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TVET Program



Qualities of patriotic citizen

By: Kitesa Ayana (B.pharm. BSc, MSc )

2.1 Describing qualities of patriotic citizen
 Qualities of a patriotic citizen are as follow
1. Respecting constitution and its provisions
 In the constitutional system it is a duty of every citizen to show unreserved support
for the implementation of constitutional provision.
 They can also do this by fulfilling constitutional obligations in good faith.
 2. Respecting the rights of others
 A patriot has the duty to respect the constitutional right and entitlement of
individual and group. As a patriot you are expected to respect the rights of your
fellow citizens.
3. Loyalty
 is the quality of being faithful allegiance to the particular state or people.
 Loyalty of Patriots is devoted to the nation and its historical and cultural
 this does not mean that patriots should be loyal to dictatorial and
undemocratic governments that undermine human rights and freedom of citizens.
Struggling against such governments is by itself the attribute of patriotism. 1
4. Developing tolerance and developing the culture of peace

 They are important attribute of true patriotism in multicultural society.

 In countries such as Ethiopia where different groups with varied languages,

religions and other attributes coexist,

 it is important that there is the space for all of them to have some common

ground that offer them the opportunity and privilege to claim pride in their
own legacy and history.

 As a patriotic person, you need to be keeping in solving your problems and

differences in a peaceful manner.

5. Respect and protect national heritages
 Ethiopia has many important national heritages and historical sites.

 The Rock Hewn Church of Lalibela,

 The Palace of Jima Aba Jifar, the Palace of Atse-Fasil in Gondar and the various

monument located in Ethiopia are just few of national heritages among many.

 These national heritages not only attract thousands of tourists, but they are

also source of generating income.

 a true patriot is expected to protect these national heritages
.6 Keep National Secrets
 State secrets are those you should keep due to social mindedness and love
for your country.
 A patriot always maintains national secrets, especially, at the time of war.
 A patriot is not a dictator and does not make treason against his/her country.
7. Respecting National Symbol

 A patriot always respects his/her country‘s national values.

 National symbols includes, national flag, national anthem, and national day or

days of independency.

 The first two are important features for the identity of nations across the


 They indicate the independence of a country and its citizens on a legal footing

to other nations that a patriot should reject.

 Beside this Ethiopia has also national day such as, May 5 is the day that

marked the end of the five years struggle March 2 victory of Adwa between
Ethiopian patriots and the Italian invaders.
8. Exposing unjust act

As a patriot, you are expected to expose:

 wrong doing,

 unethical activities and

 mismanagements of any organization, individual and groups.

 True patriots publicize information about human right violations by


 They also give out information about any illegal act that may be going

in any organization.

3.1.The Concept of Responsibility

 Responsibility is that state of being answerable for an obligation and having

the skill, ability, and capacity to bear it.

 It also means the ability to do or not to do something.

 In other words, one becomes responsible for one‘s action.

 It means accountability. Responsibility could be keeping promise, observing

laws and other social values taking inlet yourself and your fellow.

 Therefore, executing responsibility include: -

 The value of keeping promise

 Avoid wastage of public property

3.1.1.The value of keeping promise
 is a declaration which binds the person who makes it, either in honor,
conscience, or law to do or for bear certain specific act.

 A good citizen always keeps his/her promise, because he/she has at least
a moral obligation to do so as a member of the society.

 Promising rule goes by appeal to the value that the practice of promising
has for us as members of a society.

 The chief value of the practice of promising is social coordination and


 Promises allow people to trust one another, which in turn allows for all
sorts of cooperative benefits.
3.1.2 Avoid wastage of public property
 Public property is land or buildings that are for the use of everyone.

 This may include all those properties in your school, public toilets in your

surroundings and others.

 Public properties also include those owned by government like;

 power generating plants,

 electric power transmission towers across the country, roads,

 Telecommunication networks and hospitals.

 As a citizen, you have the responsibility to protect such properties for future

 Wastage of public property can take many forms, for example:

 Misappropriation or misuse of public property

 The purchase of unnecessary or inadequate goods

 Reckless(careless) use of the properties of the state

 Too many staff being employed in particular area, incurring cost which might

otherwise have been avoided

 Staff being remunerated for skills that they do not have, but are required to have

under the terms or conditions of their employment

 Programs not achieving their objectives and therefore the cost being clearly

ineffective and inefficient

 Wastage of public property can result from such things as:
 The absence of appropriate safeguards to prevent the theft and misuses,
 Purchasing procedures and practices which fail to ensure that goods and
 services are necessary and adequate for their intended purpose.
3.1.3 Concerned with Global issues
 The natural environment is the environment composed of land, water, air, human
beings and other living creatures as well as human created surroundings.
 Human survival depends on natural environment.
 Responsible citizen gives strong attention to protect his/her environment from the
Resource depletion following problem:
 Over population
a. Water pollution.
b. Waste and waste disposal. Ocean acidification.
d. Acid rain. Environmental degradation
ozone layer depletion Terrorism
Human trafficking Drug trafficking etc 15
 Ethiopia has an environment owed with plenty of natural resources.

 It is a home to a wealth of biological diversity. Its wild life includes animals such as:

 Walia Ibex, Mountain Nyala and Chelada Baboon etc

3.1.4 Preservation of Historical Heritage

 Historical heritages are things that reflect the living condition of the ancient

people, their culture, their work and their artifacts etc.

 Historical heritages are the best proof of a nation‘s history and traditional


 They are considered as precious material, spiritual treasures which promote

strong sense of national pride and patriotic enthusiasm(interest).

 Historical and cultural heritages are widely used for two main sorts of modern
 I. They provide socio cultural places of identities and are also resources for an
important leisure service industry.
 II. They are the main source of tourism industry.
 A country with plenty of historical and cultural heritage has the potential to
attract many visiting people from all over the world. For instance
 Harar Jegol building,
The city of Harar
The axumites obelisks
Axum Tsion Church
Ge‘ez language, (Ethiopia‘s first written language,)
Rock hewn churches of Lalibela
Fasildes castle in Gondar
Aba Jiffar palace in Jimma
Kumsa Moroda palace in Nekemte
Sofomer cave of Bale
The Nejashi mosque in Tigray etc.
3.2 Types of Responsibility
 Citizens‘ responsibility can be seen as individual or group.
.1 Individual responsibilities
 refers to the moral and legal obligation of citizens to take care for and take
responsibility for themselves and their action.
 includes fulfilling personal responsibilities to oneself, family, friends and
 Personal responsibility leads to social acceptance
Citizens personal responsibility Includes
Obliging the law
Supporting families
Behaving in civil manner
Managing their life properly
 Respecting the right and interest of others

 Being responsible for the consequences of one‘s action

 Adhering the social and moral principle etc

2. Group Responsibility

 is the responsibility shared by all members of a group,

community, or a nation to promote the public interest of the common


 In any society members have various social obligations in their society

 These responsibilities are often called civic responsibilities.

 Some of citizen‘s social obligations include: Performing public service honestly
 Paying tax
 Protecting public property and concern for the environment
 Taking part in political activities
 Managing and resolving conflict
 Negotiation and compromise
 Being informed and attentive to public issues
 Obeying the law

 Fulfilling obligations is the basis for social life

 It is clear that those who discharge their individual responsibilities can
successfully discharge their group responsibilities.
 Both personal and group responsibilities can be categorized in to Moral and
I. Legal responsibility: includes promises, appointments, assignments,
occupations, customs, traditions, moral principles, citizenship, and laws are all

sources of responsibility.

II. Moral responsibility: includes discharge: respecting seniors (elders),

punctuality, honesty, keeping promise are all examples of moral responsibility.

Responsibility can also be classified as Personal Responsibility, Social

Responsibility and Environmental Responsibility
 Personal Responsibility:
 make and keep agreements;
 set goals and create ways to achieve them;
 accept consequences of personal choices; and
 Acknowledge personal accomplishments

Social Responsibility:
Communicate with others in a way that empowers them, not demeans
honor others' rights, dignity, and worth,
work together toward common goals,
negotiate problems and conflicts successfully; and
Create opportunities for others.
 Environmental Responsibility:
 become conscious of the various contexts in which we function;
 respect property and take care of equipment, the classroom, the school,
and the community;
 Recognize the importance of the individual taking care of the environment
as well as influencing

3.3 Characteristics of Responsible person
 is the one who identifies and accepts the consequences-good or bad- of his
 Responsible behavior is made up of essential elements honesty, compassion,
respect values and norms of a society, fairness, accountability and Courage.
 In addition, responsible persons are those who do the right thing even
no one is watching and See things through.
Being responsible means:
Think before we act.
Think about how our actions affect others.
Think before we speak.
Are accountable
Fix our mistakes.
Keep trying. ...
Are reliable and always do our job.
Clean up our own messes
 Responsible person is:
 reliable, trustworthy, and dependable
Gain knowledge and experience
Benefit others and the society at large
Develops independence and self esteem
 Independent person: is a state of being free from control, subjugation or dictation
by any extreme body. It is a situation of being dependent of one‘s resources.
3.4 Respecting Values and Norms of Society
Value: have to do with the principles beliefs or accepted standards of a person or
social groups
Moral: it has to do with human behavior and the distinctions between good, bad,
right and wrong behavior.
For instance, helping a person in need of assistance, helping in protecting public
safety, peace and order are among the moral and ethical values of a society. In general,
good citizen responsibilities may include:
7. In general, good citizen responsibilities may include:
Respecting the right of others
Paying attention to how well our elected leaders do their jobs
Paying fair tax
Serving in the armed forces
4.1. Concept of Corruption
Corruption is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a
person or an organization which is entrusted with a position of authority, in order to
acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's personal gain.
 Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and
further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and the environmental crisis.
Exposing corruption and holding the corrupt to account can only happen if we
understand the way corruption works and the systems that enable it.

 4.2. Corruption in Ethiopian Context

 Reading causes of corruption in Ethiopia, there is no extensive research done to date.

 However, offering and receiving bribes were practiced during the emperor‘s period

 (1930- 1974). Later on, during the Dreg Regime, the system of corruption became

 more sophisticated. Some manifestations of corruption were the nationalization of

 privately owned business by the government; parent offering bribes to Keble

 administrators to free their sons from national military service; Individuals and officials

 with access to government structures being allowed to get goods at lower prices and

 selling them at higher price in the market to generate income. Besides these, it was

 impossible to have access to public services and utilities without bribes. In general,

 nepotism, patronage, abuse of office, kick back demands from government

 procurement contractors was characteristics of that regime (1974-1991). This was

 because there were no accountability and transparency systems. 20


 Even after the Dreg Regime, corruption was still a problem to development.

 To address such a problem, the government of Ethiopia a civil service

reform program as part of the general strategy to curb corruption by the year
1994.The reform program was under taken on the basis of a task force
established by the prime minister‘s office.

 When the civil service reform program approached an implementation

phase, Federal Ethics and Anti- corruption Commission (FEAC) was

established in October 2001.

 Some measures taken in the promotion of ethical standards and fight against

 corruption in Ethiopia are as follows

 The Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission was established;
 A management manual was developed to help managers detect work and
service areas vulnerable to corruption and measures to be taken to address the
 As it is not possible to fight corruption individually, a working together
manual for the investigators, prosecutors, and judiciary was developed;
 Code of ethics for politicians and civil servants was developed;
Anti-corruption procedure and evidence law was developed and being
 To assess the extent and prevalence of corruption in the country and
institutions most affected by it, a corruption survey was undertaken


Thank you for your attention !!!

Stay Blessed !!

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