Origin Idea

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Origin Name: Void Mage

Void Portal - Creates a portal made of dark particles which starts to pull in nearby items,
entities, and players. The portal lasts for 10 seconds and has a radius of 10 blocks.(they can
toggle the pull in effect if the pull in effect is off the portal wont disappear after 10 seconds
 Void Dimension - Entering the Void portal teleports the player to the Void dimension, a
dark and desolate place with low visibility and dangerous creatures.
- Shadow Step: they can morph into a shadow mist that can fly
 Dark Nova - Releases a burst of dark energy that damages enemies within a short radius of
the Void Mage.
 Shadow Shield - Creates a protective shield made of dark energy around the Void Mage,
absorbing incoming attacks for a short duration.
 Void Blast - Fires a blast of dark energy at a target, dealing massive damage.
Pocket Dimention- a 50by50 blocck project dimetion with unbreakable white walls around

Dimensional Wrath-

Improved Origin: Void Mage

The Void Mage is a master of dark energy and can manipulate the void to their advantage.


1. Void Portal: The Void Mage can create a portal made of dark particles that starts to pull in
nearby items, entities, and players. The portal lasts for 10 seconds and has a radius of 10
blocks. The portal can toggle the pull-in effect, and if off, the portal won't disappear after 10

2. Void Dimension: Entering the Void portal teleports the player to the Void dimension. It's a
dark and desolate place with low visibility and dangerous creatures.

3. Shadow Step: The Void Mage can morph into a shadow mist that allows them to fly.

4. Dark Nova: The Void Mage can release a burst of dark energy that damages enemies within a
short radius.

5. Shadow Shield: The Void Mage can create a protective shield made of dark energy, absorbing
incoming attacks for a short duration.

6. Void Blast: The Void Mage can fire a blast of dark energy at a target, dealing massive

7. Pocket Dimension: The Void Mage can create a pocket dimension, a 50-by-50 block project
dimension with unbreakable white walls around it. It can be used for storage or as a personal

Ultimate Ability: Dimensional Wrath - The Void Mage can summon a massive blast of dark energy
that obliterates everything in its path. Killing the user but deals heavy damage to enemies and
creates a massive void rift, sucking in everything around it. Into the void dimention so if they survive
they will have to escape

With these abilities, the Void Mage is a force to be reckoned with and can take on any challenge that
comes their way.

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