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The purpose of this essay is to analyse how to raise awareness of poverty as a global issue.

Despite the fact that numerous alternatives are possible, in this paper I will discuss to points of
view that should be taken into consideration: education and increased media coverage.
Obviously, both of them are important, but which one is the most relevant?

First of all, I would like to talk about education, both at school and at home, due to the fact
that children are the future generation who is going to rule the world in the future, so it is
extremely important that they are aware of the situation in order to solve it. Not only are small
kids really permeable to learn and stablish right moral questions, but they can also be an
example for the adults around them.

On the other hand, media coverage also ha sgot a vital role in the topic we are concerned, due
to the fact that television reaches everybody today. However, its major drawback is that we
usually pay little attention to what we see on the news. Unless we really become aware of the
situation of so many poor people all around the world, we will not realise to what extent is it
urgent that we take some action.

To sum up, education seems like a more reliable solution that media coverage, because no
drawback has apparently been found against it. In my personal opinion, we should focus on
educating people both in rich and poor countries.

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