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Q 1: Give a brief description of Mr. Chips’ room at Mrs. Wickett’?

Ans: The room of Mr. Chips at Mrs. Wicketts was small but comfortable and sunny.
It was furnished simply. There were a few bookshelves, sporting trophies, a mantel piece
crowded with fixture-cards and signed photographs of boys and men, a worn Turkey
carpet, easy chairs, some pictures on the wall and a number of classical books and
detective novels.

Q 2: How does Mr. Chips remember Collingwood?

Ans: Mr. Chips remember Collingwood very well. He once thrashed him for climbing
on to the gymnasium roof to get a ball out of the gutter. He had become a major in the

Q 3: What were his tastes in reading?

Ans: His collection was chiefly classical. There were, however, a few books of history
and belles letters’ there were also a number of cheap editions of detective novels.

Q 4: Who was Mrs. Wicketts?

Ans: Mrs. Wicketts was a kind lady. Mr. Chips after retirement lives at Mrs. Wicketts
as a playing guest. She had been in charge of the linen room at Brookfield.

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