Reducing Off - Task Behaviors Using An Action Resea

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Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies - Sultan Qaboos University (703-714) Vol.

13 Issue 4, 2019

Reducing off -Task Behaviors Using an Action Research Method with

One-Case Study
Abeer Jaffal*
Jedah University, Saudi Arabia
Received: 28/4/2019 Accepted: 9/7/2019

Abstract: The purpose of this action research project was to discover what interventions
would be most effective in decreasing the off-task behaviors of a student. Interventions
used were use of a token system, changes in classroom environment and teacher atten-
tion. The sample selected for this research was a student in a second-grade classroom.
This action research grew out of the frustration and sense of inadequacy of a teacher
attempting to deal with the off-task behaviors of one of her students. The student’s off
task behaviors were interfering with her learning and that of her classmates. There were
seven specific off-task behaviors that helped define the problem. These behaviors in-
cluded daydreaming, speaking to peers, talking out of turn, touching others, fidgeting
with objects, getting out of her seat at inappropriate times, and putting her head down
on the table. The three tools that were chosen to document evidence of the problem
were an observation checklist, a student survey and a teacher survey. The findings indi-
cated that allowing the subject to enjoy one of her favorite activities, contingent upon a
decrease in the off-task behaviors, was effective in maintaining the desired behavior of
staying on-task and decreasing inappropriate behaviors.
Keywords: Task behaviors; intervention, token system, classroom environment, action
‫حبث اجرائي لتحديد مدى فعالية برنامج تدخل عالجي للتقليل من سلوكيات عدم امتام املهنات‬

*‫عبري جفال‬
‫ السعودية‬،‫جامعة جدة‬

ً‫ ِدف البخح االدسائي احلالي إىل حتديد ودى فاعمية بسٌاوج تدخن عالدي لمتكمين وَ ضموكيات عدً امتاً املّا‬:‫وطتدمص‬
‫لدى طالبة يف الصف الجاٌي االبتدائي واملمتخكة باملدزضة العادية وتتمكى خدوات الدعي الرتبوي يف غسفة املصادز حيح اشاز‬
‫ والتخدخ‬،‫اضتطالع ازاء املعمىات اىل اُ الطالبة تكوً بالعديد وَ الطموكات الػري وكبولة داخن الصف وجن اخلسوج وَ املكعد‬
‫ والعبح باالدوات املدزضية وعدً االٌتباة لصسح الدزس وغريِا وَ الطموكات التى اثست بصكن كبري عمى حتصين‬،ُ‫دوُ اذ‬
(A – B Design) ‫ ولكد مت اضتدداً تصىيي أ – ب‬.‫الطالبة االكادميي كىا شكمت وصدز اشعاج وفوضي يف غسفة الصف‬
‫ دمطة‬14 ‫ وطبكت الدزاضة يف داخن غسفة الصف العادي واضتػسقت‬.(single subject Design) ‫وَ تصاويي احلالة الواحد‬
‫ ولكد شازكت كن وَ الباحجة ووعمىة المػة االجنميصية والسياضات ومبطاعدة‬.‫خاله حصص وادة المػة االجنميصية والسياضيات‬
‫وَ وعمىة غسفة املصادز يف تٍفير بسٌاوج ا لتدن العالدي والري اشتىن عمى اضتدداً ٌظاً التعصيص السوصي واٌتباة املعمىة وكرلك‬
‫وقد أظّست ٌتائج الدزاضة أُ ٍِاك اثساجيابي الضتدداً ٌظاً التعصيص السوصي واٌتباة‬. .‫ضبط البيئة الصفية كاضاليب عالدية‬
.‫املعمىة وضبط البيئة الصفية الجٍاء يف التكمين وَ ضموكات عدً امتاً املّاً الري اضتّدفّا التدخن العالدي‬

.‫ البخح اإلدسائي‬،‫ بيئة الصف‬،‫ ٌظاً املكافآت‬،‫ التدخن‬،‫ ضموكيات املّىة‬.:‫الكمىات املفتاحية‬


Reducing off Task Behaviors Using an Action Research Method Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019
Abeer Jaffal

While working as an educational con- teacher, would reduce the frequency of

sultant for a group of schools in Qatar, a the student’s off task behavior.
school administration requested differ-
ent professional development activities,
among those was supporting teachers in If the proposed intervention leads to a
meeting individual needs of their stu- decrease in the rate of the targeted be-
dents. haviors, this may cause an increase and
improvement in the student’s attention,
One of those teachers is Miss XX who is
involvement in classroom activities, and
a second-grade teacher. She needed
academic achievement. Nowadays
support in order to provide appropriate
many teachers and schools face the
educational intervention for her stu-
problem of off-task behaviors in the
dents with special needs. Miss XX teach-
classroom and it seems to be growing
es Math and English Language Arts. Af-
worse over the years. Bru (2006) con-
ter meeting her and discussing the chal-
tends that a lack of time-on-task and
lenges she faces with her students, she
troublesome behaviors have become an
expressed her uneasiness about her ina-
increasing problem for students in ele-
bility in dealing with off-task behaviors
mentary schools. Furthermore, off-task
that take place in her classroom. I at-
behavior interferes with academic de-
tended and observed several classes in
velopment. Also, a deficiency in listen-
order to gain insight about her class-
ing and communication skills contrib-
room interactions and gather infor-
utes to off-task behavior. While this
mation on one special needs student.
problem may exhibit itself in many dif-
The teacher expressed her concern about
ferent forms, there are many possible
the academic performance of this stu-
solutions in dealing with this problem
dent, her disruptive behaviors, and her
head on, one of them is the proposed
inability to pay attention during class-
intervention in this action research.
room activities. This student and her
related behavior and educational strug- Additionally, this research was part of
gles are at the center of Miss. XX con- professional development training for
cerns. teachers, it presented action research for
those teachers as valuable tool they can
Research Question and purpose
use in improving their educational prac-
The main problem that surfaced in Miss tices. Recently, Action Research (AR)
XX’s class was one particular student. has become a commonly used practice
This student exhibited off task behaviors in the field of education. AR explores
such as daydreaming, speaking to her solution to real classroom problems and
peers, talking out of turn, touching oth- strives to develop classroom practices
ers, fidgeting with objects, getting out of by collaborative activity among the
her seat at inappropriate times, or put- teachers with a view to improving the
ting her head down on the table. The achievement of the learners.
student is inattentive and disrupting
Review of the Literature
classroom instruction.
At any given time throughout the school
So, would the use of techniques such as
year, teachers are faced with-off task
a token system, changes in classroom
behaviors during instruction time. Off-
physical design and increased teacher
task behaviors were those that were ir-
attention, result in decreased off task
relevant to the academic task at hand
behaviors for this student?
and these can quickly become discipline
The purpose of this study was to deter- problems. According to Atwood and
mine whether the proposed intervention Leitner (2001), discipline problems are
that include using techniques other than the single greatest factor in decreasing
those traditional methods used by the time on task in the classroom and when

Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies - Sultan Qaboos University Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019

a student misbehaves, the teacher takes Many students are quite unaware of
time away from instruction to repri- how their secondary behavior appears.
mand the student. Teachers also might Teachers often interpret such behavior
play a role in off task behavior. For ex- as rudeness and as a challenge to their
ample, while a student might appear not status (Rogers, 2006). Teachers tend to
to be paying attention, it might be at- state negative statement statements to-
tributed to an inability to understand ward students (do not, should not) and
the information because of the way it is this may result in a worse behavior than
presented. Students who are not actively how it already is (Carns & Carns, 1994).
engaged may become off-task. Off-task Limited positive feedback may also be a
students may also have trouble getting contributing factor to poor behavior
started or returning to work (Babkie, (Daniels, 1998). Unengaged behavior
2006). It is often the case that students sometimes begins when a teacher waits
will not attend to tasks they see as irrel- for the behavior to happen to then disci-
evant (Morgan-Flemming, Burley, & pline a child (Huitt, 1999); therefore,
Price, 2003) or they may refuse to learn when dealing with students who are
concepts when they do not see the rela- misbehaving, teachers would intervene
tionship to the outside world (Daniels, early and quickly, when a teacher does
1998). Recurrent inappropriate class- not, it allows the misbehavior to spread
room behavior has been shown to com- and grow (Wuest, 1999).
promise students’ ability to learn social-
Physical arrangement of the classroom
ly acceptable and positive classroom
may also cause misbehavior (Daniels,
and interpersonal behavior skills. Off-
1998). The arrangement of the classroom
task behaviors are predictive of present
may also play in part to a students' off-
and future academic underachievement
task behavior. Placing off-task students
(Moore, Anderson, & Kumar, 2005).
in the teachers “action zone” is a great
Huitt, (1999), in a review of related re-
method used by many teachers. The ac-
search found that student off-task or
tion zone is the area in the classroom
unengaged behaviors could be classified
where the teacher tends to focus most of
in one of five categories: manage-
his/her instruction time (Wright, n.d.).
ment/transition, socializing, discipline,
unoccupied/observing, and out of the Through much research, there are many
room. All of these have one thing in findings and proven methods to help
common; they take time away from class reduce the frequency of off-task behav-
time. ior in the classroom, because reducing
off-task behavior could directly affect
Since off task often leads to misbehavior,
student learning (Burns & Dean, 2005).
it is important to understand why stu-
The faster a situation can be resolved,
dents engage in misbehavior. Most
the faster the teacher can focus back on
misbehavior is for one of two reasons: 1)
the lesson (Jones, 2005).
to get something, 2) to avoid something
(Barbetta et al., 2005). Repp (1998) agrees Also, giving children appropriate choic-
and suggested that the function of dis- es help them feel like they do have
ruptive behavior is usually for positive choices in this world. Choice can help
reinforcement (gaining a reward), for kids feel good about their thinking abili-
negative reinforcement (escaping a ties, which is essential to motivate those
task), or stimulation/sensory regulation. kids (Church, 2006). Giving students a
Socially inept students have inappropri- certain number to maintain and letting
ate behaviors such as standing too close them have a couple of misbehaving in-
or touching others in annoying ways cidents and then lowering the number
(Marzano & Marzano, 2003). as time goes by makes the student feel
that they do not have to be perfect and

Reducing off Task Behaviors Using an Action Research Method Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019
Abeer Jaffal

there is room in their lives for some im- environment, appropriate teaching
perfections (Carns & Carns, 1994). methods and curriculum materials.
Without these preparations, behaviors
Additionally, teachers need to begin the
may only improve temporarily. It is nec-
academic year by laying out expecta-
essary for classroom procedures and
tions for student behavior, along with
routines to be clearly identified for stu-
what will be done to those who disobey.
dents (Gunter, Countinho, & Cade,
The expectations of student behavior,
2002). Posting the classroom rules helps
the class rules, need to be clear and con-
dramatically in reducing disruptive be-
sistent. The rules for the classroom are
haviors while using a token economy
to be publicized to all students and the
system (Musser, Bray, Kehle, & Jenson,
boundaries need to be clearly stated.
2001). Students with severe behavior
According to DeVries and Zan (2003), if
disorders increase compliance rates
children make the rules, they are more
when teachers use instructions with "do"
likely to observe them, because their
and "don’t" and wait five seconds for
opinion mattered on the classroom’s
compliance before repeating instruc-
expectations. Teachers are never to as-
tions. When using a token economy, it is
sume a student is being malicious when
important to make students feel success-
it can just be ignorance. Most of the time
ful in the beginning, they can receive
students do not even realize that they
tokens for things as simple as being
are being disruptive. Instead, teachers
ready for class, raising their hand, com-
are to analyze a student’s behavior and
pleting seat work along with other de-
try to define what behavior is the con-
sired behaviors (Cook, 1999). It is im-
cern, specify what is wrong with the be-
portant not to reward students when
havior, decide what action should be
they are demonstrating undesired be-
taken to address the behavior, specify
haviors. This could cause a decrease in
the behavior he or she wants from the
the student’s performance levels and a
student, and implement a plan (Daniels,
decrease when rewards are withdrawn
1998). So, if teachers used regular rou-
(McGinnis, Firman, & Carlyon, 2001).
tines, provided opportunities for stu-
dents to respond appropriately, used a Methodology
variety of learning activities to capture
This is a single case, baseline-
students’ attention, and keeping track of
intervention (AB) design action research
students’ progress will help students
(with an evolving design, context bond-
stay on-task.
ed and descriptive) about one second
A method used by many teachers that grade student with behavioral problems.
has had a great impact on student be- The collection of baseline data will be
havior by keeping them on-task is using followed by implementation of the in-
positive disciple and positive comments tervention strategies, followed by col-
(Rogers, 2006). Implementing a class- lecting post intervention data and inter-
room token economy system is one of pretation of findings.
the most effective methods to provide
Site and Participant’s Description
data-based ways to improve behaviors
in the classroom (Higgins, Williams, & Site Description: ZZ school is a large
McLaughlin, 2001). Students who are school that includes classes from kin-
not successful in general education dergarten to grade 12, and 2165 enrolled
classrooms need teachers to modify in- female students. It is in Al Dafna, Doha;
struction and implement alternative most students come from Qatari rich
strategies for instruction (Pacchiano, families.
2000). Preparation for creating an effec-
The Classroom: It is a second-grade
tive token economy should involve
classroom, furnished with four large
classroom rules, a positive classroom
curricular tables, computer station,

Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies - Sultan Qaboos University Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019

white board, bookshelves, and a teacher Operational Definition of the Targeted

table. The number of students in the Behaviors
classroom is 23, usually distributed into After discussing the student situation
groups during instructional time. with Miss XX, and resource room teach-
Student Background Information: The er, an operational definition was estab-
student that was chosen for this study is lished for her off task behaviors. Off-
a delightful, girl with big, brown eyes, task behavior was defined as daydream-
black hair and a charming smile. She is 8 ing, speaking to peers, talking out of
years old in second grade regular educa- turn, touching others, fidgeting with
tion classroom. She has specific difficul- objects, getting out of her seat at inap-
ty staying on task as reported by her propriate times, and putting her head
teachers. Currently she receives remedi- down on the table.
al and support services in English lan- Data Collection and Analysis Proce-
guage reading and writing and spelling dures
in the school resource room by a sup-
port teacher, on alternating days. Aca- Data Collection Tools
demically (as documented in the student The following tools were used to collect
file): she is functioning below grade lev- data in this study: Student survey;
el in English Language Arts and Math. teacher survey; behavior classroom
In an interview with Miss XX, she men- checklist; interview; and direct class ob-
tioned that the student, requires super- servation.
vision during instructional time and lis- These tools were used according the fol-
tening activities to remind her to pay lowing steps:
attention or to stop, daydreaming,
speaking to her peers, talking out of 1. Applying and analyzing the stu-
turn, touching others, fidgeting with dent and teacher surveys.
objects, getting out of her seat at inap- 2. Conducting classroom observation
propriate times, or putting her head and analyzing the data.
down on the table. Usual teacher’s reac-
tion toward these activities as she had 3. Collecting data in baseline ses-
indicated is to verbally remind the stu- sions and analyzing the data.
dent to pay attention. It was decided to 4. Implementing the intervention
first observe student’s behaviors by the plan.
researcher to determine and understand
the causes of these targeted behaviors. 5. Collecting data in intervention
sessions and analyzing the data.
Participants in the Study
Student Survey: The purpose of the
Miss XX was willing to work on a be- student survey was to determine if the
havioral intervention plan for the stu- student was aware of her off-task behav-
dent and resource room teacher agreed ior. The survey consisted of seven items:
to support her. The other teachers were Six are Likert-scale type items focusing
not approached at this time, since they on students’ awareness of specific off-
seemed to be uninterested or busy. The task behaviors, and item no. 7 was open
team who participated in this study in- end item. This survey was administrated
cluded the researcher, Miss XX with the by Miss XX. The student was able to
support of the resource room teacher. choose always, sometimes, or never for
The team discussed the importance of each of the first six items. Figure 1 rep-
gaining the student family consent and resents student responses on itemss 1- 6
school administration approval to con- included in the student survey.
duct this study. Both the researcher and
Miss XX worked on achieving that.

Reducing off Task Behaviors Using an Action Research Method Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019
Abeer Jaffal

Following the analysis of student sur-

vey: The first item for the survey was “I
am excited about learning new things in
school.” This item was selected to gauge
students’ overall interest in school. She
selected rarely, when asked by her
teacher about that, she answered that 2
she only enjoyed her Art and Music
classes the most. 1
The second item was, “I can pay atten-
tion when the teacher is giving direc- 0 Rarely
tions.” This item was intended to check Qes. Qes. Qes.
for student awareness of her off-task 1 3 5
behavior, such as daydreaming. The
student selected sometimes as an an-
swer, which indicate that she is aware of
Figure 1
her off-task behaviors. Student Responses to Items 1- 6
Item 3 of the survey was, “I know when Item 7 asked, “What are your favorite
I am listening and paying attention.” school activities?” This item was looking
This item was intended to again check for favorite reinforcements which could
for awareness of off-task behavior. The be used in the intervention. The student
student selected always. What was in- selected the following activities draw-
teresting was that the student was not ing, cut and paste pictures, stickers, and
always aware of her own behaviors such computer games.
as listening and paying attention.
Teacher Survey
Item 4 of the survey asked, “My behav-
ior allows others to complete their The purpose of the teacher survey was
work.” The researcher was checking for to determine the attitudes and percep-
student awareness of how her behaviors tions teachers have regarding off-task
affect other classmates. The student se- behavior. This tool was a survey con-
lected always, which indicated that she sisted of four items. The first three items
is not aware that her behaviors can dis- focused on the teacher’s current atti-
tract her others. tudes toward off-task behaviors using a
Likert scale, the fourth item offered sev-
Item 5 of the student survey asked, en specific off-task behaviors. Each
“During independent work time I am teacher was able to choose frequently,
focused.” This item was looking for stu- sometimes, or rarely for each of the four
dent awareness of how they use their items. Three teachers (Miss XX, the re-
work time. The student selected always, source room teacher, and the fine arts
which indicated that she felt that she teacher) answered this survey. Teachers
was focused during that time. were able to check off which behaviors
Item 6 of the survey asked, “Working in they had observed at some point in their
groups helps me focus on the assign- teaching the student. Figure 2 below
ment and remain on task.” This item represents teachers’ response on the
was checking student’s awareness of her items included in the teacher survey.
interactions with others in group work. Following the analysis of teacher sur-
The student selected sometimes as an- vey: For Item 1 which is, “There is a
swer for this item, which indicated that high occurrence of off- task behavior
she faces problem in group work with from this student in my classroom”.
her classmates. Item 2, which is, “Off-task behavior of
this student interferes with my students

Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies - Sultan Qaboos University Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019

meeting their learning objectives”, and math class than in language Art class.
item 4 whish asked about the frequency The girl did not perform any work in
of the selected off-task behaviors, the either of the two classes during the ob-
language and resource room teachers servation time.
selected frequently for the three items.
Baseline sessions Data: The number of
For item 3 the language teacher selected
occurrences of the off-task behaviors
frequently, and the support teacher se-
was recorded per session, each session
lected sometimes. The third teacher (Fi-
included math class (45 min.), and lan-
ne Arts teacher) selected rarely as an-
guage arts class (45 min.). Each session
swer for all 4 items in the survey, she
consisted of 90 minutes. The total num-
even commented that the student seems
ber of sessions is 14 sessions: sessions 1
to enjoy her art classes and rarely
to 6 are baseline, while sessions 7 to 14
demonstrate any off-task behaviors.
are intervention.
For ease of recording observations, the
researcher asked the language teacher
(Miss XX) to use a simple system where
peas were placed in the teacher’s pocket.
When there was an occurrence of the
off-task behavior, a pea was moved to
1 Ferquently
the other pocket. At the end of the ses-
sion, the peas were removed, counted,
0.6 Sometimes
and recorded. The agreement between
the class teacher and the researcher ob-
0.2 Rarely
servations was 92%. These procedures
were used for all observation sessions.
Qes. 1 qes. 2 Qes. 3 Qes. 4
Before the intervention, the student
Figure 2 displayed a range of as many as 25 off-
Teacher’s Response to the 4 Items task occurrences during English lan-
guage classes and as few as 13 with an
Class Observations: To gain better un-
average of 22.6 occurrences. In the math
derstanding of the targeted behaviors,
classes the student displayed a range of
the researcher observed the student in
off task occurrences as many as 19 and
two of her regular education classes
as few as 9, off task behaviors occur-
(English language and math), and col-
rences averaged 14. Figure 1 and 3 rep-
lected data on the target behaviors. Her
resents baseline data about the off-task
English class was the first period of the
behaviors occurrences in English and
day and her math class was the third
math classes.
period. The following is a summary of
classroom observations: from classroom Intervention Sessions Data: It was de-
observation, it was clear that the student termined from observations and stu-
was either being ignored or threatened dent’s responses survey items that she
with punishment, and, on occasion, be- enjoyed drawing, cutting and pasting
ing yelled at. When asked to stop some- pictures and stickers, and computer
thing, she would stop. However, the games. It seemed that these activities are
behavior that she stopped doing was her favorite activities. As a means to de-
replaced with another behavior that was crease the chosen seven off-task behav-
still not acceptable; it seems that these iors, the researcher and the participant
off-task behaviors are her way to get the teacher Miss XX implemented an inter-
attention of her teacher or her class- vention plan that included a token sys-
mates. In general, the student had tem where the student can exchange
demonstrated less off-task behaviors in tokens (smiley face tokens) with free

Reducing off Task Behaviors Using an Action Research Method Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019
Abeer Jaffal

time, during which she can select to do she will also be reinforced with positive
any of her favorite activities (drawing, teacher attention.
cutting and pasting pictures and stick-
Second, the intervention also included
ers, and computer games), for ten
changes in classroom physical design;
minutes if she earned 5 tokens, 15
the student was seated on the table
minutes if she earned 7 tokens and for
nearest to the teacher, where it would be
20 minutes if she can keep the 10 tokens.
easier for the teacher to observe the stu-
The earning of free time was combined
dent behaviors and to implement the
with earning contingent teacher atten-
intervention plan. Also, the new seating
tion, primarily in the form of verbal
place helped the student gaining her
praise, when the student followed the
teacher’s attention which she seemed to
outlined behavioral rules.
strive for it. Also, an individual work-
The researcher, and participant teacher, station was assigned, where the student
decided on the following plan for the can do her individual written class
student. First, a clear understanding of work. A chart of class rules and daily
the rules for the classroom needed to be class routine was posted in view of all
established for the student. These rules students and near to the student allocat-
will included the following: no getting ed setting place.
out of seat without teacher permission,
On the first day of the intervention, Miss
no blurting out any type of comment
XX and the researcher met with the stu-
without raising her hand first, all class
dent to discuss the tokens system and
work was to be completed during class
their equivalent rewards, and how she
time, no touching others or speaking to
could exchange the tokens she had
them without permission, no fidgeting
earned with free time where she can se-
with object and no putting head down
lect the activity of her choice. The defini-
on the table. At the beginning of each
tion of off-task behaviors and class rules
Math and English language class the
were also explained to her, and the chart
student would be given 10 smiley face
of classroom rules was shown to her and
plastic tokens. If the subject broke class
she was asked to read the words she can
rules, one token will be taken from her
recognize in that list. It was agreed on
by the teacher, whom will be reminding
that the Miss XX will remind the student
her of the reason why she lost the token
and her classmate every morning of the
(in a low voice so other students cannot
class rules.
hear). If the student could follow the
class rules during each session with no From the first day of intervention, the
more than five occurrences of off task student had a significant reduction in
behaviors which means she kept at least the frequency of occurrences of the tar-
5 tokens, she would be rewarded with geted behaviors; this decrease continued
free time in her resource room classes. during the intervention sessions. In Eng-
The length of free time will depend on lish language classes the frequency of
the number of the tokens the student occurrence dropped from an average of
can earn or keep, 5-6 tokens equal ten 22.6 times during the baseline to the
minutes of free time, 7-9 tokens equals average of 4.75 times by the end of in-
15 minutes of free time, 10 tokens equals tervention sessions. Also, in math clas-
20 minutes free time. If she maintained ses, the frequency of occurrence
low rates of off task behaviors all week, dropped from average of 14 times dur-
her math and language teacher by the ing the baseline sessions to the average
end of the week, would give her a spe- of 4.30 times by the end of intervention
cial present (they will include coloring sessions. During her time in resources
set, dough shaping set, computer games room, she was rewarded with free time,
CD). Each time she earned the reward, and at the end of the first week, she was
given a drawing pencil set. In addition

Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies - Sultan Qaboos University Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019

to the student off-task behaviors being

reduced, her teacher Miss XX indicated
that she had completed all her class 12
work during the intervention sessions
and expected her grades to improve. 10
Figure 3 represent baseline data fre-
quencies of targeted behaviors occur-
rence in English language classes and
figure 5 represents baseline data fre-
quencies of targeted behaviors occur- 6
rence in math classes Freqauncies
Figures 4 and 6 represent intervention
data about the off-task behaviors occur-
rences in English and math classes. Fig- 2
ures from 3 to 6 show the student’s pro-
gress during all baseline and interven- 0
tion sessions. Within each table, sessions 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1-6 show baseline data, and sessions 7-
14 show intervention data. Figure 4
Intervention Data Frequencies of Targeted
Behaviors Occurrence in English Language
25 18

15 12
8 Frequencies

5 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 2

Figure 3
1 2 3 4 5 6
Baseline Data Frequencies of Targeted Behav-
iors Occurrence in English Language Classes Figure 5
Baseline Data Frequencies of Targeted Be-
haviors Occurrence in math Classes

Reducing off Task Behaviors Using an Action Research Method Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019
Abeer Jaffal

teachers. Usually, the student did not

complete, nor did she do any class work
8 due to her disruptive behaviors.
7 Data collected from baseline and inter-
6 vention sessions, indicated that by the
5 end of the intervention sessions a signif-
Frequency2 icant reduction in the occurrences of the
targeted behaviors was achieved. In
3 English classes, the frequency of occur-
2 rence dropped from an average of 22.6
times during the baseline to the average
of 4.75 times by the end of intervention
0 sessions. Also, in math classes the fre-
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 quency dropped from average of 14
times during the baseline sessions to the
Figure 6
average of 4.30 times by the end of in-
Intervention Data Frequencies of Targeted
Behaviors Occurrence in Math Classes tervention sessions. The student’s off-
task behaviors as reported by other
Findings teachers, were also reduced in her other
classes like science, social studies, and
The student survey data show that the Arabic language.
student is not always aware of her off
task behaviors, and she is not aware of Discussion and Recommendations
the effect of her behaviors on others, in The student off-task behaviors reduced
addition she seems to have trouble with rapidly and her classroom behavior in
group work and prefer individual work. general improved with the implementa-
The data from this survey also helped in tion of the intervention plan that includ-
selecting the appropriate reinforces that ed using token system, changes in class-
was used in the intervention. room physical design and teacher atten-
The data from the teacher survey indi- tion. Thus, it can be concluded that the
cated that both language and resource intervention was effective in reducing
room teachers agreed upon the high oc- the occurrence rate of the targeted be-
currence of student off-task behavior; haviors. But it cannot be said with cer-
that her behaviors interferes with her tainty that the only reason for the stu-
classmate learning; and they both dent’s behavior was gaining her teacher
agreed upon the types of student’s off attention. However, it is likely that one
task behaviors. The Art teacher, on the of the motivations behind her off task
other hand, indicated the student rarely behaviors was seeking the attention of
acted in inappropriate way. The student an adult. This was believed to be true
seemed to have enjoyed her art classes, because she was gaining adult attention
this contradiction can be explained by from her English language teacher and
the facts that drawing was one of the her other teachers whom continued to
student favorite activities. praise the student daily on her work
based on positive rather than negative
From classroom observations, it was behavior. The student would even ask
clear that the student was either being after class how well she did and seemed
ignored or threatened with punishment. to be proud of the teachers’ responses.
The student off tasks behaviors were
frequent, stop one behavior when asked It is also possible that the student’s de-
to and start another. These off-task be- cline in off task behaviors could have
haviors seemed to have been the stu- happened either because the rules of the
dents way to get the attention of her classroom were explained or daily re-
viewed, because of the daily or weekly

Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies - Sultan Qaboos University Vol.13 Issue 4, 2019

reinforcements in the token system, be- Third, it would have been more ade-
cause the student received additional quate if data could have been gathered
teacher attention, or a combination of all for each of the off-task behaviors during
of these interventions. Each of the re- each session; however, problems in
wards could have been systematically time, staffing, and scheduling did not
withheld to see exactly which one allow this to take place. Forth, several
caused the decline in the disruptive be- interventions were applied; confound-
havior. Nevertheless the researcher and ing the ability to determine which spe-
the other participant teacher did not feel cific intervention, or combination of in-
that this would be in the best interest of terventions, leads to the behavior
the student; however, the application of change measured. Fifth, time constraints
this study intervention, done by school- on the researcher and the participant
teachers, has external validity, and has teachers had limited the time available
much to offer to the field of current edu- for this study.
cational practitioners (teachers inside
and outside the school).
Atwood, V., & Leitner, J. (2001). Time
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searcher hope, that replication of this Babkie, A. (2006). Be proactive in man-
type of study or intervention can com- aging classroom behavior. Interven-
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Barbetta, P. M., Norona, K. L., & Bicard,
how to deal with similar classroom be-
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Among the advantages of this type of takes and what to do instead. Pre-
intervention; include the fact that the venting School Failure, 49(3), 11-19.
cost was minimal, and this type of inter-
Burns, M.. & Dean, V. (2005). Effect of
vention is easy to be applied and man-
acquisition rates on off-task behav-
aged in the classrooms. In addition,
ior with children identified as hav-
teachers, and the student involved in
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this study viewed the intervention tech-
Disability Quarterly, 28(4), 273-281.
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tional research about this intervention cessful. School Counselor, 42(2), 155-
with a larger sampling of students and 160.
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ployed. Second, the use of an A-B re- from
search design which means that cause
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and effect cannot be inferred and pre- children make rules. Educational
vents one from drawing firm conclu- Leadership, 61(1), 64-67.
sions regarding the outcomes. It would
have been more rigorous to employ a
multiple baseline design (Kazdin, 1982).

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