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CS146: Quiz 2

Due Tuesday, February 7, at 7:00AM

10 points

This quiz will be a written quiz. Please submit your answers to these questions by
uploading a file to Canvas. You may type or handwrite your solutions. You are free to use the
textbook, slides, class notes, but DO NOT consult any other resources. There are five
questions total (two of them on the second page).

Question 1) [2 points]
𝑛+1 𝑛
Is 2 = 𝑂(2 )?

Question 2) [2 points]
2𝑛 𝑛
Is 2 = 𝑂(2 )?

Question 3) [2 points]
Explain why the statement, “The running time of algorithm A is at least 𝑂(𝑛 )” is
Question 4) [2 points]
Using reasoning similar to what we used for insertion sort in class, analyze the running
time of the selection sort algorithm from the first homework assignment.

selectionSort(arr) cost time

for startOfUnsorted in 0 to arr.length 𝑐1

smallestInUnsorted = max value 𝑐2

indexOfSmallest = -1 𝑐3

for i in startOfUnsorted to arr.length 𝑐4

int current = arr[i] 𝑐5

if arr[i] < smallestInUnsorted 𝑐6

smallestInUnsorted = arr[i] 𝑐7

indexOfSmallest = i 𝑐8

swap arr[indexOfSmallest],arr[startOfUnsorted] 𝑐9

Question 5) [2 points]
Why do all cases have the same runtime in selection sort?

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