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1. Choose the correct answers by giving a cross (x) on a, b, c, d.

1. Dayu : look! Udin got a hundred in his English test. His teacher gave him a reward.
Siti : He is …. Student. He deserves to get a reward.
a. Lazy
b. Helpful
c. Smart
d. Strong

2. Beni is my classmate. He is clever but he is cocky. He does not want to help his friends.
He is short and skinny. He wears glasses. His skin is light. He has curly hair is short and
From the description, we know that beni’s hair is….
a. Long and dark
b. Short and dark
c. Curly and long
d. Bald
3. Lina always helps her mother cooking in the kitchen. She is a …. Girl.
a. Lazy
b. Diligent
c. Happy
d. Sad
4. Beni : what is your fish like?
Lina : it is small and beautiful. It has golden …
a. Feathers
b. Beak
c. Scales
d. Shell
This texs is for questions 5 and 6.
It is my pet. It is a bird. It is a beautiful. It is two wings and beak. The feathers are
yellow. Its small. The sound is cit...cit…cit..
5. The bird has … feathers.
a. White
b. Yellow
c. Black
d. Small
6. The bird use …. To eat.
a. Wings
b. Paws
c. Beak
d. Legs

The text is for questions 7 and 8.

My favorite thing is my pencil case. It is small and long. It is blue. It is made of metal.
It is rectangle. I use it to keep pencils, pens, eraser and a correct pen. I always bring it to
the school.
7. What is ccolor of pencil case?
a. Blue
b. Yellow
c. Pink
d. Brown
8. What is it for?
a. Drawing
b. Erasing
c. Bringing school’s food
d. Keeping school’s tools
9. Bayu : what does the dolphin look like?
Bela : ……..
a. It is small
b. It is thin
c. It is slim
d. It is big

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