Career Guide 2019 Final Web

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Guide des carrières et bourses en aéronautique

Aviation Career +
Scholarship Guide ALPA Canada
Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l

in Flight
Aviation is Open to Everyone

Opportunity Abounds Living the Dream Behind the Scenes

Aviation Industry Needs What It’s Like To Be An Great Careers In Maintenance,
Workers Airline Pilot Operations, ATC
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first officer, ensuring that two sets of eyes are always scanning the sky and
aircraft for potential hazards. So relax and enjoy the view; thanks to
pilots, the safest place on earth will always be in the air.
Visit to learn more.

Air Line Pilots

Trained for Life

Editor 4 Message From ALPA Canada President

Steve Drinkwater
Union Plays Important Role in Pilot’s Career
6 Message From COPA CEO
Graphic Designer Diversity Brings Wealth to Our Field
Shannon Swanson
7 Flying In The North
Contributing Editor
Russ Niles Great Opportunities Exist There

Display Advertising Sales 12 Living The Dream

Katherine Kjaer Captain Samual Daigle’s Story
14 Landing That Dream Flying Job
Accounting ALPA Focuses on the Recruitment of Women
Anthea Williams
604.428.0261 22 Pathways to the Right Seat
Jazz Airlines Helping Young Candidates
Admin. Assistant
Rajei Gill
26 Show The Way
The Aviation Career and Scholarship Female Aviators Are Excelling
Guide is published by Canadian Aviator
Publishing Ltd. 30 Scholarship Listings
Funding Assistance is Available

Cover photo by Jason Miller/Baffin Photography


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career guide | 2019 3


I fell in love with aviation at a very As I have become active within the la-
young age. I was one of those kids bour movement and now dedicate much
who doodled airplanes in school, of my time to my union, the Air Line Pi-
built model airplanes on dark win- lots Association, International, it is clear-
ter evenings in Winnipeg where er to me more than ever that we need to
I grew up, and dreamt of soaring elevate the desirability and quality of all “There are so many
above the clouds and of all the piloting jobs in this country to attract and
wonderful places the magic of retain the highly trained and dedicated sectors and types of flying
flight could one day take me. pilots our country is known for around that require well-trained
After many years went by and after the world.
thousands of hours flying low over the ALPA Canada has vast resources to and highly skilled aviators
treetops of northern Manitoba, over the support bargaining for better contracts
enormous stretches of barren tundra in the areas of compensation, schedule
of all sorts.”
in the Arctic, and across my airline’s and benefits, etc., and we will always
network as a captain on WestJet’s Boe- strive to do so. Partly through that work,
ing 737s, I still love the work. As ALPA we also believe we have an important
Canada president, I have also gained a role to play to improve our current and
new appreciation of the aviation indus- future pilots’ careers so that flying jobs On behalf of the Air Line Pilots As-
try and the men and women who have that were once considered stepping sociation, Int’l, I welcome you to this
chosen this profession, both now and stones will become more desirable in exciting issue and invite you to consider
long before me. their own right. all the ways that a career in aviation
The profession is broad; there are so It’s also important that pilots know the could work for you.
many sectors and types of flying that role that unions, and ALPA in particular, In unity,
require well-trained and highly skilled play in the professional piloting sector
aviators of all sorts. My career so far of our industry. ALPA has incredible ex- Capt. Tim Perry
has made me ask what makes a flying pertise and experience, both within pilot ALPA Canada President
job good and what we can do to make it leaders and the professional staff, that
better. There’s no such thing as perfect, are solely dedicated to the advancement “On behalf of ALPA Canada and the 5,400
and there are aspects that are simply of pilots’ interests, our careers and the en- pilots we represent across Canada, wel-
personal preference (e.g. Where do you tire piloting profession. The work of our come to the 2019 edition of the Aviation
want to live? Do you prefer fixed-wing union has historically led to (and contin- Career and Recruitment Guide. Aviation is
or rotary-wing flying?), but what the ues to lead to) some of the best contracts an exciting and important industry; it is
best jobs all have in common are good in the industry. Unionized pilots enjoy my hope that you will enjoy a career in avi-
pay, balanced schedules, competitive higher-paying jobs with better schedules ation and find the important information
benefits, and stable and predictable ca- in fairer workplaces—and ALPA is the and resources here in this guide to help you
reer progression. leading pilot union in the world. along the way.”


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4 career guide | 2019


d’ALPA Canada, j’ai aussi cette voie. Cette démarche soutenue

acquis une nouvelle per- nous amène également à comprendre
spective de l’industrie aéro- qu’un rôle important nous incombe
nautique et une meilleure dans l’amélioration des possibilités
compréhension des hommes de carrières de nos membres actuels
et des femmes qui ont, tout aussi bien que des futurs pilotes. En ce
récemment ou bien long- sens, il faut s’assurer que les emplois
temps avant moi, choisi ce en aviation ne soient pas que de sim-
métier. ples tremplins vers d’autres fonctions,
Notre profession est riche mais deviennent désirables pour ce
en diversité : il y a tellement qu’ils sont.
de secteurs d’activité ou de Il est primordial que les pilotes
types de vols nécessitant prennent conscience du rôle joué par
des équipages bien entraînés les syndicats et plus particulièrement
dans tous les domaines par l’ALPA, dans l’émancipation de la
imaginables. Mon chemine- fonction professionnelle de pilote au
ment personnel dans cette sein de notre industrie. L’ALPA pos-
carrière jusqu’à ce jour m’a sède une expertise et une expérience
incité à me demander ce qui hautement crédibles, dont peuvent té-
peut constituer un beau bou- moigner les intéressés, quand il s’agit
lot en aviation, et de quelle de faire progresser les intérêts des pi-
façon on peut l’améliorer. lotes, de nos carrières ou de la profes-
Rien n’est parfait, et le che- sion dans son ensemble. Historique-
min vers la réussite passe ment, les efforts de notre syndicat se
parfois par les préférenc- sont soldés par la ratification des meil-
es individuelles (e.g. Où leurs contrats collectifs de l’industrie,
voulez-vous demeurer ? Dé- et cette réalité persiste plus que jamais
sirez-vous piloter un avion de nos jours. Les pilotes syndiqués sont
ou un hélicoptère ?), mais ce mieux payés et profitent de meilleures
que les meilleurs métiers ont conditions de travail — et l’ALPA est
en commun se situe essenti- considérée comme le plus important
Je suis tombé amoureux avec ellement au chapitre des bons salaires, syndicat de pilotes au monde.
l’aviation dès mon plus jeune âge. des horaires équilibrés, des avantages Au nom de la l’Association inter-
J’étais l’un de ces gamins qui sociaux concurrentiels et de la possibili- nationale des pilotes de ligne, je vous
dessinait constamment des avi- té d’une progression stable et prévisible invite à parcourir ces pages riches en
ons à l’école. Et pour occuper les du plan de carrière. enseignements et à examiner les nom-
longues soirées d’hiver à Win- En m’engageant activement dans breuses possibilités qui s’offrent à
nipeg où j’ai grandi, j’assemblais le mouvement syndical au point où vous d’entreprendre une carrière dans
des modèles réduits. Je rêvais de je consacre beaucoup de mon temps l’aviation.
voler au-dessus des nuages vers à la l’Association des pilotes de ligne,
tous ces endroits merveilleux où il m’est apparu évident, plus que ja- Capt. Tim Perry
je pourrais un jour me rendre par la mais, qu’il nous faut rehausser l’attrait Président ALPA Canada
magie du vol. et la qualité de tous les emplois de pi-
De nombreuses années plus tard, lote dans ce pays pour attirer et con- «  Au nom d’ALPA Canada et des 5 400
après avoir volé pendant des milliers server ces pilotes hautement qualifiés pilotes que nous représentons à travers le
d’heure au-dessus de la cime des ar- et dévoués, dont la réputation est déjà pays, bienvenue dans l’édition 2019 du
bres du nord du Manitoba et survolé bien connue à travers le monde. Guide des carrières et bourses an aviation.
les vastes étendues de la toundra, dans ALPA Canada dispose de vastes L’aviation est une industrie palpitante et
l’Arctique, ou après avoir parcouru en ressources à l’appui des négociations importante; j’espère que vous y entrepren-
long et en large le réseau des destina- pour l’obtention de meilleures condi- drez une carrière fructueuse, et que vous
tions de WestJet, comme commandant tions aux chapitres des salaires, des trouverez dans ce guide les informations
de bord sur Boeing 737, j’adore tou- horaires et des avantages sociaux clés et les ressources qui vous feront con-
jours ce que je fais. A titre de président etc. et nous entendons continuer sur naître le succès. »

career guide | 2019 5


Welcome to the 2019 edition of the tailed information on career paths as

Canadian Owners and Pilots Asso- well as the scholarships and bursaries
ciation’s (COPA) Aviation Career available to assist people in offsetting
and Scholarship Guide, presented costs associated with their flight train-
in partnership with the Air Line ing at all levels.
Pilots Association (ALPA). We also hope that, as you realize
We are excited to partner with ALPA your dreams, you will give back. Each
to bring you our second edition of this of these scholarships forms part of the
initiative, aimed at those looking to legacy of a person or group who was
enter the aviation industry or those inspired to help others pursue their
looking to upgrade their existing rat- passion. Many of these programs are
ings. Since 1952, COPA has been active sustained through generous dona-
as the voice for general aviation (GA), tions made by those who, at some
representing pilots and aircraft own- point, have benefitted and, by rais-
ers in every province and territory. At ing awareness, we can help ensure
the grassroots of the aviation industry, that these same programs are there
GA is where it all begins, for anyone to give the same help to future gen-
and everyone. COPA has a long his- erations of Canadian aviators from
tory of connecting communities across all regions and walks of life. As you
Canada with aviation, enabling future benefit from programs such as these
pilots, maintenance technicians and along your career path, consider sup- “COPA has a long
airport operators to get their start. We porting the programs and organiza-
pride ourselves on our role in helping tions that helped you get your foot in
history of connecting
to shape the future of aviation at every the door, whether mentoring future communities across
level and being inclusive, recognizing students at your local flight school,
the wealth diversity brings to our field. giving youth their first airplane ride Canada with aviation.”
Anyone who has ever dreamed of pi- through COPA for Kids or helping to
loting an aircraft will have to, at some ensure that scholarship programs are working together to advance, promote
point, walk through the front door available for those who need them and preserve the Canadian freedom to
of a flight school to begin their odys- when the time comes. fly, for all. •
sey. Through this Aviation Career and We all have a role to play in Cana-
Scholarship Guide, we hope to inspire da’s diverse and robust aviation indus- Bernard Gervais
people to take that first step. To real- try, and it starts here: by enabling the President and CEO
ize their dreams, and to take charge of next generation of those wanting to be Canadian Owners and Pilots
their future. Inside, you will find de- a part of this exciting career, we are all Association
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6 career guide | 2019


Bienvenue à l’édition 2019 du Guide pour commencer son odyssée. Grâce

des carrières et bourses en avia- à ce guide de bourses de formation
tion de la COPA (Association cana- aéronautiques, nous espérons aider « COPA a une longue
dienne des pilotes et propriétaires les gens à faire ce premier pas, pour
d’aéronefs), présenté en partenar- réaliser leurs rêves et pour prendre histoire de faire vivre
iat avec l’Association des pilotes en charge leur avenir. Dans ces pages,
de ligne aérienne (ALPA). vous trouverez des informations dé-
l’aviation dans les
Nous sommes ravis de collaborer taillées sur de nombreuses bourses collectivités du
avec l’ALPA pour vous présenter notre d’études disponibles pour aider les
deuxième édition de cette initiative, gens à compenser les coûts associés à Canada. »
destinée à ceux et celles qui aimeraient leur formation aéronautique à tous les
entrer dans l’industrie de l’aviation niveaux, y compris à voilure fixe, tour-
ou ceux qui cherchent à bonifier leurs nante et pour une formation spéciali- mentorat de futurs étudiants à votre
qualifications existantes. Depuis sée avancée. école de pilotage locale, donner aux
1952, COPA est la porte-parole pour Nous espérons aussi que lorsque jeunes leur premier tour d’avion par
l’aviation générale, représentant les vous réaliserez votre rêve, vous le biais de COPA pour les jeunes,
pilotes et les propriétaires d’aéronefs passerez au suivant. Chacune de ces ou s’assurer que les programmes de
dans toutes les provinces et tous les bourses est le legs d’une personne ou bourses d’études soient disponibles
territoires du Canada. À la base de d’un groupe qui a été inspiré à aider pour ceux et celles qui en auront be-
l’industrie aéronautique, l’aviation gé- les autres à poursuivre leur passion. soin quand le temps viendra.
nérale est là où tout débute, pour tous Bon nombre de ces programmes sont Nous avons tous un rôle à jouer
et chacun. COPA a une longue histoire soutenus par des dons généreux faits dans l’industrie aéronautique du
de faire vivre l’aviation dans les col- par ceux qui, à un moment donné, en Canada, à la fois forte et diversifiée, et
lectivités du Canada et permettre aux ont bénéficié. En faisant de la sensi- cela commence ici: en permettant à la
futurs pilotes, techniciens d’entretien bilisation, nous pouvons aider à faire prochaine génération de ceux et celles
et exploitants d’aéroports de débuter en sorte que ces mêmes programmes qui veulent mener une carrière passi-
leur carrière. Nous sommes fiers de soient là pour donner la même aide onnante, en travaillant tous ensemble
notre rôle qui aide à façonner l’avenir aux générations futures d’aviateurs à faire progresser, à promouvoir et à
de l’aviation à tous les niveaux, en canadiens de toutes les régions et de préserver la liberté canadienne de vol-
étant inclusifs et reconnaisssants de tous les horizons. En bénéficiant de er, pour tous. •
la richesse que la diversité apporte à programmes tels que ceux-ci, au cours
notre secteur. Quiconque a déjà rêvé de de votre cheminement de carrière, en- Bernard Gervais
piloter un aéronef devra, à un moment visagez de soutenir les programmes et Président et Chef de la direction
donné, très certainement ouvrir la les organisations qui vous ont aidé à Association canadienne des pilotes et
porte d’entrée d’une école de pilotage obtenir un coup de pouce — par du propriétaires d’aéronefs

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career guide | 2019 7


in the

Opportunities Abound For New Pilots

By Robert Lynch, Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA)
Senior Communications Coordinator
Photos by Jason Miller/Baffin Photography and Courtesy of ALPA

“He moves not through distance, but through the ranges of “Often, from a pilot’s perspective, flying around the
satisfaction that come from hauling himself up into the air North is a microcosm of living there. There are fewer ser-
with complete and utter control; from knowing himself and vices and thus a greater need for self-reliance. Conditions
knowing his airplane so well that he can come somewhere close can be extreme, so solid skills and good judgment are of-
to touching, in his own special and solitary way, that thing ten the key to success,” says Capt. Tim Perry, president of
that is called perfection.” ALPA Canada. “Canadian Indigenous cultures are preva-
—Richard Bach, A Gift of Wings lent, so whether you are Indigenous and this is home, or

you want to learn from and experience different people in
our own country, the North is a wonderful place for that.”
lifelong passion for flight often connects Unfortunately, a shortage of pilots in the North cur-
those who choose a career in aviation. rently exists; a problem many aviation stakeholders say
However, flying means different things to could be resolved with an influx of locally based northern
different people. To some, gliding across pilots. A great opportunity exists for those in the North,
the vastness of Canada’s North, through including Indigenous residents, by becoming a pilot. Do-
the territories and into the Arctic can be a beautiful, mean- ing so would allow pilots to remain living and working in
ingful experience. Some might even say aviation is the the North, become a greater part of their community and
glue that keeps our country connected. provide a rewarding career path.

career guide | 2019 9


However, experts say we have to same bucket,” states Peter Black, a First
be careful not to make the same blan- Air captain with more than four decades
ket assumptions about aviation in the of experience flying across Canada’s ter-
North, and all of the good things that ritories. “Children in the North look at
go with it. For those looking to rectify things through a different prism. A child
The COPA Neil J. the pilot-shortage situation, it is advis- in one of our bigger cities may look at an
Armstrong Scholarship able to consider the cultural differences airplane and associate it with a holiday
Each year, the COPA Neil J. Armstrong when drilling down to different regions adventure. Those in the North may ex-
Scholarship Fund enables winning re- across Canada, including the northern perience aircraft in a completely different
cipients to complete their flight training. regions of our provinces, territories, manner, seeing it as a way of life or just
If you are a Canadian between the ages and the Arctic. a tool to bring sustenance to the commu-
of 15 and 21, and are considering flight When there are pockets of Indigenous nity—but also a series of unknowns.”
training or a career in aviation, people who rely on aviation as a way of With that consideration, aviation ex-
and can demonstrate reasonable life, children in the smaller communi- perts and stakeholders continue to try to
academic skills, motivation, community ties may associate an aircraft as some- tap into the natural human resources of
involvement and financial need, you may thing that simply brings in supplies and northern communities and look at ways
be eligible to apply for a Flight Training strangers from the south. An aircraft may to generate opportunities. Capt. Brian
Scholarship. In the past, we’ve funded also be looked at as something that takes Shury, ALPA Canada vice-president, has
career starts for airline and fighter away loved ones from the community, spent years working collaboratively with
pilots and even an astronaut. be it for medical treatment, work in the airline operators, the government and
south or any other reason. “There must be other stakeholders on many issues, in-
Visit: a sensitivity that we don’t lump all chil- cluding pilot recruitment and retention.
or write us at: dren and their view of aviation into the He sees a number of possible solutions

10 career guide | 2019


and understands that remedying the smaller and mid-size carriers.” ALPA’s Student Scholarship
labour shortage “begins with the need With an understanding that the best Program
to find a funding solution for training— way to get such a buy-in from those liv- Each year the Association sponsors four
one that allows for northern residents to ing in the North is to provide opportu- $3,000 scholarships that are available
train in the North, especially those from nities to remain there while training, it to the dependent children of medically
the Indigenous communities.” might be possible. However, Shury be- retired, long-term disabled, or deceased
Implementing a national aviation lieves there remains a responsibility for ALPA members.
strategy to address pilot recruitment industry leaders, like ALPA, to go into For more information, please go to:
and retention, especially for northern the communities directly and promote
residents, is no small task. “On the front the industry and training. ALPA is en- air-line-pilot-magazine/alpa-student-
end, it must include significant funding couraging all stakeholders to join them scholarship-2019
commitments from the federal, provin- and take the lead and create a solid plan In addition, there is a new ALPA
cial and territorial governments. But to recruit specifically within the northern Education scholarship for collegiate
it doesn’t stop there. Aviation leaders communities. aviators. Multiple scholarships totaling
across the country, especially operators, Putting that framework together a value of $10,000 are awarded to
need to collaborate with all stakehold- will continue, but in the meantime, it’s candidates displaying exemplary
ers in order to provide a stable flow of important to remember, regardless of aviation career goals.
pilots into the industry at all levels,” what one thinks and feels about flying The application is available at www.
says Shury. “The only way that will in the North, there’s no denying that it
be achieved is to find a work-life bal- is a very beautiful part of the country Additional information about scholar-
ance that includes a standard platform that more Canadians should experi- ships and all of the other great programs
of benefits and compensation that will ence, and find pride in being from such ALPA has to offer can be found at
encourage people to make a career at a spectacularly diverse country. •

career guide | 2019 11


Living the Dream

A Young Pilot’s Career So Far
By Capt. Samuel Daigle

Over the last couple of years I’ve been

flying more and more with new pilots
who come straight out of flight college
or have only had one flying job prior to
being hired by a regional airline, which
was unheard of when I started flying.
Although everyone likes the fast-for-
ward route to the airlines, I do feel like
some are missing out on all the amaz-
ing experiences one can have flying
small airplanes around the North.
I learned so many things about myself
and my limits. I grew into the person I
am today because of those experiences
and I would not change a thing about my
career path. All the effort and sacrifices
were worth it to get to where I am today.
For someone starting to fly and not will-
ing to go through all that, however, times
have changed; jobs are easier to find be-
cause of the increasing demand. A person
I can recall as a kid getting excited in hopes of getting a flying job. In my learning to fly these days can expect to
every time we would drive by the free time, I use to do part-time instruct- only do one other job before being hired
seaplane base on the way to our ing on tailwheel as well as ski-equipped by a regional airline, which does make
family’s cottage. The bright orange airplanes. This led me to ferrying a Pip- this career more attractive.
de Havilland Beaver with its big er J-3 Cub from Yukon to Quebec, which If you are thinking of becoming a pi-
shiny radial engine always caught then got me to writing an article for lot and were to ask me what the pros
my full attention. Later on I started Canadian Aviator. and cons of being a regional airline pi-
building radio-controlled model air- This article got my name out there, lot are, I’d tell you the following: “The
plane kits and flew those for years. which really helped me find a flying job pros are that you’ll usually get around
My passion for airplanes grew to a at a time when you really had to make 12 to 14 days off a month, which does
point where I wanted to become an yourself stand out; there were too many allow you to travel or have time to do
aircraft engineer, as I have always pilots for the amount of jobs available. other things. Having this time off allows
loved the challenge of fixing things. I worked for a year bush-flying out of me to work on my old cars, go on hik-
When I was 16, my uncle and I vis- Gillam, Manitoba, and then eventually ing, camping and off-roading trips, not
ited a flight school where I would be came back to Quebec. After a summer to mention having time and the means
taking control of a Cessna for the first of flying a Piper Navajo for a skydiving to explore other countries because of our
time. After that experience, I knew school, I then went back to flight school flight benefits. I went to Hawaii, Quebec
what I was intended to do in life. to complete my IFR rating and got hired and Australia so far this winter, and I’m
About a month after my 18th birthday, to fly a King Air soon after. I obtained planning another trip in about a month.
I was a licensed commercial pilot. More my Airline Transport Pilot Licence and Schedules are very flexible and dif-
motivated than ever, I started looking became captain on a King Air at 22. A ferent each month, which is great for a
for work when companies were not hir- few years later, I was hired by Jazz on person like me who would never want a
ing like they are today. I worked a few the Dash-8. By 25, I was captain on the nine-to-five job. Flights are short, which
ramp jobs, one of which was a 15-hour airplane and I’ve now been flying the keeps you busy and you don’t have to
drive from my home in Montreal, where Dash-8 for just over three years. It’s deal too much with time zone changes
I worked on a seaplane operator’s dock been the best job I’ve had to date. and odd sleeping patterns. There are

12 career guide | 2019


“I went to Hawaii,
Quebec and Australia
so far this winter, and I’m
planning another trip in
about a month.”

always challenges associated with the

job whether it’s a tough crosswind or
planning the approach at an airport
you’ve never been to. There’s always
something to keep you on your toes
and you’re constantly learning.
As for the cons, I’d have to say get-
ting assigned four days of flying with
three nights away in a row. Personally,
it just feels like a long time and I rather
be back the same day after some fly-
ing or the next day with only one night
away at a time. Though this is my per-
sonal opinion, some love the four-day
pairings. The good news is that the
more seniority you get, the more you
can choose your schedule and avoid
what you don’t like as much.
Whether you are 20 or 40, it’s al-
ways a good time to pursue a career as
a pilot, and it’s never too late because
of how much easier it is to find work
nowadays. Don’t let the uncertainty of
finding work get in your way. There is
more work for pilots than ever. •

career guide | 2019 13


Landing That Dream Flying Job

Connecting, Engaging and Inspiring Girls To The Profession
By Robert Lynch, ALPA Int’l Senior Communications Coordinator

“I want to be a pilot!” in Aviation Conference. “This is where confirms that industry stakeholders are
Ask any group of boys in Canada the women in aviation initiatives are so already looking for solutions by asking
what they want to be when they bang-on, especially through the outreach some important questions.
grow up, and chances are you’ll programs and the community it creates.
hear that a few times as they reply It is through these organizations that we How can we inspire more
with excitement. And several of the can reach the schoolkids, sharing our girls to become pilots?
female airline pilots flying in Canada journeys authentically, creating visibil- As a long-time supporter of Women in
today are inspiring girls to provide ity and connecting with each other. The Aviation International for nearly two
that same answer by showing them groups are so very effective—knowing decades, ALPA strongly believes in this
that they too can grow up to be air- full well our messages will reach young goal. The Association has worked hard
line pilots. boys’ ears too, and these messages can to expand its reach toward the future.
“I believe that we should offer our vis- certainly fuel their courage to explore “When it comes to the issue of recruit-
ibility, and voice to our youth that their their dreams as well.” ment and paving the way for the next
personal dreams are indeed possible, According to recent Transport Canada generation of pilots, we need to take a
and that they become the very solution, pilot licence statistics, of those currently more hands-on approach,” said Capt.
particularly around five to 15 years of holding an ATPL licence—the highest Mirissa Marining, an ALPA member
age. We all have a story; reasons to fail or licence one can earn as a civil aircraft pi- and pilot with Jazz Aviation.
thrive. As we share our stories, we offer lot—approximately only five percent are “We have to start when the kids are
nuggets of truth, belief and courage that women. Certainly, a number of questions young, in kindergarten, and reinforce
they can latch onto,” said Capt. Contessa persist on how to flip the script when it our messages again when they are teen-
Bishop, a pilot with Jazz, ALPA member comes to getting more women inter- agers and even into university. However,
and past chair of the Canadian Women ested in becoming pilots. Capt. Bishop education is not just for the younger

14 career guide | 2019


generation. It’s also needed for parents. social outlets to allow for more net- That’s why it’s important to get support
By giving parents the right tools, they will working for those in the industry and earlier in their careers,” Jackson said.
be better equipped to teach their children those hoping to join it.
that they can grow up to become anything “I’ve dedicated myself to becom- How can we help?
they want to be—to think outside the box ing heavily involved in ALPA and in ALPA has led the charge, both in sup-
and nurture it,” continued Marining. looking at ways to be a role model for porting female airline pilots’ interests in
young girls. Seeing the passion for avia- promoting the industry and increasing
What do we need to do to tion ignite in the future of this industry awareness around the many opportuni-
raise the numbers? is my driving force, and I am currently ties available for the next generation of pi-
Education in science, technology, and mentoring several women while they lots. ALPA members are also finding ways
math provide a solid foundation for pursue their dreams in aviation,” said to assist those facing challenges in becom-
anyone entering the technical field Jackson. She also believes that, for many ing a pilot, and helping the next genera-
of aviation. And going hand in hand looking to get into the profession, socio- tion of potential female pilots by being the
with the mission of educating the next economic factors can play a vital role in example and showing them a world of op-
generation of female pilots is the idea the recruitment process. portunities, helping to bring them into the
of mentorship. WestJet First Officer “At the end of the day, regardless of proud ranks of the piloting profession. •
Stacey Jackson, a proud ALPA mem- gender, one major obstacle that prevents
ber, has been busy practising what many from becoming a pilot is the finan- For more information on the work
she preaches by working hard to re- cial challenges and the expense to get one’s ALPA does to inspire today’s youth to be-
energize the Upper Canada chapter licence. Assistance can be accomplished come the next generation of airline pilots,
of Women in Aviation International. through a number of means, including check out the Cleared to Dream program
She’s working to develop some good additional scholarships and student loans. at

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career guide | 2019 15


dans le

Les possibilités sont nombreuses pour les nouveaux pilotes

par Robert Lynch, coordonnateur principal des communications,
Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA)

ne passion à vie pour le ultimement, ce qui cimente en un en-
«  Il ne se déplace jamais pour avaler des vol est souvent le point semble solide et cohérent notre pays.
distances sur la carte, mais bien pour res- commun qui caractérise « Souvent, pour un pilote, voler dans
sentir une énième fois toutes les formes de tous ceux qui choisis- le Nord équivaut à évoluer dans un mi-
satisfaction que procure le contrôle absolu sent une carrière dans crocosme existentiel critique. Il y a beau-
au moment de s’élancer dans l’azur. Con- l’aviation. Toutefois, prendre les com- coup moins de services, ce qui oblige les
naissant parfaitement son appareil comme mandes d’un avion peut revêtir une équipages à maîtriser l’autosuffisance.
il se connait lui-même, il s’approche, dans signification fort différente d’un pilote Les conditions peuvent rapidement de-
cette quête solitaire, de ce que l’on appelle à l’autre. Pour certains, le fait de se dé- venir extrêmes, ce qui implique des apti-
la perfection. » placer dans l’immensité du Grand Nord tudes professionnelles de haut niveau et
canadien, des territoires à l’Arctique un solide jugement, » affirme le capitaine
— Richard Bach, A Gift of Wings peut constituer une expérience à la fois Tim Perry, le président d’ALPA Canada.
magnifique et riche en enseignements. «  Les cultures indigènes sont nom-
D’autres nous disent que l’aviation est, breuses et diversifiées, alors, que vous

16 career guide | 2019


soyez un autochtone et donc chez vous, nos grandes villes peuvent considérer tion du recrutement et de la rétention
ou que vous souhaitiez connaître des l’avion comme un moyen excitant de du personnel navigant issu des régions
gens différents dans notre propre pays, vivre une aventure en vacances, ceux Nordiques, reste une tâche d’une am-
le Nord constitue un endroit merveil- du Nord ont souvent une vision com- pleur monumentale. «  Initialement, il
leux à fréquenter. »Malheureusement, le plètement différente. Ils perçoivent les faut parler d’un engagement financier
Nord souffre actuellement d’une pénu- avions comme une façon de vivre, un considérable de tous les ordres de gou-
rie de pilotes. Selon beaucoup d’acteurs mal nécessaire, ou un outil servant à vernement, qu’il s’agisse du fédéral, des
de l’aviation, le problème pourrait être approvisionner la communauté. Mais, provinces ou des territoires. Toutefois, ça
résolu par l’apport de pilotes d’origine souvent, l’avion devient inquiétant ne s’arrête pas là. En fait, tous les respon-
locale. Une excellente occasion existe pour eux parce qu’il représente aussi sables de l’aviation, à travers le pays et
donc pour les gens du Nord, y compris l’inconnu.  »En tenant compte de cette plus particulièrement, les exploitants,
les autochtones, qui veulent prendre les réalité, les spécialistes de l’aviation sont doivent coopérer avec l’ensemble des in-
commandes. En s’engageant ainsi, les toujours à l’affût de moyens d’attirer tervenants pour assurer une disponibili-
pilotes vivraient et travailleraient dans une main d’œuvre suffisante, puisant té constante de pilotes à tous les niveaux
les régions septentrionales, contribuant d’abord dans le bassin des populations de l’industrie, » ajoute le capitaine Shury.
à la promotion de leur propre commu- septentrionales. Ils cherchent égale- «  La seule façon de réussir passe par
nauté tout en menant une carrière haute- ment à susciter l’intérêt des popula- l’instauration d’un juste équilibre entre
ment productive. tions locales pour l’aviation. Vice-prési- le travail et la vie privée, assorti d’un ré-
Toutefois, selon les spé- gime classique de rémunéra-
cialistes, il faut éviter de tion et d’avantages sociaux,
généraliser les conclusions qui inciteront les gens à
en ce qui concerne l’aviation entreprendre une carrière
des régions boréales et les viable au sein d’une entre-
avantages censés en être re- prise de transport aérien de
tirés. Ceux qui cherchent à taille plus modeste.  »Sans
combler le manque de pilotes oublier évidemment, que le
devraient rester conscients meilleur moyen d’intéresser
des différences culturelles ceux du Nord est de leur
lorsqu’ils s’adressent aux donner la possibilité de con-
diverses régions du pays, tinuer à vivre chez eux tout
y compris les parties sep- en s’entraînant. Toutefois,
tentrionales de nos prov- estime le capitaine Shury,
inces, de nos territoires et de il appartient aux leaders de
l’Arctique. l’industrie, comme l’ALPA
Là où des autochtones comptent sur dent d’ALPA Canada, le capitaine Brian de se rendre eux-mêmes dans les régions
l’aviation pour leur subsistance, il arrive Shury a œuvré pendant de nombreuses concernées pour sensibiliser directement
que les enfants des plus petites localités années de concert avec les compagnies les populations locales aux possibilités
associent l’avion à l’approvisionnement aériennes, le gouvernement et bien qui leur sont offertes. L’ALPA incite donc
des garde-manger ou à l’arrivée d’autres intervenants, en quête de so- les intervenants à se joindre à elle pour
d’étrangers en provenance du sud. Un lutions appropriées à ces problèmes, y prendre l’initiative en formulant un plan
avion peut également être vu comme compris au recrutement et à la réten- d’action cohérent pour la promotion
l’engin de malheur qui a fait disparaître tion de pilotes. Il entrevoit un certain de l’engagement du personnel dans les
un être cher, que ce soit pour un traite- nombre de solutions et estime possible communautés septentrionales.
ment médical, un emploi dans le sud ou de pallier la pénurie de main d’œuvre La mise au point d’un tel programme-
tout autre motif. « Il faut surtout pren- « en s’adressant tout d’abord à la mise cadre se poursuivra, mais entretemps,
dre garde de placer dans le même pan- sur pied d’un mécanisme de finance- faut-il se rappeler, peu importe ce que
ier tous les enfants et leurs perceptions ment qui permettrait aux résidents des l’on pense ou ressent à l’idée de voler
de l’aviation, » affirme Peter Black, un régions septentrionales de s’entraîner dans le Grand Nord, on ne peut nier
commandant de bord chez First Air, qui chez eux, dans le Nord, et plus particu- qu’il s’agit là d’une très belle partie de
a survolé les régions éloignées du Can- lièrement pour les ressortissants des notre pays. Et que plus de Canadiens
ada pendant plus de quatre décennies. communautés autochtones. » gagneraient à la connaître, tout en
«  Les enfants du Nord voient la Mais le lancement d’un plan de ré- éprouvant une grande fierté de pouvoir
chose à travers un prisme déformant alisation, d’une stratégie à l’échelle na- vivre dans un pays d’une diversité aussi
qui correspond à leur réalité. Si ceux de tionale, pour résoudre la double ques- grandiose. •

career guide | 2019 17


Vivre le rêve
La carrière d’un jeune pilote jusqu’à présent
par le capitaine Samuel Daigle

Je me souviens que lorsque j’étais Environ un mois après mon 18e an- Et cet article aura eu pour principale
enfant, j’étais tout excité à chaque niversaire, j’obtenais ma licence de conséquence de faire connaître mon
fois que nous passions tout près pilote professionnel. Plus motivé que nom à une époque où il fallait vraiment
de la base d’hydravions en nous jamais, j’ai entrepris de me chercher se démarquer du troupeau pour espérer
rendant au chalet familial. Le Bea- du travail à une époque où les com- obtenir un emploi: il y avait tout simple-
ver de Havilland de couleur orange pagnies engageaient les gens selon des ment trop de pilotes pour le nombre de
et son gros moteur radial chromé critères bien différents de ce qui est postes disponibles! Pendant un an, j’ai pi-
attirait immanquablement mon at- devenu la norme aujourd’hui. J’ai oc- loté dans la brousse à partir de Gillam, au
tention. Plus tard, je me suis lancé cupé plusieurs emplois au sol, dont un Manitoba. De retour au Québec, j’ai passé
dans la construction de modèles poste de préposé aux quais dans une un été à piloter un Piper Navajo pour une
réduits télécommandés, que j’ai fait base d’hydravion, dans l’espoir de me école de parachutisme. À l’automne, je
voler pendant des années. Ma pas- retrouver un jour dans une cabine de suis retourné à l’école de pilotage pour
sion pour les avions a atteint le point pilotage. Pour me rendre à mon travail, compléter mon IFR. Peu de temps après
ou je voulais devenir ingénieur en il fallait me taper 15 heures de voiture avoir obtenu cette qualification, j’ai été
aéronautique, puisque j’aimais tout depuis Montréal! Dans mes temps li- engagé pour piloter un King Air. Après
naturellement “réparer” les cho- bres, j’agissais comme instructeur sur avoir obtenu ma licence de pilote de
ses. A l’âge de 16 ans, j’ai visité une des avions à roue de queue ou des avi- ligne, à l’âge de 22 ans, je suis devenu
école de pilotage en compagnie de ons sur skis. C’est ainsi que j’ai été en- commandant de bord sur le King Air.
mon oncle et j’ai pu m’installer aux gagé pour ramener un Piper J-3 du Yu- Quelques années plus tard, j’étais engagé
commandes d’un Cessna pour la kon jusqu’au Québec. Cette aventure par Jazz pour voler sur le Dash-8. A 25
première fois de ma vie. J’ai su al- m’a fourni le sujet d’un article pour la ans, j’étais devenu commandant de bord
ors ce que je ferais plus tard! revue Canadian Aviator. du Dash-8. J’exerce cette fonction depuis

18 career guide | 2019


permet de voyager ou de passer du

temps à autre chose. De mon côté, ça me
permet de bricoler sur mes vieilles voi-
tures, de faire des randonnées, d’aller
camper ou de partir en excursion. Sans
compter la possibilité qui vous est of-
ferte d’explorer d’autres pays à cause
des avantages offerts par les sociétés
aériennes. Ainsi, jusqu’à présent cette
année, je me suis rendu à Hawaii, à
Québec et en Australie. Et je projette un
autre voyage dans environ un mois.
Les horaires sont très flexibles et vari-
ent d’un mois à l’autre, ce qui est un ca-
deau pour une personne comme moi,
qui n’accepterait jamais de travailler
de 9 à 5. Les vols sont de courte durée,
ce qui vous tient amplement occupé,
mais vous n’avez pas à vous préoccuper
des changements de fuseaux horaires
et des problèmes de sommeil qui vien-
nent avec. Il y a plein de défis à relever,
de l’atterrissage par vent traversier dans
des conditions difficiles ou s’il s’agit de
planifier une approche vers un aéroport
que vous n’avez jamais visité. Il survient
suffisamment d’imprévus pour satisfaire
votre goût d’apprendre du nouveau.
Ce qui est moins bien... Je dirais qu’un
horaire de quatre jours comprenant trois
nuits à l’extérieur est plutôt désagréable,
plus de trois ans et c’est le meilleur bou- de carrière dans ce contexte pour tout l’or en ce qui me concerne. Personnellement,
lot que j’ai obtenu jusqu’à présent. au monde. Tous ces efforts et ces sacrific- je trouve que c’est long et je préfère être
Au cours des deux dernières années, es en valaient sûrement la chandelle pour de retour chez moi au bout de quelques
j’ai volé de plus en plus fréquemment parvenir là où je suis maintenant. Pour heures de vol ou, à la rigueur, quand il
avec de nouveaux pilotes arrivant di- ceux qui commencent à voler et ne sont faut passer une seule nuit ailleurs avant
rectement d’une école de formation ou pas disposés à emprunter ce parcours, de rentrer. Il s’agit là de mon opinion
qui n’ont occupé qu’un seul autre emploi cependant, les choses ont bien changé; personnelle, bien sûr, alors que d’autres
dans en cabine de pilotage avant d’être les emplois sont plus faciles à trouver à aiment bien les horaires sur quatre
engagés par une ligne aérienne régionale, cause de l’accroissement de la demande. jours. La bonne nouvelle, c’est que plus
ce qui aurait été impensable à l’époque Quelqu’un qui choisit d’apprendre le pi- vous prenez de l’ancienneté, plus vous
où j’ai commencé à voler. Même si la lotage de nos jours peut s’attendre à ne pouvez choisir les horaires qui vous
plupart des gens apprécient cette voie ac- devoir occuper qu’un seul autre emploi conviennent, ce qui vous permet alors
célérée vers les lignes aériennes, j’estime avant d’être engagé par une ligne aéri- d’éviter ce que vous aimez moins.
que cette approche prive les nouveaux enne régionale, ce qui rend effectivement Que vous soyez âgé de vingt ou de
arrivants des expériences extraordinaires la carrière plus attrayante. quarante ans, il est toujours temps de
qui attendent ceux qui pilotent de petits Si vous pensez devenir pilote et me de- poursuivre une carrière de pilote. Il n’est
avions dans le Grand Nord. mandez de vous décrire le pour et le con- jamais trop tard, en partie parce qu’il
Par la force des choses, j’ai beaucoup tre d’un emploi dans une ligne aérienne est beaucoup plus facile de trouver du
appris sur moi-même et sur mes pro- régionale, je vous répondrai ce qui suit. travail à l’heure actuelle. Ne laissez pas
pres limites. Je suis ce que je suis devenu Ce qui est bien, c’est que vous pour- l’incertitude de trouver du travail con-
aujourd’hui à causes de ces épisodes et je rez habituellement profiter de 12 à 14 trecarrer votre projet. Plus que jamais, il
ne changerais jamais mon cheminement jours de congés par mois, ce qui vous y a du travail pour les pilotes. •

career guide | 2019 19


Pour décrocher cet emploi de rêve

dans la poste de pilotage
Comment attirer les femmes et les inciter à s’engager dans la profession
par Robert Lynch, coordonnateur principal des communications,
Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)

« Je veux être pilote ! »Demandez « Je pense que nous devrions profiter Conférence des Canadiennes dans
à n’importe quel groupe de gar- de notre visibilité pour leur faire com- l’aviation. « 
çons ce qu’ils veulent faire plus prendre que leur rêve est parfaitement C’est ici où les démarches des avia-
tard, vous entendrez probablement réalisable parce qu’elles font partie de trices tombent pile, par l’entremise
cette petite phrase lancée sur un la solution et plus particulièrement, de programmes de sensibilisation
ton absolument convaincu. Plus- dans le cas des filles âgées de cinq à 15 et l’effet d’entraînement qu’ils en-
ieurs femmes exerçant actuelle- ans. Nous avons toutes une histoire à gendrent. Par l’entremise de telles
ment la fonction de pilote de ligne raconter et des tas de raisons d’échouer organisations, nous pouvons rejoin-
au Canada cherchent justement ou de gagner. Quand nous décrivons dre les écoliers, partager notre vécu
à convaincre les jeunes filles de ainsi notre parcours, nos moments de authentique, créer de la visibilité et
donner la même réponse, en leur vérité, nos épisodes de conviction et de établir le contact les uns avec les au-
faisant réaliser qu’elles peuvent courage, il y a de toujours de quoi les tres. Ceci dit, ces regroupements sont
parfaitement, elles aussi, vouloir inspirer,  » explique la capitaine Con- hautement efficaces, tout en sachant
prendre place aux commandes d’un tessa Bishop, pilote chez Jazz, mem- parfaitement que notre message sera
avion de ligne un bon jour. bre de l’ALPA et ex-présidente de la également entendu par les jeunes

20 career guide | 2019


garçons. Cet afflux de messages peut tie. En leur fournissant les bons outils, « Il reste toutefois possible
certainement alimenter leur courage ils seront mieux placés pour faire com-
pour leur donner, à eux aussi, le goût prendre à leurs enfants qu’ils peuvent d’obtenir de l’aide par le
d’explorer leurs propres rêves. »Selon être ce qu’ils veulent une fois grand, de biais de bourses ou de
de récentes statistiques de Transports ne pas se limiter aux normes, » poursuit
Canada, seulement cinq pour cent la capitaine Marining. prêts étudiants. »
de ceux qui détiennent une licence
de pilote de ligne, soit la plus haute Comment s’y prendre pour
qualification pour un pilote civil, sont augmenter l’effectif ? passe par la question financière, par le
des femmes. Ce qui soulève imman- Une formation en sciences, en technolo- coût élevé d’acquisition d’une licence.
quablement pleins de questions sur gie et en mathématiques constitue une Il reste toutefois possible d’obtenir de
les moyens à prendre pour renverser base solide pour quiconque embrasse l’aide par le biais de bourses ou de prêts
la vapeur et faire qu’un plus grand le côté technique de l’aviation. Pour ac- étudiants. C’est pourquoi il devient im-
nombre de femmes soient intéres- complir cette mission d’éducation de portant de bénéficier d’un soutien le
sées à devenir des pilotes. En posant la prochaine génération de femmes pi- plus tôt possible en carrière, » souligne
quelques questions importantes, la lotes, on introduit la notion de parrain- Stacey Jackson.
capitaine Bishop confirme que les in- age. Copilote chez WestJet et fière d’être
tervenants de l’industrie sont déjà en membre de l’ALPA, Stacey Jackson a Comment pouvons-nous
quête de solutions. été fort occupée à mettre en pratique aider ?
ce qu’elle prêche en se démenant pour Jusqu’ici, l’ALPA a très bien mené la
Comment pouvons-nous redynamiser la section Haut-Canada charge, que ce soit d’appuyer les ef-
encourager plus de de l’internationale des aviatrices. Elle forts des femmes pilotes de ligne dans
femmes à devenir pilotes ? cherche à développer le volet social du leur promotion de l’industrie ou encore
Depuis près de vingt ans, l’ALPA ap- mouvement afin d’améliorer le réseau- d’attirer l’attention sur les nombreuses
puie vigoureusement l’organisation tage entre ceux de l’industrie et de ceux opportunités offertes à la prochaine
Women in Aviation, International qui souhaitent s’y engager. génération de pilotes. Les membres de
(l’internationale des aviatrices) dans «  J’ai très à cœur de m’impliquer l’ALPA trouvent de nouveaux moyens
sa démarche. L’association a travaillé profondément au sein de l’ALPA et de d’assister ceux qui doivent relever plein
fort en vue d’étendre son action vers découvrir des moyens de devenir un de défis avant de pouvoir prendre place
l’avenir. «  Lorsqu’il s’agit du recrute- exemple à suivre pour les jeunes filles. dans la cabine de pilotage. L’ALPA
ment en fonction de la génération mon- L’idée qu’une passion pour l’aviation porte également assistance à la pro-
tante des pilotes, il nous faut nous en puisse agir comme un moteur pour chaine génération de femmes pilotes en
tenir à une approche pratico-pratique relancer l’avenir de l’industrie est ce puissance, en prêchant par l’exemple,
très ouverte aux réalités,  » affirme la qui me motive par-dessus tout. J’agis en leur permettant d’entrevoir tout un
capitaine Mirissa Marining, membre de actuellement comme guide auprès de univers d’opportunités, et en les aidant
l’ALPA et pilote chez Jazz. plusieurs femmes occupées à réaliser concrètement à rejoindre les rangs de la
« Il nous faut commencer dès le plus leur propre rêve,  » a ajouté Stacey fière profession de pilote.
jeune âge des enfants, à la maternelle Jackson. Elle estime par ailleurs que
s’il le faut, et amplifier notre mes- les facteurs socioéconomiques peu- Pour plus de renseignements sur les ef-
sage au moment de l’adolescence ou vent jouer un rôle vital dans le proces- forts entrepris par l’ALPA afin d’inciter les
même jusqu’au niveau universitaire. sus de recrutement. jeunes d’aujourd’hui à faire partie de la pro-
Toutefois, cette démarche ne saurait «  Au bout du compte, peu importe chaine génération de pilotes de ligne, veuillez
s’adresser qu’aux jeunes générations. le genre du candidat, l’obstacle ma- consulter le site du programme « Cleared to
Les parents doivent aussi être de la par- jeur qui l’empêche de devenir pilote Dream » à •

career guide | 2019 21


Getting Social
Jazz has made it a mission to
educate young people on careers
in aviation by providing an up-close
look of life at Jazz via social media.
“By sharing a behind-the-scenes
look at a day in the life of Jazz pilots
through our Instagram (@jazzavia-
tionlp), LinkedIn (Jazz Aviation LP)
and Facebook (Jazz Aviation Jobs)
accounts, we give our audience a
look behind the scenes of what it is
like to be a Captain or First Officer
at Jazz,” said Linthwaite. “We hope
that by sharing the experiences of
our employees, we will continue to
encourage people to explore poten-
tial careers in the industry and get
them excited to come and work with
a great group of people.”

22 career guide | 2019


Pathways To The

Jazz Grooms Promising New Pilots For Success
Photos Courtesy Jazz Aviation Jazz Scholarships
Through the Jazz Aviation Pathways
Program, Jazz awards over $80,000

in scholarships each year, in these two
lthough it seems to possible through our agreements with The Jazz aviation Pathway Award
many that the current 19 aviation colleges, flight schools, uni- for Professionalism is awarded to
aviation labour short- versities, and industry organizations.” a full-time student for outstanding
age is a relatively new Jazz has agreements with the fol- contributions to safety, leadership
phenomenon, it’s been lowing educational institutions: Col- and professionalism. The award
predicted for decades and Jazz Avia- lège Air Richelieu, Algonquin Col- recipient will be selected by the pro-
tion has been preparing. The company, lege, Brampton Flight Centre, Centre gram chair or designate in consulta-
which is the largest operator of Air Can- québécois de formation aéronautique tion with Jazz Aviation to ensure the
ada Express flights across the continent, at Cégep de Chicoutimi (CQFA), Con- criteria as outlined are respected.
has been working directly with college estoga College Institute of Technology The Jazz Aviation Pathway Award
and university aviation programs since and Advanced Learning, Confedera- for Professionalism and Diversity is
2007 to give promising graduates a tion College, Mount Royal University, awarded to a full-time student; who
pathway to the right seat of its Bombar- Okanagan College, OAS (Ottawa Avia- has self-identified as Aboriginal,
dier turboprop and regional jet airliners tion Services), Sault College, Seneca a person with a disability, a visible
through its Jazz Award program. College, University of Waterloo and minority or female, for outstanding
In 2015, those efforts were rebranded University of Western Ontario. contributions to safety, leadership
under the name Jazz Aviation Path- The agreements vary but focus on and professionalism. These awards
ways Program (Jazz APP) that has core principals of collaboration on each consist of a $3,000 scholarship
since expanded to include high school training, curriculum and industry and an opportunity to participate in
students (through Air Cadets), giving best standards while offering valu- the Jazz Aviation Pathways Program
them a blueprint for pursuing an avia- able scholarships to top students. “Our (Jazz APP) selection process. The
tion career. “The Jazz APP provides a agreements with the 13 aviation col- award recipient will be selected by
clear pathway for college graduates leges, flight schools and universities the program chair or designate in
to a career with a commercial carrier,” provide an important opportunity to consultation with Jazz Aviation to
said Steve Linthwaite, Vice President, support programs with operational ensure the criteria as outlined are
Flight Operations at Jazz. “This is made experience and to promote safety and respected.

career guide | 2019 23


Spotlight on Seneca College

One of the premier programs within
the Jazz APP is the Seneca College
Jazz Cadet program. This program was
launched in 2012 and is available to the
top performing Seneca students who
have completed the third year of their
four-year aviation degree.
The Cadets are selected and evalu-
ated on professionalism, discipline and
both flight and academic performance
during their fourth year. Upon comple-
tion of their program, the Jazz Cadets professionalism,” said Linthwaite. “In employment with Jazz, as pilots,” said
undergo a comprehensive review and return, we are provided with a pool of Linthwaite. “To support quality flight
simulator evaluation at Jazz. Only those well-trained high-quality professional training in Canada, Jazz recognizes the
Cadets who meet the qualification and graduates. The program enables Jazz need to continue to develop pathways
hiring standards consistent with Jazz to hire commercial pilots upon gradu- that encourage new pilots to become
hiring policies are offered employment ation, subject to successfully complet- flight instructors, without affecting
opportunities. ing a standard review and evaluation their opportunity to become an airline
In addition, Jazz also offers leaves program that meets our high level of pilot, if they wish.”
of absence to their pilots in order to be pilot skill, professional standards and Candidates for the instructor pro-
flight instructors at Seneca College and safety credentials that are at the core of gram must be at the top of their game
share their operations experience with our values.” and be recommended by the colleges.
new candidates. Jazz also gives the Getting future pilots through school They must also meet experience crite-
school $16,000 per year to help recruit is important but so is helping them in ria. Instructor pathways are an emerg-
Seneca College graduate instructors, the period between graduation and ing priority for the Jazz APP and Jazz
helping to alleviate the financial strain reaching the experience levels needed continues to extend this element of the
on the recent graduates and promotes to fly with the airlines. Many graduates program to more institutions.
flight instruction as a career. This become instructors to build time and Jazz can’t take all the deserving grad-
opportunity also builds their pilot-in- experience and Jazz has programs to uates, so it’s struck deals with other air-
command experience towards higher help them achieve their career goals in lines to ensure that young pilots who
licence qualifications. Jazz’s agree- their first years in the job market. excel within the Jazz APP environment
ment with Seneca College also in- “The Jazz Aviation Pathways Pro- have a wide range of opportunities to
cludes an instructor pathway program gram includes instructor pathways continue their advancement after grad-
whereby past graduates of Seneca for Collège Air Richelieu, CQFA, uation. Through its agreements with
College’s Aviation program who are Sault College and Seneca College past Bearskin Airlines, EVAS, Keewatin Air
currently instructors at Seneca, have graduates, who are currently flight in- LP and Wasaya Airways, Jazz has a mu-
an opportunity for employment with structors with their respective aviation tually beneficial arrangement that helps
Jazz, as pilots. programs, to have an opportunity for ensure the flight decks of all five carri-

24 career guide | 2019


Drawing From Air Cadets

The Air Cadet Flying Scholarship pro-
gram is often thought of as a pathway
to a military career and it’s true that
a lot of RCAF pilots got their start at
one of a dozen or so summer camps
ers are staffed by the best and brightest with each carrier’s ability to provide a across the country.
young pilots. “First, Jazz refers to these further enhanced career pathway for But many air cadets leverage the
carriers high quality graduates who their pilots,” he said. flying skills they learned as cadets
have progressed through the Jazz Avia- Jazz also gives its own pilots the op- into civilian careers. Jazz provides
tion Pathways Program. Those gradu- portunity to continue the pathway to Air a pathway for those cadets thinking
ates then have the opportunity to tran- Canada as part of a mobility program of an airline career. This agreement
sition to first officer positions at these that gives experienced Jazz pilots the includes: two annual national schol-
airlines.” Said Linthwaite. “Second, the opportunity to move to the mainline car- arship opportunities for successful
Jazz Aviation Pathways Program pro- rier. Since 2015, more than 600 Jazz pilots graduates of the Air Cadet League
vides a direct career path opportunity have moved to Air Canada under the of Canada Power Flight program,
for qualifying Bearskin, EVAS, Keewatin program and over 300 pilots are expect- continued funding of the ACLC Power
and Wasaya Airways pilots to transition ed to move within the next 12 months. Scholarships program, and ongoing
to first officer positions at Jazz.” Third, According to the latest agreement, Air support of the ACLC.
the pilots at Bearskin and Wasaya are Canada must offer 60% of its annual new These scholarships build on the
represented by the Air Line Pilots Asso- hire pilot positions to Jazz employees existing relationship between Jazz
ciation (ALPA) and will be able to bring and can only turn down 10%. Interviews and the ACLC. In 2012, Jazz began
their seniority with them to new posi- are done on a seniority basis. “The pilot supporting the ACLC by funding
tions at Jazz. mobility option allows our Jazz Aviation one annual Power Familiarization
“These pilots come with high levels of Pathways Program to provide clarity Pilot Upgrade Scholarship valued at
quality and experience and are great ad- for future aviation professionals to see $2,500. Additionally, Jazz continues
ditions to Jazz.” Linthwaite added these their career path from high school and their ACLC commitment to educate
airlines benefit from the arrangement be- younger through to Jazz and even Air and enhance awareness of career
cause it helps them recruit new pilots and Canada,” said Linthwaite. “This was our opportunities for cadets and ACLC
adds structure to the career progression ultimate vision for creating the Jazz APP members and encouraging Jazz em-
of young pilots. “This agreement benefits and we’re very proud of the many suc- ployees to support their local ACLC
Bearskin, EVAS, Keewatin and Wasaya cess stories we’ve been a part of for the squadron through the provision of
by strengthening their recruitment efforts past 12 years and counting.” • various resources.

career guide | 2019 25


Women Aviators
Show the Way
University, College or Direct Entry Programs Are Available
Photos Courtesy Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre

26 career guide | 2019


raining to becoming a university degree and a Commercial Pi-
commercial pilot can lot Licence. An option also exists to com-
take different paths, plete the combined academic and flight
depending on the goals training program in three years.
of the individual. Many This was the avenue chosen by Jes-
prospective pilots choose to combine salyn Teed, who currently flies for Sun- Student Loans Inadequate
their commercial pilot training with a wing Airlines as a first officer (co-pilot) Waterloo-Wellington Flight Centre
four-year university degree. Some pre- on their Boeing 737s. Teed is an avid General Manager Bob Connors says
fer a the same flight training program hiker, so choosing the Environmental one of the biggest hurdles for young
but spread over the two years it takes Studies program, which includes stud- people considering flight training is
to obtain a college diploma. And some ies in geography, was a natural choice the lack of financial opportunity.
chose not to tie it to a specific degree or for her. Teed’s workweek usually takes Flight training costs much more than
diploma, and enter straight into flight her to Mexico, the Caribbean, or Costa most types of post secondary educa-
training either part or full time. Rica, where she is able to draw on her tion but traditional student loans have
Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre studies and experience the wide vari- caps that don’t even come close to the
(WWFC), one of Canada’s largest and ety of natural environments that in- money required to obtain a commercial
most prestigious flight schools, allows ternational travel allows. Teed credits multi-IFR level that is the acknowledged
prospective pilots to begin their train- an introductory flight organized by a starting point for most air carrier jobs.
ing via any of these three methods. local COPA Flight when she was 10 He said a new flight training effort
WWFC has a joint program with the years old for sparking her interest in of the Air Transport Association of
University of Waterloo that offers two aviation. She would attend airshows Canada addresses the financial issues
different degrees: a Bachelor of Environ- and other aviation events as a teenag- facing future pilots and presentations
mental Studies (BES), or a Bachelor of er, where she could learn about differ- will be made to government to get the
Science (BSc). The latter is offered with ent paths to an aviation career. “Going funding structures in place to rapidly
two optional specializations: Earth Sci- to airshows was a great opportunity. train for the already growing backlog of
ences or Physics. Flight training, in the I would visit the booths, meet people pilot vacancies.
classroom, in an aircraft and in flight that reach out and connect with you.” The Canada Student Loan Program
simulators, is spread out over the length Some even followed along in her ca- offers a maximum of 60 percent fund-
of the academic program so the gradu- reer an provided support along the ing and a maximum of $210 a week,
ate is fully prepared at the end of four way. Teed says support from her par- which wouldn’t even cover an hour of
years to enter the work force with a ents over the years was also pivotal. instruction in a light twin.

career guide | 2019 27


Bishop worked in pilot training at

Flight Safety International, where pilots
are type-trained on various models of
aircraft in a classroom setting. Wanting
to get back into cockpit again, she flew
for a year as a corporate pilot before be-
ginning employment with Jazz.
Bishop now holds a Class 1 Instruc-
tor Rating, the highest instructor rat-
ing in the profession, and has heard
the call to give back. “The industry was
just crying for instructors, and I started
feeling guilty.” Only Class 1 Instructors
can teach other instructors, so the pres-
sure on Bishop was apparent. “Over the
course of the past year, I’ve been able
to pump out five new instructors,” said
Bishop. “To be able to [add] new instruc-
tors helps with the whole process.”
“I find flight instruction one of the
more personally rewarding positions
in the industry because you’re work-
ing more directly with the people,”
says Bishop, who continues to encour-
age young people to choose a career in
aviation, spending what spare time she
finds to hang around the flight school
and at flying clubs.
An individual can also enter com-
mercial flight training at WWFC with-
out participating with a post-secondary
institution. This may be an attractive
Teed has a few career objectives. First of Waterloo aviation students do, but option for those who already have a
on the list is to move into the left seat it will be spread out over two years in- post-secondary degree or diploma, or
and serve as Captain for Sunwings. stead of four. Upon program comple- for those who have no desire to seek
“I’m also very interested in manage- tion, Conestoga graduates will have the one, at least not at that juncture in their
ment as well as being connected to same pilot training and Commercial Pi- lives. The ground-school portion of the
WWFC,” said Teed. But she doesn’t lot Licence as the university graduates. flight training program is taken directly
discount working in a management Contessa Bishop selected this op- at WWFC, and the length of time it takes
position with an airline, possibly in the tion and landed her first piloting job to complete the training depends on the
field of training. as a flight instructor over 18 years ago, time and effort the student puts into it.
For those who prefer a more concen- something she continues to do part Some who choose this path progress
trated focus on academic training, one time. Her main job now, though, is as a on a part time basis due to work, fam-
that takes less time than a university Captain for Jazz Airlines on their Q400 ily or financial constraints. Regardless,
degree, WWFC offers a program jointly turboprop airliners. Bishop credits her the program is approved as a vocational
with the Doon (Kitchener) campus of the time as an air cadet as cementing her program under Ontario’s Private Career
Conestoga College that is spread over love of aviation, experiencing her first Colleges Act.
two years and five semesters. The cre- flight in a glider. With no one in her Regardless of the path to a career in
dential granted by the college at gradu- family linked to aviation, Bishop began aviation an individual takes, the stan-
ation is an Ontario College Diploma in making her own enquiries. “The more dards and quality of training rendered
Aviation — General Arts and Science. I got involved, and the more I brought by WWFC remains at the highest level.
Conestoga students will follow the same aviation into my world, the more and Want to learn more? Check out this
flight training program that University more I fell in love with it.” short video at •

28 career guide | 2019


Mid-Life Career Change

One Woman’s Story of Living Her Dream

“Instructing is
challenging and
rewarding, and the
Flight Centre is a
terrific organization
to work for.”

ing the risks involved in giving up a

comfortable 15-year career to embark
on a new one. The cost of flight training
was another challenge that Atkinson
had to consider. In the end, however, LIFT Scholarship
she decided that if she had to work, she The LIFT Scholarship was created
would much prefer to work at some- to assist student pilots. Training to
thing she enjoyed. be a pilot is costly and most aviation
While training for her private pilot students are not eligible for OSAP, or
licence, there were not many woman other financial support. In 2017, WWFC
around, either as students or as instruc- established the WWFC Golf Tourna-
tors. Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre, ment to raise funds for student pilot
where Atkinson was training, wanted to scholarships. The tournament raised
change that, so they began working with $4,000, which was then matched
Shawna Atkinson dreamed about their current and former female students by the WWFC Board of Directors to
flying since her early childhood to form a local chapter of the 99s, an in- provide a total of $8,000 for student
years. That the small Saskatch- ternational organization of female pilots. scholarships. 
ewan town she grew up in didn’t It was through that organization that The school said LIFT was chosen as
even have an airport did not damp- Atkinson, and others, were able to meet the name for the scholarship because
en her dream. But an opportunity women who had similar stories and it is a familiar aviation term, as well as
to train for a career in aviation did eventually latch onto mentors. a perfect representation of what the
not present itself, and she entered It has been two and a half years scholarship sets out to do — give stu-
the work force as an adult doing since the now 49-year-old Atkinson dent pilots a lift in their flight training
nothing related to aviation. And the began working as a flight instructor at both in terms of financial assistance,
dream persisted. the Flight Centre. When asked where as well as confidence.
It was on Atkinson’s 45th birthday she wants to go in her aviation career, High school students applying to
that her children gifted her with an in- she reflected a little before responding. either the Conestoga College Aviation
troductory flight lesson. As the flight “I’ve been asked this question a lot,” General Arts & Science or to one of
instructor taxied the aircraft back to she said. “I don’t have a desire to fly the University of Waterloo Aviation
the ramp, there was one thought run- for a large airline. Right now, instruct- programs can apply for entrance
ning through her mind, “How do I get ing is challenging and rewarding, and scholarships through the respective
your job?” the Flight Centre is a terrific organiza- schools.Students currently in either of
Already successful in her career in re- tion to work for.” But she hasn’t dis- these post-secondary programs can
tail management, the draw of flying for counted flying for a charter operator browse through the many scholar-
a living became even stronger. Atkinson or a corporate flight department down ship and bursary opportunities on the
hemmed and hawed for a while, weigh- the road. • school’s website.

career guide | 2019 29


Scholarships Across the Country

COPA Flights, GA Organizations Feed the Passion

Dennis O’Brien/John Iverson Memorial C150 C-FLUG, for the purpose of build- Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship/Saskatchewan Aviation ing hours towards an advanced rating. for Women Pilots/Canadian 99s. Appli-
Council of $1,000. Application deadline This scholarship is open to female resi- cation deadline Dec. 20 Must be a cur-
Nov. 1. Must have PPL and be working dents of Manitoba who are members of rent pilot with the appropriate medical
toward CPL Flight Training. the Manitoba Chapter of the 99’s, and certificate and must be approaching the hold a Private Pilot License or higher. flight time requirement for the rating or
Scholarship payments will be made certificate, if any. Fully paid scholarship
COPA Flight 177 Jeremy Mason Memo- directly to the recipient’s C-FLUG ac- to complete an additional pilot certificate
rial Youth Flying Scholarship of $2,400 count, and are to be used by 1 July of or rating or pilot training course.  Ex-
goes to a well-rounded individual with the same year it is awarded. The schol- amples:  Multi-engine rating, commer-
a demonstrated and keen interest in arship committee will be assessing all cial certificate, King Air competency or
aviation. Candidate must be working to- applications received by email or post- qualification training or Boeing 737 type
wards but not-yet attained RPP or PPL. marked prior to Jan. 21 each year. Fi- rating. Requirements: Must be a current
Must be aged 14-21. Application deadline nal selection will be based on: current pilot with the appropriate medical cer-
Oct. Contact on type, career goals, experience and tificate, and must be approaching the
the-dream-scholarship-2/ involvement in aviation. The C-FLUG flight time requirement for the rating or
(Club Plane) Scholarship award(s) will certificate, if any. Jet Type Rating Require-
Broadening Horizon Scholarships/99s be presented each spring at the Mani- ments:  Must have a current First Class
Manitoba Chapter is open to females only. toba Aviation Council convention. medical certificate, or non-U.S. equiva-
Must be a member of the Manitoba 99s lent, and at least 100 hours multi-engine
and hold PPL or higher. The scholarships Rosella Bjornson Scholarship/99s Mani- flight time or combined multi-engine and
award familiarization flights on a wide toba Chapter of $1,500 is open to females turbine time.
variety of planes, simulators and work- only. Must be a member of the Mani-
shops, including: float plane, ski plane, toba 99s and hold PPL or higher. Apply Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship
plane with retractable gear and a variable through The or Women Pilots Emergency Maneuver
pitch prop, plane equipped with glass flight training scholarship is typical- Training/Canadian 99s. Application
cockpit (G1000), tail dragger, homebuilt, ly $1500 and is to be used for advanced deadline Dec. 20. Open to any licensed
C150, C172, turbine engine, IFR, night fly- flight training. Solo time or time building pilot member of the 99s. Fully paid schol-
ing, ATC, aircraft maintenance, to name hours do not qualify. The scholarship is arship to provide emergency maneuver
just a few. This list is incomplete. Appli- open to female residents of Manitoba or and spin training in addition to an intro-
cants are encouraged to identify the type a member of the Manitoba Chapter of duction to aerobatics. In memory of 99
of flying in which they would like train- the 99’s, and hold a Private Pilot License Vicki Cruse, this scholarship is available
ing! The Broadening Horizons Scholar- or higher. Scholarship payments will be to any licensed pilot member of The 99s
ship is open to members of the Manitoba made to the flight school or flying club without regard to existing ratings, finan-
Chapter of the 99’s who hold a Private Pi- directly and is to be used within a 12 cial need or length of membership. 
lot License or higher. Scholarship awards month period. Complete the application
are arranged directly with the aircraft/ form, along with a letter of intent, a flight West Canada 99s Scholarship of $1,500.
flight sim/workshop owner/presenter instructor’s recommendation and verifi- Application deadline July 31. Open to
and are to be used within the appropriate cation of flight record. females only. Must hold a minimum of a
season of the current application year. valid PPL at time of application. Open to
99s Airport Accommodation Scholarship/ residents of BC, AB, SK, MB, YT, NWT.
C-FLUG Scholarships/99s Manitoba 99s Manitoba Chapter is open to women
Chapter are open to females only. Must working on flight training or building Fly Now Award/Ninety Nines/Amelia
be a member of the Manitoba 99s and hours who would benefit by having ac- Earhart Memorial Scholarship Founda-
hold PPL or higher. Apply through commodations adjacent to an airport. The tion of up to $6000. Application dead- The C-FLUG due date is Jan. 21 each year, however, lines of Mar 15 and Sept 15 for two annual
(Club Plane) Scholarship is for 10 or 20 applications throughout the year are ac- awards. Must be an official student pilot
hours of flight time on the club plane, cepted as well. member of the 99s at least one month pri-

30 career guide | 2019


or to the submission deadline. Must have Open to any student completing a Flight college or university participating in the
a current medical certificate. Instruction program in the Vernon, BC JazzAPP. One offered per institution and
area. Application deadline Jan. 15. successful candidates also into Jazz selec-
The FLY NOW Award is a progressive First presented in 2009, the scholar- tion process. More information at Flyjazz.
award given to Student Pilot Members ship was raised by the members of the ca/en/careers/pilots/pathwaysprogram.
with a need for financial assistance to Vernon Flying Club / COPA Flight 65 to
become licensed pilots. The award pro- honour the memory of Len Neufeld, a Jazz Aviation Pathway Award for
vides up to $6000 toward completion of respected member who “passed the fix Professionalism of $3,000 goes to one stu-
the Recreational Pilot, Sport Pilot, Private outbound” for the last time in Novem- dent in each of the college or universities
Pilot certificate, or non-U.S. equivalent ber of 2008. A retired airline Captain, Len that participate in the Jazz APP. Success-
in any aircraft category. This award will remained active in the aviation world ful candidates will participate in the Jazz
be given progressively to winners after by participating in COPA for Kids, vol- selection process. More information at fly-
they complete eligible milestones in their unteering for the Civil Air Search and
training. Applicant must be an official Rescue Association and supporting the
student pilot member of The 99s at least VFC in an executive role. Jack and Dorothy Melling Edmonton
one month prior to the submission dead- Flying Club Private Pilot Licence Schol-
line. Must have a current medical certifi- Yellowknife Community Foundation arship of $2,500, $1,500 and $1,000. Ap-
cate, if it is required for the pilot certificate Northern Aviation Scholarship (multiple plicants must be students at the Edmon-
sought. Applicant need not have soloed values) goes to a resident of the North- ton Flying Club and will be chosen based
or passed the knowledge test. Each ap- west Territories or Nunavut for at least on the results of their private pilot writ-
plicant who belongs to a Chapter needs two years pursuing post-secondary edu- ten and practical exams.
to request a recommendation from her cation in an aviation-related field. Dead-
Chapter Amelia Earhart Memorial Schol- line May 15. More information at https:// Elevate Aviation Pilot Program award of
arship Chairman. Each applicant in a Sec- up to $1,000 for a commercial pilot li-
tion without Chapters needs to request a tion-scholarship/. cence and $500 for a private pilot licence
recommendation from her Section Ame- for females enrolled in a flying club.
lia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Chair- Gore Bay Flying Club/COPA Flight 201 Must demonstrate financial need, a pas-
man. In addition, each applicant must Youth Pilot Training Scholarship for Man- sion fo aviation and willingness to work
have a Mentor, a 99 who will support itoulin goes to a Grade 10-ll student on hard. More information at elevateavia-
her through the training process. Apply Manitoulin Island and provides full pri-
through vate pilot training except ground school supplies. Webster Memorial Trophy Competition
AEMSF/FlyNowInstructions030518.pdf provides training and career oppor-
Government of Nunavut Aviation Schol- tunities to a private pilot who proves,
Flying Musicians Association Solo arship of $7,500 for six candidates who are through a competition, to be Canada’s
Program. High school junior or senior residents of Nunavut. Applications must Best Amateur Pilot. More information at
music student in good standing. Student be submitted by the summer of 2019. More
must be nominated by his/her music information at
director. Must be at least 16 yearls old. B.C. General Aviation Association Erissa
Proof of citizenship in country of training. CAE Women in Flight will cover all costs Yong BCGA Bursary of $2,000 will go to a
Able to obtain a Cat 3 Aviation medical or associated with airline cadet training candidate nominated by a BCGA member
equivalent. Parental approval if under age for five women who train at one of five to a student who shows perseverance to
18. Apply through CAE Airline-Mentored Cadet Training overcome adversity in the pursuit of pi-
The FMA Solo program was estab- Programs. The successful candidates lot or maintenance training. Application
lished by pilots who are musicians, span- will become CAE ambassadors and deadline June 30. More information at
ning the globe, proficiency levels, and mentors and their progress will be doc-
genres. The skills required to play an in- umented through social media. They
strument and fly an aircraft have marked will also be speakers at aviation events Onkarbir Singh Toor Memorial BCGA
similarities, from precision and multi- and share their experiences. Scholarship of $1,000 goes to committed
tasking to listening and fine motor skills. pilot or student pilot who shows per-
Jazz Aviation Pathway Award for severance to overcome adversity in the
Vernon Flying Club Len Neufeld Mem- Professionalism and Diversity of $3,000 pursuit of licences or advanced training.
orial Scholarship of $500 and a one-year goes to an aboriginal, disabled, visible Application deadline June 30. More in-
membership in the Vernon Flying Club. minority or female student at an aviation formation at •

career guide | 2019 31

Air Cadets

Training For the Future

Air Cadets a Solid Grounding in Aviation

For almost 80 years one of the most

important contributors to the pool
of pilots in Canada has been the
Royal Canadian Air Cadets. Found-
ed in 1941 with the grim duty of pre-
paring youth for war service, the
Cadet movement has evolved into a
highly regarded youth organization
that fosters ‘citizenship, leadership,
physical fitness, general aviation
and stimulating an interest in the
activities of the Canadian Forces.’
And while many youth organiza-
tions are struggling with relevance
and maintaining interest in their pro-
grams, the Air Cadets’ unique com-
bination of risk, reward, service and
responsibility keep engagement and
enthusiasm high.
“It’s youth leading youth,” said Maj. tions gives those who do pursue a mili- riences who are in a good position to
Christopher Toth, the organization’s tary career valuable insight. chart their course in life.
Deputy National Cadet Air Operations The impact of Air Cadets on the avia- Toth said that given the demand for
Officer. “Once we get cadets in the door, tion industry is significant. One in five skilled workers in all facets of aviation,
we’re still seeing the same level of in- general aviation pilots in Canada was in the solid grounding and exposure to
terest. It’s letting people know they’re Cadets and two-thirds of commercial and the world of aviation is a leg up for ca-
there.” airline pilots were in the program. Many dets as they enter the work force, even
The program is open to all Canadian military pilots were also in Cadets. if they don’t win flying scholarships.
youth aged 12 to 18. Those who stick Only a small fraction of those who join “It takes a lot more than the pilot to
with it, work hard and grow within it Cadets win the flying scholarships, but all get an aircraft into the air,” he said.
can be among the dozens of cadets from cadets get to fly. All provincial Cadet as- While the Cadet training program
every corner of Canada who spend sev- sociations maintain a fleet of gliders and has evolved from years of experience
en weeks of a summer earning a private tow-planes, and most cadets get the op- and tradition, it continues to embrace
pilot licence, all expenses paid. Cadets portunity to go flying in the gliders twice new methods and technology. Electron-
can also earn glider pilot licences in during the training year, in the spring and ics have largely replaced chalk boards
summer training programs. fall. They are usually flown by cadets who in the classrooms and the curriculum
Participation in Cadets is free, the have graduated the glider training course. has been scheduled to match the differ-
uniforms are provided and the core pro- Much of the ongoing training on the ent stages of learning and social devel-
grams are funded by the Department of parade nights has an aviation focus. The opment that teenagers go through.
National Defence. Each squadron meets training lasts for the cadets’ first four Parents play a key role in the success
once a week during the school year and years, and after that the older cadets of the individual squadrons. A sponsor-
weekends and school holidays often become instructors for some of those ing committee is responsible for raising
have Cadet-related activities. It adds up courses. Other activities like marks- the money needed for facilities, non-
to a busy and challenging program that manship, ceremonial drill, biathlon and funded activities and mundane neces-
fosters personal initiative and decision- first aid are available on weekends and sities like insurance and transportation.
making in a team effort. cadets take part in Remembrance Day There are also some opportunities avail-
Cadets are not in the military and and other community events. able for adults in teaching courses like
there is no obligation to join it, but the The result, said Toth, is well-rounded first aid, survival and aviation ground
early exposure to the training and tradi- young people with a variety of expe- school. •

32 career guide | 2019


Helicopter Careers Challenging,

ith a vast wilderness ties to mining, to emergency services. sive than fixed-wing aircraft of similar
brimming with re- Canada remains one of the biggest us- capacity so training is more expensive.
sources, Canadians ers of rotary wing aircraft and they fill But the payoff at the other end is that
have used aviation roles as diverse as the imaginations of experienced helicopter pilots can com-
since its inception to those early entrepreneurs mand some of the best salaries in com-
gain access to, and in some cases, extract Because helicopters are most useful mercial aviation.
those resources. where regular aircraft aren’t practical, it There are dozens of accredited heli-
When helicopters became generally follows that a lot of career opportunities copter training schools in Canada and
available in the late 1950s it coincided in the business exist in far-flung places. numerous scholarships and funding
with massive investment in huge re- Becoming a helicopter pilot is much assistance methods are available. For
source projects and forward-thinking the same as learning to fly fixed-wing female pilots, who are even more un-
visionaries saw specialized needs that aircraft. Indeed, some people get a reg- derrepresented than in other forms of
Photo credit Pat Hanna

could be filled with the whirling, clat- ular licence first and then take helicop- aviation, the Whirly-Girls, an interna-
tering machines. ter training but it’s becoming increas- tional association of female helicopter
Those pioneering steps led to in- ingly popular to skip the Cessnas and pilots, have assembled an impres-
novations developed in the wilds of take all training on rotorcraft. sive list of scholarships from some of
Canada that are now in common use all Helicopters require much more main- the most respected operators in the
over the world, from offshore oil facili- tenance and are generally more expen- world. •

career guide | 2019 33


Whirly-Girls Promote Inclusion

More Than $90,000 in Scholarships for Female Helicopter Pilots

One of the most prolific scholarship

sources among aviation organizations is
the Whirly-Girls, an international group
of 1,700 female helicopter pilots from 44
countries. Its scholarships are open to
members in good standing who joined
the group no later than Sept. 21 of the
year in which the scholarship is being
awarded and the deadline for all scholar-
ship applications is Oct. 15 of that year.

Phelan International and Doris Mullen

Flight Training Scholarship of $8,000.00
is for basic rotary wing training and is
sponsored the Whirly Girls and com-
bines the Phelan International and
Doris Mullen Flight Training Schol- in the country, regardless of altitude or areas around the world, but discusses
arships. This scholarship is given in terrain.  It’s a real confidence-builder, specifically FAA, CASA, and EASA/
memory of founder Jean Phelan and especially if the pilot has very little JAA regulatory requirements in relation
her husband,Jim, along with the mem- experience in off-road operations.  It to low-level flight operations.
ory of Doris Mullen who lost her life in includes a half day extensive ground
a fixed wing accident in 1968.  school with five hours of flight time. Embry-Riddle Commercial Helicopter
Training will be at Western Helicopters Pilot Ground School Course Scholarship
Helicopter Add-on Flight Training Inc. at the Riverside Municipal Airport, of $950 is awarded to a Whirly-Girl who
Scholarship of $8,000 is for licenced fe- California, USA. is seeking to achieve her Commercial Pi-
male pilot who does not currently have lot Helicopter certificate. This 15-week
a helicopter rating and provides funds Airbus Flight Training Scholarship advanced online instructor-facilitated
to be applied toward earning her add- of $14,000 is sponsored by Airbus and course is offered by Embry-Riddle Aero-
on helicopter rating. Must have intent will give a Whirly-Girl the opportunity nautical University and will provide
to work in the helicopter industry. to attend an AS350 Turbine Transition the necessary information to prepare a
Course at the Airbus Factory School Whirly-Girl for the FAA Commercial Pi-
Advanced Mountain Flight Training in Grand Prairie, Texas, USA. This is lot — Helicopter Knowledge Exam.
Scholarship of $6,500 is for helicopter a five-day course that provides both
pilots with at least 250 rotorcraft hours. ground school and flight training for Erickson Vertical Reference/External
the AS350. Load Scholarship of $6,000 is awarded
Flight Training — Advanced (Rotary to a career-minded Whirly-Girl who
Wing) is provided in memory of Keiko Antipodean Aviation and Embry- needs a vertical reference/external load
Minakata, WG #1339. The scholar- Riddle Wire and Obstacle Environ- endorsement for a flight position. This
ship gives a deserving Whirly-Girl the ment Awareness Course Scholarship of course will be awarded to a Whirly-Girl
skills to cope with turbulence, rugged $220 is awarded to a Whirly-Girl who who has 300 hours of total flight time,
terrain, and landing zone selection wishes to increase her knowledge in
Auremar |

and she need not be turbine qualified.

in mountainous and canyon areas, how to conduct safe operations in the Training can be completed at any flight
with special emphasis placed on deci- low-level environment. This course, school in the world that provides long-
sion making.  It also provides the skill provided by Antipodean Aviation line training. 
needed to fly all sorts of private and and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Uni-
commercial helicopter missions that versity is a self-guided online course. FlightSafety International Bell 206
require off-airport landings anywhere The course is relevant to all operating Scholarship of $10,000.00 is awarded

34 career guide | 2019


to a Whirly-Girl who possesses at least FAA, Transport Canada, EU-OPS, JAR perienced RHC safety pilot. A tour of the
a Private Pilot Helicopter certificate ICAO, EASA UK CAA, and CAMTS and Robinson Factory is also included.  The
and has landing currency in helicop- will assist the recipient in becoming a course is open to any rated helicopter
ters.  This training program includes CRM Instructor within her organization.  pilot who has at least three hours in any
initial type training, recurrent training, Preferred applicants will have a CFI and type of Robinson helicopter model, one
and inadvertent IMC training using the have had some exposure to CRM that is, hour of which was flown within 30 days
world’s first Bell 206 FAA Level 7 quali- have taken a class. prior to attending the course. A Robin-
fied Flight Training Device.  This five- son safety course is required by most in-
day course consists of academic train- Robinson Helicopter R22/R44 Safety surance companies and serves as a CFI
ing and 6 hours in the FTD.  Training Course valued at $3,000 provides a refresher.
will be available at FlightSafety’s Heli- Whirly-Girl currently flying Robinsons
copter Learning Center of Excellence in the opportunity to attend the R22/R44 Survival Systems USA Aircraft Ditch-
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. Safety Course and build either R22 or R44 ing Course Scholarship of $1,400 will go
time.  RHC provides this 3.5-day course to two  deserving Whirly-Girls to learn
ForeFlight Pro Plus scholarship of in Torrance, CA, USA, which includes an the knowledge and skills to react in an
$199.99 for two members to obtain Pro hour of flight with a safety instructor and aircraft-ditching emergency, care for
Plus Plan one-year subscriptions, in- sponsors an additional 4 hours of either themselves in a sea survival situation, and
cluding a 30-minute one-on-one train- R22 or R44 flight time (5 total hours). The to participate to the maximum extent in
ing session at HAI HELI-EXPO in Las course includes 3.5 days of classroom in- their rescue. These two scholarships, each
Vegas next year. Founded in 2007, Fore- struction in the following subject areas: valued at $1,400, are provided by Survival
Flight is devoted to giving pilots the accident review, causes of fatal accidents, Systems USA and The pilots taking this
best possible mobile flight planning awareness training, SFAR 73, and Pilot’s course should have at least a Private Pilot
tools. Pilots depend on the ForeFlight Operating Handbook (POH) review. Helicopter certificate and are required to
application for flight planning, briefing, One day is devoted to maintenance, pre- have no physical limitations that would
charts, weather, airport information, flight inspections, and flying with an ex- prevent them from participating in stren-
flight logging, document management, perienced RHC safety pilot. A tour of the uous physical training.  Training will take
hazard awareness, and more. The prod- Robinson Factory is also included. The place at Survival Systems USA in Groton,
uct is backed by their support program, course is open to any rated helicopter pi- Connecticut, USA. 
Fanatical Pilot Support. lot who has at least three hours in the R22
or R44 helicopter, one hour of which was The Thurn-Herr Annual Advanced
Garmin GTN & G500/600 Course flown within 30 days prior to attending Training Scholarship of $11,000 is fully
Scholarship of $795 will go to two the course. This course is required by sponsored by Edward Thurn and El-
Whirly-Girls who wish to improve most insurance companies and serves as len Herr who kindly wish to assist the
their knowledge in how to maximize a CFI refresher.  Whirly-Girls in their mission of advanc-
the benefits of Garmin equipment ca- ing women in helicopter aviation. This
pabilities and increase their confidence Robinson Helicopter R66 Safety Course scholarship provides $11,000 to any
in the use and integration of Garmin Scholarship of $4,500 provides a Whirly- Whirly-Girl to be applied toward up-
equipment as part of their flight op- Girl currently flying Robinsons the op- grading her current helicopter rating.
erations. Each course is valued at $795. portunity to attend the R66 Safety Course It may be applied toward Commercial,
Location of the Garmin course is de- and build R66 time. RHC provides this Instrument, Flight Instructor, Airline
pendent on the course date attended 3.5-day course in Torrance, CA, USA, Transport Pilot (ATP), Night Vision Gog-
by each recipient.  which includes an hour of flight with a gle (NVG) or Turbine Transition Training
safety instructor and sponsors an ad- to advance a candidate’s career. Appli-
Oregon Aero CRM/AMRM Instructor ditional four hours of R66 flight time (5 cants must specify how the money will
Training Scholarship of $2,000 is a five- hours total R66 flight time). The course be used to advance the applicant’s career.
day, 40-hour crew resource management includes 3.5 days of classroom instruc-
instructor (CRMI) course, sponsored tion in the following subject areas: ac- Yellowknife Community Foundation
by Oregon Aero’s Randy Mains, Chief cident review, causes of fatal accidents, John Tumchewics Memorial Fund (various
CRM/AMRM Safety Instructor, will be awareness training, SFAR 73, Pilot’s Op- awards) goes to residents of the Northwest
provided to a deserving Whirly-Girl. The erating Handbook (POH) review, R66 Territories and/or graduates of the Cana-
CRMI course and will take place on Van- systems, and the Rolls Royce engine. dore College helicopter flight training pro-
couver Island in January of each year. One day is devoted to maintenance, pre- gram for advanced training or upgrades.
It follows the recommendations of the flight inspections, and flying with an ex- Application deadline May 15. •

career guide | 2019 35


Play Vital Role
Keeping Aircraft Safe a Big Responsibility

rguable the most im- legal authority to repair, inspect and re- aviation maintenance. On graduation
portant people in the lease certified aircraft for flight. they will have credentials under the
vast infrastructure that As might be expected, AMEs earn M (maintenance), E (avionics) and S
supports aviation op- good salaries for their fundamental (structures) specialties. The M licence
erations are those with role in the aviation system and many is the most generalized and involves
direct responsibility for making and spend years in training to specialize everything from control systems to
keeping aircraft safe and reliable. The in the repair and maintenance of some engines.
air maintenance engineer is a vital part of the most sophisticated devices ever As with virtually all aspects of the
of that intricate matrix. contrived by mankind. Others are more aviation industry, there is a major short-
Even the smallest light aircraft are generally qualified to work on most age of qualified people to carry out
complex devices that rely on the com- parts of the airplane and some set up these vital jobs. Without the signature
plex interaction of myriad systems and their own businesses looking after the of AME, nothing moves in aviation.
their components to complete their maintenance and repair needs of air- Anyone who is mechanically in-
missions safely and reliably. It’s not craft operators. clined, detail oriented and committed
only a highly skilled profession, it’s an Whatever the career path, in most cases to best practices and safety can become
Dezzor |

enormous responsibility and one that is it begins with a highly structured course an AME and the opportunities are as
taken really seriously in aviation. at a recognized post-secondary institu- varied as the aircraft that need them.
Air maintenance engineers (AME) tion where the basic AME curriculum is To help finance the school portion of
undergo a combination of formal train- learned. the training, a number of organizations
ing and practical experience to earn It’s likely there that a new AME will and individuals have offered scholar-
their certification, which gives them the specialize in one general aspect of ships to those entering the field. •

36 career guide | 2019


Fixing Instead of Flying

Aviation Maintenance Scholarships

Dennis O’Brien/John Iverson Memo- to BCAC Administrator at info@bca- ber. who is a recent graduate from an AME
rial Scholarship/Saskatchewan Aviation More information at program in B.C. Application must be
Council award of $1,000 goes to a student supported by a BCAC member. Deadline
in at least Year 2 of SIIT or established May 31. More information from BCAC
in an apprenticeship path of training. Mary Swain Memorial Aviation Train- Administrator at
Contact ing Scholarship/BC Aviation Council and
of $1,000 is open to female candidates
B.C. Aviation Council/Alexander Hol- only. Must be a member of BCAC. Vernon Flying Club — COPA Flight
burn Beaudin and Lang LLP $2,000 schol- Application must be supported by 65/John Olsen scholarship of $500X2
arship goes to a BCAC member currently a BCAC or COPA member in good is open to any student enrolled in the
enrolled in an aviation or aerospace pro- standing. Must be currently registered AME-M training program at the Okana-
gram at a post-secondary institution in at a BC or provincially recognized uni- gan College Vernon Campus. Deadline
B.C. Must have an academic grade aver- versity, college, training institution, or Jan. 15. More information at Vernon
age of 75 percent or higher. Application a PCTIA accredited or registered flight Flying Club:,
must be supported by a BCACB member. school. Must demonstrate commitment
Application deadline May 31at info@bca- to complete training in her chosen aviation field. Deadline May 31. More Elevate Aviation Aircraft Maintenance
information available from BCAC Ad- Engineer Bursary of $1,000 is available to
BC Aviation Council “Career” Training ministrator at female residents of Canada enrolled in
Scholarship of $1,000 goes to a BCAC and at an accredited AME program. Candidates
member who has completed at least 75 must show financial need, a passion for
percent of their area of training. Appli- Barry and Jim Aviation Maintenance aviation and a willingness to work hard.
cation must be supported by a BCAC Graduate Scholarship/BC Aviation More information at
member. Application is due by May 31 Council of $3,000 goes to a BCAC Mem- bursaries •

career guide | 2019 37


the Scenes
It Takes Thousands to Make One Airplane Fly

But there’s a lot more to running

aviation than pilots and mechanics and
many rewarding careers are available
behind the scenes or front and centre.

The service aspect of this vital role tends
to overshadow the true importance of
flight attendants.
Flight attendants spend months of
training to ensure the safety of passen-
gers on aircraft. Plenty of passengers
have found out the hard way that they
take this responsibility seriously.

While it’s important that safety and or-
der be maintained during the flight, it’s
lthough most people nance facilities. He or she can work on all during an emergency that the flight at-
think of pilots when they kinds of systems in aircraft, from engines tendant’s role becomes a matter of life or
think of aviation careers, to landing gear and the like and can do death. They are in charge of the evacuation
there are many other re- the regular inspections that all certified of the aircraft and the safety of the passen-
warding and lucrative aircraft require. gers afterward and the training for these
jobs in aviation. functions is difficult and challenging.
Perhaps the biggest sub-group of S-LICENCE While most people will only come in
non-pilot careers is the aviation main- An S-Licence is for AMEs who work on contact with airline flight attendants,
tenance engineer (AME). These are the the structures of aircraft. They repair and they are also used by many charter and
people that fix aircraft and do the rou- maintain the interior framework and skel- business aviation companies to provide
tine maintenance that ensures they are eton of the aircraft as well as the control service and ensure safety.
reliable and safe. surfaces and the outer skin. That requires
AMEs must attend extensive post- extensive knowledge of metal work and, FLIGHT DISPATCHER
secondary training programs at ap- more recently, composite materials. Dispatchers are responsible for many of
proved training organization, most of the myriad details that go into carrying
which are located at vocational colleges E-LICENCE out a safe flight. They ensure, aircraft,
across the country. In the past 30 years especially, com- fuel, cargo and passengers meet the
As complex as modern aircraft are, munications and navigation systems, flight crew at the right time so they can
photo Credit Satcom Direct

there are just three main career streams known as avionics, have become the all head off to their destination on time.
for AMEs. heart and soul of modern aircraft. The He or she also does most of the flight
wonderboxes available today help planning to ensure that weather and
M-LICENCE make aviation safe and reliable. Install- other important considerations are
An AME with an M licence is the jack ing, maintaining and fixing these com- taken into account. As such, they have
of all trades in aircraft maintenance and plex devices is the role of the E-Licence the authority to cancel, recall or divert
usually found at general aviation mainte- holder. a flight. •

38 career guide | 2019


Keeping Things Moving

Scholarships for Operations Training

Scholarship/B.C. Aviation Council of currently enrolled in an Aviation or

$2,000 x 2. Deadline May 31. Must be Aerospace program at a post-second-
a BCAC member. Application must be ary institution in BC. Must have an
supported by a BCAC member. Must academic grade average of 75 percent
have completed at least one year (or or higher Aviation Operations Admin-
equivalent) at an educational institu- istrator.
tion in the discipline and have at least
one more year to complete the train-
ing course. More information at BCAC B.C. Aviation Council “Career” Training
Administrator, Scholarship of $1,000. Deadline May 31. Must be a member of BCAC. Application
must be supported by a BCAC member.
William Templeton Airport Operations Must have completed at least 75 percent
Management Training Scholarship/B.C. of their area of training Aviation Op-
Aviation Council of $1,000. Deadline erations. More information from BCAC
May 31. Must be a BCAC member. Ap- Administrator.
Schedulers and Dispatchers Scholar- plication must be supported by a BCAC
ship/Canadian Business Aviation As- member. Must have completed at least
sociation Air Service Hawaii, Air Sprint, one year (or equivalent) at an educa- Airports Council International-North
Flight Safety, Jet Aviation, Million Air, tional institution in the discipline and America (ACI-NA)/Canadian Airports
NBAA, SheltAir, Signature, Skyplan, have at least one more year to complete Council (CAC) Gerry Bruno Scholar-
WorldFuel up to $10,000. Application the training course. More information ship of $5,000. Deadline April 1. Must
deadline May 1. Must be Canadian citi- from BCAC Administrator. info@bcavia- be officially enrolled in an accredited
zen or permanent resident and employed college or university in qualifying pro-
by a CBAA member company or regis- grams. Applicants must reside and at-
tered student at an educational training Alexander Holburn Beaudin and Lang, tend school in Canada. Applicants must
member of CBAA. More information Ernie Alexander Memorial Scholar- possess and maintain a minimum GPA and ship/ B.C. Aviation Council of $2,000. of 3.0 (on a 4 point scale) at the time
Deadline May 31. Must be a BCAC of application. Aviation Operations.
BCAC Airports Committee Airport member. Application must be sup- More information: Holly Christian holly.
Operations/Management Training ported by a BCAC member. Must be •

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career guide | 2019 39


Space-Based ATC is Here

Exciting Time To Be In Air Traffic Control
By Michael Oxner

Radar) or by response to interrogation

(Secondary Surveillance Radar). It dis-
played whatever it found and the op-
erator had to interpret what was seen.
The radar screen back then was a
TV. Literally. It was actually a “scan
converted display” which showed a
daylight-viewable picture of the old
“black radar screen.” Aircraft were rep-
resented as slashes drawn perpendicu-
lar to the radius from the center of the
display. Your aircraft were highlighted
as double slashes.
As I watched the next generation of
radar being installed at the airport, we
grew into the digital age. The analog
radar signals could not be sent very far
Michael Oxner has had a front row environment, allowing the safe reduc- before degrading and becoming unus-
seat for the technological changes tion in spacing between aircraft. This able. It was very restrictive and quite
that have revolutionized the pro- will greatly increase efficiency for air- inefficient by comparison to what we
fession and after 27 years on posi- craft operators and passengers. can do with radar today. The digital
tion he’s looking forward to the next While I like to think back to the way radar data could be sent anywhere,
wave of innovation as the system things were, I’m glad we’re advancing. allowing the Area Control Centres
transitions to space-based ADS-B I’m happy to have seen and worked with across the country to see in areas that
tracking and control. some of the older equipment, but the were purely procedural in terms of
There is also a labour shortage in the air new developments promise so much, it’s ATC service.
traffic control facilities of the nation, in- hard to think back on the old days as the With the digital radar came radar
cluding the army of technicians who keep glory days. The best is yet to come. data processors that could provide us
the sophisticated equipment humming. I’ve been excited to be involved in with the now-familiar data tags tied to
Oxner is a Canadian Aviator columnist. these changes. First in Halifax Tower, aircraft. And with Mode C and ground-
These are exciting times in Air Traffic and now in Moncton Centre, I con- speed now displayed, gone are the
Control. A huge technological change tinue to enjoy watching the technology days of asking for altitude reports and
is on the cusp of becoming fully opera- change. Now I look skyward as space- guessing how fast someone is moving
tional and new recruits to Nav Canada based ADS-B makes its way into the across the sky.
will be on its leading edge. mainstream. I said radar was just a TV in the
Aireon, a partnership between Iridium When I first graduated from the physical sense, but it was also just a
Communications, Nav Canada and other ATC training, then done in Cornwall, TV in the practical sense. There was
air traffic service providers, is launching Ontario, I was posted to the control no interaction with the information
satellites aiming to provide global ADS- tower at Halifax International Airport displayed. It was just watched, and
B coverage. This will mean air-traffic sur- — now the Stanfield Airport. you directed your aircraft through
veillance will be available in many places In the old tower cab atop the termi- experience and judgement based on
where radar stations can’t be built, such nal building, I worked with an ana- what you saw.
photo Credit Aireon

as in mountainous terrain, open ocean, log radar. You could see the “sweep” With the power of computers added
and other remote areas. on the screen (the technical term was to the radar display, we could now get
Separation now provided in an inef- the “main bang”) as the radar panned flight-plan data for the aircraft we were
ficient manner, relying on position re- across the sky, searching for targets by working. Other tools became avail-
ports, can be provided in a radar-like way of reflection (Primary Surveillance able that we could use, as well. Simple

40 career guide | 2019

things like Predicted Track Lines, show- in use since the early 2000s, and it has “A huge technological
ing where the aircraft will be if it contin- developed into the central component
ues on its current track and speed, can of our equipment. It receives and sends change is on the cusp of
help show what the traffic picture might flight-data messages, automating du-
becoming fully operational
look like in the near future. ties that were done in a time-consum-
Another useful tool is the ability ing and error-prone fashion in decades and new recruits to Nav
to draw a Range-Bearing Line on the gone by. The handling of flight data
screen and get distance and bearing between ATC and other branches of
Canada will be on its
information. This can be done between Air Traffic Services in Canada is quite leading edge.”
two geographic points, two aircraft, or powerful now.
one of each. It’s useful for everything The radar has come a long way from
from gauging separation, checking a something you just looked at, to some- traffic surveillance will be available
track between two points or guiding thing you now interact with, as flights in many places where radar stations
an aircraft. are handed from one unit to another. can’t be built, such as in mountainous
As the software advanced, so did the This system has increased the capacity terrain, open ocean, and other remote
ideas for how to use the tools. Coor- and capability of Canada’s air traffic areas.
dination between control positions or controllers, and the Canadian Air Nav- Separation now provided in an inef-
between ATC units also began to take igation System as a whole. ficient manner, relying on position re-
shape. The radar data processor became Aireon, a partnership between Irid- ports, can be provided in a radar-like
a significant part of the system, instead ium Communications, Nav Canada environment, allowing the safe reduc-
of just another tool. and other ATS providers, is launch- tion in spacing between aircraft. This
In Canada, the Canadian Automated ing satellites aiming to provide global will greatly increase efficiency for air-
Air Traffic System (CAATS) has been ADS-B coverage. This will mean air- craft operators and passengers. •


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career guide | 2019 41


Always Learning
Private Pilot Licence a First Step

know but flight training has been refined

over more than 100 years to become an
almost seamless process where the dif-
ferent streams of knowledge merge in
the cockpit.
Most students progress at a rate that
surprises them. Within a matter of
weeks, depending on how often they fly
and how much time they spend on the
books, people who had never been off
the ground before are fitting into the air-
space system, talking on the radio and
effectively controlling the aircraft in a
variety of flight profiles.
At some point, usually within the
first 20 hours of dual instruction, the in-
structor will make a decision that will
change the student’s life forever. He or
she will get out of the plane and send
the student for his or her first solo. Ev-
ery pilot remembers the first solo and
the successful completion is always a
One of the first lessons new pilots chance to “fly” the plane under the cause for celebration and recognition.
learn is that the cockpit is always a watchful eye of the instructor. He or she Canadian Aviator Magazine has estab-
classroom where lessons about life will handle the takeoff and landing and lished the I’m a Canadian Aviator pro-
in the air are always being learned. any radio work. gram for those who complete their first
Pilots with tens of thousands of Flight training curriculum is designed solo at accredited flight schools across
hours will readily confirm that ev- to build on skills learned in each lesson. the country as a means of recognizing
ery flight is a chance to polish, From learning where the horizon is and this major accomplishment.
sharpen and build on skills already doing a few gentle turns in the first les- The first solo is also an important
learned. It’s a process that never son, the tasks and skills required to ac- milestone in the training regime. Stu-
ends for any pilot and it begins the complish them get more complex and dent pilots have to log more time alone
first time an instructor straps in to demanding but instructors are careful in the cockpit to obtain their licence
the right of a student on his or her not to overwhelm or frighten students. than with an instructor and from that
first flight. Only when a student is ready for a new point on the instructor will more of-
“Being a pilot is one of the few jobs manoeuvre or skill is it presented and ten than not stay on the ground. That
in the world where you get to exercise each is practiced until it’s mastered to does not mean the learning ends. On
full control,” said Paul Harris, a vet- the level required for safe flight. every solo flight, the student will be
eran flight instructor at Pacific Flying At the same time, the student is ex- given specific tasks to accomplish and
Club at Boundary Bay Airport near pected to keep up with ground school skills to polish. From time to time, the
Vancouver. “Attitude is the most im- curriculum that goes hand in glove with instructor will come along to check the
portant thing.” the time in the airplane. Students have progress or introduce new material best
photo credit Eric Dumigan

The private pilot licence, or PPL, is to know about airport procedures, the covered with two pilots on board. For
where it all begins for most Canadian different types of airspace, how to com- instance, all PPL students must do five
pilots and from the first lesson, the stu- municate on the radio and they also hours of instrument flight training in
dent is in the left, or pilot’s seat. That have to learn about the systems, perfor- which their view of the outside world is
first lesson involves some basic intro- mance limitations and characteristics of blocked by a special piece of headgear
duction to the flight controls and the the aircraft they are flying. It’s a lot to known affectionately as “the hood.”

42 career guide | 2019


The instructor acts as both the safety student. Although Transport Canada
pilot and teacher in those lessons. sets 45 flight training hours as the
It’s important for students to know minimum required to take the flight
that everyone learns differently and test, few students will hit that mark
“Being a pilot is one of
some skills inevitably come easier than and most require substantially longer the few jobs in the world
others. The instructor is trained to rec- than that. Even though flight train-
ognize difficulties as they arise and ing has improved considerably over where you get to exercise
adapt the learning environment to en- the years, the average training time full control.”
sure that all skills and knowledge are has actually increased over that time.
mastered to acceptable levels. Airplanes, airspace and even weather
It’s also important to understand knowledge have become more com- weather during the day is enough and
the goal of the training. While it’s im- plex and mastering them to a safe lev- they’ll quite happily pursue the hobby
portant that the new pilot be well pre- el simply takes longer than it did 20, with like-minded friends and maybe do
pared to pass his or test (written and 40 or 60 years ago. some traveling by air.
practical) the overarching goal of flight Regardless of how long it takes to For others, however, it is the begin-
training is to produce pilots who can qualify for the coveted “Aviation Docu- ning of a grand adventure that a tiny
responsibly and safely navigate the ment”, the passport-style booklet now minority of people get to embark upon.
airspace and handle emergencies that, issued to Canadian pilots, achieving It can lead to any of hundreds of re-
while rare, do happen. the PPL is an accomplishment that most warding careers, take them to places
It takes time to learn this complex pilots agree is one of the most challeng- ground-bound members of humanity
mosaic of skills and knowledge and ing things they’ve ever done. For many cannot reach and even take them to the
it happens at a different rate for every private pilots, the ability to fly in good stars. The sky really is no limit. •


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career guide | 2019 43


Flying For Hire

Commercial Licence Builds Knowledge, Experience

Flying an airplane is a big respon-

sibility, one not to be taken lightly
by any pilot regardless of what he
or she flies. Getting paid to fly is an
order of magnitude above that.
When flying with a private pilot, pas-
sengers are volunteers accepting a ride
and in doing so accept that the skills, at-
titude and knowledge of the pilot are ad-
Those who pay for the use of an air-
plane expect and rightfully demand
that the person at the controls, who is
most likely a stranger to them, has been
properly trained and has the required
experience to handle the flight they’ve
So it follows that commercial pilots students buy an airplane to facilitate night rating, too) and graduates leave
undergo more advanced training than building time while others rent. With the school as multi-IFR trained pilots.
private pilots. Experience itself is a simple used aircraft like Cessna 152s, Although it costs more and takes lon-
teacher and that’s one reason why new- Aeronca Champs and others going for ger, the advantage is that the training is
ly-minted private pilots cannot simply as little as $20,000, buying an airplane flowed together in a seamless fashion so
switch classrooms and become commer- can make sense for some. It’s important that skills learned in one aspect can ap-
cial pilots. Most private pilots will finish to note that those who build solo time ply directly to those needed for another.
their training with less than 60 hours of on their own have to have their log- Commercial pilots must have a Cate-
total time and less than half of that solo. books certified correct by an authorized gory 1 Transport Canada medical certi-
A commercial pilot has to have at least flight training unit before it can count fication, which means they must have a
200 hours of total flight time including toward the commercial licence. medical exam every year if they’re 40 or
100 hours of pilot in command and 20 Regardless of how the time is built, younger or every six months if they’re
hours of cross-country. students entering commercial flight older than 40.
The typical commercial course in- training can expect higher expectations Since commercial students are already
cludes about 35 hours of dual and 30 of their performance and attitude. Some private pilots, the amount of flight in-
hours of solo training so a new pilot schools Commercial Pilot require stu- struction required is generally easier to
needs to put at least 80 hours in his or dents to dress the part, wearing pressed predict because they’re building on ba-
her logbook outside of the flight train- white shirts, dress pants and ties. All sic skills they’ve already acquired. Most
ing environment. stress professionalism in every aspect commercial courses plan on delivering
Depending on how much of a hurry of the training to ensure their gradu- the Transport Canada minimum of 65
they’re in, there are several options for ates can deliver what customers and flight hours, including 35 hours of dual
building that time. Some schools even employers expect of professional pilots. and 30 hours of supervised solo.
have a “time building” component in It is possible to get a commercial pi- A minimum of 80 hours of ground
their training as part of the package price. lot licence on single-engine aircraft and school is also required and it covers
To pilots used to flying in one-hour it’s the least expensive way. However many of the same topics included in the
photo credit MojoGrip

increments with the flight school, 80 that severely restricts the job opportu- private pilot curriculum but in much
hours seems like a tall order but many nities since a lot of entry-level flying greater depth and detail. This prepares
new pilots will plan one or more flying jobs involve twinengine aircraft. Also, the student for the commercial pilot writ-
adventures that can burn up the hours an instrument rating is needed for a lot ten exam which is longer and asks more
and give them a new appreciation for of work. Some schools package all the complex questions than the private exam
the skills and challenges of flying. Some relevant training (usually including a but generally covers the same ground. •

44 career guide | 2019

Commercial Licence
a Ticket to a Career

To advance, promote and

preserve the Canadian
freedom to fly.

As a COPA member you’ll enjoy

the many benefits that we offer,
including but not limited to:

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What’s It Cost? years to learn the academic and practi- • Car and hotel discounts
The cost of training for a commercial cal skills necessary to qualify for the big • 5% discount with VIA Rail
licence is a little easier to pin down pay cheques that go with their jobs. • Monthly issues of COPA Flight
because the variables of skill develop- The difference in flying is that a • Website Members-only section
ment are less of an issue. Commercial significant portion of the education is which includes free guides,
students are already pilots so are build- learning by doing. Most airlines, char- updated articles, and
ing on skills already acquired. ter services, business aircraft operators community events
One variable is the accumulation of and other entities who employ pilots at • A BMO MasterCard; whenever
the 70 to 80 hours necessary to give the the top of the pay scale demand thou- you make a purchase, a
student the minimum 200 hours of to- sands of hours of experience. There payment is made to COPA
tal flight time. will always be debate about whether from BMO Bank of Montreal
For the training alone, the costs range the number of hours is an accurate in- at no additional cost to you
from about $15,000 for the bare mini- dicator of safety, judgment, skill and • Discounts on other aviation
mum to more than $25,000 for a career- general competence but for practical publications including Wings,
oriented program that graduates the purposes the argument is irrelevant. Helicopters, Canadian Aviator,
student with instrument, multi-engine New pilots have to build time and that and Air Maintenance
and night ratings. takes time. • Attending our convention to
Most schools insist that commercial It follows that the jobs available to
network and engage with
students take part in a structured pro- new commercial pilots, with some ex-
fellow aviators
gram that is not interrupted for finan- ceptions, are solo efforts that involve
cial or other reasons. long and sometimes uncomfortable
hours in and out of the airplane. The Join now and support aviation
Who Will Hire Me? pay is often quite low but it is being paid in Canada today!
Getting a commercial pilot’s licence to learn as opposed to other professions
is a tremendous accomplishment but where there is still plenty of investment Canadian Owners and Pilots
photo credit HM Aviation

it’s an entrylevel degree of education. required. Association

With commitment, it takes someone Among the common jobs offered to 75 Albert Street, Suite 903
who’s never flown before about two new commercial pilots are: air taxi, sur- Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7
years to become a commercial multi- vey, forest fire spotting, medevac, traf- T: 613-236-4901
IFR pilot. By contrast it takes a doctor, fic spotting, banner towing, skydiving
dentist, lawyer or engineer seven to 10 drop. •

career guide | 2019 45


College Training Geared to Airlines

Programs Set Graduates on a Professional Career Path

Airline pilots come from a variety lege program students have been pre-
“Colleges also
of backgrounds and their flying ex- pared for the even greater challenges
perience can vary greatly. But for that await them. attract highly qualified
young people looking for a career Students in most college and uni-
with the airlines, the most direct versity programs are required to dress
instructors, virtually all of
route is through a college or uni- in uniform while in class and they’re whom have professional
versity program. infused with the professional attitude
Over the years, airlines and a host of that future employers will demand. flying experience.”
community colleges and universities The total immersion concept keeps
in Canada have worked together to de- students motivated and building on
velop curriculum that prepares young their knowledge and skills through College program graduates will hit
pilots to assume the huge challenge the whole course. They’ll put in a full the employment market with multi-
and responsibility of flying dozens, or day of classroom and flight instruction IFR ratings and hundreds of hours of
photo credit Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre

even hundreds of passengers in almost and be back in the evening to practice academic instruction in all aspects of
any kind of weather with reliability more. aviation topics.
and safety that is unmatched by any Colleges generally have ample re- All those bells and whistles cost
other form of transportation. sources and access to the best equip- money, however. A college or univer-
There is a particular need for flight ment for training so students get the sity program is usually the most ex-
instructors to keep training the pilots benefit of the latest and greatest in flight pensive option for getting those ratings
that are needed to fly everything from training experiences. All aircraft have and training. It will cost the average
bush planes to military jets. WAAS certified GPS equipment and so student about $45,000 to $50,000 plus
The college route is likely the most do the simulators. living expenses to complete most col-
intense and challenging route to an air- Colleges also attract highly qualified lege courses and that doesn’t normally
line flying career and that’s exactly why instructors, virtually all of whom have include the private pilot licence. A PPL
the airlines like it. They know that col- professional flying experience. is a prerequisite. •

46 career guide | 2019

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Photo by: Mike Reyno

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