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EE301A (Digital Signal Processing): Some FIR filter problems

These are some typical filter-design problems in addition to those mentioned in the class discussion.

1. Notch filters: To design a frequency domain filter to remove periodic interferences.

Consider a signal which is interfered with by a sinusoidal signal of frequency f0=50 Hz. Where
would you need the required FIR filter to have its zeros ? What is the transfer function of the filter
assuming that the DC gain is unity ?

Draw the magnitude and phase response of this filter with respect to continuous-time frequency.
Observe whether the filter attenuates only the 50 Hz component or even a band around it ? Where is
the gain of the filter the maximum ?

Design a “mask” time-domain implementation of this filter.

2. To improve the sharpness of the notch: Place a one/few poles near or symmetrically around the
zeros (and inside the unit circle) ; experiment around and see the change in the gain as well as the
shape of the gain. What is the modified time-domain input-output relationship now (denote the pole
position by say K) ? Is the resultant filter still an FIR one ? Is the resultant filter still a linear phase
one ?

Design a good direct-form time-domain implementation of this filter.

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