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Once upon a time, in the hidden heart of France...

a handsome
young prince lived in a beautiful castle. Although he had
everything his heart desired, the prince was selfish and
unkind. Then one night an unexpected intruder arrived at the
castle, seeking shelter from the bitter storm. As a gift, she
offered the prince, a single rose. Repulsed by her haggard
appearance... the prince turned the woman away. Hmm. But she
warned him not to be deceived by appearances. For beauty is
found within. When he dismissed her again...the old woman's
outward appearance melted away. To reveal... a beautiful
enchantress. The prince begged for forgiveness, but it was too
late. For she had seen that there was no love in his heart.
she transformed him into a hideous beast. And placed a
powerful spell on the castle... and all who lived there.
As days bled into years... the prince and his servants were
forgotten by the world. For the enchantress had erased all
memory of them... from the minds of the people they loved. But
the rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose. If he
could learn to love another... and earn their love in return
by the time the last petal fell... the spell would be broken.
If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As
the years passed... he fell into despair and lost all hope.
For who could ever learn to love a beast?

- Singing “Belle” song.

One day, there was a father had a daughter. His daughter name
was Belle. Belle is beautiful,smart and kind girl. People in
thats village called her was odd girl because only her who
like reading books and study. People in there thinks that work
is important rather than study. But, not for Belle. Belle felt
bored with condition in her village. She want to go further
and looking for new things but she still confused where to go.
Then, one day her father want to go further to do his job with
the horse, Belle asked her father to bring a rose after he
came back later. Then, after 9 hours ways, her father went to
a strange village and there was a big castle. Father’s eye
catch to a beautiful rose in that castle and he pick up the
rose. The owner of the rose is a Beast. Suddenly, the owner of
that rose know and angry with him. Without take a long time,
the beast catch and imprison him in that castle. The horse
afraid and run away to tell that information to Belle. Belle
try to understand what the horse say, then without any further
she ride the horse and run away to the castle. After arrived
in the castle, Belle entered the big castle and found a lot of
ancient things. “Papa!” “Papa!” shouted Belle. She tried to
found her father, suddenly.. She get her father alone in a
jail. “Papa, why you here?” , “ Go Belle! You shouldn’t be
here! I get jailed because I have picked a rose”, then the
beast come with anger “Your father is a thief!”, “No!, I asked
the rose, let me jailed not my father!”. The beast just shut
without saying anything. “ Please, give me time with my
father. Let me say goodbye before I go.” Then.. the beast
opened the prison “If this jail already closed that can not be
opened”, Belle go to her father immediately. “Papa, i love you
so much.” Said Belle. “Me too dear, I already lose your
mother, I don’t want to lose you again. Please, go!”, Then
Belle pushed him out and locked herself in the prison “I’m
sorry papa, please go!”, “Belle!”, “Please Papa, i’m not scare
i will fine.”, “We will meet again dear”. Then, her father run
outside with the horse.

Time flies..
All the things such as wardrobe, candle, clock, etc Belle know
that things can speak and move by itself. They all very love
with Belle kindness. They be bestfriend, also Belle and the
beast, they more know each other and play snow and reading
book together sometimes they singing together. They have same
hobby that is reading a book. What makes Belle happy is the
Beast let Belle own his huge library in his castle.

In otherside..
Belle’s father get accused also from all people in that
village because Gaston influenced them. Belle know this
information from the beast mirror it can see all the things.
“Go Belle help your father!” then Belle run away bring the
mirror, the Beast actually feel sad. There is a boy named
Gaston. He was very arrogant and selfish, he want to married
Belle but Belle won’t. He forced Belle’s father to agree him
to marry Belle. He threathing Belle’s father and accused him
as a murderer and people accused him as a crazy person because
Belle’s father said something about the Beast in a castle.
“Stop!” shout Belle came with white horse.
“Please, let him out!”
“No, Belle. Your father making a unbelievable claims, he said
that a beast in a castle!.”
“No, that’s real! I just came from the castle.”
“You can’t prove!” said Gaston, “Show me the beast!” said
Belle to the mirror. Then, Belle showed him and other people
to show that her father not crazy.
“The beast is here!” scream Gaston and making others scare.
“No! Don’t be scare. He is gentle and kind!” said Belle.
“Your smell is like a monster!” said Gaston.
“You are the monster Gaston! The beast won’t hurt anyone!”
said Belle.
“Catch her too!” said Gaston to his servants.
“No!” then Belle and her father get imprison.
“Let’s kill the beast!” said Gaston to the village’s people,
and the people zeal to kill the beast.
Belle and her father get imprison in a horse carriage. Because
of the rider go to toilet to pee. Belle do some of tricks to
escape, finally she do it! And her father wait in the outside
to make shock the rider. Belle go with her white horse to the
Beast’s servants know the people from the village will come to
the castle and tell the Beast, the beast said “ Let them here”
said the Beast.
“KILL THE MONSTER!” said the people.
All of Beast servants make the chaos to fool the people to not
meet the Beast. Gaston go to upstairs to find the Beast.
Suddenly.. he find the Beast with hopeless. Gaston asked the
Beast “Do you love, her?, “Do you think she want you?”
suddenly Gaston shot the Beast. Then, Belle come, “Where is
he!” , “He will die, and we will marry after go to village.” ,
“Never!” said Belle. Belle hit him with a wood, then he fell,
but he directly want to shot the beast again, the beast
against and catch Gaston, but Gaston run away. Belle run out
to save the Beast. The beast came to Belle, suddenly Gaston
shot the Beast from the back. The beast fell and he want to
die. In there, the castle broken little by little, Gaston
death with ruins of building. Belle crying and she hug the
Beast and she hope he still alive.
“ You came back” said the Beast in Belle’s knee.
“Of course, i’ll be back” said Belle.
“This time for me to go, this the last for me to see you”.
Said the Beast hopeless. All of the rose petals gone its mean
that the Beast will be Beast forever and the servants will be
inanimate objects forever.
“Please, don’t! Go back!” said Belle crying.
“I love you beast!” said Belle and then she kissed the Beast.
Without she knows, that is the way to make beast came back
become a prince. All the rose petals suddenly back become a
rose and the curse disappeared. The beast changed back become
a handsome prince. Also, all the servants back to real human
and miss each other. Then, Belle and Prince married and love
each other. Belle become a princess in this castle. They live
happily forever. This story known as Beauty and the Beast. Do
not judge someone from appearance because inner-beauty is

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