Avourstephen - 10 - 05 - 2023

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Date: 10th May, 2023

To: Mcgeorge Consulting Limited
E-mail: reports@mcgeorgeconsulting.com
From: favourstephendasho@gmail.com
Subject: Daily Report (covering the period 9 May until 10 May)
Report No. 45
Prepared by: Favour Stephen
Phone 09065968799

Name and description o
f Activity/Task:

Location Covered:

Activity/Task Accomplis
hed: - Had a meeting with Olamide, lbukun and Joshua on t
he super admin portal for asmartfarm and walked thro
ugh the requirements

- Designed the desktop view for mclearnms lecturers d


- Designed the desktop view for mclearnms department

admin dashboard

- Designed the desktop view for mclearnms super admi

n dashboard
Problems Encountered:

Signature of Employee:


1. The report must be sent at the end of each workday.

2. All daily reports must be sent to “ reports@mcgeorgeconsulting.com ”
3. Report must be sent daily and failure to do so warrants a fine of #1,000 per da
4. Report should be in Word Document Format only.
5. The naming of the document should reflect the name of the sender and the da
te. E.g., Daily report_full name_ date.
6. Always go straight to the point/achievement for the day. Avoid unnecessary st
orytelling. .

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