Ed Và Ing

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Phân biệt Adj-ING và -ED

1. Adj- ING : miêu tả bản chất, tính cách, đặc điểm vốn có của con người, sự vật
,hiện tượng. 
+ The story is boring.  → Tính từ BORING diễn tả tính chất của câu chuyện.
+ The detective movie I saw last night was very thrilling.
+ She is charming.

- Thường sử dụng tính từ đuôi ING trong các trường hợp sau:
a) Đứng trước danh từ: 
interesting story
challenging question

b) Cấu trúc: S + find + something + ADJ

I find this story interesting.
Do you find this game exciting?

2.Adj-ED: diễn tả cảm nhận, cảm xúc của con người hoặc con vật về một sự vật, hiện
tượng nào đó.
+ I was surprised when he won the race.
→ Tính từ SURPRISED diễn tả cảm xúc của người nói về việc “he won the race”. 

+ His explanation made me confused.

-Thường sử dụng tính từ đuôi ED trong các trường hợp sau: 

a) Cấu trúc: S + make + somebody + ADJ
 He made me surprised.
The exam result makes me satisfied.

b) Cấu trúc: S + feel + ADJ

I feel excited when I think about the trip.
I feel nervous when i am in the test.
Ex 1: Biến đổi các từ sau đây về dạng tính từ đuôi ING và ED
Từ – ING – ED
1. interest
2. bore
3. surprise
4. disappoint
5. excite
6. worry
7. amaze
8. horrify
9. annoy
10. satisfy
11. shock
12. exhaust

Ex 1: Rewrite the sentences

1.Junior is bored with his job at present.
➔ _____________________________________________. (boring)

2. This funny film was entertaining my family.

➔ _____________________________________________. (entertained)

3. My elder brother likes playing video games every Sunday.

➔ _____________________________________________. (interested)

4. That football match was exciting for me yesterday.

➔ ____________________________________________. (excited)

5. Her children are interested in swimming in the morning every summers.

➔ _____________________________________________. (keen on)

Ex 3: Choose the correct answer

1. Linda is ____________ in buying a new house for her parents.
A. interest
B. interested
C. interesting
D. Interestingly

2. Everybody is _____________ that his younger brother passed the TOEIC

test the last day.
A. surprised
B. surprising
C. surprise
D. Surprisingly
3. This film is __________.
A. bore
B. bored
C. boring
D. Boringly

4. My mother is a busy teacher. At the end of the day’s work, she is often
A. exhaust
B. exhausting
C. exhausted
D. Exhaustingly

5. Sandy is starting a new job next Monday. She’s quite ______________

about it.
A. excite
B. excited
C. excitingly
D. Exciting

7. My grandfather was __________by how shocking the accident was

A. shock
B. shocking
C. shocked
D. Shockingly

8. Windy was ____________ by the confusing street signs in that city.

A. confusing
B. confuse
C. confused
D. Confusingly

9. Kin was very __________ in the history lesson. He almost fell asleep.
A. bore
B. boring
C. bored
D. Boringly

10. Feeling tired and _____________, Peter went out alone.

A. depressed
B. depressing
C. depress
D. Depressingly
Ex 4: Complete the sentences
1. I find horror films really ___________________ and not at all fun to watch.

2. The film was so ______________________! There was no happy ending

for any of the characters. (depress)

3. If I feel ___________________, I find watching a romance comedy is often

_________. ( stress – relax)

4. The news was so _____________ that she burst into tear. (shock)

5. Kathy was so ________________ when she saw the dinosaur bones at the
museum (amaze)

6. Whoever Adrian gets _____________, he goes fishing (bore)

7.We all were _______________ with the results of the test. (disappoint)

8. Of course, action movies are ______________. That’s why I like them


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