Semester Project Term 2 Cae

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Semester project Term 2, 2023 12 CAE

Record a short video, 30 sec to 1 minute, talking about a movie, a book, a destination or an academic
program of your interest that could teach something insightful to the viewer.

During your video, you must use at least 10 different figurative expressions (hyperboles and metaphors),
to attract the attention of your audience and to show an acknowledgeable expertise in vocabulary.

Point to be considered:

1) Body language.

2) Pitch and intonation.

3) Sentence structure.

4) The appropriate context for figurative expressions.

So, I just finished the new Netfilx original Wednesday based on the adam family. Since my feed on all
social media platform especially tiktok has been nothing but general Ortega, Now keep in mind I have
not seen ant Addams family content until this. I knew of them but I jusr never really cared. she is slowly
becoming the queen of whore and iam happy to say that I enjoyed Wednesday a lot more than I thought
I would. This show is just like a comdination of harry potter meets twilight and it has no business being
as good as it is. The story is compelling. There is a bunch of fun characterers that we meet, especially
Wednesday adam. Or jenna Ortega The way she has been able to transform in this character, her
mannerism. The way she doesn’t blink at any scense. I think the best part of her performance is her
facial expression she doesn’t show much but it says a lot, if you know what I mean. at the end I just want
to say that This show is excellent. It threads the needle on tone, story, and being an outcast.
Amazing writing, story, and acting...

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