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Assignment 2 – Sheila Tipon Educ 201 -1C

1. Write a summary of the key features of the development during prenatal period, infancy and toddlerhood.

Physical Development Cognitive Socio-emotional

Prenatal  Germinal period – rapid  The second month is a  Fetal movements

cell division and crucial point in the appear – rolling and
beginning of cell neurological kicking
differntiation development, as the  As the fetus wriggles,
 Embryonic period – brain grows at a rate of kicks and turns, the
Basic forms of all body around 100,000 cells mother will start to feel
structures develop each minute. If the the fetus moving. If she
 Fetal period – fetus mother consumes responds, the fetus will
grows in size and alcohol and drugs, or learn that for every
matures in functioning experiences extreme action, there is a
stress or trauma, the reaction.
Major development tiny brain can get  At 7 months, when the
occurs, in the head damaged. This can lead fetus hears the mother
region first and the to math problems at speak, he/she may
extremities last. school etc. If the mother respond with an
stays healthy and can increased heartbeat and
The fetus grows from relax, the brain can movement. Some
the inside of the body develop to its full researchers claim that
onwards. potential. the fetus begins to learn
 During the sixth month, language from hearing
 At 3 months, the a major mark of brain voices from outside.
mother’s womb development occurs;  In the last month, the
becomes the sensory the brain’s cerebral fetus keeps practicing
playgound of the fetus. cortex splits into two his/her motor skills and
The fetus learns to hemispheres. kicks. When the mother
move his/her arms, laughs, eats sweets or
stretch his/her fingers, drinks, the fetus
smile or suck the thumb. responds by bouncing
 At 4 months, the fetus up and down.
learns to kick, pee and
how to swallow. The
taste buds are
developing. If the
mother eats a wide
variety of things, the
fetus learns to
appreciate different
tastes and become less
fussy eaters later in life.
 Month 5 is the start of
the development of the
teeth and the first real
hair, fingernails,
eyebrows, and

Infancy  The newborn has some Shortly after birth, a baby’s  Basic behavior patterns
basic reflexes which brain produces trillions more are organized and many
are automatic and connection between neurons ontogenetic
serve as survival than it can possibly use. The maturational skills
mechanism before they brain eliminates connections emerge.
have the opportunity to that are seldom or never used.  Babble, cry, or gesture
learn. Many reflexes The infant’s brain is literally for communication and
which are present at waiting for experiences to social skills
birth will generally determine how connections are
subside within a few made. Neonate displays
months as the baby reflexes and skills that help in
grows and matures. the process of development.
 A newborn baby has the
capacity for all life-
sustaining activities
such as breathing,
sucking and discharging
body waste.
 Infants learn to use their
upper limbs before
lower limbs.

Toddlerhood  The child becomes  Develop mental abilities  Language and

more mobile and able to that prepare the child for elementary reasoning
widen the sphere of schooling. are acquired and initial
her/his activities beyond  Capacities for sustained socialization is
family. attention continue to experienced.
 Locomotion skills improve during this  The child learns the
become more refined. stage. rules of appropriate
 The child is capable of  There is improvement in social behavior.
coordinated actions perceptual skills or  One learns the social
while maintaining body ability to identify finer practices, rules and
balance and muscle aspects of objects. convention in their
coordination.  Children become more families and society
selective in attention, through socialization.
able to concentrate and
focus on relevant
aspects and ignore or
distract irrelevant

2. Review the 14 Learner-Centered Principles. Identify the pedagogical principles that apply to each stage of development. Fill out the
table below.

Cluster of Principles Prenatal Infancy Toddlerhood

Principles referring to Cognitive Maternal exposure to adverse Babies learn to focus their The best cognitive
and Metacognitive Factors events during pregnancy, such vision, reach out things, explore development activities for
as infection, stress, and learn the things around toddlers integrate learning with
Principle: malnutrition or toxic them. Learning language starts play. The following cognitive
Nature of the learning process substances will impact the by making babble sounds like activities are:
development of offspring that saying “ma-ma”, “da-da”, etc.  hiding and finding
may lead to cognitive objects
impairments.  nursery rhymes, stories,
and sing-alongs
 letter and number
 simple routines and
 sorting sizes, shapes
and colors
 arts and crafts
 playing outside and
visiting places

Principles referring to
Motivational and Affective Stress, anxiety, or depression Babies start to notice things For toddlers, let them have a
Factors during pregnancy can increase that are happening around safe space to explore different
the risk of pregnancy them. The baby will form emotions that contribute to
Principle: complications such as low special bonds with caring emotional development.
Motivational and emotional adults, explore the world Activities may include:
infant birth weight and preterm
influences on learning around them by touching,  Building children’s
labor. looking and engaging within vocabulary of emotions
safe spaces with caregivers. will ultimately help them
They will also learn more about manage their emotions
emotions by watching you,  Mindfulness supports
sharing a smile and calming improvement in
with your help. Activities may learning, health and
include: self-regulation and
 attunement play like attention in children.
peek a boo and baby  Books that talk about,
talk model and practice the
 Music like common feelings expressed by
songs “If you’re happy the characters in the
and You know It” which book.
conveys happiness and
“Twinkle winkle Little
Stars” which conveys
curiosity to begin to
think about emotions
 Books – reading to
infants while mimicking
the emotions of
characters help them
start to recognize
emotions in themselves
and others.
Principles referring to Social interactions permit The social environment
Developmental and Social Indulging in some nice reading infants to engage in activities influences learning by creating
Factors activity so that it can help to such as play which enhances a language environment which
calm down and help the baby their fine and gross motor skills stimulate the mind to grow and
Principle: in the womb. and develop their self- by systematically rewarding a
Social influences on learning regulation. It promotes child for learning. It is the job
language learning, allowing the of the parents or home, teacher
infant’s brain to process sounds and school to ensure that
and words, and remember children develop completely in
them for later use. Things like their social relationships with
smiling and responding, making other people and with the value
eye contact or calming down system of their society.
when held by a familiar adult
are social milestones.

Principles referring to Individual

Differences Factors  The mother's health, Genetic and environmental Genetics and environmental
the prenatal factors: factors:
Principle: environment, multiple
Individual differences in The environment the child is The environment the child is
babies, and the
learning raised or the experiences they raised or the experiences they
mother's age are
factors for a baby to be have (nurture). have (nurture).
born prematurely.
Other influential factors are Other influential factors are
 Combinations of genes
innate (nature). These innate innate (nature). These innate
or extra chromosomes
individual differences might individual differences might
can lead to genetic
include health, heredity, include health, heredity,
deformities such as
physical characteristics and physical characteristics and
down syndrome, Tay-
temperament. temperament.
Sachs disease, Marfan
syndrome, or cystic
 If the mother ingests
harmful substances
(drugs, alcohol, or other
teratogens) when
pregnant, she puts her
baby at a higher risk to
be born with disabilities.

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