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330] - Speaker 1
Today I received a Neville Goddard testimonial from a kid who wants to be known as
a 19 year old kid. This testimonial seemed out of this world, so I decided to share
it with you as this 19 year old kid's wish that I might inspire you to go all out
for whatever it is you wish to fulfill. It's one thing to read Neville Goddard and
other teachings by similar mystics, and it's another thing to be able to
consistently put it into practice until success, despite any adversities. And now,
without further ado, the testimonial of a 19 year old kid. And now, if I dare to
assume that I am now the man that I want to be, and I persist in that assumption,
watching my mind morning, noon and night, so that anything I find myself dwelling
upon that is in conflict with my assumption, I put it aside.

[00:01:03.090] - Speaker 1
I will be faithful to this divine vision, the vision of myself. And any time I
catch myself daring to feel less than the thing I'm trying to feel and externalize
in my world, I simply stop it and go back to that assumption that I am the man that
I want to be. If I persist in it and it becomes a fact, then I have found him. If
this law proves itself in performance, then I have found him. Well, I have found

[00:01:34.740] - Speaker 1
Him, the true Christ. The Neville talks about the Jesus Christ in Scripture. The
real God. I have found him. I never thought this whole thing would actually work,
but it did.

[00:01:47.730] - Speaker 1
It took me four weeks of persisting to start seeing the harvest of my dream and
another six weeks of even more persisting or to actually externalize in my world.
That makes it a total of ten weeks to realize my goal in the flesh. At times I felt
like I was running into a blind alley. But I said screw it. I lose nothing and did
it anyways.

[00:02:11.860] - Speaker 1
I was desperate. It was the only thing I could do. I reasoned that I wouldn't want
to look back and regret that I hadn't just tried to apply this law and set myself
free. If I assume now that I am the man that I want to be, who's doing it? It's

[00:02:31.470] - Speaker 1
It's God that's doing it. Because I am God. If I and my father are one, then my
father has heard my assumption. And if he's heard it, and I am confident that he
heard it, then can I not say to my inner being, thank you, Father. I know he's
heard it because he and I are one.

[00:02:52.390] - Speaker 1
So I then begin to say, thank you, Father. You heard me. I know you always hear me.
I will give a short back story. I'm 19 years old, and I graduated from high school
in a country I shall not name in the continent of Africa in November 2019.

[00:03:11.950] - Speaker 1
In April of 2020, I received a full scholarship to study at a university in Canada,
beginning my studies in September of 2020. I was supposed to travel to Canada in
late August of 2020, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, canada closed its
borders and so did my country, meaning I was stuck home until further notice. I
then began having online classes at home. This was very difficult, as the
difference in time between Canada and my country is 7 hours. There were times I
would be having quizzes and important tests at 03:00 A.m.

[00:03:49.870] - Speaker 1
In the morning because I was 08:00 P.m. In Canada. I struggled a lot with my sleep
schedule, and I hated studying from home, roughly 8000 miles away from where I was
supposed to be. On the 4 September 2020, I decided I had had enough of home. I
wanted out.

[00:04:09.020] - Speaker 1
I felt imprisoned, as it were. I just wanted out. I simply wanted out. So that day
in the afternoon, I went to my room and I came up with a strategy to pursue a
manifestation project or three times a day, I would constructively imagine my wish
fulfilled, and in between, force myself to carry on mental conversations from the
premise that I'm already in Canada. I wanted to be out by November, early November.

[00:04:40.810] - Speaker 1
Upon making this decision to be out by November, I decided to embark on a journey
in my imagination. All right. That night on the 4 September on retiring, I closed
my eyes and imagined myself flying to Canada. I tried to the best of my ability to
actually feel it. And all right, I did it.

[00:05:01.470] - Speaker 1
I fell asleep in the state of I'm finally going away. The next morning, when I woke
up, I assumed I had arrived safely at the airport, did screening tests, and was now
being transported to campus. Later that night, about an hour before bed, I assumed
I was unpacking my suitcase in my room and spreading my bed. And finally, at
bedtime, I slept here as if I was asleep in my room. In Canada.

[00:05:27.150] - Speaker 1
The next day in the afternoon, I imagined myself opening up a Canadian bank account
and getting the card throughout the day back home, where I was physically. Whenever
I saw my family, I heard them in my imagination tell each other that I had arrived
safely in Canada. As this project of mine went on, I would assume I was sitting on
a bench outside on campus. I would see the trees, the deer, and I could smell the
cool, windy air of Toronto, and I could feel hitting my face. I could actually feel
myself there.

[00:06:00.740] - Speaker 1
In fact, one night I actually woke up in the 4D world, arranging my desk in my dorm
room. I began to contemplate home from Canada, and I would wonder how everyone back
home is doing. I began holding and feeling my UPass card, confirming to myself that
I am there now. Throughout the day, as I would be doing dishes at home, I would be
thinking to myself, man, I remember when I was doing dishes back home. I wonder how
my family is getting on at home now, knowing I'm not there to do the dishes

[00:06:33.950] - Speaker 1
There were times when I would feel so much satisfaction from my imaginary activity.
Outwardly, I would start smiling like an idiot and I could not control it.
Sometimes my family would see it and ask me what's going on? Well, what was going
on was during the times I had dinner with my family, I wouldn't really be paying
attention to dinner itself or my family. Rather, I would be having the most
fantastic inner dialogue with myself, saying man, I miss my family.

[00:07:02.540] - Speaker 1
I remember when I was still back home and I started smiling like a little child.
The truth is, it was hard. Twenty four seven. I tamed my mind and forced it to
think from the premise that I was already in Canada. Imagine trying to train your
mind that way.

[00:07:20.190] - Speaker 1
But I preserved and trained my mind like beating a horse. I woke up in the
assumption that I was in Canada, went throughout the day with it and slept in it. I
went so deep in the project that I even physically changed the time on my phone to
match est time. That's why sometimes when someone would ask me the time, I check my
phone and then in my head begin adding 7 hours to it to figure out Central African
time in my head, I was in Canada. My body became so conditioned to this that there
were times I genuinely thought it was, let's say, only 03:00 p.m., only to get
shocked to realize it's 10:00 p.m.

[00:07:57.540] - Speaker 1
At night, because to me it was 03:00 p.m. In Canada, and heck, I'm in Canada. I
would sit on my chair and begin contemplating how home was 8000 miles away from me
to myself, east, 7 hours ahead of me. And I would say to myself, my family is
probably getting ready to sleep now because it's already 10:00 p.m. There.

[00:08:20.030] - Speaker 1
I persisted in all of this. I persevered, and when I felt hopeless, I would affirm
within myself the phrase I did it, I'm doing it, and I will continue to do it until
that which I've done is perfectly externalized within my world. Whenever I felt
like nothing was working, I imagined Neville actually there with me, giving me the
harsh Abdullah treatment, slamming a door in front of me and saying who is talking
of you going to Canada? You went to Canada. You are in Canada.

[00:08:55.040] - Speaker 1
I've said all that I have to say and I would respond, okay, Neville. While things
got even worse, here I am doing assignments and I get an email from the residents
department and the scholarship committee explained, meaning that if I do not defer
my residence to January, they will hold my family financially.

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