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1- Pressure is force exerted on a unit area. The basic formula of pressure is P=F/A where P is
pressure, F is force, A is area. This formula is also expressed as P=N/m 2. The SI unit for pressure
is “Pascal” or “Pa”. It is said as N/m2.
2- Pressure is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to area i.e. P α F, P α .
3- If the pressure is exerted on a object the pressure would be greater if force is applied
perpendicularly (at 900) like shown by arrow length:

Pressure in liquids:
1- The formula for the pressure in liquids is P= ρgh where ρ is density (rho), g is gravitational
strength, h is depth. The pressure on a object in liquid depends on the density of liquid, the
gravitational acceleration due to gravity and the depth object has gone.
2- The SI unit of pressure in liquids is Pascal.
3- When the object inside a liquid would have a greater density than the liquid the object would
4- At every point on the same level in the liquid object will face the same pressure.
5- There are two reasons why objects float on liquid. First, if the density is lower than liquid.
Second, the resultant force acting on object which is also known as Upthrust.

Atmospheric Pressure:
1- Atmospheric pressure is the force applied by the air or the weight of the air acting on a area or
2- The normal atmospheric pressure is 1 × 105 Pa. It is very high i.e. 100000N/m 2.It is very high that
it can destroy/squash a human body. Though it is not possible because an equal pressure is
applied by our Lungs. Because of the equal pressure exerted by our Lungs we are unable to
experience any pressure physically.
3- It is the atmospheric pressure which balances the liquid level of any liquid in any container.
4- Atmospheric pressure is different at different altitudes. To measure atmospheric pressure
Mercurial Barometer is used.

Mercurial Barometer:
1- It is an instrument used to calculate Atmospheric pressure in any place. The
formula for measuring atmospheric pressure is P=ρgh.
2- The mercury rises at atmospheric pressure increases. As atmospheric pressure acts
on the barometer mercury’s height gives ‘h’ as mentioned in the image. The density
is taken of the mercury.
3- The ‘h’ is not taken from the bottom; it is taken from the level of mercury in dish till
level of mercury in glass tube.
4- The height is taken and converted to metre (m) and entered in formula.
5- The gravitational force is 10N (10m/s 2) and density is taken in kg/m3.
6- NOTE that the glass tube containing mercury is sealed.
7- The space without mercury in glass tube has vacuum and mercurial vapors in it.
8- When the barometer will be placed at higher altitude the atmospheric pressure would decrease.
9- It is because air becomes less dense as altitude rises.
10- Mercury is used in the barometer because the density of mercury is enough that it allows the
glass tube to be of manageable size. If water is used instead of mercury, the glass tube would
have to be 34 feet high.

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