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Assignment Is Summited To Yardstick International Colleague Department of

Business Administration.
Individual Assignment 02

Course:- Strategic Management

Title:- Article Review: Entitled << Factors Affecting Tourism Policy Implementation: A
Conceptual Frame Work And Case Study In China >>

Dan Wang John.

Reviewed By Name ID, No,

Bereket Kerega Buhete Mo/3454/14a

Submission Date: 29/03/23.

Submitted To:- Berihun Muchie (Phd)


In this article research entitled factors affecting tourism policy implementation in china the
research gap or problem is clearly and well identified. The research problem of this article is
entitled << what are factors affecting tourism policy implementation: a conceptual frame
work and case study in china. >> . The main gap identified by researcher is missing top up,
top down and horizontal effect. The purpose if the research is crucial for tourism
development in China.

The purpose of the study

The writer also figures out the significance of the research. The main significance of this
research is to minimize problems in tourism policy implementation in china. To conduct
research and to answer his questions the researcher critically identified variables in study.
His main variables are two Lijiang County and Kunming the capital yunan province. These
variables are selected based on the flow of tourists and its great economical contributions of
the country’s GDP.

In this study main and important terminology’s has been defined in way to explain and
understand the research. For instance policy implementation and other key terminologies are
explained. As example the researcher define what policy implementation mean.

Literature review

In the study, the researcher used adequate literature review to give a well explanation about
the variables and the concept and frameworks of policy making and policy implementation to
cover the gap of the research problems and to provide relevant back ground information.


Regarding to methodology the researcher used appropriate research methodology. As a result,

a qualitative approach in a case study was employed as the nature of the problem is complex
and the purpose of the study was to develop an in-depth understanding of the problems and
issues pertaining to policy implementation.

The method of sample selection is also purposeful. Two cities are selected because of major
contribution of tourism in their local economy. The individuals selected for interview are
based on their involvement in the preparation and implementation of the policy.

The researcher clearly mentioned his findings accordingly he paraphrased four factors
affecting the tourism policy implementation in china. In this regard the researcher addressed
the main objectives of his research questions. In the study the researcher used different
data’s, map and graphs to explain well the research findings.


The research result definitely validates the writers’ conclusions and recommendations. The
use of qualitative methodology is chosen as a best way to make the studies and the selection
of the sample is also very supporting to strengthen the conclusion.

The limitation of the study has already stated.

There is no indication in this study to show a variance between authors study and prior
research findings.

The researcher has stated a suggestions for a further study in the same country but in different
provincials as the context might be different.

The researcher doesn’t recommend for any revision or amendment of the policy in china.

Conclusion of the review

The research is suitable enough to study the case in yunan provincial in china but this doesn’t
mean it is adequate because cases in the country with in different provincials in the country
could have different context and factors on tourism policy implementation.The overall quality
of the study is excellent and significant in terms of the methodology and sample selection and
the study is timely and worthwhile and now a days to tourism industry is growing and great
contribution for overall development of the country.

The research design is inclusive and participate all important stakeholders.

The structure and the length of the article are standard. The researcher in his work uses
suitable language; he also shows recognition to other researcher’s work and brings unbiased

The researcher follows the APA style. Siting the reference system is APA style. Generally the
research article is well structured; data based argument and relevant findings.


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