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+97 766 22 28


The study of laughter..........................................................................................2
Shoemaker –Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter .........................................................7
Dealing with Different Sleep Patterns .............................................................. 13
From Novices to Experts .................................................................................. 18
The Myth of the Five Senses ............................................................................ 24
TV Addiction ................................................................................................... 29
Antarctica and Global Warming ....................................................................... 35
Magnetic Therapy ............................................................................................ 41
Insects and Inspired Artificial Robots............................................................... 46
Extinction of Aussie Animals ........................................................................... 52
A Brief History of Rubber ................................................................................ 57
Desertification .................................................................................................. 61
The Legend of Tea ........................................................................................... 66
A Second Look at Twin Studies ....................................................................... 71
Torch Relay ..................................................................................................... 77
Hurricane ......................................................................................................... 82
Save the Turtles................................................................................................ 87
Fears ................................................................................................................ 92

+97 766 22 28

The study of laughter

Humans don’t have a monopoly on laughter, says Silvia Cardoso. A behavioral
biologist at the State University of Campinas, Brazil, she says it’s a primitive reflex
common to most animal; even rats laugh. She believes that too little laughter could
have serious consequences for our mental, physical and social well-being.
Laughter is a universal phenomenon, and one of the most common things we
do. We laugh many times a day, for many different reasons, but rarely think about it,
and seldom consciously control it. We know so little about the different kinds and
functions of laughter, and our interest really starts there. Why do we do it? What can
laughter teach us about our positive emotions and social behavior? There’s so much
we don’t know about how the brain contributes to emotion and many scientists think
we can get at understanding this by studying laughter.
Only 10 or 20 percent of laughing is a response to humor. Most of the time, it’s
a message we send to other people, communicating joyful disposition, a willingness
to bond and so on. It occupies a special place in social interaction and is a fascinating
feature of our biology, with motor, emotional and cognitive components. Scientists
study all kinds of emotions and behavior, but few focuses in this most basic
ingredient. Laughter gives us a clue that we have powerful systems in our brain
which respond to pleasure, happiness and joy. It’s also involved in events such as
release of fear.
Many professionals have always focused on emotional behavior. Researchers
spent many years investigating the neural basis of fear in rats, and came to laughter
via that route. It is noticed that when they were alone, in an exposed environment,
they were scared and quite uncomfortable. Back in a cage with others, they seemed
much happier. It looked as if they played with one another real rough and tumble, and
researchers wondered whether they were also laughing. The neurobiologist Jaak
Panksepp had shown that juvenile rats make short vocalizations, pitched too high for
humans to hear, during rough-and-tumble play. He thinks these are similar to
laughter. This made us wonder about the roots of laughter.
We only have to look at the primate closest to humans to see that laughter is
clearly not unique to us. This is not too surprising, because humans are only one
among many social species and there’s no reason why we should have a monopoly on
laughter as a social tool. The great apes, such as chimpanzees, do something similar
to humans. They open their mouths wide, expose their teeth, retract the corners of
their lips, and make loud and repetitive vocalizations in situations that tend to evoke

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human laughter, like when playing with one another or with humans, or when tickled.
Laughter may even have evolved long before primates. We know that dogs at play
have strange patterns of exhalation that differ from other sounds made during passive
or aggressive confrontation.
But we need to be careful about over-interpreting panting behavior in animals
at play. It’s nice to think of it as homologous to human laughter, but it could just be
something similar but with entirely different purposes and evolutionary advantages.
Everything humans do has a function, and laughing is no exception. Its
function is surely communication. We need to build social structures in order to live
well in our society and evolution has selected laughter as a useful device for
promoting social communication. In other words, it must have a survival advantage
for the species.
The brain scans are usually done while people are responding to humorous
material. Brainwave activity spread from the sensory processing area of the occipital
lobe, the bit at the back of the brain that processes visual signals, to the brain’s frontal
lobe. It seems that the frontal lobe is involved in recognizing things as funny. The left
side of the frontal lobe analyses the words and structure of jokes while the right side
does the intellectual analyses required to “get” jokes. Finally, activity spreads to the
motor areas of the brain controlling the physical task of laughing. Researchers also
found out that these complex pathways involved in laughter from neurological illness
and injury. Sometimes after brain damage, tumors, stroke or brain disorders such as
Parkinson’s disease, people get “stonefaced” syndrome and can’t laugh.
We are sure that laughter should differ between the sexes, particularly the uses
to which the sexes put laughter as a social tool. For instance, women smile more than
laugh, and are particularly adept at smiling and laughing with men as a kind of
“social lubricant”. It might even be possible that this has a biological origin, because
women don’t or can’t use their physical size as a threat, which men do, even if
Laughter is believed to be one of the best medicines. For one thing, it’s
exercise. It activates the cardiovascular system, so heart rate and blood pressure
increase, then the arteries dilate, causing blood pressure to fall again. Repeated short,
strong contractions of the chest muscles, diaphragm and abdomen increase blood
flow into our internal organs, and forced respiration –the ha! ha! –making sure that
this blood is well oxygenated. Muscle tension decreases, and indeed we may
temporarily lose control of our limbs, as in the expression “weak with laughter”. It
may also release brain endorphins, reducing sensitivity to pain and boosting

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endurance and pleasurable sensations. Some studies suggest that laughter affects the
immune system by reducing the production of hormones associated with stress, and
what when you laugh the immune system produces more T-cells. But no rigorously
controlled studies have confirmed these effects. Laughter’s social role is definitely
Today’s children may be heading for a whole lot of social ills because their
play and leisure time is so isolated and they lose out on lots of chances for laughter.
When children stare at computer screens, rather than laughing with each other, this is
at odds with what’s natural for them. Natural social behavior in children is playful
behavior, and in such situations laughter indicates that make-believe aggression is
just fun, not for real, and this is an important way in which children from positive
emotional bonds, gain new social skills and generally start to move from childhood
to adulthood. Parents need to be very careful to ensure that their children play in
groups, with both peers and adult, and laugh more.
Question 14-15
Which of the following claims and arguments are presented in the passage
Choose TWO letters from A-E
A. All animals share the phenomenon of laughter.
B. Laughter can influence both adult and child health.
C. Laughter is not unique to humans.
D. Human mental, physical and social well-being are closely related.
E. Laughter teaches us how to behave.

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Question 16-20
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 2?
On your answer sheet please write
YES if the statement agrees with the writer
NO if the statement contradicts with the writer
NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage.
16. Laughter is one of the most common expressions shared by all humans.
17. There are complicated systems in the human brain that take the
responsibility of our emotions as happiness and fear.
18. Communication is the only purpose of laughter.
19. Reduced blood pressure would lead to a stimulated cardiovascular system.
20. With the mass production of T-cells from the laughter, stress hormones
would be deducted from the immune system.
Question 21-26
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each
Emotional behavior takes academic concerns. For years scientists have been
examining the origin of 21 and laughter that comes from the same
route as rats. Within an open environment, they have been noticed to be 22
when they are alone, and happier when they are back with others. Jaak
Panksepp even found that rats make 23 _ when they are in a chaotic
state. It is well understand that humans are not the only living species that laughs and
laughter may have developed long before 24 _. Despite such facts, we
need to pay attention when we explain various animal behavior, as they may express
with differed 25 and 26 .

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14. B
15. C (14 -15 in any order)
16. YES
17. YES
19. NO
21. fear
22. scare/uncomfortable
23. (short) vocalizations
24. primates
25. purposes
26. evolutionary advantages

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Shoemaker –Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter

A. The last half of July 1994 witnessed much interest among the
astronomical community and the wider public in the collision of comet Shoemaker –
Levy 9 with Jupiter. The comet was discovered on 25 March 1993 by Eugene and
Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy, using a 450 mm Schmidt camera at the Mount
Palomar Observatory. The discovery was based on a photographic plate exposed two
days earlier. The Shoemakers are particularly experienced comet hunters with 61
discoveries to their credit. Their technique relied on the proper motion of a comet to
identify the object as a non-stellar body. They photograph large areas of the sky,
typically with an eight minute exposure, and repeat the photograph 45 minutes later.
Comparison of the two photographs with a stereo-microscope reveals any bodies
which have moved against the background of fixed stars.
B. As so often in science, serendipity played a large part in the discovery of
the Shoemaker –Levy 9. The weather in the night of 23 March was so poor that the
observers would not normally have bothered putting film into their camera. However,
they had a box of old film to hand which had been partially exposed by accident
some days previously, so decided to insert it into the camera rather than waste good
film. Fortunately, two of the film plates, despite being fogged round the edges
captured the first image of a very strange, bar-shaped object. This object, which
Carolyn Shoemaker first described as a squashed comet, later became known as
comet Shoemaker –Levy 9.
C. Other, more powerful, telescopes revealed that the comet was in fact
composed of 21 cemetery fragments, strung out in a line, which accounted for the
unusual shape. The term string of pearls was soon coined. Some graphic proofs
obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope shows the main fragments which at that time
spanned a linear distance of approximately 600,000 km. Initially the fragments were
surrounded by extensive dust clouds in the line of the nuclei but these later
disappeared. Some of the nuclei also faded out, while others split into multiple
D. The size of the original comet and each of the fragments was, and still is,
something of a mystery. The first analysis of the orbital dynamics of the fragments
suggested that the comet was originally some 2.5 km in diameter with an average
fragment diameter of 0.75 km. Later work gave corresponding diameters of
approximately 10 km and 2 km and these values are now considered more likely.
There was considerable variation in the diameters of different fragments.
E. Further calculations revealed that the cemetery fragments were on

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course to collide with Jupiter during July 1994, and that each fragment could deliver
an energy equivalent to approximately 500,000 million tons of TNT. The prospect of
celestial fireworks on such a grand scale immediately captured the attention of
astronomers worldwide!
F. Each fragment was assigned an identity letter A-W and a coordinated
program of observations was put in place worldwide to track their progress towards
impact with Jupiter. As the cemetery fragments reached the cloud tops of Jupiter, they
were travelling at approximately 30,000,000 km. The impacts occurred during 16-22
July. All took place at a latitude of approximately 48 degrees south which nominally
placed them in the SSS Temperate Region, however visually they appeared close to
the Jovian polar region. The impacts all occurred some 10-15 degrees round the limb
in the far side of the planet as seen from Earth. However the rapid rotation of the
planet soon carried the impact sites into the view of Earth-based telescopes. The
collisions lived up to all but the wildest expectations and provided a truly impressive
G. Jupiter is composed of a relatively small core of iron and silicates
surrounded by hydrogen. In the depths of the planet the hydrogen is so compressed
that it is metallic in form; further from the center, the pressure is lower and the
hydrogen is in its normal molecular form. The Jovian cloud tops visible from Earth
consist primarily of methane and ammonia. There are other elements and compounds
lurking in the cloud tops and below which are thought to be responsible for the colors
seen in the atmosphere.
H. The smaller cemetery fragments plunged into Jupiter, rapidly
disintegrated and left little trace; three of the smallest fragments, namely T, U and V
left no discernible traces whatsoever. However, many of the cemetery fragments were
sufficiently large to produce a spectacular display. Each large fragment punched
through the cloud tops, heated the surrounding gases to some 20,000 K on the way,
and caused a massive plume or fireball up to 2,000 km in diameter to rise above the
cloud tops. Before encountering thicker layers of the atmosphere and disintegrating in
a mammoth shock wave, the large fragments raised dark dust particles and ultra-
violet absorbing gases high into the Jovian cloud tops. The dark particles and ultra-
violet absorbing gases manifested themselves as a dark scar surrounding the impact
site in visible light.
I. Somedays after collision the impact sites began to evolve and fade as
they became subject to the dynamics of Jupiter’s atmosphere. No one knows how
long they will remain visible from Earth, but it is thought that the larger scars may
persist for a year or more. The interest of professional astronomers in Jupiter is now

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waning and valuable work can therefore be performed by amateurs in tracking the
evolution of the collision scars. The scars are easily visible in a modest telescope, and
a large reflector will show them in some detail. There is scope for valuable observing
work from now until Jupiter reaches conjunction with the Sun in November 2004.
J. Astronomers and archivists are now searching old records for possible
previously unrecognized impacts on Jupiter. Several spots were reported from 1690
to 1872 by observers including William Herschel and Giovanni Cassini. The records
of the BAA in 1927 and 1948 contain drawings of Jupiter with black dots or spots
visible. It may be possible that comet impacts have been observed before, without
their identity being realized, but no one can be sure.

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Question 27-31
Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings
Write appropriate numbers (i-x) in boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all
List of Headings
i Camera settings for observation
ii Collisions on stage
iii Size of comet
iv String of pearls
v Scientific explanations
vi Hubble Space Telescope
vii First discovery of the squashed comet
viii Power generated from the collisions
ix Calculations, expectations and predictions
x Change of the fragment’s shape
27 Paragraph B
28 Paragraph C
29 Paragraph D
30 Paragraph E
31 Paragraph F

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Questions 32 -35
Reading Passage 3 contains 10 paragraphs A –J.
Which paragraphs state the following information?
Write the appropriate letters A –J in boxes 32 -35 on your answer sheet.
32. Shoemaker –Levy 9 comets had been accidentally detected.
33. The collision caused a spectacular vision on Jupiter.
34. Every single element of Shoemaker –Levy 9 was labeled.
35. Visual evidence explains the structure of Shoemaker –Levy 9.
Questions 36 -40
Complete the summary bellow.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each
The core of Jupiter, which is enclosed by hydrogen, consists of 36
_ and 37 . Hydrogen is in metallic form as it is squeezed by
pressure generated from the depths of the planet. The pressure is gradually reduced
from the center to the outside layers, where hydrogen is in normal form of 38
. Far from the ground, methane and ammonia structures the 39
, which can be observed from earth. Colors seen in the atmosphere is
largely due to other particles 40 in the cloud.

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27. vii
28. iv
29. iii
30. viii
31. ii
32. B
33. H
34. F
35. C
36. iron
37. silicates
38. molecule
39. Jovian cloud tops
40. lurking

+97 766 22 28

Dealing with Different Sleep Patterns

Sleep medicine is a relatively young field in the UK, with only a couple of
centers until the 1980s. In the last decade a number of centers have sprouted, often
led by chest physicians and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) surgeons with an interest in
obstructive sleep apnoea, forcing neurologists and neurophysiologists to wake up and
contribute to the non –respiratory aspect of this neglected subject.
Within sleep, two states are recognized –non rapid eye movement (NREM) and
rapid eye movement (REM). These alternate cyclically through the night with cycle
time of 90 minutes (50 ~ 60 minutes in the newborn). NREM sleep evolved with the
homeothermic state and is divided into four stages: stage 1and 2 which are considered
light sleep, and stages 3 and 4 which are considered deep sleep with high arousal
REM is ontogenecally primitive with EEG (electroencephalo –graph) activity
closer to wake state, intermittent bursts of REMs and muscle atonia interrupted by
phasic burst producing asynchronous twitching. The atonia of REM sleep prevents
acting out of dreams and is lost in REM behavior disorder when dreams content
becomes violent and patients act out their dream, often resulting in injury.
REM behavior disorder can be a precursor of neurodegenerative disease
including Parkinsons. Dream content –pleasant or unpleasant –will be remembered
on waking from REM sleep but there is often little or no memory of the preceding
mental activity on arousals from NREM sleep, even when associated with complex
behaviors and autonomic disturbance as occurs in night terrors or sleep walking.
In the newborn, 50 percent of total sleep time is occupied by REM sleep,
progressively shrinking to 25 percent in the adult, the first block of REM sleep
occurring about 90 minutes after sleep onset. Abrupt withdrawal of alcohol and many
centrally acting recreational and non-recreational drugs can cause REM sleep to
occur at sleep onset. This can also increase total REM sleep, leading to intense vivid
often frightening dreams, similar to that experienced by patients with narcolepsy.
The NREM/REM sleep states are interrupted by brief arousals and transient
awakenings. The frequency of the arousals may increase with emotional disturbance
or environmental discomfort but also in many intrinsic sleep disorders such as
periodic leg movements in sleep, obstructive sleep apnoea and narcolepsy.
A basic rest/activity cycle originates in fetal life. The newborn sleeps an equal
amount during the day and night, the sleep/wake cycle organized around three to four

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hourly feeds. By the second month favoring of sleep towards night time occurs and
by six months the baby will have about 12 hour of sleep at night in addition to a
couple of daytime naps.
In general, children born prematurely have a tendency to be awake more at
night in the first year and breast-fed babies wake more frequently, but the difference
disappears by the second year. Persistent night awakenings in infants and toddlers
usually reflect the child’s inability to self-soothe back to sleep without parental
attention and will respond to a well supported behavioral programme.
The establishment of a consolidated night sleep pattern in children reflects
brain maturation and may be disrupted in children with developmental problems.
Even in this group success is possible by persisting with behavioral work, though
many paediatricians prescribe melatonin for these children with some success. But as
the long –term safety of melatonin remains unknown it should be used as a last resort.
There are now good studies looking at short term use of melatonin in sleep
wake cycle disorders such as delayed sleep phase syndrome. Its use as a hypnotic
should be discouraged, especially in the developing child as there is uncertainty on
other cycles, such as menstrual.
In addition to the NREM/REM cycles, there is a circadian sleep/wake cycle
entrained by intrinsic rhythms –melatonin and body temperature and extrinsic factors
–light and social cues such as mealtimes, work times.
The pineal hormone melatonin plays a role in entraining the sleep/wake cycle
to the light/dark cycle. Melatonin secretion is high in darkness and low in daylight
hours, the process beginning in the retina with the supra chiasmatic nucleus playing a
major role as a sleep regulator via melatonin. Blind people may lose this entrainment
and develop a free running sleep/wake cycle with progressive advancement of sleep
onset time.
Polymorphism of the circadian clock gene has now been identified with the
population divided between morning types (larks) and evening types (owls). Those
predisposed to later sleep onset time are susceptible to developing delayed sleep
phase syndrome especially during adolescence when sleep requirement increases and
there is a tendency towards later time for sleeping and waking.
In delayed sleep phase syndrome, sleep onset is delayed to the early hours of
the morning with consequent difficulty in waking in time for school/work. Once
established advancing sleep onset time is difficult and requires treatment with

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appropriately timed melatonin or bright light therapy, or chronotherapy –advancing
sleep onset progressively forwards until the desired sleep time is reached.
In contrast the elderly who are more susceptible to perturbation in their
sleep/wake schedule can develop advanced sleep phase syndrome with sleep onset
occurring early in the evening. Shift workers often struggle to cope with shift patterns
as they grow older due to difficulty in re-adjusting their circadian clock. In general,
morning bright light exposure is a more powerful synchronizer of the circadian
rhythm than melatonin.
Question 1-8
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 1?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.
1. Growth interest on sleeping disorder studies caused growth number of
centers for researching on sleep medicines.
2. People are often injured when dreaming aggressive scenes or sleepwalking.
3. Parkinsons is scientifically proved to be the only result of REM disorders.
4. REM sleep counts for less proportion of total sleep time for grownups then
5. Frightening dreams are considered irrelevant to alcohols and drugs.
6. According to the author, babies would sleep more at night from the second
month of their births.
7. During the night, children born prematurely wake as frequently as breast-
fed babies.
8. Children require more deep sleep and less disruption during their sleep in
the first half of the night.

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Question 9-14
Complete the summary below.
Choose your answer from the list below and write them in boxes 9-14 on your
answer sheet.
NB There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all.
Researchers had laid their eyes on using medicines in sleep-wake cycle
disorders. The NREM/REM cycles affect sleep along with human 9
and outside factors. Melatonin plays a determinant role in 10 the sleep-
wake cycle to the day-night cycle. Scientists found that melatonin is high within 11
_ environment, with an exception of 12 subject who may
build up a free cycle. Circadian clock genes are 13 between “morning
people” and “night people”. It is difficult for people with delayed sleep phase
syndrome to wake in time. Conversely, 14 are more susceptible to
sleep early in the evening.

rhythms shadow different identical

paces bright body shift workers
entraining daylight elders blind
physiological cycle younger sight

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9. rhythms
10. entraining
11. shadow
12. blind
13. different
14. elders

+97 766 22 28

From Novices to Experts

Expertise is commitment coupled with creativity. Specifically, it is the
commitment of time, energy, and resources to a relatively narrow field of study and
the creative energy necessary to generate new knowledge in that field. It takes a
considerable amount of time and regular exposure to a large number of cases to
become an expert.
An individual enters a field of study as a novice. The novice needs to learn the
guiding principles and rules –the heuristics and constraints –of a given task in order
to perform that task. Concurrently, the novice needs to be exposed to specific cases,
or instances, that test the boundaries of such heuristics. Generally, a novice will find a
mentor to guide her through the process of acquiring new knowledge. A fairly simple
example would be someone learning to play chess. The novice chess player seeks a
mentor to teach her the object of the game, the number of spaces, the names of the
pieces, the function of each piece, how each piece is moved, and the necessary
conditions for winning or losing the game.
In time, and with much practice, the novice begins to recognize patterns of
behavior within cases and, thus, becomes a journeyman. With more practice and
exposure to increasingly complex cases, the journeyman finds patterns not only
within cases but also between cases. More importantly, the journeyman learns that
these patterns often repeat themselves over time. The journeyman still maintains
regular contact with a mentor to solve specific problems and learn more complex
strategies. Returning to the example of the chess player, the individual begins to learn
patterns of opening moves, offensive and defensive game –playing strategies, and
patterns of victory and defeat.
When a journeyman starts to make and test hypotheses about future behavior
based on past experiences, she begins the next transition. Once she creatively
generates knowledge, rather than simply matching superficial patterns, she becomes
an expert. At this point, she is confident in her knowledge and no longer needs a
mentor as a guide –she becomes responsible for her own knowledge.
In the chess example, once a journey man begins competing against experts,
makes predictions based on patterns, and tests those predictions against actual
behavior, she is generating new knowledge and a deeper understanding of the game.
She is creating her own cases rather than relying on the cases of others.
The chess example is a rather short description of an apprenticeship model.
Apprenticeship may seem like a restrictive 18th century mode of education, but it is

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still a standard method of training for many complex tasks. Academic doctoral
programs are based on an apprenticeship model, as are fields like law, music,
engineering, and medicine. Graduate students enter fields of study, find mentors, and
begin the long process of becoming independent experts and generating new
knowledge in their respective domains.
To some, playing chess may appear rather trivial when compared, for example,
with making medical diagnoses, but both are highly complex tasks. Chess has a well-
defined set of heuristics, whereas medical diagnoses seem more open ended and
variable. In both instances, however, there are tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of
potential patterns. A research study discovered that chess masters had spent between
10,000 and 20,000 hours, or more than ten years, studying and playing chess. On
average, a chess master stores, 50,000 different chess patterns in long-term memory.
Similarly, a diagnostic radiologist spends eight years in full time medical
training –four years of medical school and four years of residency –before she is
qualified to take a national board exam and begin independent practice. According to
a 1988 study, the average diagnostic radiology resident sees forty cases per day, or
around 12,000 cases per year. At the end of a residency, a diagnostic radiologist has
stored, on average, 48,000 cases in long-term memory.
Psychologists and cognitive scientists agree that the time it takes to become an
expert depends on the complexity of the task and the number of cases, or patterns, to
which an individual is exposed. The more complex the task, the longer it takes to
build expertise, or, more accurately, the longer it takes to experience and store a large
number of cases or patterns.
Experts are individuals with specialized knowledge suited to perform the
specific tasks for which they are trained, but that expertise does not necessarily
transfer to other domains. A master chess player cannot apply chess expertise in a
game of poker –although both chess and poker are games, a chess master who has
never played poker is a novice poker player. Similarly, a biochemist is not qualified
to perform neurosurgery, even though both biochemists and neurosurgeons study
human physiology. In other words, the more complex a task is the more specialized
and exclusive is the knowledge required to perform that task.
An expert perceives meaningful patterns in her domain better than non-experts.
Where a novice perceives random or disconnected data points, an expert connects
regular patterns within and between cases. This ability to identify patterns is not an
innate perceptual skill; rather it reflects the organization of knowledge after exposure
to and experience with thousands of cases.

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Experts have a deeper understanding of their domains than novices do, and
utilize higher –order principles to solve problems. A novice, for example, might
group objects together by color or size, whereas an expert would group the same
objects according to their function or utility. Experts comprehend the meaning of data
and weigh variables with different criteria within their domains better then novices.
Experts recognized variables that have the largest influence on a particular problem
and focus their attention on those variables.
Experts have better domain –specific short –term and long –term memory than
novices do. Moreover, experts perform tasks in their domains faster than novices and
commit fewer errors while problem solving. Interestingly, experts go about solving
problems differently than novices. Experts spend more time thinking about a problem
to fully understand it at the beginning of a task than do novices, who immediately
seek to find a solution. Experts use their knowledge of previous cases as context for
creating mental models to solve given problems.
Better at self-monitoring then novices, experts are more aware of instances
where they have committed errors or failed to understand a problem. Experts check
their solutions more often than novices and recognize when they are missing
information necessary for solving a problem. Experts are aware of the limits of their
domain knowledge and apply their domain’s heuristics to solve problems that fall
outside of their experience base.

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Question 15-21
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 2?
On your answer sheet please write
YES if the statement agrees with the writer
NO if the statement contradicts with the writer
NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage.
15. Both freshmen and journeymen need the help of a mentor to solve specific
16. Novices take more time to deal with a large number of cases than experts.
17. The apprenticeship model is always used to analyze the behavior of experts
and novices.
18. A chess master is certainly qualified to play poker well.
19. Experts and novices comprehend the meaning of data and weigh variables
in different ways.
20. Experts generally have better memories than novices do.
21. Interestingly, experts take more time to solve problems than novices who
immediately seek to find a solution.

Question 22-24
Complete the summary below.
Choose your answer from the list below and write them in boxes 22-24 on your
answer sheet.
NB There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all.
The 22 is not only a mode of education, but a standard method of
training. On this basis, 23 have been developed. Graduates seek their 24 in
respective fields and begin the long process of becoming experts.

mentors chess description

laws apprenticeship new knowledge
doctoral programs complex tasks

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Questions 25-27
Complete the flowchart below
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
From a novice chess player to an expert

A novice
• The object of the game
• The number of spaces
• The name and function of each piece
• How each piece is moved
• The necessary conditions to win or close

A 25
• Patterns of opening moves
• 26 _ game –playing strategies
• Pattern of victory and defeat

An expert
• Makes predictions based on patterns
• Tests those predictions against actual behavior
• Generates new knowledge
• Create 27 _

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15. YES
18. NO
19. YES
21. NO
22. apprenticeship
23. academic doctoral programs
24. mentors
25. journeyman
26. offensive and defensive
27. her own cases

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The Myth of the Five Senses

A. We see with our eyes and taste with our tongues. Ears are for hearing,
skin is for feeling and noses are for smelling. Would anyone claim that ears can smell,
or that tongues can see? As a matter of fact, yes. Paul Bach-y-Rita, a neuroscientist at
the University of Wisconsin at Madison, believes that the senses are interchangeable;
for instance, a tongue can be used for seeing. This “revolutionary” study actually
stems from a relatively popular concept among scientists; that the brain is an
accommodating organ. It will attempt to carry out the same function, even when part
of it is damaged, by redirecting the function to another area of the brain. As opposed
to previous mainstream scientist’s understanding that the brain is compartmentalized,
it is now more acceptable that the individual “part” of the brain could be somewhat
B. Paul Bach-y-Rita’s experiments suggest that “we experience the five
senses, but where the data comes from may not be so important”. In the article “Can
You See With Your Tongue?” the journalist was blindfolded with a small video
camera strapped to his forehead, connected to a long plastic strip which was inserted
into his mouth. A laptop computer would convert the video’s image into a fewer
number of pixels, and those pixels would travel through the plastic strip as electric
current, reaching the grid of electrodes that was placed inside the man’s mouth. The
scientist told the man that she would soon be rolling a ball towards his right side, left
side, or center, and he would have to catch it. And as the journalist stated, “my eyes
and ears have no way to tell where it’s going. That leaves my tongue… has more
tactile nerve endings than any part of the body other than the lips”. The scientist
rolled the ball and a “tingling” passed over the man’s tongue, and he reached out with
his left hand and caught the ball.
C. If the brain can see a ball through a camera and a wet tongue, many new
questions arise. What does this concept imply in terms of blindness and deafness?
Rather than attempting to reserve these sensory disabilities through surgeries and
hearing aids, should we be trying to circumvent them by using different receptors?
Can we still trust in the idea of the five senses, or was it wrong to categorize our
perception of the outside world so strictly?
D. In fact, the “five senses” may well be another story that should be
discarded in lieu of new observation. Aside from the emerging possibility of
interchanging a tongue and an eye, there is the highly accepted possibility that our
original list of senses is incomplete. Many scientists would add at least these two
senses to the list: the kinesthetic sense and the vestibular sense. The first is a sense of

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self, mostly in terms of limbs and their placement. For instance, I know where my
right foot is without looking or feeling for it. It is something that my brain “knows”.
This is said to be because of information sent to the brain by the muscles, implying
that muscles should be added to the list of sensory organs. If more observations were
to be collected on this subject, a more accommodating explanation could potentially
be reached. Secondly, the vestibular sense is what most would consider a sense of
E. Why were these two senses not included in our limited list? It might be
the result of a lack of external symbolism. A nose or an eye is an obvious curiosity
because of the question it generates: “What does this thing do?” But we have no limb
or facial organ dedicated to balance or to kinesthetic awareness. On the other hand, if
the vestibular sense and the kinesthetic senses occur solely in the brain, are they truly
senses? Should experiences be labeled as senses without representation by an external
organ? If one believes that the brain is the true sensory organ and the rest are simply
interchangeable receptors, then yes, we should remain open to labeling many new
“experiences” as “senses”. But, is there perhaps an overlying truth that directly
relates the five senses to the human experience of life?
F. On way of gaining new insight is to explore the animal world of senses.
Migrating animals, for example, are said to have a “sixth sense”, a term which alludes
to all unexplainable phenomenon. In reality, what we call the sixth sense includes any
number of unrelated senses that everyday humans do not possess and therefore know
little about. Perhaps there is a sense of placement on the earth, similar to the
kinesthetic sense of bodily placement, which helps animals return home. Perhaps it is
simply a “sense of direction” that is more developed or more substantial than what
human possess. Scientists have even conjectured that traces of magnetite, found in
pigeons and monarch butterflies, could be used as a compass, enabling the animal to
sense the magnetic fields of the earth. Those who use the term “mysterious sixth
sense” rarely give details about which of these strange abilities they are referring to?
The term relating to “past our understanding” is used in such a sweeping, general way
that there is no one solid, falsifiable hypothesis. This term does not bring us closer to
our understanding of the senses.
G. In addition to internal mysteries, many animals also possess external
sensory organs which we do not. Fish, for instance, have an organ that runs along the
sides of their bodies called the lateral-line system. It is made of tiny hair-like sensors
that receive information about movements in the water. There is even the ability to
distinguish between ordinary, background movement and strange movement that
could signify a predator or another creature. This sense also helps the fish to “orient

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themselves within the current and the stream flow”. Interestingly, “land vertebrates…
lost their lateral-line systems somewhere along the evolutionary path, all vertebrates
started out with them…” Of course, we no longer consider this sense to be a human
perception of life because we no longer possess the organ. But has the sense
remained? Perhaps the feeling of being watched, of being followed on a dark
sidewalk, is a dull shadow of the sense we used to possess. It is particularly
noteworthy that this “feeling” of being followed is often referred to as “intuition”.
How is intuition related to senses? In the same sense, how are emotions and senses
the same?
H. New stories that could expand our categorical concepts of the senses are
emerging constantly, but we seem to prefer holding onto the old concept of five
senses. We would urge towards expanding that category numerically and
conceptually. There is much to be explored in terms of the relation of sense and
emotion, the utilizations and disabilities of the senses, and a vertebrate’s need for
senses compared to other types of animals, in terms of participating in life. The
interconnectedness of our senses within the brain and among the external organs is a
concept worthy of more attention and exploration, and it will explored more easily
when the old, rather arbitrary myth of the five senses is discarded.

Questions 28-32
Reading Passage 3 contains 8 paragraphs A –H.
Which paragraphs state the following information?
Write the appropriate letters A –H in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.
28. Practices of animal migration have helped expand our knowledge of the
29. The subject caught the ball with the help of his tongue.
30. The brain knows where my right foot is without looking at it.
31. An example showing that people’s intuition may work.
32. Humans probably lost a kind of sensory organ during evolution.

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Questions 33-37
Complete the summary below.
Choose your answer from the list below and write them in boxes 33-37 on your
answer sheet.
NB There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all.
Many scientists believe that our 33 list of senses lacks other
important elements, like the sense of kinesthetic and vestibular. For the first itself,
majority cases are about the 34 of our arms and legs. For example, we
can feel our feet without looking for them, due to the information link between brain
and our 35 . For the vestibular sense, it would provide us with 36
. That these two senses are excluded from our list might be the result of
a lack of external 37 _.

initial placement sensory organs

limb entrain tongue
movement stability representation
dark muscles picture
Question 38-40
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 3?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.
38. Senses are transposable just as the tongue can also be used to hear sounds.
39. Animals are considered to have senses other than the original five.
40. New stories and research have persuaded us to accept the conception of five

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28. F
29. B
30. D
31. G
32. G
33. initial
34. placement
35. muscles
36. stability
37. representation
39. TRUE

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TV Addiction
A. In 1977, Winn argued in The Plug-in Drug that television has properties
of addiction. Researchers have been intrigued by this idea, but few have tried to study
it systematically. Anecdotal accounts and speculation comprise most of the research
on television addiction. Furthermore, similar to the alcohol and drug abuse literature,
a conceptual haze between the concepts of heavy exposure, reliance, dependence, and
addiction to television remains problematic. A clear distinction needs to be made
between these concepts to determine the difference between normal and problem
B. Foss and Alexander had researched on objects that contain both self-
defined heavy viewers (6 hours per day) and non-viewers. They found that many non-
viewers called television a drug or a religion and believed that it caused less
interaction with friends and family, less time spent doing more productive or healthier
things, and less critical thought. Non-viewers reported that television was simply too
seductive to have around. Heavy viewers saw addiction to television as a likely
outcome, but not for themselves. For them, it was simply a means for escape and
relaxation. People who avoid television tend to cite its addictive properties as the
reason. Non-viewers in Australia wouldn’t watch because they couldn’t “resist its
power”. They regarded it as a depressant drug that dulls the senses. Mander collected
around 2,000 anecdotal responses to television that made it sound like “a machine
that invades, controls and deadens the people who view it”. Common statements
resulted, such as “I feel hypnotized” and “I just can’t keep my eyes off it”. In talking
about their television behavior, people compared themselves to mesmerized, drugged-
out, and spaced-out vegetables. Similarly, Singer asked, “why do we turn the set on
almost automatically on awakening in the morning or on returning home from school
or work?” Singer, though, said that addiction to television is an extreme position, and
speculated that television’s magnetism can be explained by a human “orienting
reflex”. That is, we are programmed to respond to new or unexpected stimuli, and
because novel and sudden, images are key features of television, it draws our
attention. Singer said that the addictive power of television is probably to minimize
problems by putting other thoughts in your mind.
C. In an empirical search for this seemingly pervasive psychological
phenomenon, Smith used popular literature to generate items for a measure of
television addiction. Although the resultant scale was not directly based on the DSM-
IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), it included some of the
concepts such as loss of control, time spent using, withdrawal, attempts to quit, and

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guilt. Her study via mail of 491 adults living in some mountain areas found that very
few of the participants identified with the concepts in her measure; only 11 out of 491
respondents admitted television addiction, although 64% of the respondents reported
that television was addictive. Smith found a strong relationship between the amount
of time spent viewing and the tendency to call oneself an addict.
D. Nothing that there have been almost no empirical studies of television
addiction, McIlwraith, Jacobvitz, Kubey, and Alexander cited an earlier version of the
DSM-IV to discuss a possible relationship to television viewing. Using Smith’s
measure, they found that only 17 out of 136 college students were self-designated
addicts. They reported twice as much television viewing as non-addicts, more mind
wandering, distractibility, boredom, and unfocused daydreaming, and tended to score
higher on scales measuring introversion and neuroticism. They also reported
significantly more dysphoric mood watching, and watching to fill time.
E. Also using Smith’s measure of television addiction, Anderson, Collins,
Schmitt, and Jacobvitz found that, for women, stressful life events predicted
television addiction-like behavior and guilt about television watching. They argued
that women used television in a way that was “analogous to alcohol”, and wondered
if television watching served to delay more healthy and appropriate coping strategies.
Also using Smith’s measure, McIlwraith found only 10% of the 237 participants
sampled while visiting a museum identified themselves as television addicts.
McIlwraith found that those who admitted addiction to television watched
significantly more hours of television than others, and watched more to escape
unpleasant moods and to fill time. McIlwraith’s sample echoed Smith’s, who found
that participants most often responded never on all the items about television
F. According to Smith, the phenomenon of television addiction is
unsubstantiated in empirical research, but is robust in anecdotal evidence. For
example, like other addictions, television watching is thought to contribute to conflict
and breakdowns in family relationships. One woman explained how her husband’s
addiction to television contributed to their separation: “There was absolutely no way
of spending an evening alone with my husband without television. He was most
resentful if I stuck out for my choice of program and most resentful if I turned it off
while he slept in front of it”. There are worse stories. Fowles related tragic newspaper
accounts due to quarrels about television: “Charles Green of East Palo Alto,
California stabbed his sister to death with a hunting knife after she took out the
electrical fuses so he would stop viewing. In Latwell, Louisiana, John Gallien shot
his sister-in-law because she kept turning down the volume”. Studies of television

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deprivation also indicate profound and real withdrawal-like symptoms, supporting the
notion of addiction.
G. A handful of studies have attempted to study other types of media
addiction directly using APA criteria. For example, Fisher found that children could
be classified as addicted to video games. The children’s pathological video game
playing was based on model criteria such as frequency and duration of play,
supernormal expenditures, borrowing and selling of possessions to play, and self-
awareness of a problem. Phillips, Rolls, Rouse, and Griffiths studied the video game
habits of 868 children, aged 11 to 16. They found that 50 could be classified as
addicts. The addicted children played nearly every day, for longer time periods than
intended, often to the neglect of homework. They reported feeling better after play,
and using play to avoid other things. Also based on APA criteria, a case study in the
United Kingdom effectively diagnosed a young man as addicted to pinpall machines.
Consistent with third-person effect literature, the young man thought that he played
too much, but that he was not “addicted”.
H. Therefore, anecdotal and inferential evidence suggests that television
can be extremely compelling and important in people’s lives, even beyond
dependence or habit. Whether television viewing can truly be addictive is still
unclear. Although many have made the comparison and some have even studied
addiction based on concepts drawn from popular literature, no researchers have
studied and measured television addiction based purely on DSM-IV criteria.
Recently, Kubey argued that at least 5 of the 7 DSM-IV criteria are probably
applicable to television viewing, but this remains to be tested. Although he did not
believe that the addiction criteria of tolerance and continued use despite problems
seemed likely for television use, he did believe that all the others could clearly apply.
According to Kubey, although we don’t think of television as a substance, we do take
it into our minds. Although this is a fruitful area of study, “methods to diagnose
television dependence have not been established”. So, it seems that television use
may be addictive for some people, but addiction has not been effectively
conceptualized in the communication literature. Psychiatry has provided criteria for
dependence/addiction that have taken decades to develop, but communication
scholars have yet to attempt to use them fully.

+97 766 22 28
Questions 1-6
Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs A-G from the list of heading
Write appropriate number (i-xi) in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
List of Headings
i Television and family feuds
ii Comparisons made among heavy viewers and non-viewers
iii Psychological expertise helps to interpret television addiction
iv Television addiction being proved by tragedies
v Resist the power of television addiction
vi Children receive less affection
vii Similarities between using television and alcohol
viii Findings from the campus
ix Conception of television addiction being proposed
x Empirical search for DSM-IV
xi Using methods from television addiction studies on other
1. Paragraph A
2. Paragraph B

Example Answer
Paragraph C iii
3. Paragraph D
4. Paragraph E
5. Paragraph F
6. Paragraph G

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Questions 7-13
Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-W) with
opinions or deeds (listed 7-13) below.
Write the appropriate letters A-W in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.
NB Some people may match more than one discovery
A Anderson
L Alexander
F Fowles
I Fisher
K Kubey
M Mander
S Smith
W Winn
7. found television addiction over two decades ago.
8. found audiences would get hypnotized from viewing too
much television.
9. _ found there are certain relationships among television and
other media.
10. found that most people did not answer all the questions about
television addiction.
11. found that previous studies remains limited.
12. related dreadful incidents due to television addiction.
13. found females may be more likely to feel guilty when
watching TV.

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1. ix
2. ii
3. viii
4. vii
5. iv
6. xi
7. W
8. M
9. I
10. S
11. K
12. F
13. A

+97 766 22 28

Antarctica and Global Warming

A. If you are an aficionado of the global warming “debate”, you have
probably read at one time or another that current trends in the Antarctic show that
there is no such thing as global warming. This is, of course, not true. But the
Antarctic is a vast region and it can be daunting to piece together the science stories
that do get out into the mainstream press into one coherent picture.
B. Antarctica can be divided into three major geographic regions: East
Antarctica, West Antarctica, and the Antarctic Peninsula. The Transantarctic
Mountains divide the continent into eastern and western regions. The large East
Antarctic Ice Sheet flows slowly through most of its interior, until the ice approaches
the coast and is channeled through fast-flowing outlet glaciers. The ice sheet surface
is high, dry, and very cold. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is a faster flowing ice mass
that may be vulnerable to rapid change.
C. The Antarctic ice sheets store 90% of the ice on Earth and close to 70%
of the planet’s fresh water. The West Antarctic ice sheet contains enough ice to raise
sea level between 5 and 6 meters, were this all to melt. The East Antarctic Ice Sheet
holds about 10 times more. The relatively warm Antarctic Peninsula supports a series
of ice caps and outlet glaciers that together are estimated to contain less than half a
meter of sea level equivalent. The continent is surrounded, seasonally, by sea ice that
freezes at the ocean surface. Just as in the Arctic, sea ice formation in the Antarctic is
important to many parts of the Earth system, including ocean circulation and climate.
D. The climate of Antarctica does not allow extensive vegetation. A
combination of freezing temperatures, pure oil quality, lack of moisture, and lack of
sunlight inhibit the flourishing of plants. As a result, plant life is limited to mostly
mosses and liverworts. The autotrophic community is made up of mostly protists. The
flora of the continent largely consists of lichens, bryophytes, algae, and fungi. Growth
generally occurs in the summer and only for a few weeks at most.
E. On the other hand, varieties of marine animals exist and rely, directly or
indirectly. Antarctic sea life includes penguins, blue whales, orcas, colossal squids
and fur seals. The Emperor penguin is the only penguin that breeds during the winter
in Antarctica, while the Adélie Penguin breeds farther south than any other penguin.
The Rockhopper penguin has distinctive feathers around the eyes, giving the
appearance of elaborate eyelashes. King penguins, Chinstrap penguins, and Gentoo
Penguins also breed in the Antarctic. The Antarctic fur seal heavily hunter in the 18 th
and 19th centuries for its pelt by sealers from the United States and the United
Kingdom. The Weddell, commander of British sealing expeditions in the Weddell

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Sea. Antarctic krill, which congregates in large schools, is the keystone species of the
ecosystem of the Southern Ocean, and is an important food organism for whales,
seals, leopard seals, fur seals, squid, ice-fish, penguins, albatrosses and many other
F. The passing of the Antarctic Conservation Act in the U.S. brought
several restrictions to U.S. activity on the continent. The introduction of alien plants
or animals can bring a criminal penalty, as the extraction of any indigenous species.
The overfishing of krill, which plays a large role in the Antarctic ecosystem, led
officials to enact regulations on fishing. The Conservation for the Conversation of
Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), a treaty that came into force in
1980, requires that regulations managing all Southern Ocean fisheries consider
potential effects on the entire Antarctic ecosystem. Despite these new acts,
unregulated and illegal fishing, particularly of Patagonian toothfish, remains a serious
problem. The illegal fishing of toothfish has been increasing, with estimates of
32,000 tons in 2000.
G. Most of Antarctica’s icy mass has so far proven largely impervious to
climate change, being situated on solid rock; its deep interior is actually growing in
volume as a result of increased precipitation. The Antarctic contribution to sea-level
rise has long been uncertain. A recent report by CPOM suggests that Antarctica has
provided, at most, a negligible component of observed sea-level rise –indeed a survey
of 72% of the Antarctic ice suggest an attributable short-term lowering of global sea
levels by 0.08 mm per year. Conversely, a 10 year comparison of the balance between
glacier decline and snowfall accumulation found that ice loss had increased 75%. In
2006, Antarctica lost a net 200 billion tones of ice.
H. However, Antarctica’s periphery has been warming up, particularly on
the Antarctic Peninsula and in Pine Island Bay, which together are contributing to a
rise in sea levels. In 2003 the Larsen-B ice shelf collapsed. Between 28 February and
8 March 2008, about 570 square kilometers of ice from the Wilkins Ice Shelf in
Western Antarctica collapsed, putting the remaining 15,000 square kilometers of the
ice shelf at risk. The ice is being held back by a “thread” of ice about 6 km wide.
According to NASA the most significant Antarctic melting in the past 30 years
occurred in 2005, when a mass of ice comparable in size to California briefly melted
and refroze; this may have resulted from temperatures rising to as high as 5°C.
I. Indeed, changing weather patterns in the coming years due to such
gradual warming of the Earth will affect agricultural-based businesses and
communities that most. Agriculture in New South Wales, Australia had reported that
187,240 proprietors and partners and 311,148 employees in agriculture are on the

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frontline, facing the adverse effects of rising temperature, reduced access to water,
higher salinity and frequent and intense droughts and floods. The report, based on
research by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
(CSIRO), stated that how climate change in the next 50 years will decrease water
resources, increase temperatures, reduce are of arable land, cut livestock output and
affect crop quality.
J. Penguins, whales and seals in the Antarctic Southern Ocean went hungry
also because of the result of global warming. Scientists had warned that the
population of krill, at the heart of the food chain, has fallen about 80% since the
1970s. They say the most likely reason for the decline of the shrimp-like crustacean is
to do with the sea ice around the Antarctic peninsula, where the air temperature has
risen. Krill feed on algae beneath the ice, which also provides shelter. Angus
Atkinson, a biologist with the British Antarctic Survey, who led the research, said:
“We don’t fully understand how the loss of sea ice here is connected to the warming,
but we believe it could be behind the decline in krill”. The team, whose study in
published today in Nature, looked at the scientific fishing records of nine countries
working in Antarctic, involving a total of nearly 12,000 net hauls from 1926-39 and
from 1976-2003.”There is only roughly a fifth of the krill around now that were
around in the mid-70s” Dr. Atkinson said.
K. The drop in krill numbers could explain declines in several species of
penguin. Scientists had suspected krill stocks were dropping but earlier estimates
were based on local surveys.

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Questions 14-18
Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs B-F from the list of heading
Write appropriate number (i-ix) in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
List of Headings
i The profile of Antarctic animals
ii Legal measures taken to protect Antarctic
iii Ocean farming remain forbidden
iv Live surroundings for machine animals
v The flora under extreme conditions
vi The importance of Antarctic ice
vii Alert for melting from Antarctic ice sheet
viii Geographical description
ix The flourishing of plants in Antarctic
14. Paragraph B
15. Paragraph C
16. Paragraph D
17. Paragraph E
18. Paragraph F

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Question 19-22
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.
19. West Antarctic ice sheet stores water that is enough to raise see level 5 to 6
meters globally.
20. According to the author, it is impossible for any vegetation to survive on
21. People should bring outside plants or animals to Antarctica to enrich its
22. The Weddell seal and Antarctic krill are located at pivotal stages of the
South Ocean ecosystem.

Questions 23-27
Complete the flowchart below
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Raising temperatures on earth have caused the alternations of 23
in the coming years, and has certainly changed the way our 24 _ operate
and the society as a whole. CSIRO had warmed us that climate change in this way
will decrease our available water, land, livestock and 25 outputs. In the
mean time, animals will get 26 due to global warming. The population
of krill remains 27 % of that in the 1970s.

+97 766 22 28

14. viii
15. vi
16. v
17. i
18. ii
19. TRUE
23. weather patterns
24. agricultural-based business
25. crop
26. hungry
27. 20

+97 766 22 28

Magnetic Therapy
A. For hundreds of years people have known of the beneficial effects of
magnetism on the human body. There is no doubting that the placement of permanent
magnets on or near a person’s body makes them feel good. Magnets are a complete
safe and natural product. Magnets are non invasive, totally reusable, last for decades,
and you only have to pay once. Therapeutic Magnets have been used for centuries as
a treatment for many ailments. Magnets are also commonly used for pain relief and
for a sense of general well being. Natural magnets or lodestones as these were known
as in time gone by, have been documented over thousands of years in relation to the
treatment of pain and disease in many ancient cultures and civilizations.
B. It is only in recent times that magnetic therapy has been seen as an
“alternative treatment”. This is because it flies in the face of the more modern “quick
fix drug culture” that is so prevalent in today’s society. When in fact our modern
drugs and treatments should really be the products that are labeled as “alternative
treatment”. This is because when compared to magnetic therapy, these new drugs
often only offer short term relief and are relatively new and untested by the passage
of time. Modern drugs can also be addictive and often have severe side effects.
C. It is common knowledge that the Earth itself is a giant magnet. We can’t
see its magnetic field, we can’t touch it, we can’t hear it, we can’t even smell it, but
with sophisticated equipment we can measure it and prove its existence beyond
doubt. Just like every other magnet, the Earth has both North and South poles and the
magnetic field strongly influences almost everything around us. Things like the
weather, our environment, our water, our food, including meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy
products and everything else that we put into our body. In fact the Earth’s magnetic
field influences our environment in countless ways to the extent that our very health
and existence strongly depends on these magnetic fields.
D. Most people would not be surprised to know that the Sun also has a
magnetic influence on our lives. Scientists have shown that when sunspots explode,
the magnetic energy levels are altered dramatically. There is strong evidence that
sunspots affect us in a very strange way. By monitoring the occurrence of sunspots
over many years and comparing these with hospital records from around the world,
scientists have discovered that periods of sunspot activity correlate with periods
where records show a remarked increase in accidents and injuries. The vast majority
of these injuries are recorded as resulting from daydreaming or a lack of
concentration. This research indicates the possible existence of a link between human
behavior and the Sun’s magnetic energy.

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E. The jury is still out on exactly how magnetic therapy products help our
body and make us feel better. However it is generally accepted that our body draws
some benefit from the Earth’s magnetic field. It stands to reason that if this field is
interrupted and perhaps even corrupted before it reaches our body, then the benefit we
receive will be at the least diminished and quite possibly non-existent. The theory is
that when we place permanent magnets near our body, we are able to draw on the
magnetic field created thus replacing the magnetic energy that we should be
absorbing from the Earth. This is said to restore the balance within our body and
therefore allow us to function at our optimum level. This line of thought is backed up
by NASA. Astronauts in the early space missions regularly complained of muscle
soreness. Medical examinations also revealed a loss of bone density, even after short
periods away from Earth. This was originally thought to be caused by the absence of
gravity, however, it was later found to be resulting from a total lack of the Earth’s
magnetic field. This problem was easily solved by the placement of magnets in both
the spacecraft and spacesuits.
F. Magnets are also often used in the relief of pain. Many people claim to
feel a dramatic reduction and often a total elimination of both acute and chronic aches
and pains. The evidence is anecdotal, however, it does indicate that magnets are
extremely effective on most types of pain for a large percentage of the people who
used these in their treatment. Recent research suggests that magnetic energy increases
the body’s ability to produce endorphins. These endorphins are the body’s natural
pain killer. It stands to reason the more endorphins our body produces, the less pain
we feel. Research also shoes that magnetic fields dilate our capillaries and in doing so
dramatically enhances our blood flow to the affected region of the body. Our blood
carries many tools that our body needs to repair itself. Good circulation is also
essential in the process of removing toxins from our body. Fresh oxygenated blood is
instrumental in flushing our body clean, and assisting in the removal of lactic acid
and toxins that are associated with disease. This in turn enhances our body’s healing
process resulting in a reduction in the time that our body takes to recover from illness
or injury.
G. The two main goals of magnetic healing are to speed healing and reduce
pain. In terms of healing an area of the body, magnets are placed either on or near the
body, and it’s believed that the magnets act to stimulate the cellular and chemical area
where the healing is to occur. That is, blood is accelerated to the area, which increases
the oxygenation of the blood and dilates the blood vessels, providing additional
oxygen and nutrients to the place in need of healing. In terms of reducing pain, some
doctors believe that pain reduction with magnets works similarly to using a heating

+97 766 22 28

pad. The magnets are again placed on or near the body, and are used to stimulate
nerve endings by acting to interrupt pain signals to the brain. The difference is that
heat treatment can be more intense, while magnetic healing is more constant. So,
while you can’t wear a heating pad for hours at a time, you can wear a magnetic
bracelet every day.

Questions 28-33
Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs A-F from the list of heading
Write appropriate number (i-x) in boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
List of Headings
i Not an optional treatment
ii Earth itself as the biggest magnet
iii Magnetic field affects environment
iv Benefits of the Sun’s magnetic energy
v Utilize the power from natural magnetic field
vi History of magnet therapy
vii Implications of Sun’s magnetic power
viii Magnetic field changed our society
ix The Earth’s magnetic field benefits the human body
x Pain-reducing effects
28. Paragraph A
29. Paragraph B
30. Paragraph C
31. Paragraph D
32. Paragraph E
33. Paragraph F

+97 766 22 28

Questions 34-36
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 3?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.
34. NASA astronauts demonstrated the relationship between magnets and
people’s health.
35. Magnetic therapy often has some side effects.
36. It is more efficient to reduce pain by using a heating pad than magnets.

Questions 37-40
Complete the summary below based on paragraph F
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Magnets can also be considered as pain killer, and many patients claim to feel a
distinct 37 of aches and pains. Research advocates that the magnetic
power generates 38 to relieve pain, and enlarge 39 to
strengthen the blood flow. This process can remove 40 _ and make our
body recover from illness or injury.

+97 766 22 28

28. vi
29. i
30. iii
31. vii
32. ix
33. x
34. TRUE
37. reduction
38. endorphins
39. capillaries
40. toxins

+97 766 22 28

Insects and Inspired Artificial Robots

A. The creation of artificial devices with life-like characteristics has been
pursued for over 2,000 years, beginning, as did so many things in our modern world,
in Ancient Greece. For example, among the inventions of Hero of Alexandria were a
windmill-operated pipe organ and a mechanical theatrical play.
B. With the raise of cybernetic approaches in the late 1940s and early
1950s. A wide variety of electromechanical machines designed to mimic biological
processes and systems were constructed. Perhaps the best-known and most directly
relevant to biorobotics is W. Gray Walters’ robotic “tortoises” Elsie and Elmer.
Walters was a physiologist who made important early contributions to
electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. His tortoises were small
mobile robots covered by a hard shell. The robots were driven by steerable motorized
wheels and possessed a headlight, a light sensor, and a touch sensor that responded
when the shell was hit. Their behavior was controlled by electronic circuit analogues
of neural circuits. The behavioral repertoire of the tortoises included exploration, both
positive and negative phototropism, and obstacle avoidance. The activation of these
different behaviors in interaction with the robots’ environment could produce a
variety of behavioral sequences. Although originally designed to explore Walters’
theories of brain function, the tortoises became objects of popular fascination in much
the same way that ancient automata did.
C. The seeds of the modern renaissance of biorobotics were sown from the
mid 1980s to mid 1990s. A key event in this resurgence was Rodney Brooks’ work on
behavior-based robots. Although not as directly based on biology as later work would
be, Brooks argues that nontrivial and flexible behavior in a robot could be generated
by the interaction between simple control machinery and its environment,
demonstrating his point with robots accomplishing such tasks as insect-like walking.
Another important milestone was Raibert’s work on hopping and legged robots,
which emphasized the central role of energetics in the dynamic balance and
locomotion of animals. Based on studies of serpentine motion, Hirose developed a
number of snake-like locomotors and manipulators. In the early 1990s, Beer, Quinn,
Chiel & Ritzmann developed a series of hexapod robots based directly on cockroach
and stick insect body morphology and neural control. Early biorobotic work on the
sensory side includes Franceshini’s robotic compound eye based on studies of insect
eyes and motion-sensitive neurons in the fly, Webb’s robotic model of cricket
phonotaxis and Grasso et al’s robotic model of lobster chemical orientation strategies.
An early example of robots whose control was based on theories of human brain

+97 766 22 28

function is given by the work of Edelman et al.

D. There has been an explosion of work in biorobotics in recent years, with
robotic vocal tracts, jaws, retinas, expressive faces, hands, arms, legs, etc. deployed
on robotic worms, snakes, ants, flies, crickets, cockroaches, walking stick insects,
dinosaurs, bats, lobsters, tuna, pickerel, turkeys, apes and humanoids. Thus, no brief
survey could possibly do justice to the range of work being undertaken.
E. A recent example of biologically-inspired robotics is Spenko et al’s work
on a hexapedal robotic climber called RiSE. In order to grip a vertical surface, this
robot combines both bonding mechanisms inspired by the structure of gecko feet and
interlocking mechanisms inspired by the structure of insect spines and claws. In
addition, its design is based on a set of principles that have been found to be common
to many climbing animals: a sprawled posture keeps the body close to the surface so
as to reduce the pitch-back moment; front limbs pull inward and rear limbs push
outward so as to counteract the pitch-back moment; a long body reduces the pull-in
force required of the front limbs; lateral forces act inward toward the central axis of
the body; complaint legs, ankles and toes so as to distribute contact forces. Each of
the six legs of RiSE have two degrees of freedom and the robot also possesses s static
tail that presses against the surface to reduce the pull-in forces required of the front
legs. The robot uses a wave gait in which only one leg at a time is lifted from the
surface. In addition to an open-loop gait generator, RiSE utilizes a variety of feedback
controllers, including traction force control, normal force control and gait regulation.
In addition, the robot has a pawing behavior that allows a foot that fails to grasp on
initial contact to reestablish a grip on the climbing surface. Spenko et al have
demonstrated that RiSE is able to traverse a variety of horizontal and vertical
surfaces, including climbing trees and brick or cinder block walls.
F. A powerful example of biorobotic modeling is provided by the
aerodynamics of insect flight. Although quasi-steady-state aerodynamical analyses of
the sort used to understand aircraft have been successfully applied to larger animals,
they have not been very successful for explaining the generation of lift in small flying
insects due to the tiny wingspans, relatively slow flight speeds and extremely fast
wing movements involved. However, a recent biorobotic model by Dickinson and
colleagues has begun to shed considerable light on the unsteady aerodynamics insect
flight. Because of the delicate size and high speed of insect wings, direct
measurement of the forces involved is extremely difficult. For this reason, a robotic
model with a 60 cm wingspan was used to explore the non-steady-state airflow
during hovering by the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. In order to reproduce the
Reynolds number relevant to small insects flying in air, their model was submerged

+97 766 22 28

in mineral oil and scaled both in space and time. Force sensors at the base of one
wing allowed direct measurement of the forces produced and illumination of air
bubbles in the tank allowed direct observation of the fluid flow around the robotic
wings. Dickinson and colleagues found that three major mechanisms contributed to
lift generation in the model. First, vortices formed at the leading edge of the wing
produce lift during much of the power stroke. Second, additional lift is produced by
circulation of air around the wings due to rapid rotation at the beginning and end of
each stroke. Third, further forces are produces at the start of each upstroke and
downstroke due to collisions of the wings with the swirling wake produced by the
previous stroke, a mechanism termed wake capture. Due to the sensitivity of these
latter two mechanisms to the timing of wing rotation, the model suggests that the
control of small details of wing motion can be used in steering flight.

+97 766 22 28
Questions 1-6
Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs A-F from the list of heading
Write appropriate number (i-x) in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
List of Headings
i A biorobotic model exploring insect flight
ii Modern practices of artificial device usage
iii Robotic climber better than gecko
iv Insect fight inspires the applications of steering operation
v Prosperity of biorobot family
vi The revival of modern biorobotics
vii Combine machines and environment
viii The advent of robots and their ettects on modern society
ix The most famous biorobot in early days
x Bionics device is not a modern conception
1. Paragraph A
2. Paragraph B
3. Paragraph C
4. Paragraph D
5. Paragraph E
6. Paragraph F

+97 766 22 28
Questions 7-11
Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-E) with
opinions or deeds (listed 7-11) below.
Write the appropriate letters A-E in boxes 7-11 on your answer sheet.
NB Some people may match more than one discovery
A W. Gray Walters
B Rodney Brooks
C Michael Dickinson
D Spenko et al
E Edelman et al
14. made contributions to neurophysiology.
15. endowed robots with agility from the innovation of
machinery environmental fit.
16. generated mechanical intelligence inspired by the way human
brain works
17. modified mechanical models based on the structure of
18. found the mechanism of insect flight

Questions 12-13
Choose words from the passage to answer the questions 12-13, writing NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank.
19. What plays the most critical role in Raibert’s hopping and legged robots?
20. What allowed direct measurement of the lifting forces of the biorobotic

+97 766 22 28

1. x
2. ix
3. vi
4. v
5. iii
6. i
7. A
8. B
9. E
10. D
11. C
12. Energetic
13. Force sensors

+97 766 22 28

Extinction of Aussie Animals

A. World Wildlife Fund Australia has revealed its list of extinct wildlife to
coincide with Australia Day. The list covers a wide range of species, from birds to
reptiles, marsupials, insects and even flowers. Top of the list is the green and gold
frog which has had its home decimated by drought.” Many Aussie spices need our
help in order to survive,” WWF threatened species program manager Kat Miller said.
“Without knowing the reason many had disappeared for, we will risk losing another
346 animal and 1249 plant species listed as threatened under federal legislation.
Australia has the one of the worst record of mammal extinction in the world”. WWF-
Australia said 9 percent of birds, 7 percent of reptiles and 16 percent of amphibians
are extinct since early human settlement.
B. The conservation group said half the mammals that have become extinct
globally in the last 200 years have been Australian species. Ancient hunters and
gatherers may have triggered the failure of the annual Australian Monsoon some
12,000 years ago by burning massive tracts of the country’s interior, resulting in the
desertification that is evident today, says a new study. Researcher Gifford Miller of
the University of Colorado at Boulder said the new study builds on his research
group’s previous findings that dozens of giant animal species became extinct in
Australia 50,000 years ago due to ecosystem changes caused by human burning. This
study, appearing in Geology, indicates such burning may have altered the flora
enough to decrease the exchange of water vapor between the biosphere and
atmosphere, causing the failure of the Australian Monsoon over the interior.
C. “The question is whether localized burning 50,000 years ago could have
had a continental-scale effect,” said Miller. “The implications are that the burning
practices of early humans may have changed the climate of the Australian continent
by weakening the penetration of monsoon moisture into the interior”. A paper on the
subject by Miller appears in the January issue of Geology. Co-authors include CU-
Boulder’s Jennifer Mangan, David Pollard, Starley Thompson and Benjamin Felzer
of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder and John Magee of
Australian National University in Canberra.
D. Geologic evidence indicates the interior of Australia was much wetter
about 125,000 years ago during the last interglacial period. Although planetary and
meteorological conditions during the most recent ice age caused Earth’s major
monsoons to waver, all except the Australian Monsoon were “reinvigorated” to full
force during the Holocene Period beginning about 12,000 years ago, he said.
Although the Australian Monsoon delivers about 39 inches of rain annually to the

+97 766 22 28
north coast as it moves south from Asia, only about 13 inches of rain now falls on the
continent’s interior each year, said Miller. Lake Eyre, a deep-water lake in the
continent’s interior that was filled by regular monsoon rains about 60,000 years ago,
is now a huge salt flat that is occasionally covered by a thin layer of salty water.
E. The earliest human colonizers are believed to have arrived in Australia
by sea from Indonesia about 50,000 years ago, using fire as a tool to hunt, clear paths,
signal each other and promote the growth of certain plants, he said. Fossil remains of
browse-dependent birds and marsupials indicate the interior was made up of trees,
shrubs and grasses rather than the desert scrub environment present today.
F. The researchers used global climate model simulations to evaluate the
atmospheric and meteorological conditions in Australia over time, as well as the
sensitivity of the monsoon to different vegetation and soil types. A climate model
simulating a forested Australia produced twice as much annual monsoon precipitation
over the continental interior as the model simulating arid scrub conditions, he said.
G. “Systematic burning across the semiarid zone, where nutrients are the
lowest of any continental region, may have been responsible for the rapid
transformation of a drought-tolerant ecosystem high in broad-leaf species to the
modern desert scrub,” he said. “In the process, vegetation feedbacks promoting the
penetration of monsoon moisture into the continental interior would have been
disrupted”. More than 85 percent of Australia’s mega fauna weighing more than 100
pounds went extinct roughly 50,000 years ago, including an ostrich-sized bird, 19
species of marsupials, a 25-foot-long lizard and a Volkswagen-sized tortoise, he said.
H. Evidence for burning includes increased charcoal deposits preserved in
lake sediments at the boundary between rainforest and interior desert beginning about
50,000 years ago, Miller said. In addition, a number of rainforest gymnosperms –
plants whose seeds are not encased and protected and are therefore more vulnerable
to fire –went extinct at about that time. Natural fires resulting from summer lightning
strikes have played an integral part in the ecology of Australia’s interior, and many
plant species are adapted to regimes of frequent fires, he said. “But the systematic
burning of the interior by the earliest colonizers differed enough from the natural fire
cycle that key ecosystems may have been pushed past a threshold from which they
could not recover.”

+97 766 22 28
Questions 14-16
Reading Passage 2 contains 8 paragraphs A –H.
Which paragraphs state the following information?
Write the appropriate letters A –H in boxes 14 -16 on your answer sheet.
14. Why did an interior Australian lake change to a dry flat?
15. When did an ostrich-sized bird go extinct?
16. Why did the ancient settlers in Australia burn the forests?

Questions 17-20
Choose ONE phrase from the list of phrases A-G below to complete each of
the sentences 17-20 below. Write the appropriate letters (A-G) in boxes 17-20 on
your answer sheet.
17. Ancient hunters and gatherers
18. January issue of Geology
19. Fossil remains
20. A climate model

A caused the failure of the annual Australian Monsoon by

burning tracts.
B _ were responsible for the distinction of an Australian giant
animal species because of their massive hunting.
C showed that in the past the interior of Australia was not a
D _ altered the flora to decrease the exchange of water vapor
between the biosphere and atmosphere.
E suggested that the changed climate of the Australian
continent was led by the weakened penetration of monsoon moisture into the interior.
F indicated that the forests facilitated more rainfall.
G _ indicated that the extinction of an Australian species
resulted from changes in the local ecosystem.

+97 766 22 28
Question 21-26
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 2?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.
21. According to the WWF, Australia has the worst record of animal extinction
in the world.
22. In Australia, hundreds of endangered animals and plants species will keep
23. The distinction of Australian giant animals was a knock-on effect after
human burning ceased the monsoon.
24. Lake Eyre has always been filled with salty water.
25. It is a theoretic assumption that early humans burned massive tracts in
26. Varieties of plants from Australia’s interior have now adapted to recurrent

+97 766 22 28
14. D
15. G
16. E
17. A
18. E
19. C
20. F
23. TRUE
26. TRUE

+97 766 22 28

A Brief History of Rubber

A. Rubber is one of the most important products to come out of the
rainforest. Though indigenous rainforest dwellers of South America have been using
rubber for generations, it was not until 1839 that rubber had its first practical
application in the industrial world. In that year, Charles Goodyear accidentally
dropped rubber and sulfur on a hot stovetop, causing it to char like leather yet remain
plastic and elastic. Vulcanization, a refined version of this process, transformed the
white sap from the bark of the Heave tree into an essential product for the industrial
B. With the invention of the automobile in the late 19th century, the rubber
boom began. As demand for rubber soared small dumpy river towns like Manaus,
Brazil, were transformed into over night into bustling centers of commerce. Manaus,
situated on the Amazon where it is met by Rio Negro, became the opulent heart of the
rubber trade. Within a few short years Manaus had Brazil’s first telephone system, 16
miles of streetcar tracks, and an electric grid for a city of a million, though it had a
population of only 40,000.
C. The opulence of the rubber barons could only be exceeded by their
brutality. Wild Heave trees, like all primary rainforest trees are widely dispersed, with
an adaptation that protects species from the South American leaf blight which easily
spreads through and decimates plantations. Thus to make a profit, barons had to
acquire control over huge tracts of land. Most did so by hiring their own private
armies to defend their claims, acquire new land, and capture native laborers. As the
Indians died, production soared.
D. The Brazilian rubber market was crushed by the rapid development of
the more efficient rubber plantations of Southeast Asia. However, the prospects of
developing plantations did not begin on a high note. Rubber seeds, rich with oil and
latex, could not survive the long Atlantic journey from Brazil. Finally, in 1876, an
English planter, Henry Wickham, collected 70,000 seeds and shipped them to
England. 2800 of the seeds germinated and were sent to Colombo, Ceylon (present
day Sri Lanka). After several false starts, including one planter in northern Borneo
who felled his plantation after finding no rubber balls hanging from the braches, the
prospects were grim. One major obstacle was the success of tea and coffee gave
planters no reason to try an untested crop.
E. Finally in 1895, Henry Ridley, head of Singapore’s botanical garden,
persuaded two coffee growers to plant two acres of Heave tress. Twelve years later
more than 300,000 ha of rubber grew in plantations in Ceylon and Malaya. New

+97 766 22 28
innovations increased efficiency and production doubled every two years. Rubber
could be produced at only a fraction of the cost of collecting wild rubber in Brazil. By
1910, Brazilian production had fallen to 50%. In 1914, Brazil’s market share was
down around 30%; 1918 -20%, and 1940 -1.3%.
F. However the Second World War threatened to shift the rubber wealth.
With Japan occupying prime rubber producing areas in Southeast Asia, the US feared
it would run out of the vital material. Every tire, hose, seal, valve, and inch of wiring
required rubber. The rubber Development Corporation, the chief overseer of rubber
acquisition, sought out other sources including establishing a rubber program that
sent intrepid explorers into the Amazon seeking rubber specimen that would be used
to produce high yields, superior product, and possibility of resistance against leaf
blight. The ultimate goal of the program was to establish rubber plantations close to
home. In addition to searching the Amazon and establishing experimental plantations
in Latin America, the program came up with some novel plans to produce rubber.
Extensive work on synthetic rubber yielded a product that, in time, economists
predicted would replace natural rubber. By 1964 synthetic rubber made up 75% of the
G. However the situation changed drastically with the OPEC oil embargo of
1973 which doubled the price of synthetic rubber and made oil consumers more
conscious of their gas mileage. The concern over gas mileage brought unexpected
threat to the synthetic market: the wide-spread adoption of the radial tire. The radial
tire replaced the simple bias tires (which made up 90% of the market only 5 year
earlier) and within a few years virtually all cars were rolling in radials. Synthetic
rubber did not have the strength for radials; only natural rubber could provide the
required sturdiness. By 1993 natural rubber had recaptured 39% of the domestic
market. Today nearly 50% of every auto tire and 100% of all aircraft tires are made of
natural rubber. 85% of this rubber is imported from Southeast Asia meaning that the
US is highly susceptible to disruptions caused by an embargo or worse, the
unintentional or intentional introduction of leaf blight into plantations. None of the
trees in plantations across Southeast Asia has resistance to blight so a single act to
biological terrorism, the systematic introduction of fungal spores so small as to be
readily concealed in a shoe, could wipe out the plantations, shutting down production
of natural rubber for at least a decade. It is difficult to think of any other raw material
that is as vital and vulnerable.

+97 766 22 28
Questions 1-7
Reading Passage 1 contains 7 paragraphs A –G.
Which paragraphs state the following information?
Write the appropriate letters A –G in boxes 1 -7 on your answer sheet.
1. The extensive acceptance of radial tires.
2. Searching for new specimens to overcome leaf blight
3. The first trading center for the rubber business.
4. Asia dominated the rubber market year by year
5. Rubber seeds are vulnerable to long distance transport
6. Individual wealth accumulated by rubber trading
7. Natural rubber gave way to its replacement

Questions 8-13
Complete the summary below based on paragraph G
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
OPEC doubled revenue from synthetic rubber and made oil consuming nations
more attentive of 8 . This brought threats to the synthetic market by
espousing the 9 , which would replace all the simple bias tires within a
few years. Because 10 is the only material that provides the entailed
toughness, synthetic rubber lost significant market share. The US industry is very
fragile to disruptions caused by an 11 . What’s even worse, since the
rubber trees in plantations across Southeast Asia cannot withstand 12 _,
the small fungal spores could be so dangerous as to shut down production of natural
rubber for a decade. Rubber, hence, is the most 13 _ raw material in the

+97 766 22 28
1. G
2. F
3. B
4. E
5. D
6. C
7. F
8. their gas mileage
9. radial tire
10. natural rubber
11. embargo
12. blight
13. vital and vulnerable

+97 766 22 28

A. The world’s great deserts were formed by natural processes interacting
over long intervals of time. During most of these times, deserts have grown and
shrunk independent of human activities. Paleodeserts, large sand seas now inactive
because they are stabilized by vegetation, extend well beyond the present margins of
core deserts, such as the Sahara. In some regions, deserts are separated sharply from
surrounding, less arid areas by mountains and other contrasting landforms that reflect
basic structural differences in the regional geology. In other areas, desert fringes form
a gradual transition from a dry to a more humid environment, making it more difficult
to define the desert border.
B. These transition zones have very fragile, delicately balanced ecosystems.
Desert fringes often are a mosaic of microclimates. Small hollows support vegetation
that picks up heat from the hot winds and protects the land from the prevailing winds.
After rainfall the vegetated areas are distinctly cooler than the surroundings. In these
marginal areas, human activity may stress the ecosystem beyond its tolerance limit,
resulting in degradation of the land. By ponding the soil with their hooves, livestock
compact the substrate, increase the proportion of fine material, and reduce the
percolation rate of the soil, thus encouraging erosion by wind and water. Grazing and
the collection of firewood reduces or eliminates plants that help to bind the soil.
C. This degradation of formerly productive land –desertification –is a
complex process. It involves multiple causes, and it proceeds at varying rates in
different climates. Desertification may intensify a general climatic trend toward
greater aridity, or it may initiate a change in local climate.
D. Desertification does not occur in linear, easily mappable patterns.
Deserts advance erratically, forming patches on their borders. Areas far from natural
deserts can degrade quickly to barren soil, rock, or sand through poor land
management. The presence of a nearly desert has no direct relationship to
desertification. Unfortunately, an area undergoing desertification is brought to public
attention only after the process is well underway. Often little or no data are available
to indicate the previous state of the ecosystem or the rate of degradation. Scientists
still question whether desertification, as a process of global change, is permanent or
how and when it can be halted or reversed.
E. Desertification became well known in the 1930’s when part of the Great
Plains in the United States turned into the “Dust Bowl” as a result of drought and
poor practices in farming, although the term itself was not used until almost 1950.
During the dust bowl period, millions of people were forced to abandon their farms

+97 766 22 28
and livelihoods. Greatly improves methods or agriculture and land and water
management in the Great Plains have prevented that disaster from recurring, but
desertification presently affects millions of people in almost every continent.
Increased population and livestock pressure on marginal lands has accelerated
desertification. In some areas, nomads moving to less arid areas disrupt the local
ecosystem and increase the rate of erosion of the land. Nomads are trying to escape
the desert, but because of their land-use practices, they are bringing the desert with
F. It is a misconception that drought cause desertification. Droughts are
common in arid and semiarid lands. Well-managed lands can recover from drought
when the rains return. Continued land abuse during droughts, however, increases land
degradation. By 1973, the drought that began in 1968 in the Sahel of West Africa and
the land-use practices there had caused the deaths of more than 100,000 people and
12 million cattle, as well as the disruption of social organizations from villages to the
national level.
G. At the local level, individuals and governments can help to reclaim and
protect their lands. In areas of sand dunes, covering the dunes with large boulders or
petroleum will interrupt the wind regime near the face of the dunes and prevent the
sand from moving. Sand fences are used throughout the Middle East and the United
States, in the same way snow fences are used in the north. Placement of straw grids,
each up to a square meter in area, will also decrease the surface wind velocity. Shrubs
and trees planted within the grids are protected by the straw until they take root. In
areas where some water is available for irrigation, shrubs planted on the lower one-
third of a dune’s windward side will stabilize the dune. This vegetation decreases the
wind velocity near the base of the dune and prevents much of the sand from moving.
H. Oases and farmlands in windy regions can be protected by planting tree
fences or grass belts. Sand that manages to pass through the grass belts can be caught
in strips of trees planted as wind breaks 50 to 100 meters apart adjacent to the belts.
Small plots of trees may also be scattered inside oases to stabilize the area. One a
much larger scale, a “Green Wall”, which will eventually stretch more than 5,700
kilometers in length, much longer than the famous Great Wall, is being planted in
northeastern China to protect “sandy lands” –deserts believed to have been created by
human activity.
I. More efficient use of existing water resources and control of salinization
are other effective tools for improving arid lands. New ways are being sought to use
surface-water resources such as rain water harvesting or irrigating with seasonal
runoff from adjacent highlands. Research on the reclamation of deserts also is

+97 766 22 28
focusing on discovering proper crop rotation to protect the fragile soil, on
understanding how sand-fixing plants can be adapted to local environments, and on
how grazing lands and water resources can be developed effectively without being

Questions 14-19
Reading Passage 2 contains 9 paragraphs A –I.
Which paragraphs state the following information?
Write the appropriate letters A –I in boxes 14 -19 on your answer sheet.
14. Desertification poses a threat to people worldwide.
15. It is difficult to describe the process of desertification.
16. Desertification may alter local climates.
17. People have misconceptions regarding desertification origins.
18. It is hard to notice desertification in its early stages.
19. Straw grids diminish the swiftness of the surface wind.

Questions 20-23
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 2?
In boxes 20-23 write
YES if the statement agree with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts with the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this.
20. All desert borders are difficult to define.
21. Desertification is a reversible process.
22. Part of the Great Plains did not become a so-called “Dust Bowl” until
almost 1950.
23. Nomads cannot get away from the desert because of their current land-use

+97 766 22 28
Questions 24-26
Complete the flowchart below
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Tree fences or grass belts planted inside oases can catch sand in the wind and
24 _ these areas as well. The “Green Wall” is an example. Water
resource management and prevention of 25 are also effective in
protecting lands. Scientists are trying to find 26 to protect the
vulnerable soil.

+97 766 22 28
14. E
15. D
16. C
17. F
18. D
19. G
20. NO
22. NO
23. YES
24. stabilize
25. salinization
26. proper crop rotation

+97 766 22 28

The Legend of Tea

A. The story of tea began in ancient China over 5,000 years ago. According
to the legend, Shen Nung, an early emperor was a skilled ruler, creative scientist and
patron of the arts. His far-sighted edicts required, among other things, that all
drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution. One summer day while visiting a
distant region of his realm, he and the court stopped to rest. In accordance with his
ruling, the servants began to boil water for the court to drink. Dried leaves from the
near by bush fell into the boiling water, and a brown liquid was infused into the
water. As a scientist, the Emperor was interested in the new liquid, drank some, and
found it very refreshing. And so, according to legend, tea was created.
B. Tea consumption spread throughout the Chinese culture reaching into
every aspect of the society. In 800 A.D. Lu Yu wrote the first definitive book on tea,
the Ch’a Ching. His work clearly showed the Zen Buddhist philosophy to which he
was exposed as a child. It was this form of tea service that Zen Buddhist missionaries
would later introduce to imperial Japan.
C. The first tea seeds were brought to Japan by the returning Buddhist
priest Yeisei, who had seen the value of tea in China in enhancing religious
mediation. As a result, he is known as the “Father of Tea” in Japan. Because of this
early association, tea in Japan has always been associated with Zen Buddhism. Tea
received almost instant imperial sponsorship and spread rapidly from the royal court
and monasteries to the other sections of Japanese society.
D. Tea was elevated to an art form resulting in the creation of the Japanese
Tea Ceremony. The best description of this complex art form was probably written by
the Irish-Greek journalist- historian Lafcadio Hearn, one of the few foreigners ever to
be granted Japanese citizenship during this era. He wrote from personal observation,
“The Tea ceremony requires years of training and practice to graduate in art...yet the
whole of this art, as to its detail, signifies no more than the making and serving of a
cup of tea. The supremely important matter is that the act be performed in the most
perfect, most polite, most graceful, most charming manner possible”.
E. Such a purity of form, of expression prompted the creation of supportive
arts and services. A special form of architecture developed for “tea houses”, based on
the duplication of the simplicity of a forest cottage. The cultural/artistic hostesses of
Japan, the Geishi, began to specialize in the presentation of the tea ceremony. As
more and more people became involved in the excitement surrounding tea, the purity
of the original Zen concept was lost. The tea ceremony became corrupted, boisterous
and highly embellished. “Tea Tournament” were held among the wealthy where

+97 766 22 28
nobles competed among each other for rich prizes in naming various tea blends.
Rewarding winners with gifts of silk, armor, and jewelry was totally alien to the
original Zen attitude of the ceremony.
F. The first European to personally encounter tea and write about it was the
Portuguese Jesuit Father Jasper de Cruz in 1560. Portugal, with her technologically
advanced navy, had been successful in gaining the first right of trade with China. The
Portuguese developed a trade route by which they shipped their tea to Lisbon, and
then Dutch ships transported it to France, Holland, and the Baltic countries. Because
of the success of the Dutch navy in the Pacific, tea became very fashionable in the
Dutch capital. This was due in part to the high cost of the tea (over $100 per pound)
which immediately made it the domain of the wealthy. Slowly, as the amount of tea
imported increased, the price fell as the volume of sale expanded.
G. As the consumption of tea increased dramatically in Dutch society,
doctors and university authorities argued back and forth as to the negative and/or
positive benefits of tea. Known as “tea heretics”, the public largely ignored the
scholarly debate and continued to enjoy their new beverage though the controversy
lasted from 1635 to roughly 1657. Throughout this period France and Holland led
Europe in the use of tea.
H. As the craze for things oriental swept Europe, tea became part of the
way of life. The social critic Marie de Rabutin made the first mention in 1680 of
adding milk to tea. During the same period, Dutch inns provided the first restaurant
service of tea. Tavern owners would furnish guests with a portable tea set complete
with a heating unit. The independent Dutchman would then prepare tea for himself
and his friends outside in the tavern’s garden. Tea remained popular in France for
only about fifty years, being replaced by a stronger preference for wine, chocolate,
and exotic coffees.
I. By 1650 the Dutch were actively involved in trade throughout the
Weatern world. Peter Stuyvesant brought the first tea to America to the colonists in
the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam (later re-named New York by the English).
Settlers here were confirmed tea drinkers. And indeed, on acquiring the colony, the
English found that the small settlement consumed more tea at that time then all
England put together.
J. Great Britain was the last of the three great sea-faring nations to break
into the Chinese and East Indian trade routes. The first samples of tea reached
England between 1652 and 1654. Tea quickly proved popular enough to replace ale
as the national drink of England. Tea mania swept across England as it had earlier
spread throughout France and Holland. Tea importation rose from 40,000 pounds in

+97 766 22 28
1699 to an annual average of 240,000 pounds by 1708. Tea was drunk by all levels of

Questions 27-31
Reading Passage 3 contains 10 paragraphs A –J.
Which paragraphs state the following information?
Write the appropriate letters A –J in boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet.
27. Coffee took the place of tea.
28. Religious implications were abandoned.
29. Tear aroused controversies in Europe.
30. Tea was once the symbol of the wealth in the Netherlands.
31. A kind of ceremonical art was born related to tea.

Questions 32-35
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 3?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.
32. The introduction of tea to imperial Japan originates from missionary
33. Tea had spread to all sections of Japanese society over a very long time.
34. Drinking tea has significant health benefits.
35. Dutchmen preferred to add milk to their tea.

+97 766 22 28
Questions 36-40
Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed 36-40) with
opinions or deeds (listed A-J) below.
Write the appropriate letters A-J in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.
NB Some discovery may match more than one person.
36. Jasper de Cruz
37. Peter Stuyvesant
38. Lu Yu
39. Lafcadio Hearn
40. Shen Nung

A discovered the value of tea as a refreshing drink.

B published a book about tea and Buddhism.
C introduced tea to Japanese society.
D depicted the art of tea ceremony.
E elevated tea drinking to an art.
F realized the value of tea in strengthening religious
G wrote about tea and his country started the first tea trade with
H developed a trade route by shipping tea to Lisbon.
I first brought tea to America.
J brought the first tea to Americans in the Netherlands.

+97 766 22 28
27. H
28. E
29. G
30. F
31. D
32. TRUE
36. G
37. I
38. B
39. D
40. A

+97 766 22 28

A Second Look at Twin Studies

More than a century after Galton’s observation, twin studies remain a favorite
tool of behavioral geneticists. Researchers have used twin studies to try to disentangle
the environmental and genetic backgrounds of a cornucopia of traits, from aggression
to intelligence to schizophrenia to alcohol dependence.
But despite the popularity of twin studies, some psychologists have long
questioned assumptions that underline them, like the supposition that fraternal and
identical twins share equal environments or that people choose mates with traits
unlike their own. The equal environments assumption, for example, has been debated
for at least 40 years. Many researchers have found evidence that the assumption is
valid, but others remain skeptical.
Overall, twin studies assumptions remain controversial, says psychologist
James Jaccard, PhD, a psychologist who studies statistical methods at the University
at Albany of the State University of New York. In response, though, researchers are
working to expand and develop twin study designs and statistical methods. And while
the assumptions question remains a stumbling block for some researchers, many
agree twin studies will continue to be an important tool, along with emerging genome
and molecular research methods, in shedding light on human behavioral genetics.
The classical twin study design relies on studying twins raised in the same
family environments. Monozygotic (identical) twins share all of their genes, while
dizygotic (fraternal) twins share only about 50 percent of them. So, if a researcher
compares the similarity between sets of identical twins to the similarity between sets
of fraternal twins for a particular trait, then any excess likeness between the identical
twins should be due to genes rather than environment.
Researchers use this method, and variations on it, to estimate the heritability of
traits: The percentage of variance in a population due to genes. Modern twin studies
also try to quantify the effect of a person’s shared environment (family) and unique
environment (the individual events that shape a life) on a trait. The assumptions those
studies rest on, questioned by some psychologists, including, in recent work:
Random mating. Twin researchers assume that people are as likely to choose
partners who are different from themselves as they are to choose partners who are
similar for a particular trait. If, instead, people tend to choose mates like themselves,
then fraternal twins could share more than 50 percent of their genes –and hence more
similarities on genetically influenced traits, because they would receive similar genes
from their mothers and fathers.

+97 766 22 28
Equal environments. Twin researchers also assume that fraternal and identical
twins raised in the same homes experience equally similar environments. But some
research suggests that parents, teachers, peers and others may treat identical twins
more similarly than fraternal twins.
Gene-environment interaction. Some researchers think that interaction between
genes and environment, rather than genes and environment separately, may influence
many traits. A recent study from Science by Avshalom Caspi, PhD, of King’s
College London, for example, suggests that a gene might moderate propensity for
violence, particularly in people who are severely maltreated as children. Many twin
study designs don’t take this type of complication into account.
Genetic mechanisms. Traits can be inherited through different genetic
mechanisms. For traits governed by dominant genetic mechanisms, a dominant gene
inherited from one parent trumps a recessive gene inherited from the other parent: If a
person inherits a recessive gene for blue eyes from one parent and a dominant gene
for brown eyes from the other parent, then the dominant brown gene wins, and the
person’s eyes are brown.
Additive genetic mechanisms, in contrast, mix together –a plant that receives
on red gene and one white gene might, if the genes are additive, turn out pink.
Epistatic mechanisms are complex cases where interactions among multiple genes
may determine the outcome of one trait. Twin studies, in general, assume that only
one type of genetic mechanism –usually additive –is operating for a particular trait.
Twin researchers acknowledge that these and other limitations exist. But, they
say, the limitations don’t negate the usefulness of twin studies. For traits that are
substantially influenced by heredity, the approximately two-fold difference in genetic
similarity between two types of twins should outweigh any complications, says John
Hewitt, PhD, director of the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of
Colorado at Boulder.
And the extent to which different assumptions matter may depend on which
trait is being studied. Studies have suggested, for example, that people are more
likely to select mates with similar levels of intelligence than they are mates with
similar levels of neuroticism, extraversion and other personality traits. So, researchers
who use twins to study intelligence might have to worry more about nonrandom
matting than researchers who study personality.
Twin study designs and statistical analysis methods are also constantly
evolving and improving. The original twin study design has expanded to include

+97 766 22 28
studies of twins’ extended families, longitudinal studies and other variations. Some of
these variations allow researchers to address previous limitations –they can
investigate the effects of nonrandom matting, for example, by including the spouses
of twins in studies. In fact, says psychologist Dorret Bomsma, PhD, of Vrije
University in the Netherlands, all of these assumptions can be tested, given the proper
data. She argues that they should not be seen as assumptions at all, but instead as
mechanisms whose relevance can be tested using study designs that go beyond the
classical twin study design.
Analysis methods, likewise, don’t remain static. “People are always thinking
about ways to improve the analyses,” Hewitt says. Jaccard acknowledges that this is
true. “For some designs, we don’t have to make as strong assumptions as we used to
make,” he says. “Instead of having to assume away four constructs, we only have to
assume away two or three”.
In the age of molecular genetics, meanwhile, the classical twin study design is
only one aspect of genetics research. Twin studies estimate the heritability of a trait,
but molecular genetics attempts to pinpoint the effects of a particular gene.
The future of twin research will involve combining traditional twin studies
with molecular genetics research, according to Hewitt, who believes that day is
already here. “When we conduct a study of twins these days, we always get DNA on
everyone,” Hewitt says. “And we’ll use that DNA to try and identify specific
individual genes that contribute to the overall pattern of heritability”.

+97 766 22 28
Questions 1-7
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 1?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage..
1. The environmental assumptions for twin studies have been challenged for a
long time.
2. Scientists only developed three methods to study human behavioral
3. Questioning previous on assumptions has made twin studies a useless tool.
4. Identical twins share more similarities than fraternal twins.
5. Because of an addictive genetic mechanism, people will inherit dominant
genes from their parents.
6. Numerous genetic elements may join together to determine the result of one
7. Twin studies investigate the effect of a single gene.

+97 766 22 28
Questions 8-12
Complete the summary below.
Choose your answer from the list below and write them in boxes 8-12 on your
answer sheet.
NB There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all.
Twin studies are constantly evolving and improving. The classical twin study
design is on the basis of studying twins raised in the 8 . Modern twin
studies try to quantify the effect of a person’s family and 9 on a trait.
Twin researchers acknowledge that some assumptions and limitations exist and
expand the original twin study to include studies of twins’ extended families, 10
and other variations. In the time of 11 , the classical twin
study has its limitation. It does not pinpoint the implication of the particular gene,
although it helps to assess individual’s 12 _.

behavioral genetics environment assumptions

longitudinal studies unique environment acknowledges

molecular genetics heritability appropriate figures

restrictions same family identical

obstacles accuracies distinct

+97 766 22 28
8. same family
9. unique environment
10. longitudinal studies
11. molecular genetics
12. heritability

+97 766 22 28

Torch Relay
A. Fire is a sacred symbol dating back to prehistoric times. In ancient
Greece it symbolized the creation of the world, renewal and light. It was also the
sacred symbol of Hephaestus, and a gift to the human race from Prometheus, who
stole it from Zeus. At the center of every city-state in ancient Greece there was an
altar with an ever-burning fire and in every home the sacred Flame burned, dedicated
to Hestia, goddess of the family.
B. Torch Relay races started in ancient Greece as religious rituals held at
night. Soon they turned into a team athletic event, initially among adolescents, and
further developed to become one of the most popular ancient sports. The enchanting
power of fire was a source of inspiration. Sacred flames lit by the rays of the sun
always burned in Olympia, in an altar dedicated to Hestia. Fire was ignited with the
help of a concave mirror, which has the ability to concentrate the rays of the sun on a
single spot. When the head priestess touched that point with the Torch, the Flame was
C. The Ancient Greeks held a “lampadedromia” (the Greek word for Torch
Relay), where athletes competed by passing on the Flame in a relay race to the finish
line. In ancient Athens the ritual was performed during the Panathenaia fest, held
every four years in honor of the goddess Athena. The strength and purity of the sacred
Flame was preserved through its transportation by the quickest means; in this case a
relay of Torchbearers. The Torch Relay carried the Flame from the altar of
Prometheus to the altar of goddess Athena on the Acroppolis. Forty youths from the
ten Athenian tribes had to run a distance of 2.5 kilometers in total.
D. For the modern Olympic Games the sacred Flame is lit in Olympia by
the head priestess, in the same way as in antiquity, and the ritual includes the athletes’
oath. The Flame is then transmitted to the Torch of the first runner and the journey of
the Torch Relay begins. The modern Torch Relay is a non-competitive replication of
the ancient Flame relay and a symbolic celebration of the Olympic Games. In a
prophetic speech at the end of the Stockholm Games, on June 27, 1912, Baron Pierre
de Coubertin said: “And now great people have received the Torch and have thereby
undertaken to preserve and quicken its precious Flame. Lest or youth temporarily let
the Olympic Torch fall from their hands other young people on the other side of the
world are prepared to pick it up again”.
E. The Torch Relay, as the opening of the Olympic celebration, was
received in the Berlin Olympiad in 1936 and since then the Torch Relay has preceded
every Olympic Summer Games. Starting from Olympia and carried by the first

+97 766 22 28
runner, the young athlete Konstantinos Kondylis, the Flame travelled for the first time
hand to hand until it reached the Berlin Olympic Stadium. Since, the Flame’s magic
has marked and has been identified with the beginning of the Games. In Olympiads
that followed, the Torch Relay continued to play an important role, having been
enriched with the characteristics and cultures of the host countries. The choice of the
athlete who lights the Flame in the Olympic stadium is always symbolic to the host
F. For the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, the Flame followed a route in
homage to the Greek and Roman civilizations. It was carried from Piraeus to Rome
on the ship ‘Americo Vespucci’ and passed through some of the best-known or
important historical monuments of the two countries. It was the first time that the
event was covered by television. In the Mexico Olympiad in 1968, the Flame
followed the route taken by Christopher Columbus, and the athletics champion
Enriqueta Basilio was the first woman to light the Flame in the Olympic stadium. For
the Montreal Games in 1976, the Flame travelled by satellite from Athens to Ottawa,
and in the 1992 Games in Barcelona, a Paralympics archery medalist Antonio
Rebollo lit the Flame in the stadium with burning arrow. In Sydney 2000, the Flame
made its journey underwater in the Great Barrier Reef. And the Beijing 2008
Olympic Torch Relay will traverse the longest distance, cover the greatest area and
include the largest number of people.
G. The design of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch takes advantage of
Chinese artistic heritage and technological expertise. The design of the aluminum
torch features traditional scrolls and “Lucky Cloud”. It stands 72 centimeters high
and weighs 985 grams. The Torch incorporates technological innovations to be able
to remain lit in winds of up to 65 kilometers-an-hour and lit in rain of up to 50
millimeters-an-hour. And the torch can keep burning for 15 minutes. Other
technological advancements prevent color discoloration and corrosion around the
cone from which the Flame burns. The Torch construction is also environmentally-
conscious. The materials are recyclable, and the propane fuel meets environmental
requirements. “The Beijing Olympic Torch boasts both distinctive Chinese cultural
features, and technical excellence and sophisticated materials. It will carry the
friendship that Chinese people extend to the world and the Olympic spirit to the five
continents and to the peak of Mt. Qomolangma” said BOCOG President Liu Qi. “The
torch and the Olympic Flame are symbols which embody the Olympic Values of
excellence, respect and relationship. They inspire us to be the best we can be in all
that we do” added IOC President Jacques Rogge. “The magnificent design of the
torch for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will also add a very unique Chinese

+97 766 22 28
flavor to the relay, as the ‘Clouds of Promise’ carry the Beijing Games message to the

Questions 13-18
Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs A-D and paragraphs F and
G from the list of headings below.
Write appropriate number (i-x) in boxes 13-18 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
List of Headings
i Symbolic meanings of fire
ii How ancient Greeks used fire?
iii The origin of Torch Relay
iv How to light a torch?
v How ancient Greeks performed Torch Relay
vi Selecting right athletes for carrying torches
vii Torch Relay as a mark for modern Olympics
viii Technologies adapted in Torch Relay
ix Different Torch Relay practices in modern Olympics
x Combination of culture and technology
13. Paragraph A
14. Paragraph B
15. Paragraph C
16. Paragraph D
17. Paragraph F
18. Paragraph G

+97 766 22 28
Questions 19-26
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 2?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.
19. Altars had been built in every ancient Greek city for the Olympics.
20. There were only ten tribes living in Ancient Greece.
21. The ancient and modern Olympic Games obtained the sacred Flame in
Olympia in different ways.
22. The Torch Relay was reintroduced at the Berlin Olympic Games during the
opening ceremony.
23. The opening ceremony had been suspended temporarily before the Berlin
24. Host countries choose their national symbols to light the Olympic flame.
25. In the Mexico Olympiad in 1968, the Flame was lit by Christopher
26. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch can keep burning in light rain

Question 27
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage to answer the
question 27.
27. Name three basic Olympic Values mentioned in the passage.

+97 766 22 28
13. i
14. iii
15. v
16. vii
17. ix
18. x
19. TRUE
22. TRUE
26. TRUE
27. excellence, respect, friendship

+97 766 22 28

They are essential features of the Earth’s atmosphere, as they transfer heat and
energy between the equator and the cooler regions towards to poles.
Section A
A hurricane is a large rotating storm centered around an area of very low
pressure with strong winds blowing at an average speed in excess of 74 miles per
hour. The whole storm system may be up to 10 miles high and on average 500 miles
wide. It moves forward like an immense spinning top, at speeds up to 20 mph.
Section B
There are various trigger mechanisms required to transform frequent storms
into rarer hurricanes. These trigger mechanisms depend on several conditions being
‘right’ at the same time. One of the most influential factors are sources of very warm,
moist air, which derived from tropical oceans with surface temperatures greater than
26°C, and sufficient spin or twist from the rotating earth, which is related to latitude.
As the warm sea heats the air above it, a current of very warm moist sir rises
up quickly, creating a center of low pressure at the surface. Trade winds rush in
towards this low pressure and the inward spiralling winds whirl upwards releasing
heat and moisture before descending.
The rotation of the Earth causes the rising column to twist, gradually taking on
the form of a cylinder whirling around an eye of relatively still air, free from clouds.
The rising air cools and produces towering cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds.
Further aloft at 6 miles the cloud tops are carried outwards to give thick layer clouds
due to the outward spiraling winds leaving the hurricane core.
Section C
Great amounts of energy are transferred when warm water is evaporated from
tropical seas. This energy is stored within the water vapor contained in moist air. As
this air ascends, 90% of the stored energy is released by condensation, giving rise to
the towering cumulus clouds and rain.
The release of heat energy warms the air locally causing a further decrease in
pressure aloft. Consequently, air rises faster to fill this area of low pressure, and more
warm moist air is drawn off the sea feeding further energy to the system. Thus a self-
sustaining heat engine is created.

+97 766 22 28
Only as little as 3% of the heat energy may be converted mechanical energy of
the circulating winds. This relatively small amount of mechanical energy equates to a
power supply of 360 billion kilowatt hours per day-or 6 months supply of electrical
energy for the whole of the USA!
Section D
Hurricanes form between 5 and 30 latitude and initially move westward (owing
to easterly winds) and slightly towards the poles. Many hurricanes eventually drift far
enough north or south to move into areas dominated by westerly winds (found in the
middle latitudes). These winds tend to reverse the direction of the hurricane to an
eastward path.
As the hurricane moves poleward it picks up speed and may reach between 20
and 30 mph. An average hurricane can travel about 300 to 400 miles a day, or about
3000 miles before it dies out. Hurricanes occur between July and October in the
Atlantic, eastern Pacific and the western Pacific north of the equator. South of the
equator, off Australia and in the Indian Ocean, they occur between November and
The name hurricane should only be used for those tropical storms occurring in
the Atlantic. In the Pacific they are known as typhoons, in the Indian Ocean as
cyclones. They are given names beginning with “A”, “B” etc. In order of occurrence
and the names are alternately male and female.
Section E
These phenomena can cause major destruction, especially when the hurricane’s
path takes it over land. However a path over land also causes the destruction of the
hurricane itself. As it moves over land its energy source is depleted and friction
across the land surface distorts the air flow. This leads to the eye filling with cloud
and the hurricane dies.
Section F
Other than basic knowledge of general hurricane occurrence there are no
atmospheric conditions that can be measured and combined to predict where a
hurricane will develop. Therefore we can only forecast its path once formed. A
network of instruments, men and equipment at the National Hurricane Center in
Miami, Florida search out potential hurricanes in their early stages and track them
through their life cycle until they decay and die.

+97 766 22 28
Satellites detect hurricanes in their early stages of development and can help to
provide early warning of imminent hurricanes. Reinforced aircraft fitted with
instruments fly through and over hurricanes, and weather radar can locate storms
within 200 miles of the radar station.
A hurricane warning is issued to coastal areas where winds of 74 mph or
greater are definitely expected to occur, or dangerously high water or high waves are
predicted. The general public are usually informed via television broadcasts and
through a system of flying flags by day and lanterns by night.
More recently, the National Hurricane Center’s website has recently been
developed to allow people to type in their zip code and get specific information about
potential hazards in their area and where to evacuate to if necessary.
Questions 28-31
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the Section B for each answer.
A current of heated 28 raised up from the warm ocean
A center of 29 created at the surface
Trade winds rush inwards, discharge 30 before descending
The 31 helps the column to twist, taking on the form of a
cylinder spinning around an eye of the still air.
The rising air cools and produces towering cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds.

+97 766 22 28
Question 32-38
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading
Passage 3?
On your answer sheet please write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage.
32. Hurricanes often form around the equator.
33. Hurricanes are normally generated above the sea surface under relatively
higher temperatures.
34. 3% of the mechanical energy generated from hurricanes could power the
USA for half a year.
35. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones are all the same type of tropical storms.
36. Once the eye of the hurricane eye is filled with moist air, it will die.
37. We are still not capable of anticipating where a hurricane will develop.
38. A system of flying flags and lanterns is used to warn of hurricanes within
200 miles.

Questions 39-40
Choose words from the passage to answer the questions 39-40, writing NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
39. How fast does hurricane normally travel?
40. How broad is a typical hurricane system?

+97 766 22 28
28. moist air
29. low pressure
30. heat and moisture
31. rotation of Earth
32. TRUE
33. TRUE
35. TRUE
37. TRUE
39. 20 mph
40. 500 miles wide

+97 766 22 28

Save the Turtles

A. Leatherback turtles follow the general sea turtle body plan of having a
large, flattened, round body with two pairs of very large flippers and a short tail. Like
other sea turtles, the leatherback’s flattened forelimbs are specially adapted for
swimming in the open ocean. Claws are noticeably absent from both pair of flippers.
The leatherback’s flippers are the largest in proportion to its body among the extant
sea turtles. Leatherback front flippers can grow up to 2.7 meters in large specimens,
the largest flippers (even in comparison to its body) of any sea turtle. As the last
surviving member of its family, the leatherback turtle has several distinguishing
characteristics that differentiate it from other sea turtles. Its most notable feature is
that it lacks the bony carapace of the other extant sea turtles.
B. During the past month, four turtles have washed up along Irish coasts
from Wexford to Kerry. These turtles are more typical of warmer waters when they
stray off course. It is likely that they may have originated from Florida, America. Two
specimens have been taken to Coastal and Marine Resources Centre, University
College Cork, where a necropsy will be conducted to establish their age, sex and their
exact origin. During this same period, two Leatherback turtles were found in
Scotland, and a rare Kemp’s Ridley turtle was found in Wales, thus making it an
exceptional month for stranded turtles in Ireland and the UK.
C. Actually, there has been extensive research conducted regarding the sea
turtles’ abilities to return to their nesting regions and sometimes exact locations from
hundreds of miles away. In the water, their path is greatly affected by powerful
currents. Despite their limited vision, and lack of landmarks in the open water, turtles
are able to retrace their migratory paths. Some explanations of this phenomenon have
found that sea turtles can detect the angle and intensity of the earth’s magnetic fields.
D. However, leatherback turtles are not normally found in Irish waters,
because water temperatures here are far too cold for their survival. Instead, adult
Leatherback prefer the warmers waters of the Mediterranean, the Caribbean and
North America’s east coast. The four turtles that were found have probably originated
from the North American. However it will require genetic analysis to confirm this
assumption. It is thought that after leaving their nesting beach as hatchlings, these
tiny turtles enter the North Atlantic Gyre that takes them from America, across to
Europe, down towards North Africa, before being transported back again to America
via a different current. This remarkable round trip may take many years during which
these tiny turtles grow by several centimeters a year. Leatherback may circulate
around the North Atlantic several times before they settle in the coastal waters of

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Florida or the Caribbean.
E. These four turtles probably on their way around the Atlantic when they
strayed a bit too far north from the Gulf Stream. Once they did, their fate was sealed,
as the cooler waters of the North East Atlantic are too cold for Leatherback, unlike
some other turtles which have many anatomical and physiological adaptations to
enable them to swim in different seas. Once in cool waters, the body of a Leatherback
begins to shut down as they get ‘cold stunned’, then get hypothermia and die.
F. Leatherbacks are in immanent danger of extinction. A critical factor is
the harvesting of eggs from nests. Values as a food delicacy, Leatherback eggs are
falsely touted to have aphrodisiacal properties in some cultures. The Leatherback,
unlike the Green Sea turtles, is not often killed for its meat; however, the increase in
human populations coupled with the growing back market trade has escalated their
egg depletion. Other critical factors causing the leatherbacks’ decline are pollution
such as plastics –leatherbacks eat this debris thinking it is jellyfish; fishing practices
such as longline fishing and gill nets, and development on habitat areas. Scientists
have estimated that there only about 35,000 Leatherback turtles in the world.
G. We are often unable to understand the critical impact a species has on the
environment –that is, until that species becomes extinct. Even if we do not know the
role a creature plays in the health of the environment, past lessons have taught us
enough to know that every animal and plants is one important link in the integral
chain of nature. Some scientists now speculate that the Leatherback may play an
important role in the recovery of diminishing fish populations. Since the Leatherback
consumes its weight in jellyfish per day, it helps to keep jellyfish populations in
check. Jellyfish consume large quantities of fish larvae. The rapid decline in
Leatherback populations over the last 50 years has been accompanied by a significant
increase in jellyfish and a marked decrease in fish in our oceans. Saving sea turtles is
an International endeavor.

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Questions 1-6
Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs B-G from the list of heading
Write appropriate number (i-x) in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
List of Headings
i Sea turtles are found in unusual locations
ii Unique features of the Leatherbacks
iii The Leatherback’s contribution
iv Methods used for routes tracking
v Predict the migration routes
vi Remains multiplicity within the species
vii The progress of hatching
viii The fate of the lost turtles
ix How trips suppose to look like?
x Factors leading to population decline
1. Paragraph B
2. Paragraph C
3. Paragraph D
4. Paragraph E
5. Paragraph F
6. Paragraph G

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Questions 7-13
Choose words from the passage to answer the questions 7-13. Write NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
7. How many Leatherback turtles are there in the world?
8. What is the most noticeable difference between other sea turtles and
9. What caused leatherback turtles to die in Irish waters?
10. Where did the four turtles probably come from?
11. By which means can sea turtles retrace their migratory paths?
12. For what purpose are Green Sea turtles killed by people?
13. What kind of species will benefit from a decline in Leatherback population?

+97 766 22 28
1. i
2. iv
3. ix
4. viii
5. x
6. iii
7. 35,000
8. the bony carapace
9. cold waters/ temperature
10. Florida, America, the North American
11. (detecting) magnetic fields
12. its meat
13. jellyfish

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A. Over the years, most people acquire a repertoire of skills for coping with
a range of frightening situations. Scientists are addressing this problem by identifying
specific brain processes that regulate fear and its associated behaviors. Despite the
availability of noninvasive imaging techniques, such information is still extremely
difficult to obtain in humans. Hence, they have turned the attention to another
primate, the rhesus monkey. These animals undergo many of the same physiological
and psychological developmental stages that humans do, but in a more compressed
time span. As they gained more insight into the nature and operation of neural circuits
that modulate fear in monkeys, it should be possible to pinpoint the brain processes
that cause inordinate anxiety in people and to devise new therapies to counteract it.
B. For 20 years, Ned Kalin, a psychiatrist at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison, has studied fear in people and monkeys. He explained that monkeys have a
palette of fearful, or defensive, behaviors that are controlled by different brain
mechanisms. Each winter, Kalin and colleagues Steven Shelton and John Berard
study a free-living colony of primates called Rhesus macaques on a 38-acre islet
called Cayo Santiago of the coast of Puerto Rico. Over the years, they noticed that the
monkeys responded differently to different threats.
C. Working in a lab back in Madison, Kalin and Shelton put young
macaques through three tests, and saw three adaptive fearful responses: when left
alone for 10 minutes, most of the monkeys started cooing to attract their mother’s
attention. Being separated from mother terrifies infant primates, so this is a smart,
adaptive reaction. When a human intruder entered the room and looked away from
the monkey, most of the animals skulked toward the back of their cage and froze.
Such freezing minimizes the chance of being detected and gives the animal time to
figure out what to do. When a person stared expressionless at the monkey, the animal
started a kind of “defensive aggression” reaction, with deep barking, bared teeth, and
rattling the cage. Staring, Kalin notes, can be very threatening, since it can signify
that a predator has located you or that another member of your species is trying to
dominate you.
D. So far, so good. But why did some monkeys freeze for a few seconds,
and others for minutes at a time? Why did 5 percent of the preadolescent monkeys
freeze when they were stared at, while 95 percent got aggressive? To further define
these types of fearful behavior, Kalin gave small amounts of drugs to the monkeys.
He found that opiates inhibited the cooing for the mother, which made sense since
opiates made naturally by the body are known to affect attachment behavior, but not

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the aggressive barking. Anti-anxiety drugs like diazepam, or valium, had little or no
affect on cooing, but it did decrease barking and freezing.
E. What does all this mean for people plagued by fear and anxiety
disorders? For one thing, that fearful responses combine several elements; fear is not
one single thing. For another, the problem is not simply having too much emotion,
Kalin says, but of having the wrong one, or being unable to hit the “off” switch.
“People in the past have conceptualized problems of emotions as being overly intense
responses. But we find animals that are unable to turn off a specific reaction, or
which express the wrong reaction”.
F. Based on earlier observations in humans, the scientists knew that
humans carry two versions of the gene, long and short. Some people have two long
versions (L/L), but the people with one of each (S/L) are known to experience a
higher incidence of social anxiety and other behaviors. Scientists from Duke
University Medical Center conducted three experiments with male monkeys that had
been genotyped for the S/L or L/L variants to learn how genetic variation might
influence their responses to social rewards and punishments. They found that
monkeys with one copy of the short gene spent less time gazing at images of the face
and eyes of other monkeys, were less likely to engage in risk-taking behavior, and
less likely to want to view a picture of a high-status male. “For both human and non-
human primates, faces and eyes are rich source of social information, and it’s well
established that humans tend to direct visual attentions to faces, especially the eye
region”, Platt said. “Rhesus monkeys live in highly despotic societies, and convey
social rank information by making threats and showing dominant and submissive
G. In a second experiment, the S/L monkeys were less willing to take risks
after they were primed with the faces of high-status males. They more often chose a
“safe” option of a fixed volume of juice, rather than the chance for a greater of lesser
amount, the “risky” choice. Previous studies have found that inducing fear in human
subjects makes them more risk-averse.
H. The final experiment was a pay-per-view set-up. The monkeys could
have a juice reward paired with an image. The images were of high-status male faces,
low-status male faces, or a gray square. The L/L monkeys actually had to be paid
juice to view the dominant males, while the S/L monkeys gave up juice for a look at
these faces.
I. Altogether, data showed that genetic variation does contribute to social
reward and punishment in macaques, and thus shapes social behavior in both humans
and rhesus macaques. This study confirms rhesus monkeys can serve as a model of

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what goes on in our brains, even in the case of social behavior.

Question 14-18
Reading Passage 3 contains 9 paragraphs A –I.
Which paragraphs state the following information?
Write the appropriate letters A –I in boxes 14 -18 on your answer sheet.
14. Classification of responses to fear.
15. Face of high-status males cause greater fear in the S/L monkey.
16. Facial expressions contain social information.
17. Fear is not a simple emotion.
18. Medicine does not work in some cases.

Questions 19-22
Choose words from the passage to answer the questions 19-22. Write NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
19. What do humans and animals differ while they share the similar
physiological and psychological developmental stages?
20. What reaction did the monkey start with when they were gazed at
21. How many preadolescent monkeys became aggressive when they were
facing domination from another member of their own species?
22. According to the passage, what determines social behavior in both humans
and monkeys?

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Questions 23-27
Complete the summary of the Great Eastern.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each
In order to understand the brain processes that cause 23 in
people, and how genetic variation might influence social behavior, scientists first
conducted three experiments to gain more insight into fear in monkeys. For both
human and monkeys, 24 can convey social information. It was found
that monkeys with one copy of the short gene were less likely to look at the face of a
25 and to take a risk. The monkey without a 26 would
sight on dominant males if they were rewarded, while the 27 monkeys
waived the reward.

+97 766 22 28
14. C
15. G
16. F
17. E
18. D
19. time span
20. defensive aggression
21. 95 percent
22. genetic variation
23. inordinate anxiety
24. faces and eyes
25. high-status male
26. short gene
27. S/L


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