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Speaker1: [00:00:00] Lesson 28 Listening Activity one.

Speaker2: [00:00:06] I mean, in Britain, for instance, if I sort of want to cross

the street at a pedestrian crossing and the light is red, but there are no cars, is
it allowed to cross? I mean. Oh, yes, I see. Yeah. You don't have to wait for the
pedestrian light to turn green before you cross like you do in some countries.
Well, Japan you do. And I think Germany. You do as well. Yes, but no, you can
cross. I see. Um, and if when I'm in a park, for instance, you know, grass
everywhere, can I. Can I walk on that grass? Yes. Unless there's a sign that says
do not walk on the grass. Usually you can always walk on the grass. In France, it's
virtually impossible. Really. You'd get a fine. Yeah, except a few areas, but
that's good. Mm. A Now. I had a problem last time I wanted to drink. It was, I
think Sunday in the afternoon, around 3:30. And I mean, was it was it possible to
get a glass of beer somewhere? Because I found it very difficult.

Speaker3: [00:01:09] Well, not on a Sunday. Probably on any other day it would be
okay. I'm talking about pubs. Yes. You really everything was shut. Exactly. But
there is a possibility of getting a beer or an alcoholic drink in a restaurant. But
I'd have to eat them. You usually have to eat something. That's right. That's
usually the rule.

Speaker2: [00:01:27] Yes. And I wanted to I mean, I was told that if you have young
children, you can drink in a bar. I mean, can you take the children with you or

Speaker3: [00:01:37] Into the bar. Sometimes they might have a beer garden or
something like that. But if you're talking about very young children. Yes, Yes. No,
they can't come in with you not to a bar.

Speaker2: [00:01:45] So they have to go to a separate place. If there is such a

thing, then. Well, there.

Speaker3: [00:01:48] Isn't. There isn't. There isn't usually. No.

Speaker2: [00:01:52] And in a restaurant, perhaps foreign food or whatever. If I

don't know the food, can I go into the kitchen and look at the food? What they
look? Yeah. Have a look. I mean, we do that sometimes in France. We do not have a
restaurant. Is it possible here?

Speaker3: [00:02:06] I've never seen it done. If you ask nicely, I think if you
asked very nicely they might say yes. But I think normally I would say no. You just
wait quietly. I think so.

Speaker2: [00:02:17] I see. And for all my my correspondence and letters and
postcards, is it possible in England to go to a newsagent or a tobacconist shop and
get some stamps there to get the stamps?

Speaker3: [00:02:30] Yes, yes, yes. Also all kinds of places. Now supermarkets sell
them. Yeah. There's usually a sign on the door that that indicates.

Speaker2: [00:02:38] That they came here about ten years ago and I think it was in
the case then. That's right. You've changed.

Speaker3: [00:02:43] Yeah, we've changed.

Speaker2: [00:02:44] Yes. And what about smoking in cinema? I mean, if there's no
sign, for instance, which says no smoking, is that allowed? You can actually smoke
if there's no sign saying you can't?

Speaker3: [00:02:55] Well, yes, I think so. Usually, I think most of the cinemas
are non-smoking now. But then, yes, then there would be a sign. So if there's no
sign, I suppose you can smoke and hope nobody says anything. Yeah. Yeah, I think
you can.

Speaker2: [00:03:09] And in a cafe, for instance, if I want to drink and I don't
want to wait at a table or something, can I just go to the bar and pay for it

Speaker3: [00:03:19] I think. Yes.

Speaker2: [00:03:20] Yeah, no problem.

Speaker3: [00:03:21] It's the same. You can do what you want in in most cafes.

Speaker2: [00:03:24] And for instance, if I if I feel a bit ill and I haven't got
medical insurance or much money on me or can I make an appointment to see a doctor?
Any doctor?

Speaker3: [00:03:36] A doctor? Oh, yes, yes. You can get an appointment at any
doctor's surgery. No problem. As a temporary patient, it shouldn't be a problem. It
is possible. Oh, that's.

Speaker2: [00:03:45] Wonderful. Well, that's good. And lastly, if I want to take a
bus, can I buy a single ticket before I get on? Is that.

Speaker3: [00:03:54] Possible ticket? I don't think you can. On the bus. No.

Speaker2: [00:03:59] Right on the bus itself.

Speaker3: [00:04:00] Yes. You can get passes that allow you to go on the bus all
day, but just for one single ticket, you must buy it as you get on the bus.

Speaker2: [00:04:08] Thank you very much.

Speaker3: [00:04:09] Okay.

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