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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing,

evaluating and managing the instructional process by using
principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

Learning Area: Quarter: Duration: Date:

3 50 minutes April 17, 2023

Time and Schedule of Classes: TTH (4:30-6:00 pm)

Learning Competency/ies:
Describes the skills of a wise Code:

(Taken from the

consume H3CH-IIIde-5 (Code)
MELCS/Curriculum Guide)

Key Concepts / Wise Consumer

Understandings to be
Developed Skills of a Wise Consumer

Adapted Cognitive
Domain Dimensions (D.O.
No. 8, s. 2015)

Knowledge Remembering define Wise Consumer,

The fact or
condition of
knowing something
with familiarity
gained through Understanding explain the skills of a Wise Consumer,
experience or


Skills Applying demonstrate on how to be a Wise Consumer,

The ability and
capacity acquired
through deliberate, Analyzing
systematic, and
sustained effort to
smoothly and Evaluating  
adaptively carryout
complex activities
or the ability,
coming from one's
knowledge, Creating
practice, aptitude,
etc., to do


Attitude Respondng share ideas on how important being a Wise Consumer,

Values Internalizing respect for others.


2. Content The Wiser the Better

3. Learning Resources Living with Music, Art, Physical Education and Health, Internet

4. Procedures

4. 1 Introductory Activity

1.) Prayer

2.) Checking of Attendance

3.) Classroom Rules

Picture Analysis

Directions: The teacher will show different pictures and let the
students analyse the pictures.

4.2. Activity/Motivation


1. What have you observed in the picture?

2. What do you think the picture all about?

3. Do you think she is a Wise Consumer?

4. Do you know what a Consumer is?

5. What do you think our topic for today?

4.3 Analysis Directions: The teacher will group the students into two groups,
each group will be given a jumbled letters and they will going to
arrange it according to its meaning.

Group 1
BGUGNTIDE - is the ability to plan on how to be spends
one’s money.
GGARAIINBN -it is about respectfully asking for a lower
price, but with consideration.

SONARIPMOC YNGIBU- comparing products or services

before purchasing. Consumers want to buy products that are in
good condition or quality and those that will last longer.

Group 2
ATDA INGCOLLECT- it is about gathering more information
before buying any product or availing services. This is to avoid
fraud and quackery.

SEWI MERSONUC- knowing your spending limits, knowing

your rights and responsibilities as well as being informed before
you buy.


write or report a complaint regarding a defective or false products
and services.


1. Did you find the activity difficult to answer?

2. What are the words that you find in the activity?

4.4 Abstraction
Wise Consumer- knowing your spending limits, knowing your
rights and responsibilities as well as being informed before you

Wise Consumer- knowing your spending limits, knowing your

rights and responsibilities as well as being informed before you


1. Budgeting- is the ability to plan on how to be spends one’s



Renalyn asked her mother to cook sinigang na hipon for their

dinner. Her mother only have 350 pesos left in her wallet, so she
made a budget list.

Cooking Sinigang na Hipon

½ kilo shrimp = 250.00

1 bunch string beans = 25.00

1 pack tamarind powder = 15.00

other condiments = 25.00

TOTAL = 325.00

2. Bargaining- it is about respectfully asking for a lower price, but

with consideration.

3. Data Collecting- it is about gathering more information before

buying any product or availing services. This is to avoid fraud and

4. Comparison buying- comparing products or services before

purchasing. Consumers want to buy products that are in good
condition or quality and those that will last longer. Also, consumers
likely to buy or products with lesser price.

Angela wants to buy a pair of rubber shoes. She was given

500 pesos by her mother. She went to the shoe store. She saw
different rubber shoes.

Rubber shoes A – with nice lace, latest style, with glitter design,
with price tag of 800 pesos

Rubber shoes B – with simple lace, simple design, old style, with
price tag of 200 pesos

Rubber shoes C – with nicer lace, latest style, no glitter design

with price tag of 400 pesos.

5. Communication and Assertiveness- the ability to write or

report a complaint regarding a defective or false products and
services. There are both in malls, supermarket or grocery where a
consumer can report/exchange defective or false products and

4.5 Application Direction: The teacher will group the students into three, each
group will give a situation where they will going to act it out.

Role Play

Group 1 – Budgeting

Group 2- Bargaining

Group 3- Comparison buying

Criteria Needs Fair Good Very
practice (2) (3) Good
(1) (4)
All group members are
4.6 Assessment
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is not.

_____1. Budgeting is the skill to make the best deal.

_____2. Communication and assertiveness is the skill to

write or report a complaint regarding a defective or false
products and services

_____3. Comparison buying is the skill to choose the best

among the two or more products or services.

_____4. Bargaining is the skill to plan on how to spend ones


_____5. Wise Consumer knowing your spending limits,

knowing your rights and responsibilities as well as being
informed before you buy.

4.7 Assignment Directions: Make a slogan about wise consumer skills. Write it in a
short bond paper and make it artistically done.

4.8 Concluding Activity Directions: Draw a star before each learning goal.

1. Enumerate the skills of a wise consumer.

2. Show consumer skills in some situation.

“Buy less, choose well”

5.      Remarks

Vivienne Westwood

“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of

6.      Reflections fools suffers harm.”

Proverbs 15:20

A.  No. of learners who   C.   Did the remedial lessons work?  
No. of learners who have caught up
earned 80% in the evaluation.
with the lesson.

B.   No. of learners who

D.  No. of learners who continue to
require additional activities for    
require remediation.

E.   Which of my learning

strategies worked well? Why  
did these work?

F.   What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G.  What innovation or

localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?


Consolatrix College Of Toledo City

Name: Adlawan, Hanyline School:

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