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Write the event timeline from the 1st Olympic in

1896,Greece to 2024, Paris.

April 6-15, 1896: Athens (Summer)

After a 1,500-year hiatus, the Games return to Athens, the ancient

birthplace of the Olympic Games, where 14 nations are
represented by all-male athletes. The highlight of the first modern
Olympics is the marathon, won by Greece's Spyridon Louis. With
43 events, including track and field, gymnastics, swimming,
cycling, weightlifting, wrestling, tennis, fencing and more, the track
and field events take place in a renovated Panathenaic Stadium,
which dates back to 330 B.C. American James Connolly takes
home the first gold medal of the competition, winning the triple
jump. Connolly goes on to win silver in the high jump and bronze in
the long jump.

May 20-October 28, 1900: Paris (Summer)

Held as part of the Paris World’s Fair, the 1900 Games span five
months, with 20 events and 24 countries represented. Because
events are so spread out, many athletes and officials don't even
realize they are competing in the Olympics. But the 1900 Games
introduce several new sports, including rugby, golf, cricket and
croquet (the only year croquet is played), as well as equestrian
events, archery and soccer. Swimming races take place in the
Seine River and five sports—tennis, polo, soccer, rowing and tug
of war—include athletes from differing nations playing on the same
teams. It’s also the first time women participate, with 22 competing
(along with 975 men). American Alvin Kraenzlein shines during the
Paris Games when he takes gold in four track and field events.

July 1-November 23, 1904: St. Louis (Summer)

Also tied to the World’s Fair, the 1904 Games are held in St. Louis
over several months, with just 12 countries represented and U.S.
athletes accounting for almost 85 percent of participants. Of the
approximately 100 sports offered, women are only allowed to
compete in archery and it’s the first time freestyle wrestling, the
decathlon, boxing and dumbbells are added. American gymnast
George Eyser, who competes using a wooden leg, makes
headlines for snagging six medals, three of them gold. The 1904
marathon is among the Games’ most infamous. Runners slog
through 90-degree heat on a busy, dusty road. By the end, more
than half of the runners withdraw from exhaustion. The eventual
winner, Thomas Hicks, is fed egg whites, strychnine and brandy
and is carried across the finish line.

April 27-October 31, 1908: London (Summer)

Relocated to London with little notice after Rome is forced to

cancel, following the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the 1908
Olympics marks the longest Games in history. Twenty-two nations
compete in events over a six-month period. For the first time,
swimming and diving competitions are held in a pool. The Games
also see the introduction of field hockey, indoor tennis, and

Although the Games are well-organized and feature a new

emphasis on officiating, they are not without controversy. Several
Irish athletes boycott the Games rather than participate as British
crown subjects. Ralph Rose, an American shot-putter, refuses to
dip the U.S. flag in salute of the king. And Finnish athletes protest
Russian rule in their country. In the grueling marathon event,
Italian runner Dorando Pietri collapses near the finish line but wins
the hearts of spectators.

May 5-July 22, 1912: Stockholm (Summer)

The first Asian country to participate, Japan joins the 1912 Olympic
Games in Stockholm, Sweden, which includes athletes from 28
nations representing all five continents and features the debut of
women's swimming and diving and the modern pentathlon. Finnish
long-distance star Hannes Kolehmainen, one of the "Flying Finns,"
wins three golds in the 5,000-, 10,000- and 12,000-meter runs.
And American Jim Thorpe, a future pro football and baseball star,
becomes a household name after winning gold in the pentathlon
and decathlon and taking fourth in the high jump and seventh in
the long jump. But controversy surrounds Thorpe: He’s disqualified
for playing for a resort baseball team a few years before the
Games, a violation of IOC rules (the medals were restored in 1982,
nearly three decades after his death). The 1912 Games are noted
as the first time electronic timing is used, a public address system,
the only time boxing doesn't take place (Swedish law banned it)
and the first time an athlete dies during the Games (Francisco
Lazzaro, of Portugal, during the marathon).

1916: Berlin: Canceled (Summer)

With World War I raging, the 1916 Olympics, slated to take place

in Berlin, are canceled.
April 20-September 12, 1920: Antwerp (Summer)

Following the devastation from World War I, Antwerp, Belgium is

awarded the Games, and Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria
and Turkey are not invited. The newly-formed Soviet Union does
not attend. With some 2,600 athletes (about 60 of whom are
women) from 29 countries competing in 156 events, the five-ring
Olympic flag debuts during the Opening Ceremony. American
Ethelda Bleibtrey wins all three women's swimming events, Italian
Nedo Nadi takes gold in five of six fencing competitions and
Swede Oscar Swahn snags silver in the team double-shot running
deer event at age 72, making him the oldest medalist in Olympic

Chamonix, France, 1924 (Winter)

The Chamonix Games were originally staged as

International Winter Sports Week, a meet sponsored by the IOC
but not sanctioned as an official Olympic Games. Well-organized
and equipped with new facilities, the event was a success and led
the IOC to amend its charter in 1925, establishing the Winter
Games. Chamonix was thereafter recognized as the first Winter
Olympics. Some 250 athletes representing 16 countries attended
the Games, competing in 16 events. The 11 female athletes
participated in the figure skating competition, the only sport open
to women until the addition of the Alpine (skiing) combined in the
1936 Olympics in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

May 4-July 27, 1924: Paris (Summer)

During the Paris Games, some 3,000 athletes (135 women) from

44 nations participate in 126 events with 1,000-plus reporters on
site. Olympic firsts include the first standard 50-meter pool with
marked lanes, the first formal closing ceremony and the first time
athletes are housed in an Olympic village. It also marks the last
time tennis is played for 64 years. American swimmer and future
"Tarzan" actor Johnny Weissmuller takes three gold medals and a
bronze in water polo, "Flying Finn" Paavo Nurmi wins five golds in
track and field and British runner Eric Liddell, later immortalized in
the Academy Award-winning film "Chariots of Fire," wins gold in
the 400-meter dash and bronze in the 200, while his teammate,
Harold Abrahams, also a focus of the movie, wins the 100-meter

St. Moritz, Switzerland, 1928 (Winter)

The second Winter Olympics, held at a ski resort, were marred by

bad weather. The culprit was the foehn, a strong wind that carried
with it warm air, causing temperatures to soar above 75 °F (24 °C)
some afternoons. Numerous events were rescheduled, and one
contest—the 10,000-metre speed skating event—was canceled,
though some books list American Irving Jaffee, who held the lead
after the first run, as the winner. St. Moritz also marked the return
of German athletes, who had been banned from Olympic
competition following World War I; the country claimed only one
medal, a bronze in the four-man bobsled.

May 17-August 12, 1928: Amsterdam (Summer)

The 1928 Amsterdam Olympics feature 2,883 athletes from 46

nations (Panama, Malta and Rhodesia join) competing in 109
events. It's the first time the Olympic Flame is lit in a cauldron and
the start of the tradition of Greece leading the Parade of Nations
during the Opening Ceremony, with the host team closing the
procession. Germany returns to the Games for the first time in 16
years and it’s the first time women's track and field and women's
gymnastics are added. Henry Pearce, an Australian rower, earns
gold despite stopping part-way through his quarter-final race to let
a duck family pass by. Weissmuller returns with two gold medals
and Japan's Mikio Oda becomes the first Asian gold medalist when
he wins the triple jump.

Lake Placid, New York, U.S., 1932 (Winter)

The worldwide economic depression cast a shadow over the

third Winter Olympics. Only 17 countries attended, represented by
some 250 athletes, over half of whom were from Canada and the
United States. The Games generated little revenue, and
organizers, who had built a new stadium and bobsled run, suffered
huge financial losses.

July 30-August 14, 1932: Los Angeles (Summer)

In the midst of the Great Depression, the 1932 Los Angeles

Games includes teams from 37 nations with just 1,334 athletes
taking part in 117 events. Despite the timing, 100,000 spectators
attend the Opening Ceremony at the Coliseum stadium, the size
and quality of which would become the new standard in Olympic
Games. The 1932 Games also begin the traditions of a shortened
16-day schedule (previous Games lasted a minimum of 79 days;
they have lasted 15 to 18 days since) and the recognition of medal
winners on a podium. The 1932 Games do not feature soccer but
do include the first race-walk competition. Among only 126 women
participating in a maximum of three events each, American Babe
Didrikson wins two golds and a silver in track and field and Helene
Madison wins three swimming gold medals.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 1936 (Winter)

Held in a Bavarian resort, the fourth Winter Olympics were opened

by Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Although not as politically charged as
the 1936 Summer Games in Berlin, the event was manipulated by
the Nazi regime, which suppressed unfavourable press coverage
and staged lavish celebrations to mark the openings of new
facilities. The IOC had forbidden Germany to exclude Jews from its
Olympic team, but only one Jewish athlete represented the country
—Rudi Ball, who was invited to participate on the ice hockey team
after having fled Germany months before.

August 1-16, 1936: Berlin (Summer)

With the Nazi Party in power since 1933, controversy swirls around

the 1936 summer Games held in Berlin, with Adolf Hiltler providing
the official opening. Although several countries, including the
United States, threaten to boycott the Games, none officially do so,
although many Jewish athletes choose to boycott as individuals.
During the Games, anti-Jewish signs are temporarily removed as
the Nazi regime wages a propaganda campaign to show a falsely
tolerant Germany. Nearly 4,000 athletes from 49 nations compete
in 129 events, with basketball, field handball and canoeing making
debuts. The first Olympic torch relay takes place, with a lit torch
carried from Olympia, Greece to Berlin. It’s also the first time the
Games are broadcast on television. Despite the racist Nazi
agenda, Black American athlete Jesse Owens is the standout of
the Games as he picks up four gold medals in track and field.
American Marjorie Gestring becomes the youngest female to win
gold at age 13 in the springboard diving competition.

1940: Tokyo: Canceled (Summer)

Set to take place in Tokyo, a first for a non-Western country,

Japan's award to host the Games is forfeited with its invasion of
China and the Sino-Japanese War. Helsinki, Finland is ready to
step in, but with Germany's 1939 invasion of Poland and the onset
of World War II, the 1940 Olympic Games are canceled.

1944: London: Canceled (Summer)

Awarded to London, the 1944 Games are also canceled due to

World War II.

St. Moritz, Switzerland, 1948 (Winter)

After an absence of 12 years as a result of World War
II, Olympic competition returned. The Games, however, felt the
effects of the war as countries were unable to properly equip their
teams, forcing athletes to improvise. A shortage of money and the
imposition of travel restrictions resulted in a lack of spectators.
Nonetheless, St. Moritz, which (because of Swiss wartime
neutrality) was undamaged by fighting, put forth a well-organized
Games. Even the weather, which had caused major disruptions at
the previous Games in St. Moritz (1928), cooperated, and only
minor reschedulings occurred.Twenty-eight countries, represented
by 669 athletes, attended; Japan and Germany were not invited to

July 29-August 14, 1948: London (Summer)

The Olympics return after a 12-year hiatus, with London hosting

teams from 59 countries. Most events are held at a converted
Wembley Stadium, as the city, still in post-war recovery, has little
time or funding to construct new facilities. Japan and Germany are
not invited because of their roles in the war, and the Soviet Union
chooses not to attend. But several nations, including Puerto Rico,
Syria, Burma and Lebanon, make their Olympic debuts. The 1948
Games mark the first time starting blocks are used in sprint
competitions and see the first covered pool. It’s also the first time
the Games are televised in homes, though it was rare for Brits to
own TVs at the time. American Bob Mathias wins in the decathlon
at the age of 17, making him the youngest winner of a men's event
(a record that endures today). Dutch runner Fanny Blankers-
Koen becomes the first woman to win four gold medals in a single

Oslo, Norway, 1952 (Winter)

With the awarding of the sixth Winter Olympics to Oslo, the Games

were held for the first time in a Scandinavian country. Some
questioned the country’s ability to stage the competition, but the
worries proved unfounded. New facilities were built and existing
ones refurbished to meet the high Olympic standard. Oslo saw the
Winter Games debut of the Olympic torch, a tradition started in the
Summer Games. The torch relay began in Morgedahl, Norway, the
birthplace of Sondre Nordheim, one of the originators of modern
skiing. Germany and Japan, banned from Olympic competition
following World War II, were allowed to compete at Oslo. The
Games were noted for the enthusiasm of the spectators and the
record number of people who watched the events.

July 19-August 3, 1952: Helsinki (Summer)

Israel makes its Olympic debut at the Helsinki Games, as does the

Soviet Union as a communist nation. The United States edges out
the USSR 76-71 in the medal count during the first Games of
the Cold War era, and the Soviet gymnastics team begins its four-
decade medal streak. A record 5,000 athletes representing 69
nations attend, and women are allowed to compete with men in
mixed equestrian events. The standout of the Games is Emil
Zátopek, a Czech runner who wins three golds—in the 5,000-
meter, 10,000-meter and the marathon, a race he ran for the first
time ever.

Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, 1956 (Winter)

Originally awarded the 1944 Winter Games, which were canceled

because of World War II, Cortina d’Ampezzo was selected to host
the seventh Winter Olympics. Although the Games got off to
an ominous start—the torch bearer tripped and fell during the
opening ceremony—they were a resounding success. Even the
threat of insufficient snow proved a needless worry as a heavy
snow fell on the first day. An Italian television network carried live
coverage of the Games—a first in the history of the Winter
Olympics. Cortina d’Ampezzo was attended by more than 800
athletes representing 32 countries. 

November 22 - December 8, 1956: Melbourne (Summer)

Held in Oceania for the first time, the Melbourne Olympics take

place later in the year to coincide with summer in Australia. It’s
also the first time the Games are boycotted: the Netherlands,
Spain and Switzerland refuse to attend in protest of the Soviet
invasion of Hungary (Hungary does attend the Games). China also
boycotts because Taiwan is participating as its own nation.
Equestrian competitions are held in Stockholm in June because of
Australia’s strict quarantine restrictions for animals, the only time
events have been held in different cities and at different times.
East and West Germany compete under one flag, and, for the first
time, athletes from different teams enter the Closing Ceremony
mingled together, rather than alphabetically, as a symbol of unity.
The American men's basketball team dominates the competition,
and the so-called "Blood in the Water" water polo match between
the USSR and Hungary leads to a near riot. Hungary goes on to
win the gold in the event.

Squaw Valley, California, U.S., 1960 (Winter)

Squaw Valley was narrowly awarded the eighth Winter Olympics,

beating out Innsbruck, Austria, the eventual host of the 1964
Games, by a mere two votes. Many countries protested the
selection, citing Squaw Valley’s lack of development—the area
had only one hotel—and its high elevation—over 6,000 feet (1,800
metres) above sea level. Within four years, however, new facilities
were constructed, and accommodations were made to support two
million visitors. American television carried live coverage of the
Games for the first time, and the opening ceremonies were
managed by Walt Disney himself. Thirty countries sent athletes to
Squaw Valley, including South Africa, which made its first Winter
Games appearance. The country’s apartheid policy, however, led
to its ban from future Olympic competition, and South Africa did
not compete again until 1994.

August 25-September 11, 1960: Rome (Summer)

Held on the banks of the Tiber, Rome hosts its first modern
Olympic Games with events taking place in historical locations,
including the Caracalla Baths and Basilica of Maxentius. Televised
in Europe, the United States, Canada and Japan, the first Olympic
Anthem debuts and approximately 5,300 athletes (611 women)
compete for 83 countries. Ethiopia's Abebe Bikilaran becomes the
first Black African gold medal winner when he wins the marathon—
running it barefoot. American runner Wilma Rudolph scores three
gold medals. And Cassius Clay shoots to pre-“The Greatest” fame,
taking first in the light-heavyweight boxing category.

Innsbruck, Austria, 1964 (Winter)

After narrowly losing the 1960 Games to Squaw Valley, California,

U.S., Innsbruck was awarded the 1964 Winter Olympics. It proved
well worth the wait. Innsbruck became the first Olympic city to hold
events throughout the surrounding area, enabling more than one
million spectators to watch the contests. In addition, more than one
billion television viewers tuned in to the Games. Computers made
their Olympic debut, allowing for more accurate scoring and the
smoother running of events. For the first time in a Winter Games,
the Olympic torch was lit in ancient Olympia, Greece, then relayed
to Innsbruck. The only major problem was the lack of snow. The
country suffered its mildest February in almost 60 years, forcing
the Austrian army to carry in more than 25,000 tons of snow for the
Alpine ski events. The Games were attended by 36 countries and
more than 1,000 athletes—a first for a Winter Games. 
October 10-24, 1964: Tokyo (Summer)

With Emperor Hirohito providing the official opening, Tokyo's

hosting of the Games signals the first time the event is held in
Asia. Awarded the canceled 1940 Games, Japan's 1964 Olympics
are the first to broadcast around the globe and feature the debuts
of men's judo and volleyball for both men and women, as well as
the use of the hand-held stopwatch and a fiberglass pole vaulting
pole. Hiroshima native Yoshinori Sakai, born on Aug. 6, 1945, the
day the atomic bomb was dropped, lights the Olympic cauldron.
Also making headlines: Native American Billy Mills comes from
behind to win the 10,000-meter run, Ethiopian Abebe Bikila wins a
second gold in the marathon, the first athlete to win the race twice,
and the Japanese top the Soviets in women's volleyball.

Grenoble, France, 1968 (Winter)

Opened by French President Charles de Gaulle, the

1968 Games were a triumph for France but were not without their
share of problems. Though a great deal of money was spent to
ready the industrial city of Grenoble, its lack of facilities resulted in
many contests being held in outlying areas. Spectators had to
travel great distances to view events, and seven separate Olympic
Villages were constructed, which critics claimed detracted from
the camaraderie of the Games. Grenoble also was plagued by the
growing controversy over athletic endorsements. The IOC
threatened to ban skiers who had advertisements on their clothing
and equipment. The skiers, in turn, threatened to withdraw en
masse. Eventually an agreement was reached requiring skiers to
remove any advertisements before being photographed or
interviewed. Thirty-seven countries, represented by more than
1,100 athletes, competed at Grenoble, and for the first time East
and West Germany competed as separate teams. 

October 12-27, 1968: Mexico City (Summer)

The 1968 Olympics mark the first time the Games are held in Latin
America. The Mexico City Olympics are also the first to see a
woman light the cauldron (Enriqueta Basilio, a Mexican hurdler).
With more than 5,500 athletes from 112 teams competing, the
Games require gender testing and doping tests of winners for the
first time. It’s also the first time electronic scores become standard.
Czech gymnast Vera Caslavska wins four golds and two silvers.
American Bob Beamon sets a long-jump Olympic record that has
yet to be topped. And George Foreman earns the super
heavyweight gold boxing medal for Team USA. The high altitude of
Mexico City, at almost 7,400 feet, is controversial (sprinters smash
world records while long-distance times are significantly slower).
But perhaps the most iconic image from the 1968 Games is the
protest made by Black Americans Tommie Smith and John Carlos,
the gold and bronze medal winners in the 200 meters. At the
podium, Smith and Carlos raise black-gloved fists with their heads
hung down during the playing of the "Star-Spangled Banner." They
are suspended and ordered to leave the Games.

Sapporo, Japan, 1972 (Winter)

After two unsuccessful attempts to secure

the Olympics, Sapporo was finally awarded the 11th Winter
Games, and the Japanese government spent a great deal of
money to create a memorable Olympics. The Games were the
most extravagant to date. To defray the high expenses, the
organizers sold the television rights for over $8 million. Outgoing 
IOC president Avery Brundage used the 1972 Games as his last
stand against the increasing number of commercial endorsements
by athletes.

August 26-September 10, 1972: Munich (Summer)

The Munich Olympics are the largest yet, with 7,000 athletes from
121 nations competing in a record 195 events. American
swimmer Mark Spitz shines with seven gold medals and seven
world records. New sports include kayaking, slalom canoeing and
men's indoor handball. Archery makes its first appearance in 52
years and Soviet gymnast Olga Korbut steals the hearts of fans.
But that is all overshadowed by a September 5 terrorist attack that
saw eight Palestinian members of the group Black September
storm the Olympic Village, killing two members of the Israeli team
and taking nine others hostage. The massacre ends with all nine
Israeli hostages, five terrorists and one policeman dead. Officials
suspend the Games for 34 hours before continuing.

Innsbruck, Austria, 1976 (Winter)

The 1976 Games were originally awarded to Denver, Colorado,

U.S., but, fearing environmental damage and an increase in costs,
the citizens of Colorado voted against staging the event. Denver
withdrew as host, and Innsbruck was awarded its second Winter
Olympics. Using facilities from the 1964 Games, Innsbruck needed
to make only minor renovations to buildings. The Innsbruck Games
were again a success.

July 17-August 1, 1976: Montreal (Summer)

Hosted for the first time in Canada, the Montreal Olympics add
women's basketball, handball and rowing to the competitions. The
most notable performances come from 14-year-old Romanian
gymnast Nadia Comaneci who scores the first perfect 10 in
Olympic history—then proceeds to earn six more, plus three gold
medals. Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn Jenner) shatters the decathlon
record, winning gold. Edwin Moses wins the 400 hurdles and
Sugar Ray Leonard, Leon Spinks and Michael Spinks reign in the
boxing arena. But also making headlines is a boycott by more than
20 mostly African nations. Led by Tanzania, the protest is against
the IOC for allowing New Zealand to compete, despite the fact that
its rugby team, the famed All Blacks, had toured apartheid South
Africa, which was under a global athletics embargo. The ban leads
to $1 million in Canadian dollar refunds and keeps top track and
field teams from participating.

Lake Placid, New York, U.S., 1980 (Winter)

The 1980 Games marked the second time the small upstate New
York town hosted the Winter Olympics. But, in the age of television
and increasing numbers of spectators, Lake Placid was ill-
equipped to handle the demands of a modern Games.
Transportation was inadequate to move the crowds, and athletes
complained about the confinement of the Olympic Village, which
would later be used to house juvenile offenders. While
the sports facilities were praised, they were spread throughout the
area, making it difficult for spectators to view the events. In
addition, organizers were forced to use artificial snow—an Olympic
first. International politics also dampened the Games. Only months
before, the Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan, and U.S.
President Jimmy Carter was already threatening a boycott of the
1980 Summer Games, scheduled to be held in Moscow.

July 19-August 3, 1980: Moscow (Summer)

Nearly 70 countries boycott the 1980 Olympics, held in Moscow, in

a protest led by the United States and President Jimmy
Carter against the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. While
some athletes from boycotting countries still participate under the
Olympic flag, Carter states that any American athletes traveling to
the Games would forfeit their passports. The boycott leads to the
fewest number of participating countries since 1956, with 80
nations attending.

Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, 1984 (Winter)

The awarding of the 14th Winter Olympics to Sarajevo (now in

Bosnia and Herzegovina) caught many by surprise, including the
host country, which went to work building new facilities and making
improvements to others in order to accommodate the Games. The
choice of Sarajevo proved appropriate, however, as the 1984
Games were highlighted by the appearance of smaller countries.
In order to encourage participation, the IOC agreed to pay the
expenses of one male and one female participant from each
nation. Egypt, the British Virgin Islands, Monaco, Puerto Rico,
and Senegal made their Winter Olympics debuts as a record
number of countries (49) competed at Sarajevo. The Olympics
were a triumph for Yugoslavia.

July 28-August 12, 1984: Los Angeles (Summer)

In retaliation for the U.S.-led boycott of the 1980 Moscow Games,

a Soviet-led boycott of the Los Angeles Olympics keeps 14
Eastern Bloc nations from participating. But the boycott has little
effect on the success of the Olympics, which net a $223 million
profit and attract a record-setting 140 nations. U.S.
President Ronald Reagan gives the official opening of the Games
and fans cheer as Americans Joan Benoit wins the first women's
marathon. Carl Lewis takes home four gold medals in track and
field events. And gymnast Mary Lou Retton scores a perfect 10 to
clinch the women's all-around. New sports added include the
women's cycling road race, synchronized swimming, rhythmic
gymnastics and the women's 3,000-meter. That last race grabs
headlines when U.S. runner Mary Decker is clipped by South
African runner Zola Budd, running for Great Britain. The image of
Decker crying in pain and frustration is one of the most iconic in
Olympic history.

Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1988 (Winter)

The city of Calgary first organized a bidding committee for

the Winter Olympics in 1957; 24 years later it was awarded the
15th Winter Games. The influence of television on the Games
spread even deeper. The American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
paid $309 million for the television rights, and advertisers were
able to influence the starting times of events to maximize their
products’ exposure. Many charged that the Games resembled
well-rehearsed shows instead of sporting contests.

September 17-October 2, 1988: Seoul (Summer)

A boycott by North Korea, joined by Cuba, Ethiopia and Nicaragua,

for not being allowed to co-host the Games doesn't slow the Seoul
Olympics, with a record 159 nations competing. Notable names
from the 1988 Games include Americans Greg Louganis, who wins
double gold in diving, and Matt Biondi, who wins seven medals,
including five golds. American sprinters Florence Griffith Joyner
wins three golds, and Jackie Joyner-Kersee takes gold in the long
jump and heptathlon. German swimmer Kristin Otto sets an
Olympic women's record with six golds. Table tennis is added and
tennis returns after being absent for 64 years. Pros are allowed to
compete in tennis and Germany's Steffi Graf wins gold. But the
event is not without scandal. Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson is
disqualified after testing positive for steroids, a controversial
boxing decision is made against a South Korean athlete and
reports of poor residents being ousted from their homes to make
the city look better for travelers makes headlines.

Albertville, France, 1992 (Winter)

The 1992 Games are noted for not only a change in the modern
Olympics but a change in the world as well. It was the last time
that the Summer and Winter Games would be held in the same
year; the next winter competition was scheduled for 1994, while
the summer events were slated for 1996. The Games also
reflected the changing political climate in central and
eastern Europe. Competing as the Unified Team (UT), athletes
from the former Soviet republics participated as a single team for
the last time. The German squad was reunited following the fall of
the Berlin Wall (1989), and Lithuania, Latvia,
and Estonia competed as independent countries for the first time in
over 50 years.

July 25-August 9, 1992: Barcelona (Summer)

The Barcelona Games kick off with the now-iconic image of

Paralympic archer Antonio Rebollo lighting the Olympic torch with
his arrow during the Opening Ceremony. It serves as a spectacular
start to the Games that feature a reunified Germany competing as
one nation, the USSR splintered into 15 countries with the fall of
the Soviet Union and the return of South Africa, following the end
of apartheid. Baseball is officially made a medal-winning sport and
badminton and women's judo debut. Crowds cheer Belarusian
Gymnast Vitaly Scherbo, American sprinters Carl Lewis and Gail
Devers, boxer Oscar de la Hoya and swimmers Janet Evans and
Summer Sanders. Spain's Carlos Front, an 11-year-old coxswain,
becomes the youngest to compete in the Games in 92 years. But,
really, the 1992 Games were all about the "Dream Team," the U.S.
men's basketball roster with superstars such as Michael Jordan,
Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, who easily win gold.

Lillehammer, Norway, 1994 (Winter)

After only a two-year interlude, the Olympic Winter
Games returned in 1994, when a 1986 amendment to the Olympic
Charter calling for the Summer and Winter Games to be held
alternately every two years went into effect. Sixty-seven countries,
represented by more than 1,700 athletes, attended the Games.
With the disbanding of the Unified Team, the republics of the
former Soviet Union competed as separate teams. After ending its
policy of apartheid, South Africa participated for the first time in 34
years. The number of events also increased as more short-track
speed skating and freestyle skiing contests were added.

July 19-August 9, 1996: Atlanta (Summer)

For as much as there was to celebrate at the Atlanta Games—the

attendance of all 197 invited nations, more than 10,300 athletes
participating in 271 events, a memorable Opening Ceremony with
President Bill Clinton giving the official opening and Muhammad
Ali lighting the torch—the Games are marred by a terrorist attack
at the Centennial Olympic Park. A pipe bomb in a backpack
explodes, leaving two dead and 110 injured. Security
guard Richard Jewell is first thought a hero, then considered a
prime suspect and is eventually cleared. The actual bomber, Eric
Rudolph, isn't captured until 2003. Sports added to the Games in
1996 include beach volleyball, women's soccer, mountain biking,
lightweight rowing and softball. Pros are allowed to compete in
cycling and soccer. The U.S. women are a dominating force,
taking gold in basketball, soccer, softball and gymnastics. And in
swimming, Amy Van Dyken wins four golds, a first for an American

Nagano, Japan, 1998 (Winter)

Twenty-six years after the Sapporo Games, the Winter
Olympics returned to Japan. The most memorable aspect of
the Nagano Games was arguably the weather, which brought
heavy snow and periods of freezing rain. A record number of
national Olympic committees (72) and athletes (more than 2,100)
participated in the Nagano Games. Among the countries attending
were Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia, which were
embroiled in a war. In accordance with a United Nations resolution,
both countries honoured a cease-fire for the duration of the
Games. Two new sports, curling and snowboarding, were added to
the Winter Olympic program. 

September 15-October 1, 2000: Sydney (Summer)

With a return to Australia, 10,600-plus athletes from 199 teams

compete in the 2000 Games. North and South Korea march under
one flag and it’s the first time EPO detection and blood tests are
used. American track star Marion Jones wins five medals in 2000,
but loses them in 2007 after admitting to using performance-
enhancing drugs. Newly added sports include taekwondo and the
triathlon and women compete in weightlifting and the modern
pentathlon for the first time. Perhaps the breakout star of the
Olympics is a teenager: At age 17, Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe
breaks his own world record to win the 400-meter freestyle. He
also takes gold in two relays and wins two silvers.

Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S., 2002 (Winter)

Scandal and fears of terrorism marked the 2002 Games long
before the Olympic torch arrived in Salt Lake City. In November
1998 the first allegation of bribery and misuse of funds by the Salt
Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC) emerged. Investigations by
the U.S. government and the IOC soon revealed that the SLOC
had doled out cash gifts, college scholarships, medical treatment,
and lavish vacations to IOC members both before and after the
Salt Lake City bid was accepted. In the end four IOC officials were
forced to resign as well as the two top executives of the SLOC.
Following the scandal came the September 11 terrorist
attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., and the
subsequent “war on terrorism.” With dramatically tightened security
measures in place and an intense mood of nationalism in
the United States, some were concerned that the spirit of
international unity so central to Olympism might be lost. In the end
the Salt Lake City Games proved to be peaceful, friendly, and
entertaining, though not without controversy.

August 13-29, 2004: Athens (Summer)

A return to Athens, the birthplace of the Games, features 201

teams, a record number, in an Olympics that honors both the
present and past. The marathon traces the 1896 route from
Marathon to the Panathenaic Stadium. New sports include
women's wrestling and new teams attending include Kiribati and
Timor Leste. While several athletes face doping charges,
American swimmer Michael Phelps sets a single-Olympics record
with eight medals, including six gold. The U.S. softball team
crushes the competition, outscoring all opponents 51-1 and the
Argentinian men's soccer team gives up zero goals as it cruises to
victory. In an upset, the U.S. men's basketball team is defeated by
Argentina (led by NBA star Manu Ginobili) and has to settle for
bronze. German kayaker Birgit Fischer becomes the first Olympian
to win two medals in five different Games.

Turin, Italy, 2006 (Winter)

The Winter Games returned to Italy after a 50-year absence.

Unlike the 1956 Games, which were held in the small resort town
of Cortina d’Ampezzo, the 2006 Games were hosted by Turin, an
industrial city and provincial capital located in northwestern Italy.
The competition venues were spread between seven villages
(most in the mountainous Piedmont region to the west) and Turin,
and beforehand there was some concern that the widespread
Games would suffer from logistics problems and low attendance.
The concerns proved to be unfounded, as the competitions were
both exciting and well-attended. The festive side of the Games
was greatly helped by the nightly medal ceremonies held in the
Piazza Castello, Turin’s main piazza. IOC president Jacques
Rogge, impressed with the large, happy crowds that the medal
ceremonies routinely attracted, suggested that the concept be
carried over to subsequent Olympiads. The Games
were attended by approximately 2,600 athletes representing 80
countries. New events included speed skating team pursuit, mass-
start biathlon races, and snowboard cross, which pits four
boarders against each other in a thrilling race downhill through a
series of jumps and sharp turns. 

The Beijing Games, a first for China, sets a new bar for
the Opening Ceremony, with a reported $10 million-plus price tag,
15,000 performers and spectacular special effects. More than 130
Olympic records and 40 world records are shattered, with events
held in both state-of-the-art facilities and ancient areas. With a
record 204 teams competing, several nations, including
Afghanistan, Mongolia, Togo and Panama win their first gold
medals. BMX and the 10-kilometer swimming marathon are newly
added and the biggest standouts of the Games are American
swimmer Michael Phelps, who wins a whopping eight gold medals,
and Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, who wins three golds in the 100-
and 200-meters and the 4X100 relay.

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2010 (Winter)

The Olympics came to Canada for a third time in 2010,

as Vancouver was the site of the XXI Olympic Winter Games
(Montreal had hosted the Summer Games in 1976 and Calgary the
Winter Games in 1988). While the buildup to the Vancouver
Games lacked the political tumult of the then-recent Salt Lake
City and Beijing Games, there was nevertheless an issue that
made the event’s organizers and athletes uneasy during the
months leading up to the Games: the weather. In the month before
the Games began, Vancouver experienced its warmest January
since 1937, when record keeping began, and snow cover on some
of the skiing and snowboarding courses was far below the Olympic
standard. Some events were rescheduled, and snow was brought
in to fill the affected courses. Over 2,500 athletes from a record
(for the Winter Games) 82 NOCs attended the Vancouver
Olympics. Canada led all countries with 14 gold medals, the
highest gold tally in Winter Games history, while the United
States set another record with 37 total medals. Only one new
event, ski cross, a freestyle skiing event derived from
snowboarding, made its debut at the Vancouver Games.

July 27-August 12, 2012: London (Summer)

Held in Great Britain for the third time, the London Games include
at least one female competitor from every delegation with Saudi
Arabia entering women for the first time and Team USA consisting
of more women and than men. Sports added include women's
boxing and tennis mixed doubles, while baseball and softball are
cut from the lineup. Notable wins go to Usain Bolt, who earns three
more gold medals for Jamaica, American Missy Franklin who, at
17, snags four golds and a bronze, Michael Phelps, whose four
golds and two silvers make him the most decorated Olympian ever
and the victorious U.S. women's gymnastics team, led by Gabby
Douglas. South Africa's Oscar Pistorius makes history as the first
amputee to compete in the Games—he is eliminated in the 400-
meter semifinal.

Sochi, Russia, 2014 (Winter)

The Sochi Games marked the first time that the Winter Olympics

were held in Russia. The country had previously been home to the
Olympics when Moscow hosted the 1980 Summer Games. The
Sochi Olympics featured approximately 2,800 athletes from 88
National Olympic Committees (NOCs), which was a record for the
most participating NOCs in the Winter Olympics. The athletes
participated in the most events in Winter Games history—98,
which included 12 new events, notably women’s ski jumping and
slopestyle (a combination of downhill racing and the tricks of
freestyle) disciplines of skiing and snowboarding for both men and

August 5-21, 2016: Rio (Summer)

The first Olympics hosted in South America get off to a rocky start
in Rio de Janeiro as Brazil faces a growing number of Zika virus
cases and construction delays, but they still give fans plenty to
cheer about. First-time events include women's rugby and
returning after long hiatus are golf (112 years) and men's rugby (92
years). Among the headlines: Ibtihaj Muhammad, a U.S. fencer,
becomes the first American athlete to compete in the Games in a
hijab, more than 100 Russians are banned for doping, Jamaican
Usain Bolt adds three more gold medals to his collection, U.S.
gymnast Simone Biles wows with four golds of her own, including
individual and team all-around, plus a bronze, and swimmer
Michael Phelps brings another five gold medals to Team USA,
while teammate Katie Ledecky, at age 19, comes home with four
golds and a silver. Venus Williams, Kerri Walsh Jennings and
Alison Felix are also American standouts.

July 23-August 8, 2021: Tokyo (Summer)

The Tokyo Games were originally scheduled to take place in July
and August 2020 but were postponed due to the coronavirus
pandemic. While the Olympic Games kick off on July 23, 2021,
these Olympics are unlike any other. Two weeks before the
Games were set to begin, a state of emergency was declared in
Tokyo due to an uptick in coronavirus cases. The Olympic
organizing committee decides to ban spectators from events and
all athletes are tested regularly and adhere to social distancing
measures. Some athletes test positive for the virus ahead of the
Games, including American tennis hopeful Cori "Coco" Gauff,
players on the South African soccer team and an alternate for the
U.S. women's gymnastics team. Even though the Tokyo Games
begin in July 2021, they are officially referred to as Tokyo 2020.

July 26 to August 11, 2024: Paris (Summer)

Bidding for the 2024 Summer Olympics began in 2015. Paris beat
out four cities — Hamburg, Rome, Budapest and Los Angeles —
for the right to host the Games. The Paris 2024 Olympic and
Paralympic Games will be the biggest event ever organized in
France. The spectacle taking place during those weeks will go
down in history and Paris will be the centre of the world – the world
of sport and so much more.

3. Write the event timeline from the 1st SEA Games in 1959,
Bangkok to 2023, Cambodia.

Since the Southeast Asian Games began in 1959, it has been held

in 15 cities across all Southeast Asian countries except East

  – Changed name when Brunei, the Philippines, & Indonesia
were admitted.
  – It was the first time that a non-capital city hosted the games.
  – It was the first time that two cities co-hosted the games.
  – Other locales that hosted the games are several cities
within Metro Manila, Los Baños, Calamba, Cebu
City, Bacolod, Angeles City, and Subic.
  – Palembang is the main host for the games, Jakarta is the
supporting co-host.
  – There is no designated host city for marketing purposes for
the 2019 edition which is also officially known as "Philippines
2019". The opening ceremony was held in Bocaue, Bulacan,
while the closing was held at New Clark City in the town
of Capas, Tarlac. Several other localities hosted the games
including the towns and cities of the Clark Special Economic
Zone (Angeles, Mabalacat, Capas), Metro Manila, the towns
and cities of the Subic Freeport Zone, as well as the provinces
of Batangas and La Union, and the city of Tagaytay.

Year Games Host city Winner 2nd 3rd

Southeast Asian Peninsular Games
I Bangkok Thailand (35) Burma (11) Malaysia
II Rangoon Burma (35) Thailand (21) Malaysia
1963 Awarded to Cambodia, canceled due to domestic political situation
III Kuala Lumpur Thailand (38) Malaysia (33) Singapo
IV Bangkok Thailand (77) Singapore (28) Malaysia
V Rangoon Burma (57) Thailand (32) Singapo
VI Kuala Lumpur Thailand (44) Malaysia (41) Singapo
VII Singapore Thailand (47) Singapore (45) Malaysia
VIII Bangkok Thailand (80) Singapore (38) Burma (2
Southeast Asian Games1
IX Kuala Lumpur Indonesia (62) Thailand (37) Philippin
X Jakarta Indonesia (92) Thailand (50) Burma (2
XI Manila Indonesia (85) Thailand (62) Philippin
XII Singapore Indonesia (64) Philippines (49) Thailand
XIII Bangkok Thailand (92) Indonesia (62) Philippin
XIV Jakarta Indonesia (183) Thailand (63) Philippin
XV Kuala Lumpur Indonesia (102) Malaysia (67) Thailand
XVI Manila Indonesia (92) Philippines (90) Thailand
XVII Singapore Indonesia (88) Thailand (63) Philippin
XVIII Chiang Mai2 Thailand (157) Indonesia (77) Philippin
XIX Jakarta Indonesia (194) Thailand (83) Malaysia
199 Bandar Seri
XX Thailand (65) Malaysia (57) Indonesi
9 Begawan
XXI Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (111) Thailand (103) Indonesi
200 Hanoi and Ho
XXII Vietnam (158) Thailand (90) Indonesi
3 Chi Minh City3
XXIII Manila4 Philippines (113) Thailand (87) Vietnam
200 Nakhon
XXIV Thailand (183) Malaysia (68) Vietnam
7 Ratchasima
XXV Vientiane Thailand (86) Vietnam (83) Indonesi
201 Palembang an
XXVI Indonesia (182) Thailand (109) Vietnam
1 d Jakarta5
XXVII Naypyidaw Thailand (108) Myanmar (84) Vietnam
201 XXVIII Singapore Thailand (95) Singapore (84) Vietnam
XXIX Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (144) Thailand (71) Vietnam
XXX Philippines6 Philippines (149) Vietnam (98) Thailand
XXXI Hanoi Vietnam (205) Thailand (92) Indonesi
XXXII Phnom Penh

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