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General Information

Faction Name: Lacon Consulate

Type: Natives
Quadrant: Beta

Natives Information
- Population: 47.8 billion
- Government Type: Benevolent Dictatorship (Authoritarian Democracy)
- Core Systems Distance: 15 light years
- Rim Systems Distance: 24 light years

Cultural Information
Culture: Lacon culture heavily resembles that of the old colonial empires
of Earth. It is militaristic, with the development of civilian technologies
is often withheld in favor of military research. Over the course of their
history, lacons have conquered multiple habitable worlds. They have
also terraformed multiple planets which were suitable for the procedure,
which fueled their ego. This is why they often regard themselves as
“planet-crafters”, those who unconditionally and fully mastered nature

Lacons worship no diety or dieties, as their self-proclaimed title of

“planet-crafters”, and the possibility of terraforming, ultimately
shattered the very idea of a diety representing anything natural or

Lacon architecture is very brutalistic, lacking in subjective beauty. The

most “decorated” buildings are the planetary capitals, but even then,
their style is more resembling “dark-deco”
than anything else.

History: Lacons evolved on the planet Laconus, a lush, temperate world

similar to Earth, albeit with much greater biodiversity. Laconus, by
modern standards, can be regarded as a super-habitable world. Lacons
themselves have managed to spread out all across Laconus and
developed a powerful civilization, which was later sent backwards by a
global nuclear war. The surviving lacons rebuilt their mighty civilization,
proving themselves to be very resourceful and practical.

For centuries, the lacons exploited nearby star systems and have
accumulated a stalwart set of colonies. The oldest colony, Crotus, is
well known for its rich mineral deposits and ore veins, as well as exotic
fruit and vegetables. The other colonies are Aegras, Thessius, Athos,
Macodia, and Ionia. Over the course of extrasolar colonization, the
lacons constructed a great number of starships and shipyards,
established highly practical permanent orbital architecture, built grand
cities, and ravaged dozens upon dozens of asteroids.

Lacons have never really engaged in diplomacy, instead preferring to

remain neutral in the politics of the Beta Quadrant. The only times they
react to political developments is when they are either beneficial or
detrimental to them. In the case of the latter, they do everything they
can to influence the situation in their favor. As such, the other nations
of the Quadrant know the Lacon Consulate as a secluded, but advanced
Diplomacy: Rare.

Military Information
Amount and Source of Founding: 15% of total GDP. The source of the
funding is the government itself.
Military Doctrine: Primarily hit-and-run tactics. Can sometimes engage
in attrition battles.
Number of warships: 2357

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