing :
Dropping out of school refers to abandoning one’s schooling before getting an initial diploma.
This can be a high school diploma (DES), a vocational diploma (DEP), or a qualification
(training certificate in a semiskilled trade or prework training certificate). Students do not
drop out of school overnight. Dropping out is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon.
Throughout their schooling, youth are constantly influenced by various factors called “
determinants of school perseverance“. When these factors have a negative influence, they
are called risk factors. Risk factors increase the likelihood that a student will struggle at
school, which can lead to dropping out. Determinants of school perseverance include
motivation and engagement, self-esteem, parental supervision, school climate, and
community resources.
2- dropping causes :
- Bad Influence
Bad influence on children is the most common reason for kids dropping out of school. Early or
unlimited exposure to alcohol, drugs, internet, and television can distract children from pursuing
academics and initiate them into antisocial activities instead.
- Academic Difficulty
Inability to cope with the academic pressure is another reason for kids to opt out of school.
Studies prove that kids who do not read proficiently are four times more likely to drop out of
school. Studies also reinstate the fact that students who fail in math are 75% more likely to drop
out of high school.
- Family And Socio-Economic Needs
A research reveals that students belonging to low-income groups are more likely to drop out
of school. They may have to work to support their family. Some children may need to stay
back at home to take care of their siblings while the parents go out to work. Divorce or
separation of parents also affects the education of children adversely. According to a study by
the National Center of Education Statistics, students with low family incomes have the
highest dropout rates at 9.4%. This is because many times these children need to get a job
rather than going to school so they can help to support their families
- Poor Health
The health of a child greatly affects his learning ability and performance at school. Illnesses
that occur during childhood and continue for a longer time may curb a child’s ability to
continue school.
- Lack of Parental Support
The lack of parental involvement is a problem that often leads to higher dropout rates,
especially with high school students. Parents play an important role when it comes to high
school attendance. High school dropouts often have parents who weren't engaged or
concerned with their academic success. If a parent doesn't encourage her child to stay in
school, show interest in classes and teachers, communicate with administration, or pay
attention to homework assignments, the child might not see any reason to follow through with
the coursework. When parents don't prioritize their child's high school education, the child
may choose to drop out
3 effects :

- Unemployment
 One way in which people are affected by their decision to drop out of high school is a greater chance of
being unemployed. The unemployment rate for young high school dropouts was roughly 54 percent
in 2017, according to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Bureau also reported in
March, 2018 that that the unemployment rate for those who merely completed high school was
significantly lower than those that didn't complete high school. Students graduating high school had
an unemployment rate of 4.6 percent while the rate for high school dropouts was at 6.5 percent.

- Lower Income
 When high school dropouts do find employment, they earn, on average, significantly less than those
who completed high school. The 2018 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that high
school dropouts in America earned 73 percent of what their peers who completed high school
earned. Of all the countries included in the report, the difference between these two groups was the
largest in the United States.

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