PMP Processes

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Knowledge Areas

Process Group

Process Sr. No

Process Name

Integration Management


Develop a Project Charter


Develop Project Management Plan


Direct & Manage Project


11 12


Monitoring & Control

Monitoring & Control Project Work




Perform Integrated Change Control






Close Project / Phase

21 22


Scope Management


Collect Requirements




Define Scope




9 Create WBS




Monitoring & Control


Verify Scope


34 35



Control Scope

37 38 39 40


Time Management



Define Activities





Sequence Activities



47 Estimate Activity Resources



49 50



Estimate Activity Durations



54 55



Develop Schedule



59 60


62 63


Monitoring & Control


Control Schedule

65 66


Cost Management



Estimate Cost

68 69 70




Determine Budget



75 76


Monitoring & Control


Control Costs

78 79 80


Quality Management



Plan Quality




85 86




Perform Quality Assurance




Monitoring & Control


Perform Quality Control




94 95 96 97 98


Human Resource Management



Develop Human Resource Plan







Acquire Project Team





Develop Project Team



109 110 111



Manage Project Team

113 114




Communication Management



Identify Stakeholders






Plan Communications







Distribute Information

125 126 127 31 Manage Stakeholder Expectations



130 131 132 Monitoring & Control 32 Report Performance





Risk Management



Plan Risk Management

137 138




Identify Risks




144 145 146 147 148



Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

150 151 152



Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis






Plan Risk Responses


159 160


Monitoring & Control


Monitoring & Control Risks

162 163 164


Procurement Management



Plan Procurements

166 167 168


170 171 172 173




Conduct Procurements


176 177


179 180 181


Monitoring & Control


Administer Procurements


184 185 186 187 188




Close Procurements



Process Objectives Process of developing a document that formally authorizes a project and documenting initial requirements. A project manager is identified also defines the authority of PM. Recommended the PM to involve in project charter development on behalf of project sponsor.


STATEMENT OF WORK -Provided by the sponsor (for internal projects) or customer (for external projects)

BUSINESS CASE -Provides the project justification from the business stand point. CONTRACT -- Agreement between the requesting organization and performing organization


Process of documenting the actions necessary to define, prepare, iterate and coordinate all the subsidiary plans and base lines. Project Management Plan defines how a project executed, monitored & controlled and closed.

Project Charter

Output from Planning Processes has got 2 areas 1. Subsidiary Plans 2. Base lines


Performing or getting the work done according to the Project Management Plan project management plan.

Approved Change Requests


Monitoring refers the measuring, collecting and distributing and analyzing the performance information. Primary focus of this process is to analyze the planned deliverables and actual work produced. Analyzing the performance information will result in change request. Monitoring of project happens throughout the project lifecycle. Controlling refers to ensuring that only the approved changes are implemented. Performance Reports Project Management Plan


This process is about Evaluating, approving and managing all change requests. The process steps of Integrated Change Control are 1. Evaluate / Review - The impact of change on other project objectives are to be analyzed. 2. Approve or Reject -- Following the analysis a decision should be taken on the status of the change request to implement or not. Project Management Plan Change Control Board (CCB) - is a change control is a function with authority to approve or reject any change request, it is to provide an efficient, centralized and standardized approval or rejection is called Configuration Management System. 3. Manage -- Managing refers to communicating and handling the outcome of the change request.

Work Performance Information

Change Requests


This process is to formally close all activities of a project or phase, this process produce the step by step instruction for closure.

Project Management Plan

Accepted Deliverables OPA

In this process, we will gather all the stakeholder needs.

Project Charter

Stakeholder Register

Primary objective of this process is to prepare a detailed project scope statement

Project Charter

Requirements Documentation


The main objective of this process is to break down Project Scope Statement the major deliverables into manageable components.

Requirements Documentation


This process is to gain a FORMAL ACCEPTANCE of the deliverables.

Project Management Plan

Requirements Documentation

Requirement Traceability Matrix Validated Deliverables Influence the factors that create scope changes and control the impact of those changes. Project Management Plan Compare the planned and actual and identify the variance. Requirements Documentation Requirement Traceability Matrix Work Performance Information OPA This is process is about creating a list of activities that needs to be performed to create deliverables. The deliverables usually work packages.

Activities are action oriented while the work packages are deliverables oriented. Kitchen -- Work package, Install Kitchen -- Activity

Scope Baseline


Identifying the logical relationships between the activities.

Activity List, Activity Attributes, Milestone List

Project Scope Statement


Identifying the type and quantity of resources needed Activity List, for each activity, here the resources does mean the Activity Attributes material and people.

Resource Calendars EEF & OPA

This process is to identify number of work periods required to complete the activities.

Activity List, Activity Attributes

Resource Calendars

Activity Resource Requirements

Project Scope Statement EEF & OPA Creating a project schedule contains plan start date Activity List, Activity and end date for each activity and hence the overall Attributes project. Project Schedule Network Diagram Activity Resource Requirements

Resource Calendars Activity Durations Estimates

Project Scope Statement


Monitoring and controlling the factors that are affecting the project schedule, it also includes the changes to the schedule The planned and actual are compared as part of the monitoring and controlling process.

Project Schedule

Work Performance Information OPA

Process of estimating cost of resources (human and Scope Baseline material) for each activity.

Project Schedule HR Plan Risk Register

EEF & OPA Adding up cost estimates of all activities to establish Activity Cost Estimates, BOE a cost base line and display it in a time phased graph. Project Schedule

Resource Calendars

Contracts OPA Monitoring the cost performance and managing changes on costs. Main activities are 1. Influencing the factors that affect cost base line 2. Ensuring actual cost do not exceed authorized Cost Performance Baseline funding. 3. Communicating to all stakeholders about changes to the baseline. 4. Taking corrective action to cost overrun. Project Funding Requirements Work Performance Information OPA

Process to identify which quality standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy them or implement them. Also which quality tools to be used during the Perform Quality Control process.

Scope Baseline

Cost Performance Baseline

Schedule Baseline

Stakeholder Register

Risk Register EEF & OPA Process by which we apply systematic activities like audit and checks and use feedback of these activities for continuous improvement. Activities done to ensure the process compliance and making sure that the processes are followed. Monitoring specific project results to check if they are in compliance with the selected quality standards. Project Management Plan

Quality Metrics Work Performance Information Monitoring and recording the results of executing the quality activities and thereby access performance and recommend necessary corrective action. Main objective is to check whether the deliverables meeting quality standards.

Project Management Plan

Quality Metrics

Quality Checklists

Deliverables Work Performance Information

Identifying project roles and responsibilities, reporting relationships and staffing management plan and at what time we need the people.


Activity Resource Estimate

It involves putting together the project team members


HR Plan

This process is to building cohesiveness by helping each others, improve the team competencies and the motivation levels. Competencies includes hard(technical) and soft skills(communication). It should happen throughout project life cycle.

Project Staff Assignments

Resource Calendars

Project Management Plan

Monitoring the team member performance. It includes performance appraisals, continuous feedback and conflict management.

HR Plan

OPA Project Staff Assignments

Work Performance Information

Team Performance Assessments

To identify who are all the stakeholders, what is their influence on the project (Positive / Negative), what Project Charter are their expectation or interest on this project, how we can manage them

Procurement Documents


Identify communication needs of the various stakeholders. Who needs what information, when they need it and how it will be given to them

Stakeholder Register

Stakeholder Management Strategy


This process is to making sure that the communication management plan is executed properly and address any unexpected requests for information.

Project Management Plan

Performance Reports OPA Process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and addressing the Project Management Plan issues as they occur.

Stakeholder Register

Stakeholder Management Strategy

Issue Log, Change Log OPA Performance reporting includes collecting baseline data and distributing performance reports to stakeholders Project Management Plan

Work Performance Information

Work Performance Measurements

Budget Forecasting

Planning of risk related activities for the project, which is deciding on how to approach and conduct risk management for the project.

Project Scope Statement

Cost Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan Communication Management Plan


Determining risks which are internal / external are likely to affect the project objectives and document them. Also document the characteristic of these risks. It continues iteratively throughout the project.

Risk Management Plan


Scope Baseline

Activity Cost Estimates

Activity Durations Estimates Stakeholder Register Cost Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan Quality Management Plan Project Docs Process of prioritizing the identified risks for further analysis or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact. Prioritizing involves getting the top 20 risks. Risk Management Plan Project Scope Statement OPA

Risk Register

Process of numerically analyzing the effect of risk on Risk Register project objectives

Risk Management Plan

Cost Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan

OPA Process of developing options and action plans to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to project objectives. Risk Register Developing actions to deal with the risks. It documents the response plans for risks with positive impact and negative impact on project objectives.

Risk Management Plan

Process of Implementing risk response plans, Tracking Identified Risks, Monitoring Residual risks, Identifying new risks, Evaluating risk process effectiveness

Risk Register

Risk Management Plan Work Performance Information Performance Reports Process to determine whether to procure the product, service from outside or within the org. that is make or buy decision, identifying potential sellers or suppliers of the product or service. Scope Baseline Whether to procure or buy, when to procure, what to procure, how much to procure.

Requirement Documentation Risk Register Risk Related Contractual Decisions

Activity Resource Requirements

Project Schedule Cost performance baseline Teaming Agreements Activity Cost Estimates

This process is to obtain the seller responses in the form of bids or proposals, selecting the seller and awarding the contract.

Procurement Management Plan

Procurement Statement of Work

Make or Buy Decision Document Procurement Documents

Source Selection Criteria

Seller Proposals Qualified Seller List Teaming Agreements

Managing the contract and maintaining the relationship between the buyer and seller


Procurement Management Plan

Performance Reports Work Performance Information

Completing and settling each procurement contracts Procurement Management including the resolution of any open items. Plan

Procurement Documentation


Input Created As a Result of 1. BUSINESS NEED -- arise due to market demand, technology advancement, govt. regulation 2. PRODUCT SCOPE DESCRIPTION -What is the characteristic of a product that this projects creates. 3. STRATEGIC PLAN -- How this project aligned with the organization's strategic plans. Market Demand, Org. Needs, Customer Request, Tech advance, Legal & Govt. regulations

Contents of Input

Contains narrative descriptions of products or services to be delivered by the project.

The business need and cost benefit analysis to justify the project.

SOW, Business Case

Narrative details of scope, cost, time details of products or services to be delivered by the project. EEF: Organization Infrastructure, Governmental or industrial standards.

EEF:Market Place Conditions, Company culture and conditions, risk tolerances, OPA : Organizational Processes, Procedures, PMIS, work auth systems. Process Templates and historical data / metrics

Process Sr. No 1

Subsidiary Plans: Outputs from any of the other planning processes in any of the knowledge areas are to create a complete Project Management Plan, Hence any base lines and subsidiary management plans that are an output from other planning processes are inputs to this process. All the subsidiary plan documents. Subsidiary plans are the plans on how the project team intends to address each of the knowledge areas. Base lines: Scope Base line, Time Base line, Cost Base line

EEF: Organization Infrastructure, Governmental or industrial standards. EEF:Market Place Conditions, Company culture and conditions, risk tolerances, OPA : Organizational Processes, Procedures, PMIS, work auth systems. Project Management Plan Templates and historical data / metrics Process Sr. No 2 Approved Change Requests are authorized changes to the projects, these changes will This includes Corrective Action: Approved actions to bring the project result a change in project management as per the project management plan. like correcting plans. behind the schedule issue. Only approved change requests to be implemented and all the approved change Preventive Action: Action taken to prevent the future loss. requests should be documented. Approved change requests are documented Defect Repair: Action to repair the problem in the product. and authorized solutions. EEF: Organization Infrastructure, Governmental or industrial standards. EEF:Market Place Conditions, Company culture and conditions, risk tolerances, OPA : Organizational Processes, Procedures, PMIS, work auth systems. Project Management Plan Templates and historical data / metrics

Process Sr. No 2

Project Management Plan contains the planned work and actual work done is in the Performance reports

Process Sr. No 32

Formal data about the actual work done. EEF: Organization Infrastructure, Governmental or industrial standards.

EEF:Market Place Conditions, Company culture and conditions, risk tolerances, OPA : Organizational Processes, Procedures, PMIS, work auth systems. Project Management Plan Templates and historical data / metrics.

Process Sr. No 2

The base lines which is a part of the project management plan needs to be evaluated or compared with the change requests.

Process Sr. No 3 Change request has to be analyzed against the actual work performed. Process Sr. No 4

EEF: Organization Infrastructure, Governmental or industrial standards. OPA : Organizational Processes, Procedures, EEF:Market Place Conditions, Company Project Management Plan Templates and historical culture and conditions, risk tolerances, data / metrics. PMIS, work auth systems.

Process Sr. No 2, Project Management Plan contains the information on how to close the project or phase or what are the pre-requisites or exit criteria for the closure. It is in the form of product, result or a service and it is required to verify completion.

Verify Scope

Process Sr. No 1

High level business need and high level budget

Process Sr. No 28

Details of all the Stakeholders of a project.

Process Sr. No 1

Biz need used to define the scope

Process Sr. No 7

Contains comprehensive list of all stakeholders requirements 1. Business Need 2. Project Objectives 3. Functional Requirements 4. Acceptance Criteria 5. Quality Requirements For any templates or archives

Contains a major deliverables

Contains comprehensive list of all stakeholders requirements 1. Business Need 2. Project Objectives 3. Functional Requirements 4. Acceptance Criteria 5. Quality Requirements

To refer the existing templates of WBS

Process Sr. No 2

Project Management Plan contains baselines and scope management plan, these will be used to verify to get the formal acceptance. Contains comprehensive list of all stakeholders requirements 1. Business Need 2. Project Objectives 3. Functional Requirements 4. Acceptance Criteria 5. Quality Requirements Requirements linked to its origin. Checked for correctness in Perform Quality Control process and presented to the receiver. Scope Management Plan which is a part of the project management plan contains the Scope Statement, WBS, WBS Dictionary to form a scope base line. Contains technical, product and project and other types of requirements Requirements linked to its origin. This is the actual performance of the project in terms of cost, schedule and budget. Templates for variance reports can be had from the templates library.

Process Sr. No 9

Process Sr. No 12

Activities which needs to be sequenced.

Process Sr. No 8

Product and project scope details are available in this

When and how long the resources will be available for this project. This is based on the availability and skill levels.

List all the available activities of the project.

Resources availability impacts the activity duration hence this is one of the input.

Type and Quantity of resources required for any activity. Duration is based on the type and quantity of a resource. For an activity, if senior type of resource can complete in 10 days but at the same time if only a junior type resource is available then it will take 20 days. In the project scope statement there is assumptions and constraints are available which will directly impact an activity. Collection of all activities to be done for a work package specified in WBS The activity list is a brief description of activities but the activity attributes is a detailed description of each activities. Network diagrams of activities and the logical relationships between activities. This contains the types and quantities of resources required for each activity and the sum total of all gives the total resources at a work package level. Resources availability impacts the activity duration hence this is one of the input. It is the quantitative assessments of the likely number of work periods to complete an activity.

In the project scope statement there is assumptions and constraints are available which will directly impact an activity.

Planned start and end date for each activity, this can be project schedule network diagram or bar chart or a milestone chart, this is planned.

Actual work done

The items important to Estimate cost in scope baseline are 1. Budget Constraints 2. Scope statement details like WBS and WBS Structure 3. What is covered as scope and what is not covered under scope This contains information on resources type, quantity and amount of time required. This is vital to estimate cost HR Plan will contain the human resource histogram which will tell peoples requirements in the project Risk register will contain all the risk listed and estimating cost should take into account of the risk also. OPA -- Templates for cost estimates, past project experiences, lessons learnt, project team experience/knowhow history. Activity Cost Estimate contains cost estimate of each activity and rolling all the costs will give the cost estimate for the project. Project Schedule contains information on activities scheduled on time period. This is required to prepare the time phased cost baseline. Resource calendars shows the resource requirements for each activity on time period. This is required to prepare the time phased cost baseline. Any details may be available in contracts related to budget constraints.

Project Management Plan

Cost Performance baseline serves as a base to compare against the actual cost.

Funding requirements is a time phased funding required to run the project. Actual cost incurred so far and work achieved so far.

It contains the Scope Statement, WBS and WBS dictionary which is having requirements and deliverables. These are required to identify the relevant quality standards.

Cost Performance Baseline contains the time phased cost requirements of a project, it is required here to identify which quality standards can be applied in this project in the perspective of cost. Keeping the project within schedule is one of the important quality standard Its a formal documentation of list of all stakeholders and their needs, expectations and requirements. This is essential to determine the quality standard to be applied. This risk register contains all the identified risks in the project, it is useful to identify the quality standard.

It contains the baselines and information about how to perform quality assurance.

Operational Definitions like uptime, allowed defect rate, allowed failure rate and mean time between failures. It talks about the required levels of quality to be maintained in the project. Raw information about the work being performed.

It contains the baselines and information about how to perform quality control

Operational Definitions of level of service is required to measure and compare the actual performance for specific results.

It is a check list of series of actions which needs to be verified whether these actions are performed or not during the Perform Quality Control process.

This is the item to be checked for the quality compliance. Raw information about the work being performed.

OPA -- Lessons learnt, Organization chart, templates. EEF -- Interpersonal skills and organizational (reporting relationships) and political structure etc.

Human resource needs for each activity.

OPA -- Templates or hiring policies and similar project information. EEF -- Resources availability, skills required and cost.

Org chart, RACI chart for roles and responsibilities., Staffing Management plan contains when the resource should be available.

Project Team Directories and team member names with the roles and responsibilities and other relevant details.

Staffing Management plan contains how many time periods a resource should work for, after this process, we will now have the information on how many time periods a resource can work for this project.

Strategies for team building and training activities to the exam.

from Project Management Plan

Org chart -- graphic reps of teams and reporting relationships RACI chart for roles and responsibilities, skills required by the project staff, Staffing Management plan contains when the resource should be available for how many time periods Templates for reward policies Project Team Directories and team member names with the roles and responsibilities and other relevant details.

Raw information about the work being performed.

Ongoing assessment of team member performance.

Internal and external parties involved in this project and affected by this project. For example, sponsor or customer.

if the project is the result of a procurement activity, parties involved in the procurement processes.

EEF --Org. culture, govt., industry standards OPA -- Stakeholder register, lessons learnt All the relevant information about the stakeholders, they are 1. Identification Information -- Name and contact details of the stakeholders 2. Assessment Information -- Requirements, expectations, level of influence, 3. Stakeholder Classification -- Internal/External/ Supporter/ Neutral/Resistor Defines an approach to increase support and minimize negative impacts of stakeholders on the project, it will be represented in Stakeholder Analysis Matrix

Lessons learnt and historical information

Communication Management Plan

Distributing the performance reports to the stakeholders Historical info Communication Management Plan -- how to perform manage stakeholder process

All the relevant information about the stakeholders, they are 1. Identification Information -- Name and contact details of the stakeholders 2. Assessment Information -- Requirements, expectations, level of influence, 3. Stakeholder Classification -- Internal/External/ Supporter/ Neutral/Resistor Defines an approach to increase support and minimize negative impacts of stakeholders on the project, it will be represented in Stakeholder Analysis Matrix Used to monitor and resolve issues. Change Log -- Changes on documents to be monitored and closed in this Issue management and change control procedure It contains the cost baseline which is required to compare the actual and planned to derive the variance.

Raw information about the work being performed.

Calculating the variances

Information about the estimated total project cost based on the performance as of date.

Project Scope statement contains the information about the deliverables, on which PM can estimate how much effort required for risk management.

Org. level risk tolerance in EEF, Risk categories in OPA

How to perform risk identification

Risk templates Project assumptions found in the scope baseline, this is a potential cause of risk. WBS is also useful in identifying the risk at activities level. It gives the cost estimate to each activity, reviewing this may reveal that due to the risk factor, whether this cost is sufficient or not. It gives the duration estimate to each activity, reviewing this may reveal that due to the risk factor, whether this duration is sufficient or not. This will contain the risk tolerance level of the stakeholders Project specific cost and schedule management plans are to be reviewed. Project specific quality management plans are to be reviewed. Assumptions Log List of Identified Risks, List of potential responses, Root cause of these risks, Updated Risk Categories

How to perform risk identification Project assumptions found in the scope baseline, this is a potential cause of risk. WBS is also useful in identifying the risk at activities level. Risk templates

List of Identified Risks, List of potential responses, Root cause of these risks, Updated Risk Categories How to perform risk identification

Project specific cost and schedule management plans are to be reviewed.

Risk databases

List of Identified Risks, List of potential responses, Root cause of these risks, Updated Risk Categories

How to perform risk identification

List of Identified Risks, List of potential responses, Root cause of these risks, Updated Risk Categories How to perform risk identification Raw information about the work being performed. Formal data about the actual work done includes information on risk

Project assumptions found in the scope baseline, WBS and WBS Dictionary contains the high level deliverables, also it has it schedule constraints

It contains the overall requirements of the project, it also contains the details on permits and licenses required to procure. Information on risks related to procurement which includes supplier performance and material delay. It includes documents like bonds insurances etc., also contains the roles and responsibilities of buyer and seller

Type and Quantity of resources required for any activity required, in this case, if the resource acquired from outside.

contains the project schedule and deliverable dates It provides the planed budget this will be useful when outsourcing this activity to third party Legal contractual agreements between buyer and seller Using this we can have the estimated cost of the activity, this will be useful when outsourcing this activity to third party How the procurement mgmt. processed perform, it will contain 1. Contract Type 2. Make or buy decision 3. how to manage the multiple suppliers 4. Format of SOW, Contracts

Narrative description of the items to be procured,

it will document the conclusions and reason for procuring from outside. RFQ, RFP, IFB, tender are these documents which are basis for requesting proposals from prospective sellers

it talks about the evaluation or selection criteria of the seller. The possible criterion are 1. Does this seller is on preferred seller list of the org. 2. Does this seller have the technical capacity 3. What is warranty does this seller provides 4. Production capacity of the seller 5. Interest of the seller 6. Past performance of the seller 7. references for the sellers Received from the sellers Pre-screened sellers or qualified sellers for further proceedings Legal contractual agreements between buyer and seller

It contains the terms and conditions of the contract

How the procurement mgmt. processed perform, it will contain 1. Contract Type 2. Make or buy decision 3. how to manage the multiple suppliers 4. Format of SOW, Contracts Progress of the project

How the procurement mgmt. processed perform, it will contain 1. Contract Type 2. Make or buy decision 3. how to manage the multiple suppliers 4. Format of SOW, Contracts Any seller develops the technical documentation, also 1. Contract 2. Supporting Documents like technical and work performance information 3. Invoices 4. Payment records 5. Deliverables

Tools & Technique

Expert Judgment by Consultants, SME's, PMO for suggestions, advices or knowledge

Expert Judgment by Consultants, SME's, PMO for suggestions, advices or knowledge

Expert Judgment by Consultants, SME's, PMO for suggestions, advices or knowledge

Project Management Information Systems

Expert Judgment by Consultants, SME's, PMO for suggestions, advices or knowledge

Expert Judgment by Consultants, SME's, PMO for suggestions, advices or knowledge

Change Control Meetings -- discussion to evaluate and review the change requests.

Expert Judgment by Consultants, SME's, PMO for suggestions, advices or knowledge

1. Interviews Face to face or one-to-one conversation to gather their requirements, immediate answers 2. Focus Groups Group of individuals to learn their expectation and attitude. 3. Facilitated Workshops Bringing all the key people at one venue to collect the requirements 4. Group Creativity Techniques a. Brainstorming A general data gathering and creativity technique which lists risks, ideas and solutions. A group team members or SMEs to spring board ideas. b. Nominal Group Technique its a decision making technique and every one opinion taking into account, rank the solutions of all the members, select the most favored. c. Delphi Technique Take the ideas with the anonymity and take the expert advice on the same to reach the consensus. 5. Group Decision Making Techniques Different ways to take the decision a. Unanimity All the team members agreeing the course of action to be taken b. Majority A formal voting and polling will be done to get the members view point. c. Plurality Decision by the largest block in a group will be taken even if the majority is not achieved. d. Dictatorship Sponsor or PM will take a decision for the team. 6. Questionnaire and Surveys -- Specific questions and will get a specific answers, limited scope coverage 7. Observations Observing the user actions and identifying the user requirements 8. Prototypes Creating a working version of the system so that users can experiment, this is useful when the requirements are complex or not clear or user has got a history of communication problem.

1. Facilitated Workshops 2. Product Analysis -- This is an exercise of converting the product objectives into tangible deliverables, the important word here is MEASUREABLE. Tools used here are Product Breakdown and System Analysis. 3. Alternatives Identification -- Ensure that the project scope through as many different ways as possible. An objective is find different objectives to perform a work. Brain storming technique is used here 4. Expert Judgment by Consultants, SME's, PMO for suggestions, advices or knowledge

Decomposition - Breaking down the major deliverables into smaller and manageable components, the guidelines for decomposing are 1. Identify the Major Deliverables -- Use that in the scope statement. 2. Structure WBS -- we can structure first level WBS in 3 ways -- by deliverable items, by phase or by subproject 3. Decompose higher levels into small portions -- Segment the higher level items into smaller level items until they are reliably estimatable in terms of cost and time. If you don't have enough information to break down further, this can be done in later point of time (progressive elaboration) 4.Assign Identification Code to each component -- in order to identify which category a component belongs to 5. Verify Each Branch is broken down enough -- The lowest level or leaf in the WBS tree is called Work

Inspection -- Inspecting all the inputs the deliverables, the work and the acceptance criteria and check the objective is fulfilled by customer or designated stake holder.

Variance Analysis --Comparing the actual work to the base lined and see if there is any corrective action to be taken

Decomposition - Breaking down the work packages into one or many activities. This should be done with the help of team members for better understanding.

Rolling Wave Planning -- It is a form of progressive elaboration. Detailed planning is done for the immediately occurring activities and high level planning is done for the work occurring later. For example, week 1 Activities -Detailed planning, Week 5 Activities -- High level planning. Expert Judgment by Consultants, SME's, PMO for suggestions, advices or knowledge. Expertise or expert advice in this case includes suggested activities to complete a work packages, may be technically.

Precedence Diagramming Method -- Using rectangles to denote the activities and arrows to denote the sequencing. There are 4 types of logical relationships. 1. Finish to Start -- A-->B --- Activity B cannot start unless Activity A has finished. Paint wall then install picture in the wall. Start of activity B is dependent on Finish of Activity A. 2. Start to Start -- Activity B cannot start unless Activity A has started. Install Fence and paint fence. Start of activity B is dependent on Start of Activity A. 3. Finish to Finish -- Activity B cannot finish unless activity A has finished. Finish of activity B is dependent on Finish of Activity A. 4. Start to Finish -- Activity B cannot finish unless Activity A has started. Finish of activity B is dependent on Start of Activity A. Sun setting of Legacy System(B). Dependency Determination -- Logical relationships are a result of existing Dependencies. Due to the nature of the dependencies, there are 3 Types of Dependencies. 1. Mandatory or Hard Logic -- Mandatory dependencies are those that are a result of inherent nature of work. Example, contractual requirements or product limitations. 2. Discretionary or Preference -- Discretionary dependencies are that exist as a result of preferences of the project team. 3. External -- This dependency is due to an activity or event OUTSIDE OF THE PROJECT is impacting the logical sequence of the project activities. Applying Leads and Lags -- Delays or acceleration between activities are called lags and leads respectively. Lag is the amount of delay that exist between activities, it is also called as waiting period. Between Finish of A and Starting of B. Lead is an acceleration of an activity to enable the activity to start earlier than planned. Schedule Network Templates -- Utilizing some portion of network diagram of a previous similar project. Bottom Up Estimating -- Estimating an activity after it is decomposed into sub-activity which is more accurate.

Published Estimating Data -- Using the known figures taken based on the past projects or industry benchmarks. Alternatives Analysis -- Identifying different resource types, skill levels. Three Point Estimate -- To estimate the duration of an activity this estimation tool can be used. It is also called PERT formula, the formula is PERT = (Optimistic Estimate + 4*Most Likely Estimate + Pessimistic Estimate) / 6 Standard Deviation for the above formula = (Pessimistic Estimate + Optimistic Estimate) / 6. This SD formula we can consider as buffer for any duration estimation. Parametric Estimating -- Using past data derive a formula and pass the data related to the current project. This estimation will take the parameters.

Analogous Estimation or Top Down Estimation -- Using the past project duration estimation for the current project, this can be applied only to the similar projects. Also this can be applied when there is limited amount of information. Good for early phases of the project life cycle.

Reserve Analysis -- This is to identify the buffer to the duration estimation, the buffer is required due to the risks which may increase the duration. This may be a percentage of activity duration or based on the quantitative risk analysis.

Schedule Network Analysis --

Critical Path Method Critical Chain Method -- CPM with resource limitations. Also it handles the buffer pools-- there are 2 types of buffers, Project Buffer applied before the end of project. Feeder buffer -- applied after the non-critical actvites. Resource Leveling -- to address certain resources available only at certain time periods. What-if Scenario Analysis --Analyzing the different scenarios and their impact on schedule. Montecarlo analysis Applying Leads and Lags -- Delays or acceleration between activities are called lags and leads respectively. Lag is the amount of delay that exist between activities, it is also called as waiting period. Between Finish of A and Starting of B. Lead is an acceleration of an activity to enable the activity to start earlier than planned. Schedule Compression -- shorten the project schedule without changing the scope. 1. Crashing -- to reduce the time how to tradeoff the cost and schedule 2. Fast Tracking -- activities performed in parallel. Scheduling Tools -- MS Project

Performance Reviews --Reporting to stakeholders on Actual activity start and end date along with the remaining durations of the other activities and percentage completion of each activity.

Variance Analysis -- Variance is the difference between the target start date and end date against the actual start date and end date and reasons for the variance.

Analogous Estimating / Gross Value Estimating / Top Down Approach -- Using estimates of similar past projects and can be applied only during the early phases of project and only limited information is available.

Bottom Up Estimating -- Estimating the costs at the work package level or activity level and then rolling it up. Parametric Estimating -- Deriving a formula using the past project statistics and applying the same for the current project. Three Point Estimates--Reserve Analysis -- When estimating cost, setting aside a certain amount to deal with risks. 2 types of reserves 1. Contingency Reserve -- for the identified risks 2. Management Reserve -- for the unexpected / un-identified risks. Cost Aggregation -- Summing of all estimated cost at the work package level or activities level to higher level components results in overall cost estimate of the project. Funding Limit Reconciliation -- Time phased cost estimates should align with the available funding for the given time period. Otherwise the activities needs to be re-scheduled. Reserve Analysis -- When estimating cost, setting aside a certain amount to deal with risks. 2 types of reserves 1. Contingency Reserve -- for the identified risks Expert Judgment

Earned Value Method -- A technique used to forecast the project performance by cost and schedule at any point of time.

Forecasting -- Predicting the final cost and schedule of a project based on the current performance. This is useful to keep the stakeholders informed about the likely changes.

1. Cost-Benefit analysis -- Primary cost of meeting the quality requirements and the primary benefit in terms of less re-work. 2. Cost of Quality -- It includes the cost incurred to ensure conformance to quality standards and costs of not conforming to standards, for example, rework and defects. 3. Benchmarking -- Comparing the quality standards of existing practices to those of industry or other projects within or outside projects. 4. Design of Experiments -- Statistical method to identify which factor influence specific variables. 5. Additional Quality Tools -- Brainstorming, nominal group techniques, affinity diagrams and matrix diagrams will be used. 6. Flowcharting 7. Statistical Sampling 8. Control Charts

Quality Audits -- These are structured independent reviews to check if the project is following the specified processes, procedures and policies. It will be done by internal or external team but not the project team. It may be scheduled or random. Its main objective is to identify the wastes and inefficiencies.

Process Analysis -- it follows the process improvement plan, Identify the non-value added activities and identify the process improvements. Quality Control Tools -- it is used for the quality assurance.

Cause and Effect Diagram / Fish Bone Diagram / Ishikawa Diagram -- It helps to identify and list causes of a defect.

Control Charts -- it is used to determine whether the process is stable or not, if the results in a process in within the acceptable limit then it need not be adjusted. The upper and lower specification limit is specified by the customer. These charts have the upper and lower control limits which are specified by PM or project team. Statistically the control limits are 3 SD from the mean. Process variation between the control limits are said to be under control, no adjustment required and are called random variation. Pareto Charts -- Specific types of histograms where defects are ordered by frequency of occurrence. Objective is to focus on highly occurring defect. 80% DEFECTS ARE A RESULT OF 20% OF CAUSES. Hence addressing the 20% causes, we can avoid 80%defects. Histograms -- Its a bar chart that shows the distribution of defects. The height of a bar shows the occurrence of a defect. Focus of a histogram is in identifying the shape and width of the distribution. Flowcharting -- Showing the order of process execution. Run Charts -- It display the history and the pattern variation. It is a line graph used for Trend Analysis. Scatter Diagrams -- Patterns of relationships between 2 variables, these may be dependent or independent variables. Statistical Sampling -- Choosing part of the deliverables and study the same, it is assumed that this small samples will represents the whole lot. Inspection -- Examination of the result to determine if they comply to quality standards, it also called audits, peer reviews and walk through.

Organizational Theory -- Giving information on behavior of team or people in the organization. It shortens the time to get the output since it is proven or already used.

Networking -- Interacting with the people in the industry or external to the organization to know the latest trends in the industry.

Organizational Chart and Position descriptions -- 3 ways to describe roles and responsibilities. They are 1. Hierarchical type Org Chart -- it shows positions and reporting relationships in a graphic top-down format. There are 2 types of charts, OBS -- Org. Breakdown Structure -- breaks down by departments. RBS -Resource Breakdown Structure -- resource type break down 2. Matrix based Responsibility Charts -- These charts connects work with the resources, this can be done for work package level or activity level. This is also called Responsibility Assignment Matrix(RAM). Also called RACI (Responsibility-Accountable, Consult, Inform) chart. Text Oriented Format -- Detailed description of Responsibility, Authority, Competency and qualification. This is also called Position Description and Authority Forms. 1. Pre-assignment -- Resources are already allocated to the project, it is because staff were promised as part of the competitive proposal or defined in the project charter for the internal projects 2. Negotiation -- Negotiating within the performing org. with the other departments or PM's or mainly with the functional managers to make sure that the right resources are available at the right time. 3. Acquisition -- Hire from the external sources or market since there is no skill available in the performing org. 4. Virtual Teams -- Teams in multiple locations.

1. Interpersonal Skills or Soft Skills --it is a must for developing project team which includes leadership skills, soft skills, empathy, influence, group facilitation. General Management Theories. 1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs --if the lower set of needs are not fulfilled then anybody cannot go to next higher levels of needs. the needs pyramid is as follows Physiological needs, Safe/security needs, social / affiliation needs, esteem needs, self actualization 2. Herzberg's Two Factor Motivation Theory -- it classifies motivation factors into hygiene factors and motivators. hygiene factors represents office environments which leads to satisfaction or nondissatisfaction which is relevant only to some extend but the motivators like appreciation and recognition leads to satisfaction which is very important. 3. Douglas McGregor's Theory of X and Y. Theory X -- Average person dislikes work and will avoid if possible, therefore most people must be forced to work by threat of punishment to achieve org. goals. Theory Y -- Some people find the effort required work is equal as effort required to play, they will apply selfrestraint and self-direction in the pursuit of org. goals. 2. Training -- to enhance the competencies of the team members on technical, soft skills, management related. Unplanned training happened through observation, conversation and appraisals.

3. Team Building Activities -- its an activities to improve team cohesiveness or togetherness. It can be offsite or in meeting room, this is useful for the multi-located teams. It improves working relationships. Team members behavior during project life cycle (Tuchman model) A). Forming -- members being uncertain on roles, rules and expectations since they are new to the project, productivity is low. B). Storming -- members are often conflict over goals and personalities since they getting to know each other. productivity is improving as they know what to do in the project. C). Norming-- Members agreeing to working style and norms, productivity is improving. D). Performing -- performance is at its peak and team members are positive and productive. E). Mourning -- uncertain abt the future and not sure abt the next project. basis. through war-rooms also where the project artifacts will be kept. 4 . Ground Rules -- setting clear expectation on acceptable behavior. 5. Co-location - placing team members in same physical location on temporary. 6. Rewards and Recognitions -- Identifying the desirable behavior and achievements. Interpersonal Skills --Leadership -- Ability to inspire to achieve goals and communicate vision. Influencing -- Ability to persuade, active listening, considering different perspectives, reaching win-win situation. Effective Decision Making -- focus on goals, follow decision making process, stimulate creativity.

Performance Appraisals -- formal or informal by PM, 360Deg feedback-- from all the team members. Observations and Conversation --Feedback should be given on the spot not to wait for formal meetings Conflict Management -- Conflicts on Resource, schedule and work style. When we are managing conflict there are 2 axis -- concern for personal goal or concern for relationship. There are 6 techniques to resolve conflict. 1. Forcing -- pushing one's view point at the expense of others, win-lose 2. Withdrawing/Avoiding -- retreating from the actual problem, lose -lose 3. Compromising -- Searching for solution that bring some degree of satisfaction to all, lose -lose 4. Smoothing / Accommodating -- giving importance to areas of agreement than areas of difference, lose-win 5. Collaboration / Confronting / Problem Solving -- treating the conflict as problem to be solved by give and take attitude. win-win. Issue Logs -- maintain issue log to track the issues till the closure. Identify trends from happening Stakeholder Analysis -- this is done in 3 steps 1. Identify All Potential Stakeholders and relevant information -- their roles, interests, knowledge levels, expectations and influence levels. Consulting the stakeholders to identify and complete the stake holder list. 2. Identify and Classify Stakeholders -- Identify the potential stakeholders and impact or support based on this define a approach strategy, this will help efficient use of effort to communicate and manage their expectation. Classification models are A). Power-Interest Grid -- Power = authority, Interest =concern B). Power Influence Grid -- Power = authority, influence = active involvement C). Influence - Impact Grid -- influence = active involvement, impact --ability to impact changes D). Salient Model -- Stakeholders classified based on their power, urgency and legitimacy.

Expert Judgment Communications Requirements Analysis -- this involves the total information requirements of the projects where the source of information will be roles and responsibilities chart and organizational charts. It also knowing the number of channels, to identify the number of communication channels are == n(n-1)/2, where n - number of stakeholders. PM is also a stakeholder. No. of communication channel increases that increases the effort and chances of going wrong is also high.

Communications Technology -- like email, satellite, a medium used to transfer information to stakeholders.

Communication Models --how information is send and received between 2 parties, Sender and receiver model. Sender (Encode) (Message) ---> Medium (Noise) ---->(Decode) Receiver. Here noise is that interferes the message transfer, it can be language barrier Communication Methods -- methods used to share inform among project stakeholders 1. Interactive Communication -- between 2 or more parties performing a multi-directional exchange of info., like meeting and conference 2. Pull Communication -- Access of large amount information to large volume audiences, like internet 3. Push Communication -- Sent to specific stakeholders like emails

Communication Methods -- methods used to share inform among project stakeholders 1. Interactive Communication -- between 2 or more parties performing a multi-directional exchange of info., like meeting and conference 2. Pull Communication -- Access of large amount information to large volume audiences, like internet 3. Push Communication -- Sent to specific stakeholders like emails Information Distribution Tools -- email, fax, conferencing -- video, tele, any medium used to transfer information

Communication Methods -- all forms of communication methods including the face-to-face meetings

Interpersonal Skills 1. Active Listening --Attentive, objective, reflect and summarize 2. Building Trust -- Sensitivity, sincerity, honesty 3. Conflict Resolution -- Look for win-win, explore options 4. Change - ready to change

Communication Methods -- methods used to share inform among project stakeholders Only Push Communication -- Sent to specific stakeholders like emails Variance Analysis -- compare the actual and planned cost and schedule data and perform the following steps 1. Verify Quality of data 2. Determine the variance 3. Assess impact of variance 4. Analyze trends of variances Forecasting Methods -- methods of forecasting the future project performance by analyzing actual performance to date 1. Time Series Method -- Using the historical data as basis for estimating future performance, for example, EVM 2. Causal /Econometrics Method -- based on the assumption that it is possible to identify underlying influencing factors of a variable that is being forecasted, for example, umbrella sales. 3. Judgmental Method -- experts judgments, estimate and opinions, Delphi method 4. Other Methods -- Simulation.

Planning Meetings & Analysis -- Conducting meeting with the stakeholders to document the approach to risk management. Commitment from stakeholders can be obtained in these meetings for their involvement . Responsibilities of risk management activities also will be decided.

Diagramming techniques Cause & Effect Diagram -- Pictorial representation of risk and its causes. System or process flowcharts -- it shows how the various elements are interrelate. Influence Diagrams -- Graphical notion of situations Documentation Reviews -- Consistency will be checked in all the project documents. Information Gathering Techniques 1. Brainstorming -- Multi-disciplinary peoples generating ideas under the leadership of facilitator. 2. Delphi Technique --a way to reach consensus. 3. Interviewing -- interviewing experts 4. Root Cause Analysis -- specific technique to identify the underlying causes. Checklist Analysis -- Risk identification can be developed based on the historical information and similar project experiences. Assumptions Analysis -- Assumptions in the project scope statement will be analyzed. SWOT Analysis -- SWOT done to identify if there is any risk arises from the org. strengths and weakness. Expert Judgment

Risk Probability Impact Matrix -- Calculating the risk rating by multiplying probability and impact. Risks can be prioritized by their rating.

Risk Categorization -- Risks are categorized or grouped by common root cause under a specific category will enable us to prepare the effective risk responses Risk Data Quality Assessment --analyzing the quality of risk data is a technique to evaluate the degree to which the data about the risk are useful for risk mgmt. Risk Urgency Assessment -- risks requiring near-term response or immediate response may be considered more urgent to address.

Data Gathering and Representation techniques Interviewing -- Gathering information on impact of the risk and assigning a range of values(since this is in future, it is not possible to assign a value) to determine the likely impact of the risk event. Probability Distributions -- it represents the uncertain it in the values, when 2 values are known, the average of these 2 values represents a 50 % probability, Similarly different percentages are estimated for the various values using the probability distributions. Expert Judgment Quantitative Risk Analysis and Modeling Technique Sensitivity Analysis -- which risk have the most potential impact on the project. Expected Monetary Value Analysis --EMV is calculated by multiplying the value of each possible outcome by its probability of occurrences and the adding the products together. Generally expressed in positive (opportunities) or negative (threat) value. Modeling and Simulation -- uses the Monte Carlo technique Strategies for Negative Risks or Threats -Avoid -- Avoid that risk by changing the project management plan, change/ remove that objective of the project causing the risk Transfer -- Shift that risk the third party by outsourcing Mitigate -- Taking the early action to reduce the probability and or impact of the risk Accept -- Passive acceptance requires no action except document the strategy, active acceptance strategy is to establish a contingency reserve including amounts of time, money or resources to handle it Strategies for Positive Risks or Opportunities -Exploit -- this strategy seeks to eliminate uncertainty associated with the positive risk, for example, assigning most talented resources to lower cost. Share -- Sharing with the third party to capture the opportunity for the benefit of the project. Enhance -- identify the key drivers of this positive risk and maximize it by adding more resources for example Contingent Response Strategy -- Some responses are designed for use only of certain events occur. Expert Judgment

Risk Reassessment --Reviewing the existing risks on continuous basis. Identified risk's nature may change from time to time.

Risk Audits -- Structured review on response plans, the objective is to review the effectiveness of the responses effectiveness of the risk mgmt. process. Reserve Analysis -- Comparing the contingency reserve remaining and the risks remaining, objective is to determine if the remaining reserves are sufficient.

Make or Buy Analysis --Determining whether a product or service can be produced in-house or should be purchased from outside, this should consider the direct and indirect cost

Expert Judgment -Contract Types --Read the notes

Bidder Conferences --Meeting between the buyer and all the sellers, to give a common understanding to all sellers.

Proposal Evaluation Technique -Weighting System -- Assigning a numerical weight to each of the evaluation criteria, this minimizes any of bias towards any seller. Screening System -- Buyer setting a minimum requirement that needs to be fulfilled for further consideration. it acts like a filter Independent Estimates -- Getting estimates from different sources. Procurement Negotiations -- Talks with the prospective seller to reach a mutual agreement.

Advertising -- New paper advertising seeking response from the sellers

Internet search

Contract Change Control System -- Defines a process by which a contract can be changed, it is about raising a change request, tracking the change, approving and implementing the change, it needs to be integrated with Integrated Change Control System

Procurement Performance Audits / Reviews -- structured reviews of seller performance conducted on scheduled time periods.

Inspection & Audits -Performance Reporting --providing the formal info to the management on the project progress which includes the procurement progress. Payment Systems -- Account payable system will be processing the payment to the sellers. Claims Processing -- managing disputes Record Management System - to record ad keep track of contract like documents

Procurement Performance Audits / Reviews -- structured reviews of seller performance and to identify the areas of improvement

Negotiated Settlement - Settle all the open issues as part of the closure


Project Charter

Project Management Plan


Work Performance Information

Change Requests

Project Management Plan Updates Project Document Updates

Change Requests

Project Management Plan Updates

Project Document Updates

Change Request Status Update

Project Management Plan Updates

Project Document Updates

Final Product, Service or Result

Org. Process Updates

Requirements Documentation Requirements should be complete, consistent and agreed upon. Initially it is in high level and progressively elaborated.

Requirements Management Plan

Requirement Traceability Matrix

Project Scope Statement - A detailed description of work to be done.

Project Document Updates


WBS Dictionary

Scope Baseline

Accepted Deliverables

Change Request

Project Document Updates

Change Requests

Project Management Plan OPA

Activity List

Activity Attributes

Milestone List

Project Schedule Network Diagrams

Activity List, Attributes updates

Requested Changes

Activity Resource Requirements

Resource Breakdown Structure Project Document Updates

Activity Duration Estimates

Project Document Updates

Project Schedule

Schedule Baseline

Work Performance Measurements

Change Request Project Management Plan updates

Activity Cost Estimates

Basis of Estimate (BOE)

Cost Performance Baseline

Work Performance Measurements

Forecasted Completions Change Requests

Quality Management Plan

Quality Metrics

Quality Check List

Process Improvement Plan

Change Requests

Quality Control Measurements

Validated Deliverables

Change Requests

HR Plan

Project Staff Assignments

Resource Calendars Project Management Plan Updates

Team Performance Assessment

EEF Updates

Change Request

Project Management Plan Updates EEF & OPA updates

Stakeholder Register

Stakeholder Management Strategy

Communications Management Plan

OPA Updates

Change Requests

OPA Updates

Project Management Plan updates

Performance Reports

Change Requests

Risk Management Plan

Risk Register

Risk Register (updates)

Risk Register (updates)

Risk Register (updates)

Risk Related Contract Decisions

Risk Register (updates)

Procurement Management Plan

Procurement Statement of Work Make or Buy Decision Document Procurement Documents

Source Selection Criteria

Selected Sellers

Procurement Contract Award

Resource Calendars

Procurement Documentation

OPA Updates

Change Request

Closed Contracts

OPA Updates

Contents of Output 1. Project Purpose / Justification. 2. Project Success Criteria 3. High Level Requirement 4. High level Project Description 5. High Level Project Risks Envisaged 6. Summary Mile Stones 7. Summary Budget 8. Assigned Project Manager and his/her responsibility and Authority 9. Name and authority of the project Sponsor 10. Signed off by the sponsor or customer.

1. Life cycle selected for the project 2. Project Management Processes to be followed 3. Level of implementation of each processes 4. Description of tools & technique to be followed each process 5. How the selected processes to be used to manage the project 6. How work will be executed to accomplish the project objectives 7. Change management plan 8. Configuration Management plan

Performing or executing the work, any unique product, service or result.

A raw information or actual information about the work performed or it is a progress report of a project

Recommended actions to deal with issues on the output. It is primarily related to issues arising as a result of executing the work and accomplishing the deliverables. Change requests are as recommendation until they are approved. When these change requests are approved in the Perform Integrated Change Control, then they are Approved Change Requests. Result of any approved change request an update is required either on subsidiary plans or base lines.

Change requests are the recommendation to deal with the issues raised during the execution of the project work.

The status of a change request may be approved or rejected, the same needs to be communicated to all the relevant stake holders to prevent the implementation of rejected change requests.

If any of the base lines changed due to any change request.

Final Deliverables

Updates to the organization level procedures if any

1. Business Need 2. Project Objectives 3. Functional Requirements 4. Acceptance Criteria 5. Quality Requirements

How requirements will be analyzed, documented and managed in this project. Also how the configuration management activities will be managed. Contains

Linking the project and business objectives and track stakeholder requirements throughout the project life cycle.

1. Deliverables -- Outcome of the project such as product, service or result and ancillary results such as reports. 2. Product Scope Description -- Detailed description of product features and characteristic. 3. Project Objectives -- this includes the project success criteria for Scope, time and cost. 4. Boundaries -- Scope defines what is included in the scope of a project, boundaries talks about what is not included in the scope or what is not considered as a scope of a project. that is not feasible items. 5. Acceptance Criteria -- we should document the process and criteria for gaining formal acceptance from the customer of the project outcome. 6. Constraints & Assumptions -- Constraints are the known limitations. Assumptions -Facts that are considered to be true even though there is no evidence to prove it are called as Assumptions.

WBS is a hierarchal, deliverable oriented, representation of all the work that needs to be done in order to meet the project objectives. It is not organized in sequence neither the dependencies. Its only goal is to break down and identify estimatable work items.

WBS Components are always brief in nature. WBS Dictionary is a comprehensive description of WBS components which is very useful for the customer who is usually not familiar with the short terms used in the WBS. The basic contents of WBS Dictionary are 1. Code of Identifier 2. Component Name 3. Detailed Description of the component.

Baseline refers to the approved documents. Scope Baseline is a approved document consisting 1. Scope Statement 2. WBS 3. WBS Dictionary Inspecting the deliverables and if found successful then it will be accepted deliverables and it is documented

If the deliverables have not met the objectives, then it will lead to requests for corrective action or changes, these changes have to put under the Integrated Change Control Process.

If the deliverables have not met the objectives, then it will lead to requests for corrective action or changes, these changes have to put under the Integrated Change Control Process.

Collection of all activities to be done for a work package specified in WBS

The activity list is a brief description of activities but the activity attributes is a detailed description of each activities.

Milestone list is a list of important or significant events in the activity list

Network diagrams of activities and the logical relationships between activities.

This contains the types and quantities of resources required for each activity and the sum total of all gives the total resources at a work package level.

It is a hierarchical breakdown structure of resources by categories for a project.

It is the quantitative assessments of the likely number of work periods to complete an activity.

Planned start and end date for each activity, this can be project schedule network diagram or bar chart or a milestone chart

This is the approved version of the project schedule

This includes the planned and actual start date and end date of each activity and its variances, root cause for that variance and forecast of completion of that activity.

Recommending actions to bring the project on track, this has to go under the integrated change control process to make this change request an approved change. Changes to the schedule baseline to incorporate the approved changes.

Quantitatively estimated cost for each activity in the WBS based on the resource requirement for that activity.

Basis of Estimate refers a documented assumptions and constraints based on which the cost is estimated in the previous output.

It is a time phased cost budget, its a S curve displaying cost over a period of time. It includes all the costs incurred in a project excluding contingency and management reserves.

Cost data that shows the cost performance of the project in regards to budget

Project's final cost forecasting as per the current performance. Recommended actions to take the project back on track based on the cost.

Which Quality Standard will be used and how the selected quality standard will be implemented.

Operational Definitions like uptime, allowed defect rate, allowed failure rate and mean time between failures. It talks about the required levels of quality to be maintained in the project. It is a check list of series of actions which needs to be verified whether these actions are performed or not during the Perform Quality Control process. Identify waste or inefficiencies.

Recommendations to facilitate compliance to quality standards. Recommendations are focused on improving efficiency and effectiveness of performing org.

Results of quality control activities, it will go to quality assurance process for analysis of compliance of quality standards.

Result of performing inspection and check on deliverables.

Result of performing quality control.

A). Org Chart B). Roles and Responsibilities -- RACI chart C). Staffing Management Plan - The following are the contents 1. Staffing Acquisition -- From where the team will acquired, internally / externally, from where they will work, how HR dept. will be involved 2. Time Table -- when the resources will be sourced? Resource histogram will be used here 3. Release Criteria -- How the project team will be released, what is the timelines, what process will be followed in this 4. Training Needs -- what are the training required and what is the training plan 5. Recognition& Rewards -- how the team should be rewarded, what is the criteria, what is the budget, what is the timelines 6. Compliance & Safety -- what are the mandatory regulations and policies to be followed

Project Team Directories and team member names with the roles and responsibilities and other relevant details.

Staffing Management plan contains how many time periods a resource should work for, after this process, we will now have the information on how many time periods a resource can work for this project. After acquiring the team, we may find that we need to change the plan as per the resource availability we came to know after this process.

Formal and informal assessment of team effectiveness

Staffing changes due to controllable or uncontrollable events affects the project as well to make the changes to project management plan in cost, schedule and time.

EEF -- Lessons learnt, OPA -- Personal Skill update

All the relevant information about the stakeholders, they are 1. Identification Information -- Name and contact details of the stakeholders 2. Assessment Information -- Requirements, expectations, level of influence, 3. Stakeholder Classification -- Internal/External/ Supporter/ Neutral/Resistor

Defines an approach to increase support and minimize negative impacts of stakeholders on the project, it will be represented in Stakeholder Analysis Matrix

1. Stakeholder Communication needs, 2. Frequency of the communication 3. who is responsible for this communication 4. Reason for that communication 5. Technology methods used to communicate 6. Who are the recipients

1. Project reports & presentations 2. project records 3. Stakeholder feedback 4. lessons learnt 5. updates to project stakeholders

Summarized information of project performance presented to the stakeholders

1. Methodology -- approaches, tools and data sources that may be used to perform risk management. 2. Roles and Responsibilities -- team members for each risk mgmt. activities 3. Budgeting -- Assign resources, estimate cost for conducting risk mgmt. activities to include in cost performance base line 4. Timing -- When and how the risk mgmt. process will be performed 5. Risk Categories -- Grouping of identified risks based on categories agreed upon by stakeholders 6. Definitions of Risk Probability & Impact -- defines probability and its impact of risks 7. Probability &Impact Matrix -- Risks occurrences probability and its impact on the project objectives are put in a matrix format. 8. Revised Stakeholder Tolerances -- Stakeholder tolerances for this project. 9. Reporting Format -- Defined how the risk mgmt. activities are documented, analyzed and communicated. 10. Tracking -- how the risk mgmt. activities will tracked.

List of Identified Risks, List of potential responses, Root cause of these risks, Updated Risk Categories

1. Relative Ranking or priority list of risks -- using the probability-impact matrix 2. Risk Grouped by Categories -- Reveals common root cause of the risks 3. Causes of risk requiring particular attention -- discovering concentrations of risk may improve effectiveness of risk response 4. Watch list of Low priority risk -- Low priority risk for tracking 5. Qualitative Risk Trends -- repetitiveness of the risks

Probabilistic Analysis of the project -- estimates are made of potential project schedule and cost outcomes listing the possible completion dates and costs with the confidence levels

Probability of achieving cost and time objectives

Prioritized List of quantified risks -- list of risks that pose greatest threat or opportunity

Trends in quantitative risk analysis results

Contingency reserves that are calculated based on the quantitative risk analysis of the project and the org.'s risk threshold.

Decisions to transfer risk, such as outsourcing the risky item to third party needs a re-work on the contractual part.

Outcome of the risk audits and re-assessments, new risk identified.

How the procurement mgmt. processed perform, it will contain 1. Contract Type 2. Make or buy decision 3. how to manage the multiple suppliers 4. Format of SOW, Contracts

Narrative description of the items to be procured, it will document the conclusions and reason for procuring from outside. RFQ, RFP, IFB, tender are these documents which are basis for requesting proposals from prospective sellers it talks about the evaluation or selection criteria of the seller. The possible criterion are 1. Does this seller is on preferred seller list of the org. 2. Does this seller have the technical capacity 3. What is warranty does this seller provides 4. Production capacity of the seller 5. Interest of the seller 6. Past performance of the seller 7. references for the sellers

Who are going to provide the product or service

Contract or purchase order, it contains the 1. Pricing and payment terms 2. SOW 3. Schedule 4. Acceptance Criteria 5. Warranty 6.Penalty

1. Contract 2. Supporting Documents like technical and work performance information 3. Invoices 4. Payment records 5. Deliverables

Correspondence between buyer and seller for future references Seller Performance Evaluation

Formal written notice that the contract is completed from the buyer to seller.

Lessons learnt, filing of contract related records

Processes Utilized this Output


Perform Quality Control

Control Scope, Control Schedule, Control Costs, Perform QA, Report Performance, Control Risks, Administer Procurements.

Perform Integrated Change Control

Develop Project Management Plan

Perform Integrated Change Control

Develop Project Management Plan

Direct & Manage Project Execution, Perform Quality Control, Administer Procurements

Develop Project Management Plan

The processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work and only the required work to complete the project successfully. Develop Project Management Plan, Plan Procurements Product Scope : Feature and function that characterize a product, service or result. Project Scope : The work that needs to be done to deliver a product, service or result with a specified feature.

Develop Project Management Plan

Create WBS, Develop Project Management Plan, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity Durations, Develop Schedule

Develop Project Management Plan, Define Activities, Estimate Cost, Plan Quality Close Project or Phase

Perform Integrated Change Control

Perform Integrated Change Control

Sequence List, Estimate Activity Resource, Estimate Activity Duration, Develop Schedule

Sequence List, Estimate Activity Resource, Estimate Activity Duration, Develop Schedule Sequence Activities

Develop Schedule

Estimate Activity Durations, Develop Schedule, Develop HR Plan, Plan Procurements Project Documents

Develop Schedule, Identify Risks.

Duration = Effort / Resource Units

Perform Quality Assurance

Verify Scope

Perform Integrated Change Control

Estimate Activity Resources

Collect Requirements, Plan Quality, Identify Risks

Communication dimensions 1. Internal External 2. Formal &Informal 3. Vertical & Horizontal 4. Official & Unofficial 5. Verbal & Non-verbal 6. Written & Oral

Plan Communications, Management Stakeholder expectations.

P years rate

500000 3 4


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