Ispace 1

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Standing cautiously, the baby elephant reached out and tested

the water with his trunk.

Like a reluctant swimmer, he stepped into the water slowly.

Near a forest stream, the baby elephant investigated the water


Carefully, the elephant calf drank water from the shallow river.

When the sun rose, the elephants felt safe enough to come out of
the shadows for a drink.
Parched from the hot savanna sun, the elephant took
a long, refreshing drink from the cool river.
Crouching quietly, the snow leopard looked down on the
mountain below.

Like a bird of prey, he observed his future meal from a high branch.

Above the forest floor, the large cat looked down curiously at
the hikers.

Stealthily, the snow leopard tiptoed along the branch.

While her cubs played together, the leopardess guarded them

from above.
Hunched down, the leopard waited patiently for the
right moment to jump.
Gliding through the water, the dolphins played eagerly together.

As swift as flying birds, they moved through the bright blue sea.

Underneath the waves, the dolphins prepared to leap into the air.

Playfully, the dolphins swam in and out of each other’s way.

Although the arctic water was chilly, the dolphins continued

to play.
Packed tightly together, the dolphins prepared to chase
the shoal of fish.
Soaring silently, the great eagle searched the valley below for food.

Like a lazy cloud in the sky, the gigantic bird floated from one
end of the field to the other.
Over the mountain meadow, the bald eagle flew quietly through
the fresh air.

Swiftly, the mother eagle brought back food for her hungry chicks.

While the unsuspecting mouse searched for food on the forest

floor, the eagle hovered above.
Ruffled by the sound of thunder from the oncoming
storm, the eagle flew quickly to its nest.
Watching vigilantly, the mother alligator protected her eggs.

Like a harmless log on the water, the alligator floated beneath

the warm sun.
Through the murky river, the alligator glided towards a warm
beach to take a nap.
Dangerously, the alligator opened its mouth and revealed its
razor-sharp teeth.
Since the water was crystal clear, the alligator’s legs could be
seen cutting through the water.
Angered by the noise from the shore, the alligator
scanned the surface of the water.
Wrapping the unfortunate insect in her silk, the spider stored the fly
for a later meal.
As quick as a lightning strike, the spider pounced on the unlucky
insect trapped in her web.

Within her ornate web, the spider dozed sleepily.

Efficiently, the spider spun her intricate silk web.

While the insect fought to free itself, the spider slowly moved in.

Immobilised by the spider’s bite, the insect fell still.

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