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REFERENCE CHECK FORM FINANCEPLUS Name of the person whose reference check is sought ae Umesh kanade Name of the Referee Rakesh purohit Current Company & Designation of Referee Tata consultancy services & Designation senior process associate Referee Contact Details: Contact No. & Email 9975551234, Rakesh. purohitOOB@ Relationship to the Candidate Colleague Length of Work Relationship ‘AByears R heck m1 Pariculars Remarks Were the candidate's Managerial | Functional Competencies in alignment 7 with his her position held in the organization? Specie areas of knprowrort i Managerial Functional and Bebevoral lola Did the candidate exhibit honesty / integrity in his | her conduct 1 - transaction? Please specify if any Outstanding Achievements were demonstrated by the candidate on the job during his / her tenure in the organization Quality awards, star performer for the month Reasonls for leaving Career Growth Would you recommend us for hiring the candidate? Yes strongly recommended Particulars Rating on the Scale of to 10 Functional / Managerial Characteristic & Behavioral Attributes (where 10 is the highest) ‘Communication Skils 9 Problem Sowing SKIS 9 “Team Building Skils/ Team Player 9 Dependabiliy 9 Initiative and Follow-through 9 ‘Ability 1 take on Responsibility 9 Result Orentation 9 ‘Any other Comment: NA] Verification Details (fo be Tiled by HR Personnel) | hereby declare that the above information is filed by me on consultation with the proposed Candidate's previous employer Verification done by: Date of veriication: Page 1 of

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