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Bengal riots 1953

1954 elections of bengal and PUNJAB AND NWFP
Federalism centre province relation in 1956

Bengali demand for language 1948-1954.

Write short note on assasination of liaquat ali khan


One unit abrogation

Why one unit was created and was subsequently abolished P.A 2002

Operation Midnight Jackal

-Refugee crisis
To what extent the version of Francis Mudie was true that the greatest
danger to Pakistan in 1947 was the refugee problem in West Punjab and
how did the Policy-makers of Pakistan respond to it?

-quaid e azam as Role model

Quaid i Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the first Governor
General of Pakistan.How do you analyse his administration
as a trend setter and a role model for the good governance
in present day Pakistan?

-Kashmir issue 1948

The so-called ’Instrument of Accession’ of Bharat with Kashmir "is

fraudulent and impossible to accept" as It is "based on violence". In the
light of the Quaid-i-Azam.s statement make a comparison and
correlation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir with the State of
Junagadh, Manavadhar, Mangrol, Sardargarh, Bantva and Hyderabad

a. What was Operation Fair play?

Different ministries
Write short note on Khwaja Nazimuddin

Write short note on

ii. Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy and his Ministry (1956-57)etc

Post partition
Area of Focus
01. Early Problems of Pakistan
a. Administrative Problems
b. Financial Constraints
c. Refugees Problems
d. Constitutional Crisis
e. Territorial Disputes
f. Canal Water Dispute
g. Kashmir Dispute
02. Delay in Constitution Making in various eras till 1973.
03. Separation of West Pakistan (Bangladesh)
04. Creation and Abolition of One Unit.
East pakistan

Q7. Critically analyze the fall of Dhaka, particularly the cause

which led to the dismemberment of Pakistan in December
Explain the propaganda strategies of Pakistani and Indian states and
the separatist Bengali leadership during the crisis of East Pakistan

Q6. “East Pakistan was the Test of Pakistani Leadership”.


short note Separation of East Pakistan.

(d) Sheikh Mujib’s Six Points.

Q.6 Give an account of the causes and effects of the separation of East Pakistan.

(C) Causes of separatIon OT'East PakiStan

5. Describe the causes and effects of the separation of East Pakistan.

Q.7 Shaikh Mujeeb 6 points became Magna Carta for Awami League. Discuss and
Evaluate its background and Contents.
Q7. Critically evaluate the role of political parties in the
separation of East Pakistan in 1971.

8)Separation of East Pakistan was a very tragic incident not

only for Pakistan but also for the entire Muslim
world.Keeping in mind the socio-political causes of this
incident,highlight the role played by foreign countries in the
separation of East Pakistan.

Analyze the main causes of the debacle of East Pakistan. What are its
consequences on the history of Pakistan

Democracy in pakistan
i. Movement for the Restoration of Democracy (MRD

While considering the Pakistan’s current financial crisis, how would

you compare the economic policies of General Ayub Khan with Z.A.

6. Compare the ideological and social trends highlighting some important aspects
of the General Zia ul Haq and General Pervez Musharaf eras in the history of
Pakistan. Do they had any commonalities or they were totally different in all
respects? Critically evaluate.


Q.5 The constitution of 1973 proved to be more lasting as compared with the
previous attempts. Critically examine the factors responsible for this phenomenon

Parliamentary democracy

Q5. Discuss the reason for the failure of Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan
from 1947 to 1958.

7. Critically analyze the causes of the failure of the Parliamentary democracy in

Pak until 1958.

Q.6 Why parliamentary democracy could not succeed? What circumstances led to

the 1st Martial Law?

Q.5 TRACE the history of Constitutional Development in Pakistan since her

inception ANALyzing the problems faced by the country in search of Democracy.

Pol history n MARTIAL LAW overall


Political Parties are responsible for the imposition of Marshal Laws

in Pakistan. Comment.

Pol history n first MARTIAL LAW overall


Q7. “Frequent military interventions are the basic cause of failure of democracy in
Pakistan”. Discuss.
Military in politics


Q.6  What circumstances led to the 1st Martial Law?
b. What do you know about Democratic Action Committee?

How and why the concept of Basic Democracies was evolved in Pakistan and with
what results?.

(c) Basic Democracies

(B) Basic DemocraCies


-Early challenger overall (done)

Q6.” The initial years of Pakistan were very crucial for its existence”. Discuss.

-British conpiracy to weaken pak

As a result of British-Hindu conspiracy on the eve of independence the
State of Pakistan winch ultimately emerged in August 1947, was not so
strong as visualized by the Quaid-e-Azam but only a mutilated,
and truncated Pakistan. Elucidate.

Quid Azam first GG

-Services of Quaid azam(done)

5. Highlight the services rendered by Quaid-i-Azam for the consolidation of

Write short note Contribution of Quaid-i-Azam as first Governor General of


Short note Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General

Short note Contribution of Quaid-i-Azam as first Governor General.

How far is it correct to say Quaid-e-Azam consolidated the nascent state

of Pakistan? Comment.
Assess the account for the problems which Quaid-e-Azam had to face as
Governor General of Pakistan

Liaquat Ali Khan

-Ministry of LIQQUAT (done)
8. Highlight the main events of the period of the Prime Ministership of Liaquat Ali



OF MUSLIM (done)
Q7. analyse the policise of the Khan Liaquat Ali Khan as general secretary of
muslim league and as a prime minister of Pakistan.
Objective resolution

-Objective resolution overall done

Objective resolution made constitutional process slow or it helped in making the 1st
Constitution of Pakistan. Develop your own argument.

Q8. Give the importance of objective revolution in the history of constitution making in Pakistan.



The "Objective Resolution"(1949) satisfied both orthodox and

modernists by combining the features of Western and Islamic
democracy.Discuss critically.
Ghulam Muhammad



Give a critical appraisal of the constitutional crises/crises initiated by the

controversial actions taken by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad
and endorsed by the superior Court of Pakistan. Discuss and analyze its
effects on the Subsequent history of Pakistan

Give a critical appraisal of the constitutional crisis during the period of

Governor General Ghulam Mohammad. Write its effects on the
subsequent history of Pakistan
Constitution making

-Constitution of 1956 (done)

Islamic provisions under the Constitution of 1956


6. Describe briefly the process of Constitution making in Pakistan from 1947-
1956. Account for the causes of delay in framing the Constitution.

8. What causes would you attribute to slow constitutional development in

Pakistan? How did it retard national cohesion?

9. Give an account of the factors responsible for the delay in the drafting of the
first Constitution of Pakistan for nine years focusing on the differences between
the political leadership of the East and West Pakistan.

6. Amongst many reasons Joint versus Separate Electorate, Language issue and
quantum of representation of different federating units of Pakistan in the
parliament played main role in the delay of constitution making. Critically
evaluate the aforementioned issues highlighting its role in the process of
constitution making.

Question 6: Elucidate the reasons of constitutional crises in Pakistan after its

inception. Also examine the role of civil-military stake-holders in lingering the
constitution making process during the first decade of political history of Pakistan.
-Bogra Formula(done)
Muhammad Ali Formula was practicable compromise between the two
wings of Pakistan on the Questions of representation.. To what extent, it
was acceptable to both the wings of Pakistan?
Yahya kHAN

Q. No. 6. Elaborate legal frame work order of 1970 and its far reaching impact on
the politics of Pakistan. (20)
No. 7. In what sense the Elections of 1970 are unique in nature and important in
the electoral history of Pakistan. (20)

Govt of india act 1935

b) Constitutional Act of 1935

East India company
2. How did the state control enhanced over the East India Company’s affairs after
the middle of the 18th century?

3. Muslim thinkers and writers believe that ferocity in Hindu attitude against
Islam increased under British patronage in India. Comment.

Q2. Analysis the impact of the British East India Company's rule (1757- 1857)
upon the Muslim of indo pak subcontinent

Q2. Give an account of the arrival of the English in subcontinent. Trace,

historically the the manner in which they succeeded in establishing factories and
trade centre in indo Pakistan. Also the circumstances which forced the east India
company to assume the shape of power from peace ful trade company.

Question 2: How the British East India Company emerged as a Political force from
a trading firm?

Summarize the political scene of the sub continent at the opening of the
eighteenth century.

Q3. Give your views about the exact nature of the revolt of 1857. was it a syp
mutiny, a conspiracy or a war of independence?

Analyze the factors responsible for degeneration of Muslim society in

18th century?


NATIONALISM/growth of Indian Congress.
Estimate the Hindu Reformist and Political Movements of 19th and 20th
century AD and also their impact on Muslim Society and Politics.

Q4. Give a historical account of the growth of Hindu

nationalism from 1858 to 1947.
Q3. Estimate the Hindu Reformist and Political Movements of
19th and 20th Century AD and also their impact on Muslim
Society and Politics.

Role of ulema

The Ulemas of Nadwah attempted to make a synthesis of Modernism

of Aligarh and Conversation of Deoband in their syllabus. Discuss

The Deoband School stood for "definite religio-political goals with

limited sphere of influence." Discuss.
2005 Critically evaluate the contribution of Fraizi Movement in the life of
Muslims in the sub continent.

What influence Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi has left on the history of

Muslims of India? Discuss critically

Keeping in view the diverse Muslim reformist Movements of the

subcontinent, delineate the sequential unity in the formulation of the
ideology of Pakistan.

Shah Waliullah realized "The renaissance of Islam and Muslim

Society cannot be affected until the intellectual life of the Muslims is
re-oriented. Discuss Critically.

Briefly analyze and discuss the contribution of the religious reforms .

Shaik Ahmed Sirhandi, Shah Walliullah, Syed Ahmed Barelvi and the
like . in the growth of Muslim consciousness in the South-Asian

Question 4: Critically examine the role of Muslim religious parties toward making
of Pakistan.

Q5. give brief account of the services rendered by sufis and Ulemas in developing
the Muslim society in the sub continent.

Q.1 Highlight he contributions of Shah Waliulah towards regeneration of the

Muslims of South Asia

Short Mujaddif alf sani

1. Estimate the contribution of Shah Waliullah towards the regeneration of the
Muslim of South-Asia.

Q.2 Shah wali Ullah has played a very significant role in the reawakening of
Muslims of India. Write a comprehensive note on his service for the cause of

Q.3 Syed Ahmed Brailve was a man of action rather than rhetoric his movement
after initial success failed. Discuss and evaluate

Critically evaluate the contribution made by missionaries in the growth

Muslim society in the Sub-continent of Indo Pak.

Give an account of the life and services of Shah Waliullah. How did
he save the Indian Muslims from political annihilation and religious

Discuss the role and efforts of Muslim religions leaders for the
establishment of Muslim Society in the Sub-Continent

-Jihad Movement.

Give a brief introduction of Jehad Movement and account for its failure.


Aligarh is arsenal of Muslim India (Quaid-e-Azam). Narrate briefly

the role of Aligarh for the cause of the muslims of the Subcontinent
with special reference to the final phase of their independence?

Aligarh Movement injected a new life in the dead body of the Muslim
nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. Discuss.

What specific steps were initiated by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan which
later on became the agenda points of the movement for Pakistan? How
did these steps orient the Political system in Pakistan?
The Aligarh Movement was a pure educational venture but it had
deep impacts on Indian politics. Discuss

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was in no way pro-British." Agree or disagree,

answer with arguments

Evaluate the impact of the services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
towards the regeneration of the Muslims

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan believed in "Trinity of ideas" i.e loyalty,

devotion and aloofness". Discuss it in perspective of his reformation

Aligarh and Deoband movements had great contrast in their views

and mission and their leaders were at daggers drawn with each other.

Examine Aligarh movement and the services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmad
Khan to uplift the educational services for the awaking of Muslim of

In Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s struggle for uplifting the conditions of

the Muslims, we see a conflict between Indian and European
traditions and knowledge systems. Explain.
1. Evaluate the impact of the services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmad
Khan towards the regeneration of the Muslims.

2. What is meant by the Aligarh Movement? Critically examine its services to the
cause of education.

1. Analyse the political views and services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in the context
of Hindu-Muslim politics. What factors were responsible for his shift from Indian
Nationalism to Muslim sub-nationalism?

Q3. bring out the role of aligarh movement in the intellectual and political
awakening of the Muslims of sub continent.

Q1. Highlight the role played by Sir Syed as father of two-nation theory.
5. What is meant by the Aligarh Movement? Why did it succeed while most other
Muslim movements in the sub-continent failed to accomplish any national gain?

1. What role did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan play in the reawakening of the Muslims of
the sub-Continent? Discuss.-

Q2) "Aligarh Movement created rewakening among Muslims to provide a political

plateform through Education network" Analyse the statement

Q4. Examine Aligarh movement and services rendered by sir syed ahmed khan to
the uplift the educational services for the awakening of the muslims of sub

Question 3: "No Aligarh movement - No independence - No Pakistan" give

arguments in favor or against the common belief.

Area of Focus
1. Sheikh Ahmed Sirhandi
2. Shah Waliullah
3. Syed Ahmed Shaheed and his Jihadi Movement
4. Haji Shareetullah and his Faraizi Movement.
5. Sir Syed Ahmed
His life, works and multifarious struggle.
Contribution in enlightening Muslims socially, politically &
Aligarh Movement
Origin, ideology, missions, dignitaries, contributions towards cause of
6. Deoband Movemnt (Dar-ul-uloom Deoband)
7. Nadwat-e-Ulema
8. Impact of Deoband, Nadwah, and other educational institutions on
Important: Aligarh v/s Deoband (a comparison & contrast between the
Partion of Bengal

It was over-reaction of Hindus to the partition of the Bengal in 1905 that

widened the gulf between Muslims and Hindus. Comment

Q5. what were the conditions which necessitated the partition of Bengal in 1905?
What was th reaction of the hindus and muslims shown towards the partition?

2. "The Hindu reaction on the Partition of Bengal (1905) proved a blessing in

disguise for the Muslims". Elucidate.

Q.4 What circumstances led to the partition of Bengal in 1905? How it affected

Hindu-British and Hindu-Muslim relations? Discuss in Detail

2. Why the Hiindus were so vehemently opposed to the partition of the province
of Bengal in 1905? Discuss in length the Hindu agitation against the partition
which finally resulted in its cancellation.

Simla deputation
Short note The Simla Deputation (1906)

Q2. Analyze the significance of SIMLA DEPUTATION under the leadership of Sir
Agha Khan.

3. Describe the political significance of the Simla Deputation in the Muslim

struggle for homeland in India.

The Simla Deputation, 1906 laid the foundation for the creation of
4. Pakistan" Substantiate your view point with solid arguments


Account for emergence of All India Muslim League and assess its
importance in Indian politics during 1906- 1913?
Q.2 Examine the circumstances that led to the foundation of All India Muslim
League. What were it’s main objects.

3. Analyze the circumstances that led to the foundation of Muslim League. What
were its main objectives?
Q4. Analyze the Muslim politics in the Muslim majority
provinces during 1940-1947 and its impact on South Asia.

Minto morley reforms

Do you agree that Minto -Morley REforms (1909) proved a watershed to
recognize the rights of minorities in India? How did it help Muslim League to
demand separate home land for muslims?

Minto-Morely Reform was a "tool of change" in the political system of

India. Discuss it with special reference to the demands of Simla

Luck now pack

Describe the main content and relative importance of the Lucknow Pact
and Delhi Muslim Proposals and their Respective impact on the
subsequent political development in India.

Quaid-e-Azam was the ambassador of .Hindu-Muslim Unity.. Discuss

it in perspective of Lukhnow Pact and what future vision depicted from
the pact?

SHORT NOTE The Lucknow Pact

5. Lucknow Pact, 1916 in considered the culmination of Hind-Muslim unity. What

circumstances led to the historical fact between the Hindus and Muslims? Discuss
its main points and also analyze the causes of its failure.
Q. No. 7. “ Lucknow Pact 1916 was forerunner to the creation of
Pakistan.” Discuss. (20)

Q.3 Critically discuss the importance of Lucknow Pact brining out of it’s merits
and demerits from Muslim point of view

Q#7) The LUcknow pact provided a commitment to Hindu-Muslim unity but it

soon failed. Discuss

2. Narrate the factors leading to the Lucknow Pact (1916).

Q4. " the period between 1912-1916 was notable as a time of growing unity
between the main Indian political parties." discuss

Q. No. 5. How reconciliation developed between the Indian National Congress

and All India Muslim League during 1913-1916? (20)

Khilafat Movement

2015 Khilafat Movement was emotional movement. Discuss

Trace the course of Khilafat movement and assess its significance for the
development of Muslim nationalism?

Q5. Evaluate the causes and effects of the Khilafat Movement

on the Muslim struggle for independence.

4)Critically evaluate the socio economic and religio-political

effects of the Khilafat Movement on the life of Indian
3. "Though the Khilafat and Hijrat movements failed to achieve their immediate
objectives but they had great impacts on the lives of the Indian Muslims."
Thoroughly analyse this statement and give arguments in support of your

4. Trace the genesis of the Khilafat Movement? What were its effects on the
history of South-Asia?
Q5. trade the course of the khilafat Movement and assess its significance for the
development of Indian nationalism.

3. "Khilafat Movement was a real disaster". Comment.

Q.2 The Khilafat Movement Spearheaded the Pakistan Movement and provided
the necessary weapon through which a political war to identify the Muslims as
such could be waged." Discuss.

Simon Commission
Write short note Simon Commission

Nehru report
4. "The Nehru Report was not less than a document of slavery for the Muslims".
Q.3. Examine those provisions of Nehru Report which effected the Muslims. What
was the Muslim Reaction to those proposals?

3. "Nehru Report proved a blessing in disguise for the muslims". Discuss.

6. "The Nehru Report struck the last nail in the coffin of Hindu-Muslim Unity."
Elucidate the statement by giving the clauses of the Nehru Report which were
unacceptable to the Indian Muslims and vehemently opposed by the Muslim
leaders and Muslim political organizations.

Q5. Examine those provisions o Nehru Report which affected

Muslims. What was the Muslim response to these provisions?

Fourteen points of Jinnah

3. Write down the fourteen points of Quaid-i-Azam and its importance towards
the creation of Pakistan.
Q#5) The fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam was befitting response to Nehru
Report. Give your analysis

Make a critical comparison of the Nehru Report and the Quaid-e-Azam’s

Fourteen Points.

ROund Table conference and

allahbad address

Examine Allama Iqbal.s concept of Muslim Nationalism in the light of

Allahabad address.
4. Describe the circumstances which forced Allama Iqbal to suggest a separate
homeland for the muslims of the subcontinent in 1930. How did it affect the
political life of the Indian muslims.

2)The Allahabad Address of Dr.Muhammad Iqbal was a

synthesis of several schemes and proposals presented by
the Indian Muslims for the solution of Hindu-Muslim
issues.Give an historical account of all these schemes and
c) Allma Iqbal as a Visionary

Q6. Discuss the outcomes of the three sessions of the Round

Table Conference.

 Allahabad Address 1930

Congress policies and ministries

Between 1937-1947 congress policies were such as to make Pakistan

inevitable. Discuss.
Examine the nature of Congress rule in the Provinces under the
Government of India Act, 1935. What was its impact on the Muslim

Q. No. 6. The Congress Rule in the provinces (1937-39) paved the way for the
Pakistan Movement. Comment. (20)

Q4. Explain in detail the suffering of the Muslims under the

Congress ministries’’ rule. How did the Muslims celebrate their
resignation in 1939?

Q3. Give a detailed account of the Congress policies against Musilms from 1937
to 1939.

Q6. " the policies of Indian national congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as
to make the partition of India inevitable" discuss,

4. Give the detailed account of the Indian National Congress policies against
Muslims from 1937 to 1 939.

3. Compare and contrast the manifestoes of All-India National Congress and All-
India Muslim League at the time of their establishments. Do you think there were
some common points between the two parties? If yes, how they differed with
each other later on?
Q.5 Congress rule during 1937-1939 provided an opportunity to all India Muslim
League to reorganize . Discuss congress rule in provinces and its impact on AIML.

Q3) Why the Indian National Congress could not provide sufficient guarantee for
the muslims to safeguard their rights? Discuss

5. Write note on the elections of 1937 and the Muslim grievances under the
Congress rule in the provinces from July 1937 to October 1939.


Analyze the significance of Lahore Resolution in the History of freedom


Can the Lahore Resolution be termed as the .Magna Carta. of Pakistan?

Take a position and support your argument by historical facts, if any

Q.4. Critically examine the justification of 'Pakistan Resolution' in 1940.

“Lahore Resolution 1940 was a turning point in the history of Sub-

continent”. Take a position and support your argument by historical
facts, if any.

Before passing Lahore resolution (Pakistan Resolution) the division of

Indian Sub-Continent was advocated by various thinkers, intellectuals
and reformers. Discuss

Cripps mission
SHORT NOTE The Cripps Mission

Evaluate the policies of the Cripps Mission. To what extent were these
policies favorable for the Muslims of the sub-continent?

Cabinet Mission Plan

Q.4 Discus in detail the Cabinet Mission Plan and analyze the causes of it’s failure
5. Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 is considered by some quarters as the best
alternative for the partition of India in 1947. Discuss its main recommendations
and also analyze why it failed to get the approval from the major political parties
of India?

Proposals of .Cabinet Mission. (1946) could defer the establishment of

Pakistan, if accepted by Muslim League. Evaluate Critically

The Quaid-e-Azam was against the performance of a surgical operation

on the provinces because such a step would be a dangerous proposition
and would let loose terrible forces. In the light of the statement,
discuss the division of the Punjab and Bengal

Founder of Pakistan
2. Give a brief account of the services rendered by Navvab Mohsin-ul-Mulk and
Nawab Viqar-uI-Mulk, Ali brothers, Iqbal, Syed Amir Ali, Agha Khan, Chaudhry
Rahmat Ali,


Illustrate the role of Quaid-e-Azam for protecting the constitutional

rights of Muslims of the subcontinent from 1916-1933?

Q5. Elaborate on the Charismatic leadership o Quaid-i-Azam

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, particularly his efforts in the political
mobilization of the Muslims in India from 1936 to 1947.

Q4. Describe the role of Quaid-e-Azam as Father of the Nation from Lahore
Resolution to the creation of Pakistan.

Change of political orientation of Quaid from Hindu Muslim unity to

Muslim unity. What role congress mindset played in this change

Out of Syllabus
Q6. Evaluate the Centre-Province relations in Pakistan during
1947-1956 and its impact upon the Pakistan State and Society.

7. A nation ought to have certain identifying

characteristics. How would you estimate them for

6)Trace out the originality of thoughts of at least five

Pakistani social intellectuals.Also give a detailed account of
their thoughts.

Question 5: Carefully examine the Post-World War II political development of

India towards the division of India and to keep it united in context with the British
Government, the congress and the Muslim league.

Q#6) Can you support with historical facts that british quit India because it was
not possible for them to stay beyond 1947? Critically comment.

Area of Focus
01. Indian Act of 1892
02. Partition of Benagl 16 October; 1905
03. Shimla Deputation 1st October; 1906
04. Formation of All India Muslim League 31st December; 1906
05. Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
06. Annulment of Bengal 12th December; 1911
a. Delhi Durbar of 1911
b. Reaction of Muslims on the Annulment of Bengal
07. Lucknow Pact 1916
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
a. World War- I : (1914-1918)
b. Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
08. Chelmsford-Montagu Reforms 1919
09. Indian Act of 1919
a. Elections of 1920 and 1923
10. Khilafat Movement 1919-1922
11. Muslim League Resolution of 1924
12. Nehru Report 1928
13. All India Muslim Conference, Delhi. (Delhi Proposals) 1929
14. Quaid-e-Azam.s Fourteen Points, 20th March; 1927
15. Simon Commission May; 1930
16. Round Table Conferences 1930-1932 at London, England.
a. 1st Session, 12th November; 1930
b. Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 5th March, 1931
c. 2nd Session, 7th September; 1931
d. Communal Award 1932
e. 3rd Session, 17th November; 1932.
17. Indian Act of 1935
18. Elections of 1937
a. Congress Ministries July; 1937 . October; 1939
b.All India Muslim League Annual Session, 1938, held at Patna.
19. Lahore Resolution, 23rd March; 1940
20. Cripps Mission 30th March; 1942
21. Jinnah-Gandhi Talks (1940-1944)
22. Simla Conference
23. Elections of 1945
a. Muslim League Legislators. Convention, April 1946
26. Cabinet Mission, 24th March; 1946
27. Role of Majority Provinces in Establishment of Pakistan
28. Interim Government 1946
29. 3rd June Plan (Lord Mountbatten)
30. Radcliffe Award, 8th July; 1947
a. Partition of Bengal and Punjab
31. Independence Act, 14th July; 1947
32. Transfer of Power
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
33. Two-Nation Theory
a. Reasons for Two-Nation Theory
b. Validation of Two-Nation Theory after fall of Dacca
34. Ideology of Pakistan
35. Role of Quaid-e-Azam (25 Dec; 1876 . 11 Sept; 1948)
a. As an Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity
b. As consolidator of Nascent State of Pakistan
36. Allama Muhammad Iqbal (9 Nov; 1877 . 21 April; 1938)
Start from Paper 2

Mughal empire General

1. What were in your assessment the main causes for the downfall of the Muslim
(Mughal) rule in India?

Q6. Give a brief review of the Socio-Economic conditions of the people under the
sultans and Mughals.

Analyze the factors responsible for degeneration of Muslim society in

18th century?

Art and Architeture of Mughal

1. "Taj Mahal marks the perfect moment in the evolution of architecture of the
Mughal Period". Discuss and also mention the distinctive features of Mughal

Q6. With the advent of the Mughal, there ushered in a new era of artistic and
literary activities. Explain.

Judicial system of Mughal rule

2. Bring out the salient features of the Judicial administration under the great

3. Write an essay or short notes on the followings:

Public administration under mughal rule

(a) The Prerogatives of the Mughal Emperor.

Foreign relations of mughal empire

(b) Shah Jahan’s relations with the Portuguese.

Ghiyas ud din
Narrate the steps taken by Ghiyas ud din balban for consolidating his rule.

Akbar policies

4. ‘ "Akbar gave prosperity and restored peace and order due to his policies".

(b) Ain-i-Akbar

Q7. Akbar failed to establish “Nationalism” in the

subcontinent. Discuss.

Q5. Din-e-Ilahi was “an outcome of ridiculous vanity, a monstrous growth of

unrestrained autocracy.” Elaborate.

Khalji dynasty

5. Briefly review the relations of Ulama and Mashaikh with the Khalji. and Tughluq

Sher shah Suri

6. "By his political reforms and policy of religious toleration, Sher Shah Suri laid
the foundation of an enlightened government". Discuss.


7. "Sultan Muhammad Tughluq was a victim of circumstances over which he had

nominal control" Comment.

Q4. ' the reign of Firuz tughlaq closed the most brilliant Epoch of the Muslim Rule
in India before the reign of Akbar" comment.


Q1. Give an account of the campaigns of Sultan Muhammad Ghori. How do you
account for his success over the Rajput rulers?
Slave dynasty

Q2. The slave system was a source of weakness as well as strength in the early
Turkish Empire. Discuss.

Delhi sultanate

Q3. Bring out the leading features of the state system under the Sultans of Delhi.


Q4. “He (Humayun) tumbled through life and he tumbled out of it.” Discuss the
character of Humayun in the light of these remarks and account for his ultimate

Q7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

Amir kHOSO

(a) Amir Khusru

Muslim rule in India overall

2. Critically evaluate the causes for the

decline of Muslim Rule in India.

Q2. Identify and evaluate the short term

and long term impact of the Muslim's
invasion on the subcontinent
Highlight the factors which played significant role in the evolution and
growth of Muslim Society in Sub Continent?
2012 Trace the history of the Muslim conquests of present day Pakistan
highlighting their contributions in transforming the society and culture

Briefly describe the evolution of Muslim society in the sub-continent.

2001 Briefly describe the evolution of Muslim Society in the
from 1206 onwards and analyze its downfall after the17th century.
2000 Give an account of the evolution of the Muslim society in the
from 1206 to 1526 A.D.

TNT n Ideology of Pakistan

Discuss the ideological foundations of the Two Nations Theory? With

reference to the contributions of Dr. Iqbal and the Quaid-i-Azam

1. Elaborate "Two Nation Theory" in the light of the statements of Allama Iqbal.

3)Discuss different socio-political and religious issues among

the Hindus and Muslims,which ended with the 'parting of
ways' among them.

Describe the most notable feature of Muslims in India in the light of their
monotheistic religion and egalitarian social structure.

Jinnah in his presidential address to the annual session of All India

Muslim League in March 1940 said, .The problem in India is not an
inter-communal character, but manifestly of an international one, and it
must be treated as such.. Write note on the Two Nation Theory and the
Lahore Resolution of March 1940 in the light of this statement
Separation of East Pakistan, though a tragic part of history of Pakistan,
was not the negation of Two nation theory. Comment

Briefly describe the genuine factors which were responsible for the
demand of separate homeland by the Muslims of the Sub Continent

Elucidate Ideology of Pakistan. What are the reasons which contributed

for the development of two-nation theory? Is two-nation-theory relevant
after the fall of Dacca? Discuss.

Discuss the role of Muslim Majority provinces in the establishment of


Silsalah ORDER
Discuss critically the role of Silsalah (Orders) in the development and
progress of Muslim society in the Sub-Continent of Indo Pakistan.

Area of Focus
1. Life in sub-continent before the arrival of Arabs Muslims
2. Influx of Muslims from South, Sindh and North in the subcontinent
3. Missionaries/Invaders/Rulers in the sub-continent & its vicinities (Four
Sufi Silsila, Suhrwardiya, Qadriya, Naqshbandya, Chisthiya)
4. Evolution of a Muslim Society & its dynamics
5. Downfall and Deformation of Muslim Society/Rule in Sub-continent &
its factors.

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