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ET T T , aTET AHud TaTT, (7.T.)
Accounts Office, Vehicle Factory Jabalpur- 482009, ( M. P.)

|5FT-0761-2330974 .0761-2793566

Date: 14 .10.2020

TET fHvft

:Procurement of Portable /handy video bore scope system.


mentioned item is returned herewith

with the
for procurement of above
TPC minutes
following remaks:
that the may
is enclosed with the file. It is requested
1. No details of sharing Gun project in absence
and intimate how the work is being managed
be enclosed alongwith target
of the said tool.
806/01 may be produced.
for booking the said equipment under
2. Authority

This is issued with the approval of DCFA (Fys).

Encl: as above

FTET. TT af9TI (A.)

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